Jean-Claude SardasMines Paris, PSL University | ParisTech
Jean-Claude Sardas
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Publications (75)
In France, patients’ right to take part in decisions regarding their health has been recognized by law since 2002. This legal recognition was the outcome of a long-standing call to allow all individuals to be “actors in their own health” and to co-develop their care pathway with the professionals involved. In practice, care pathways simultaneously...
Conçue en opposition à la logique à l’acte, la logique de parcours imprègne les réformes de l’organisation et du financement du système de santé français depuis une quinzaine d’années. Elle s’inscrit dans le prolongement des efforts menés depuis plusieurs décennies pour améliorer la continuité et la cohérence des prises en charge des patients. Notr...
Les réformes conduites actuellement dans le champ de la santé, sous l’égide du paradigme du parcours, sont propices à l’émergence de nouvelles professionnalités (Bloch et Hénaut, 2014), qui se constituent autour du déploiement de dispositifs organisationnels et managériaux innovants. Le présent article vise à mieux comprendre comment ces métiers ém...
Les GHT (Groupements Hospitaliers de Territoire), introduits avec la loi de modernisation de notre système de Santé (2016), s’inscrivent dans une histoire longue et complexe du déploiement par la puissance publique de réformes visant à réorganiser le paysage hospitalier, mais dont les effets ont été souvent modestes. Ce papier s’intéresse, sur la b...
L’hôpital public en France souffre depuis plusieurs années d’un problème d’attractivité, situation aggravée par la pandémie de COVID. Face à un contexte réglementaire strict, au-delà des négociations sur les effectifs, les médecins et cadres du secteur public hospitalier peuvent s’efforcer d’innover, en repensant eux-mêmes leurs organisations (Nobr...
La démocratie en entreprise peut être vue comme un processus complexe et incertain visant à partager la souveraineté, mais faisant courir le risque d’une dégénérescence. Cette recherche-intervention met en évidence deux nouveaux risques de dégénérescence, celui d’une radicalisation du débat démocratique et celui d’un délitement du collectif induit...
Il est identifié des dynamiques paradoxales issues du territoire d’action d’une organisation et de son environnement institutionnel : d’un côté l’environnement d’une entreprise est considéré comme déterminant dans l’imagination de solutions nouvelles, d’un autre côté il est source de mimétismes entre les organisations. Aujourd’hui, les pouvoirs pub...
La promotion de la logique du parcours, destinée à faire évoluer la prise en charge des patients vers une approche coordonnée et globale, imprègne le champ de la santé depuis une quinzaine d’années en France. Pourtant, l’observation des parcours réels témoigne de la survenue encore fréquente de ruptures dans leur déroulement, entraînées par des dés...
Paradigm changes have become a recurring theme in studies of health care management (HCM). Yet, paradigms in HCM challenge three fundamental premises underlying the notion of paradigm: incommensurability, superiority, and scientificity. In this paper, we take up that challenge by asking how HCM scholars can evaluate paradigm changes in their discip...
L'article montre qu'afin de proposer une prise en charge de qualité aux proches aidants de personnes âgées dépendantes, différents niveaux d’intervention sont à structurer, qui impliquent la coordination de différents acteurs et instruments. Le niveau opérationnel -– celui de la conception de plans personnalisés – nécessite une instrumentation dédi...
Through the study of the inequalities in access to care management, we seek to show that the localized public action refers to a known dialectic of political sciences : how to simultaneously ensure the universality, coherence and relevance of action by public authorities ? We seek to overcome this dialectic through a new definition of the concept o...
Simulation in social sciences entrenches itself in research traditions whose disciplinary type and researcher style color its purpose. For some, the technology to be applied, for others the techniques that encourage debate - the possibilities are multifaceted. In this paper, we present an original way of mobilizing simulation, in a situation of col...
This paper addresses a paradox that the growing literature on governmental responses to austerity has not yet explored: how stronger constraints on public spending may lead to softer regimes of regulation, and what are the consequence of that regulatory change for public management? Through semi-structured interviews and participant observation, we...
Professional Service Firms (PSFs) are currently under considerable pressure for economic reasons (low growth, pressure on cost), but also from the emergence of individual demands for work-life balance (WLB) from professionals, which challenge traditional ways of organizing both projects and careers. While major difficulties in the implementation of...
Situated cognition and neo-institutional theory have revived two fruitful allegories of collective sensemaking within organizations: Plato's Simile of the Cave and Max Weber's Iron Cage. Scholarly efforts to combine these two approaches have converged towards a shared vision of collective sensemaking as an interaction between institutionalized cogn...
Although the literature on institutional work has identified power relations between incumbents and challengers of the institutional status quo as a key determinant in institutional processes, we still know very little about how these power structures actually operate. Drawing on a definition of power as fix and reified meanings, we study how one t...
This paper contributes to the study of work-life balance practices in very constrained environments such as Professional Service Firms. We start by highlighting the very distinctive features of Professional Service Firms’ incentive system, which is rooted in the 19th c. Cravath law firm and assumes that young professionals are willing to sacrifice...
The development of participatory democracy, a wave of decentralization in all Europe… : over the last decades, the legitimization of a plurality of actors, besides the central State has been a corner stone of public action. The increasing use of the notion of " governance " to describe public action is one of the main illustrations of this evolutio...
This paper looks at hospitals' organizational structure through an institutional lens in order to examine how these organizations respond to the institutional complexity of the healthcare sector. Drawing on multiple and complementary sources of data, extracted from a focus group study, a statistical national database and a survey inquiry, we invest...
Research on organizational paradoxes, notably the learning/performing paradox, have demonstrated the potential value of a detailed analysis of tensions resulting from the need to develop future capabilities, while simultaneously guaranteeing success in the present. But analyzing this paradox exclusively from the perspective of the antagonism betwee...
In this paper, we contribute to the study of the experience of consultants at work in two ways. First, we develop a framework of role analysis by identifying two core dimensions of consultants’ professional role expectations in the literature: knowledge, whether technical or relational, and commitment, both in terms of behaviour and endurance. Seco...
In the Public management debate on a post/beyond New Public Management phase, there has been a stream of research on public sector employees. Our paper investigates the role of public sector employees in the actual "government revival". Strategy as Practice appears as a particularly relevant framework to analyze how the study of the micro activity...
With the introduction into public organizations of management methods borrowed from the private sector, ‘new public management’ often comes across as a factor that weakens professional autonomy. Cultural industry is no exception to this phenomenon, as demonstrated by the case of the facilitators or interpreters in France ( médiateurs culturels). Ho...
New Public Management and the professions within cultural organisations : one hybridisation may hide another
With the introduction into public organizations of management methods borrowed from the private sector, ‘new public management’ often comes across as a factor that weakens professional autonomy. Cultural industry is no exception to this phen...
When can we state that things are identical or different? This is a key issue in structuring humans’ representations and making plausible predictions with potentially major implications, as demonstrated in high-tech industries such as those studied here. The identity of things is not a natural and absolute relationship just waiting to be stated onc...
Strategic management scholars pay growing attention to the tensions that stem from the combination of heterogeneous and contradictory types of action within firms. In particular, the difficulties bound in the necessity to articulate short- and long-term oriented activities or logics, to work on existing and future capabilities, have been widely inv...
In this paper, we contribute to the study of the heterogeneity of professional service firms through an extreme case, by investigating the conditions of the existence and sustainability of democratic forms of organizing in a professional setting. To do so, we studied DemEx, a long-standing mid size consultancy, over the course of three years and th...
Translated by Ladurelle Jean-Charles (2013)
Ce rapport de recherche porte sur la problématique de l'accompagnement et du soutien des aidants non professionnels de personnes âgées. A partir d'une revue de littérature et d'études de cas approfondis sur six territoires français, l'étude propose des contributions sur la manière d'évaluer les besoins des aidants et sur une approche de la structur...
Among researches on knowledge issues in M&As, there has been a stream underlining the importance of knowledge integration process (i.e process of transfer or combination - within or between firms -, resulting in the production of a new/renewed form of knowledge) in post merger phases. In these researches, Knowledge integration appears as a key issu...
In this paper, we investigate how consulting professionals handle the expectations of excellence that are coming from both their clients and their firms as well as the individual strategies they go on to develop in relation with their initial motivations to join consulting and the evolution of their career. This study is based on the in-depth analy...
This article develops and demonstrates the utility of a framework for understanding professionals' reactions to strategic change in professional service firms as an interplay between a strategic intent, its manifestation in organizational roles and practices and its fit with existing professional identities. The application of the framework with th...
en seconde évaluation, revue Système d'Information et Management, Editions ESKA, Paris
En France, les personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie peuvent faire appel à de nombreux services des secteurs sanitaire, médical et social, constituant ce que l’on appelle couramment le système de santé. Cependant, de l’avis des usagers comme des professionnels, ce système devient de moins en moins lisible. Un déficit de coordination des services s’o...
En France, les personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie peuvent faire appel à de nombreux services des secteurs sanitaire, médical et social, constituant ce que l’on appelle couramment le système de santé. Cependant, de l’avis des usagers comme des professionnels, ce système devient de moins en moins lisible. Un déficit de coordination des services s’o...
Les entreprises nées du développement de technologies avancées dans l‟aéronautique, les technologies biomédicales ou l‟informatique, doivent gérer une innovation intensive et une sériation optimale. A la maîtrise des procédés stratégiques, des coûts et des délais ainsi qu‟à un arsenal de normes et de procédures s‟ajoutent un rythme élevé de l‟innov...
A la suite d'un appel à projet lancé par la Fondation Paul Bennetot en avril 2010, le Centre de Gestion Scientifique de Mines-ParisTech a réalisé une étude sur la coordination dans le champ sanitaire et médico-social. Le rapport remis à la Fondation en janvier 2011, propose un état des connaissances internationales sur le sujet, une analyse inédite...
L'objectif de cette communication est de contribuer aux travaux sur la GRH des experts. Les travaux de GRH dans ce domaine se sont concentrés sur la gestion des carrières de cette population technique, au travers en particulier de l'outil de gestion de la double échelle (DE). Nous souhaiterions ici montrer tout d'abord que le traitement de la probl...
Some specific industries (electronic equipment, armament, aeronautics) suffer from long and uncertain production lead times. Classical planning and scheduling tools are implemented in these industries but there is a lack of theory about how to coordinate them. In this paper, we study the interaction between planning and scheduling stages in a hiera...
L'objectif de cette communication est de contribuer à la compréhension des enjeux liés à la gestion de l'expertise et des experts dans les organisations. Ce sujet fait l'objet de débats récurrents depuis plus d'un demi-siècle. Au centre de ces débats se trouve la notion de la Double échelle, qui propose la voie de carrière alternative à celle du ma...
Les principes et les modalités de gestion des évolutions des données techniques proposées par les Product Lifecycle Management (P.L.M) sont étudiées dans les contextes de forte évolutivité des objets techniques et de reproduction en série (sériation). La problématique de la gestion des évolutions ayant des impacts multiples et fréquents sur les con...
L'observation des pratiques des entreprises en matière de restructurations laisse aujourd'hui
apparaître une forte disparité tant dans la forme de ces dernières que dans leur traitement. A
côté des restructurations issues avant tout de difficultés économiques et se concrétisant par
des plans de licenciements collectifs, d'autres formes de restructu...
Professional Service Firms (PSFs) are increasingly pressured to strategic changes by evolutions in their environments. Research has especially emphasized changing client behaviours and demands, globalization and increasing competition. However, the internal dynamics of strategic change in PSFs remain under-investigated. The current paper focuses sp...
Le présent rapport présente la synthèse des travaux menés par l'équipe CGS/PRINTEMPS visant à analyser la genèse et la diffusion, dans les organisations, de techniques nouvelles d'appropriation et de gestion de soi (le coaching et le développement personnel étant des manifestations concrètes de ce phénomène). Par différentes voies, nous avons analy...
The globalization of engineering activities is a recent, growing phenomenon (Harfi, Mathieu & Pfister, 2007). It is particularly noteworthy in the car industry, where the question of why and how to go about that globalization is a major challenge for firms (Calabrese, 2001; Sagiyama & Fujimoto, 2000; Miller, 1994). This paper is based on three year...
Due to the nature of their inputs, outputs and processes, professional service firms (PSFs) face three generic management challenges, namely strategic management, knowledge management and human-resource management. These three management issues are closely interrelated. They need to be managed in consistent whole patterns in relation to kinds of bu...
La rationalisation simultanee de l’action et des processus d’apprentissages se caracterise par le fait qu’elle prend explicitement en compte l’objectif d’apprentissage en concevant et en implantant des outils de gestion et des formes d’organisation de l’activite operatoire. Apres avoir justifie de l’interet et de la necessite pour les activites com...
The simultaneous rationalization of action and learning takes explicitly into consideration the learning objective when management tools and or a new organization of the activity are conceived and implemented. First, we discuss the advantages of this form of rationalization for complex activities. After that, we present two specific forms of this r...
This paper concerns recent changes in process engineering at Renault, due to a new generation of Computer-Aided Process Engineering tools. The use of this kind of tool is motivated, on the one hand, by recent software developments in the Process Engineering field and, on the other, as far as Renault is concerned, by the integration of a production...
Some specific industries (electronic equipment, armament, aeronautics) suffer from long and uncertain production lead times. Classical planning and scheduling tools are implemented in these industries but there is a lack of theory about how to coordinate them. In this paper, we study the interaction between planning and scheduling stages in a hiera...
Within a general economy of computerized networks, computer aided production management (CPM) presents several peculiarities, as it is neither classical computerizing of existing manual tasks, nor a simple communicating network. CPM has been built upon a pre-established model of manufacturing, which is therefore promoted as a «managerial paradigm»...
Reduction of work time : a categorization of businesses
and how they are dealing with it,
by Michel Pépin, Jean-Claude Sardas, Dominique Tonneau.
The article gives the highlights of a research study carried out in 1981 (before the legislation creating a 39-hour work week and a fifth week of vacation) on how businesses are handling the reduction of...
Résumé: Avec une approche pluridisciplinaire, cette communication vise à proposer une nouvelle vision de l'expertise et des experts dans les organisations. Le point de départ de cette réflexion réside dans l'absence de définition précise qui permettrait aux managers et aux responsables RH d'identifier et de reconnaitre les experts. En analysant les...