Jean Lagarde BettiUniversity of Douala | UDLA · Faculty of Sciences, department of botany
Jean Lagarde Betti
PhD (Associate Professor)
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Jean Lagarde Betti (Associated Professor) currently works at the Faculty of Sciences, Department of Botany, University of Douala, Cameroon. Jean Lagarde Betti does research in Forestry and Agronomy. He is also working with the CITES ( Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Plants and Animal Species) Secretariat. Pr Betti is the Regional Coordinator of the CITES tree species Program for Africa. He is now coordinating the work on CITES listing tree species with 8 projects in 12 countries.
Additional affiliations
May 2017 - present
- Professor (Assistant)
- I give lectures on forest ecology, forest management, ethnobotany. I supervise the work of many PhD and Msc students. My research work is oriented in two key axes including the ethnobotany and the forest management. We distinguish two types of ethnobotany: qualitative and quantitative. We study the relation between man and plants, and identify end. sp. In forest management, we conduct forest inventories and develop forest management schemes including management plans and non-detriment findings.
April 1998 - November 2001
Publications (75)
The aim of this work is to provide basic data for a better knowledge of Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman stands through a non-exhaustive floristic inventory in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Cameroon. Transects of 2,000 x 20 m² were installed in these stands in the Tchabal forest massif. The inventory concerned timbers with dbh ≥ 10 cm. Herbaceous wer...
The lack of an efficient drinking water management and distribution system across the territory of developing countries has forced populations to turn to other sources of water supply including wells and boreholes. The objectives of this study were to assess the microbiological quality of groundwater consumed by the population of the Messassi distr...
Background: Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman has been the spotlight of foresters and scientists for several decades.
However, the knowledge about this plant, which is classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN), is patchy. This article provides a bibliographic review for the current knowledge on Prunus afr...
The limitations of biomedicine to provide effective solutions to certain pandemics has led many people to turn to alternative therapies. These palliative solutions, particularly phytomedicines, are much sought after for disease prevention and treatment. The Baka, a group of forest-dwelling people, hold knowledge on how wild plants can be effective...
Medicinal plants take a fundamental place in people's livelihoods. They seem to be a palliative therapeutic option for health problems. The knowledge of traditional uses of plants for healing held by indigenous people is an asset to the valorization of traditional medicine, which is increasingly solicited for the treatment of many diseases. The aim...
Background: Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman (Rosaceae) is a multi-purpose species with important utility value for the populations that depend on it. Indeed, local populations living in community forests use P. africana. The objective of this study is to document the different uses of P. africana by local populations in traditional medicine for a...
This study was carried out in the dense semi-deciduous production forest of East Cameroon. The objective of this work of this study was to provide comparative floristic knowledge that can serve as a basis for the planning and sustainable management of ligneous plant resources in Communal Forests before and after logging. Sampling was done in unlogg...
Aromatic plants are one of the components of Cameroonian medicinal flora that seem to be an alternative to fight against the Covid-19 disease. The present study aims to establish chemical characterization of some aromatic plant organs used in the Douala IV sub-division during the COVID-19 pandemic. A semi-structured survey was carried out between S...
Prunus africana (Hook. F.) Kalkman is a medicinal plant for which the bark is used to treat benign prostate hypertrophy. P. africana is listed in Appendix 2 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Its exploitation has been regulated in Cameroon through the settlement of some management standar...
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman est une plante médicinale Afro montagnarde dont l’exploitation de
l’écorce obéit à un mode de gestion bien défini au Cameroun. La présente étude visait à faire un état de lieux de
l’exploitation de cette espèce dans la Région de l’Adamaoua. Les données sur l’état de lieux et les paramètres de
In the global context of global warming, Cameroon's forests have a major role to play in mitigating climate change. The objectives of this study were to assess and spatialize carbon stocks in different types of land use/land cover types. To achieve these objectives, an approach based on the diachronic analysis of satellite images and the inventory...
Costus afer, Massularia acuminate and Piptadeniastrum africanum are three plants used in Cameroonian traditional medicine to treat sinusitis. The aim of this study is to justify the interest granted to this three species in the treatment of this disease and to promote their sustainable management. The study was carried out at Bomb-Lissomb and at th...
Forest conservation around protected areas includes among others sustainable management of natural resources. This study was conducted in the area of the northern outskirts of the Boumba-Bek National Park in order to evaluate the potential use of plants in traditional medicine. Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted with local people using...
Since the outbreak in December 2019, in Wuhan (China) of COVID-19, approved drugs are still lacking and the world is seeking effective treatment. The purpose of this article is to review the medicinal plants with potential to be used as complementary therapies against COVID-19. Bibliographic information was searched in several databases (Google Sch...
This paper assesses the response of Pericopsis elata trees to silvicultural operations conducted in abandoned plantations settled between 1972 and 1975 in the East and South regions of Cameroon. Trees quality and DBH were evaluated before and 6 years after 2009 thinning. The silvicultural treatment of thinning improved the quality (physiognomy), th...
This study of the impact of heart rot of Pericopsis elata on logging yield was conducted in Libongo, in three logging concessions of the Société d'Exploita-tion Forestière et Agricole du Cameroun (SEFAC). An inventory of 92 P. ela-ta stumps in four Annual Cutting Areas (AACs) divided among three Forest Management Units (FMUs) distinguished by Minim...
Since the outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan (China) of COVID-19, approved drugs are still lacking and the world is seeking effective treatment. The purpose of this article is to review the medicinal plants with potential to be used as complementary therapies against COVID-19. Bibliographic information was searched in several databases (Google Scho...
Forest inhabitants worldwide, and indigenous people especially, have depended for generations on plants and animals harvested in these ecosystems. A number of Baka hunter-gatherer populations in south-eastern Cameroon became sedentarised in the 1950s, but still rely on hunting and gathering to meet their basic needs. The use of wild edib...
Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman est une plante de haute valeur médicinale qui connait de forte pression d’exploitation au Mont Cameroun. Dans le cadre d’une récolte durable des écorces, deux méthodes d’exploitation (2/4 et 4/8 opposées) ont été recommandées par l’Agence National de Développement des Forêts (ANAFOR) qui est l’autorité scientifiqu...
Background Forest inhabitants worldwide, and Indigenous Peoples especially, have depended for generations on plants and animals harvested in these ecosystems. A number of Baka Pygmy populations in south-eastern Cameroon became sedentarised in the 1950s, but still rely on hunting and gathering to meet their basic needs. The use of wild edible plants...
Background: Forest inhabitants worldwide, and Indigenous Peoples especially, have depended for generations on plants and animals harvested in these ecosystems. A number of Baka hunter-gatherer populations in south-eastern Cameroon became sedentarised in the 1950s, but still rely on hunting and gathering to meet their basic needs. The use of wild ed...
Background: Forest inhabitants worldwide, and Indigenous Peoples especially, have depended for generations on plants and animals harvested in these ecosystems. A number of Baka hunter-gatherer populations in south-eastern Cameroon became sedentarised in the 1950s, but still rely on hunting and gathering to meet their basic needs. The use of wild ed...
The impacts of logging on the recovery of timber stocks are still largely unknown in Central Africa due to the lack of data on the dynamics of the tree populations concerned. This is particularly the case for Azobé, Lophira alata, a commercially valuable timber species. This study had a twofold aim: (i) to quantify the effects of the forest type an...
The impacts of logging on the recovery of timber stocks are still largely unknown in Central Africa due to the lack of data on the dynamics of the tree populations concerned. This is particularly the case for Azobé, Lophira alata, a commercially valuable timber species. This study had a twofold aim: (i) to quantify the effects of the forest type an...
Gnetum africanum Welw. is a plant specie of Central and West Africa, a Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP) with high nutritional, medicinal and economic value. In Cameroon, its leaves are recognized by the forestry administration as a special product. Strong demand combined with destructive harvesting techniques has resulted in its rarity in its distr...
This study is part of the environmental impact assessment realised in the deep sea port area of Kribi. Floristic inventory and diversity assessments were necessary to understand the species composition and diversity status of forests, trees biomass and investigate the potential impact of the project. Floristic analysis shows a high Shannon diversit...
This study is part of the environmental impact assessment realised in the deep sea port area of Kribi. Floristic inventory and diversity assessments were necessary to understand the species composition and diversity status of forests, trees biomass and investigate the potential impact of the project. Floristic analysis shows a high Shannon diversit...
Les PFNL fournissent aux communautés des aliments, dont la viande de brousse, et des activités qui génèrent des revenus et contribuent dont à améliorer leurs moyens d'existence et à assurer leur sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle ainsi que leur droit à une alimentation adéquate.
La viande de brousse est la principale source de protéine pour le...
Objectif: L’objectif de cette étude est d’inventorier et d’identifier les vertus thérapeutiques des plantes médicinales commercialisées dans la ville de Douala (Cameroun).Méthodologie et résultats: Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont été conduites de juillet à août 2012, auprès de 54 herboristes dans cinq marchés en utilisant des interviews directes e...
Au Cameroun, l’exploitation du bois a entraîné la réduction du couvert forestier et son appauvrissement en espèces de bois d’oeuvre. Pour remédier à cette situation, de nombreuses plantations forestières ont été crées, puis abandonnées quelques décennies plus tard pour des raisons diverses, ce qui n’a pas permis de capitaliser l’ensemble des connai...
Light is of primary importance in structuring tropical tree communities. Light exposure at seedling and adult stages has been used to characterize the ecological profile of tropical trees, with many implications in forest management and restoration ecology. Most shade-tolerance classification systems have been proposed based on empirical observatio...
Malaria remains a major cause of illness and death as well as a contributing factor to poverty in tropical and subtropical regions. Ethnobotanical surveys conducted in the periphery of the Ipassa - Biosphere Reserve (Gabon) allowed to identify 61 plant species used by the Baka pygmies, Fang, Kota and Kwélé ethnic groups for the treatment of malaria...
This paper documents collective actions undertaken by forest-based associations to access better prices for their non-wood forest products via group sales. Group sales can increase the income of group sellers by up to 40 per cent compared to individual sellers. The institutionalisation of group sales reinforces social relations and cohesion as well...
A study for estimating the stock of the stems of Pericopsis elata was carried out in February-April 2011 in the Tala Tala forest management unit, vast of 621 120 ha, based in the north region of the Republic of Congo. The management inventory was conducted in four sites of at least 5 000 ha each, with a sampling intensity of 1.52%. Fifty height (58...
Using the Market Analysis and Development approach to generate the results presented in this paper, it was found that rural communities prefer certain NWFP for increasing their incomes in central Africa. Four enterprise development factors including market/economic, social, environmental and technological considerations were useful criteria for the...
This paper analyses the financing gaps of small and medium forest enterprises (SMFEs) in two countries located in central Africa. Total capital required for the development of 151 pilot enterprises in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo was evaluated at US$ 1335025 out of which enterprises own contribution was 63% and the remainder was su...
Pericopsis elata is a timber tree with a high commercial value used as hardwood in the Congo basin forest. It is considered a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and classified in 1992 in the annex II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The natur...