Jean-Benoît Morin

Jean-Benoît Morin
Jean Monnet University · LIBM

Full Professor, University of Saint-Etienne Conslutant, Sport Science


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January 2014 - March 2016
Nice Sophia Antipolis University
  • Professor (Full)
January 2015 - February 2015
French Institute of Sport (INSEP)
  • Lecturer
  • Teacher in the S&C coach degree
September 2014 - March 2016
Nice Sophia Antipolis University
  • Professor (Full)
September 2001 - September 2004
Jean Monnet University
Field of study
  • Human locomotion and sport performance biomechanics
September 2000 - September 2001
Jean Monnet University
Field of study
  • Human Locomotion
September 1999 - September 2001
University of Franche-Comté
Field of study
  • Sport Sciences


Publications (362)
The aim of this study was to determine the minimum playing time in matches required to produce reliable acceleration – speed (AS) profiles from global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data. The playing time of 25 professional rugby union players was recorded using GNSS technology and segmented into four sections from 40, 80, 120 and 160 minutes o...
This study investigates the specific influence of step frequency (SF) and speed on the coordination between pelvic and thigh movements. Eight recreational male runners ran at different SFs and speeds on an instrumented treadmill. The coordination between the pelvis and thigh segments was analyzed using modified vector coding in the sagittal and fro...
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Purpose To investigate the effects of an 8-week “periodized high-load” forefoot strengthening protocol on athlete’s metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPj) flexion torque, MTPj flexors volume, sprint acceleration, cutting, and jumping overall performance and kinetics. Methods Twenty-height highly-trained athletes were randomized into a TRAINING or contr...
This study presents a novel method for evaluating the submaximal velocity-force (V(F)) relationship in mountain ultramarathon races using crowdsourced data from The dataset includes positional data from 408 participants of the 171-km UTMB® 2023 race (9,850-m D+). The race was divided into 100-m segments. The mean net propulsive force an...
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Peak tibial accelerations are used to monitor impact severity during distance running and as input for bio-feedback. Here, peak tibial accelerations were compared between rearfoot and forefoot strikes. Two different studies were undertaken by independent research centres. Tibial acceleration and optical motion capture were collected in 14 rearfoot...
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Purpose : This study investigated the test–retest reliability and usefulness of the foot–ankle rebound-jump test (FARJT) for measuring foot–ankle reactive strength metrics in athletes. Methods : Thirty-six highly trained, healthy athletes (5 female; 21.5 [3.9] y; 1.80 [0.10] m; 72.7 [10.4] kg) performed 8 repeated bilateral vertical foot–ankle rebo...
Problem: We aimed to explore the potential association between sprint running horizontal force production capacities (the theoretical maximum horizontal force that the lower limbs can produce at zero velocity: FH0, and the theoretical maximum velocity until which they can produce force (velocity at zero force): v0 ) and occurrence of lower limb inj...
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Objective: In Athletics (Track and Field), athletes can be affected by injuries, especially in their quest for top performance. Therefore, we aim to provide an overview of the current knowledge about the problem of injuries in Athletics. Main findings: It is necessary to maintain a clear definition of “injury” when stakeholders in Athletics discuss...
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Recent improvements in elite running performances across all distances have been largely attributed to the introduction of advanced footwear technology (AFT), which features a curved and stiff plate working synergistically with a new generation of midsole foams demonstrating enhanced resilience and compliance. These recent improvements appear to be...
Conference Paper
Background Various training programs aim to make athletes faster by using methods like sprinting with additional resistance. Given that sprint running is associated with a high risk of hamstring injuries, it is of major importance for injury prevention to assess the effect of such training on lower limb electromyographic (EMG) activity. Objective...
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Objective To test whether a musculoskeletal multifactorial and individualised hamstring muscle injury (HMI) risk reduction programme could reduce HMI risk in professional football. Methods We conducted a prospective cohort study in Finnish premier football league teams, with the 2019 season used as a control and an intervention conducted in the 20...
Background Elite track and field sprint performances have reached a point of stability as we near the limits of human physiology, and further significant improvements may require technological intervention. Following the widely reported performance benefits of new advanced footwear technology (AFT) in road-running events, similar innovations have s...
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Establishing a sprint acceleration force–velocity profile is a way to assess an athlete’s sprint-specific strength and speed production capacities. It can be determined in field condition using GNSS-based (global navigation satellite system) devices. The aims of this study were to (1) assess the inter-unit and the inter-trial reliability of the for...
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Hamstring strain injuries are one of the most common injuries in sprint-based sports with the mechanism of injury considered the result of an interaction between applied mechanical strain and the capacity of the muscle to tolerate strain. To date, injury prevention and rehabilitation strategies have frequently focused on enhancing the capacity of t...
Purpose: This study aimed to determine relationships between parameters of force-production capacity in sprinting and opposition skill efficiency in rugby union games according to position. Methods: The sprint force-velocity profile of 33 professional rugby union players divided into 2 subgroups (forwards and backs) was measured on a 30-m sprint...
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PurposeThis manuscript is devoted to discuss the interplay between velocity and acceleration in setting metabolic and mechanical power in team sports.Methods To this aim, an essential step is to assess the individual Acceleration-Speed Profile (ASP) by appropriately analysing training sessions or matches. This allows one to estimate maximal mechani...
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Purpose To compare linear and curvilinear models describing the force–velocity relationship obtained in lower-limb acyclic extensions, considering experimental data on an unprecedented range of velocity conditions. Methods Nine athletes performed lower-limb extensions on a leg-press ergometer, designed to provide a very broad range of force and ve...
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PurposeAcceleration phases require additional mechanical and metabolic power, over and above that for running at constant velocity. The present study is devoted to a paradigmatic example: the 100-m dash, in which case the forward acceleration is very high initially and decreases progressively to become negligible during the central and final phases...
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The rules and the technical aspect of combat sports make it difficult to determine key performance indicators. Therefore, the assessment of striking sports discipline-specific key components may be relevant. This study aims to present a test assessing specifically the fighters striking force-velocity (F-V) capabilities. 10 MMA fighters performed FV...
Conference Paper
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Despite decades of continued efforts in research and practice, sprint-related hamstring injuries (sHMI) are still an unresolved issue in football 1,2. Although improving hamstring strength (force capacity) has been proposed as an effective solution in some studies, the most recent meta-analyses show that hamstring strength capacity, as assessed and...
The aims of this study were to describe differences in the acceleration-speed (A-S) profile in-situ and to assess the week-to-week reliability of the A-S profile in-situ over a given training cycle of elite youth soccer players, in relation to the number of sessions included and analyse the effect of the inclusion or not of a specific sprint sessio...
Background: This study aimed to determine the effects of a running sprint interval training protocol (R-SIT) on the sprint acceleration mechanical properties and jump performance. Eleven young male basketball players performed 6 R-SIT sessions for 2 weeks. Methods: Each session consisted of 30-second running bouts repeated 4 to 7 times intersper...
With an increase of 4% each year and a recurrence rate estimated at 30%, sprinting-related hamstring injuries in footballers represent a real challenge for practitioners. It is therefore necessary to better understand certain risk factors in order to propose a rehabilitation more adapted to the real deficits of the athlete performing sprints. The e...
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When poor reliability of “output” variables is reported, it can be difficult to discern whether blame lies with the measurement (ie, the inputs) or the overarching concept. This commentary addresses this issue, using the force-velocity-power (FvP) profile in jumping to illustrate the interplay between concept, method, and measurement reliability. W...
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The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of fatigue on sprint biomechanics. Fifty-one football players performed twelve maximal 30 m sprints with 20 s recovery between each sprint. Sprint kinetics were computed from running speed data and a high-frequency camera (240 Hz) was used to study kinematic data. A cluster analysis (K-mean cluster...
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To directly compare five commonly used on-field systems (motorized linear encoder, laser, radar, global positioning system, and timing gates) during sprint acceleration to (i) measure velocity–time data, (ii) compute the main associated force–velocity variables, and (iii) assess their respective inter-trial reliability. Eighteen participants perfor...
This spreadsheet (and associated blog post and video tutorial) will allow you to comput athletes' individual load-velocity relationship and program resisted sprint training accordingly. The first sheet is adapted for MySprint app use to determine maximal running speed, and the second one for any speed measurement device.
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Le Scouarnec, J, Samozino, P, Andrieu, B, Thubin, T, Morin, JB, and Favier, FB. Effects of repeated sprint training with progressive elastic resistance on sprint performance and anterior-posterior force production in elite young soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 36(6): 1675-1681, 2022-This study aimed to determine whether repeated sprint training...
Objectives Hamstring strain injuries are common in sprint-based activities and multifactorial. One of the main risk factors is the deficit of hamstring eccentric strength, which is not easily assessed in field conditions. Therefore, a new ergometer named “Hamtech” has been developed to accurately and practically assess hamstring force output. The a...
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Purpose: The aims of this study were to (1) assess the concurrent validity of global positioning systems (GPSs) against a radar device to measure sprinting force-velocity (F-v) profiles and (2) evaluate the interunit reliability of 10-Hz GPS devices (Vector S7, Catapult Innovations). Methods: Sixteen male elite U18 rugby union players (178.3 [7....
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Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: Other. Main funding source(s): Doctoral contract 2018-2022 Background Several studies have shown the importance of the relationship between the power-force-velocity profile (PFVP) and sport performance in elite athletes through optimised exercise training.[1] Optimising the training programme is co...
Sprint running consists in covering a given distance in the shortest time possible (or the largest distance in a given time of action) and is one of the key performance determinants in many sports. From a metabolic standpoint, sprint running performance determines the quantities of metabolic energy needed to achieve the corresponding time-displacem...
Résumé Introduction Les lésions des ischiojambiers représentent 12,7 % des blessures chez les footballeuses. Elles surviennent principalement dans les actions de sprint et d’accélération. Aussi, l’objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer s’il existait une association entre l’entraînement au sprint et la survenue des lésions musculaires des isch...
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La performance sportive est influencée par les capacités musculaires et physiques des athlètes. Les mesures de référence en laboratoire permettent d’évaluer les productions de force, vitesse, puissance dans des mouvements de saut, de sprint et de musculation, ou encore de biomécanique de la foulée de course, qui comptent parmi les déterminants biom...
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The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the potential association of a novel multifactorial hamstring screening protocol with the occurrence of hamstring muscle injuries (HMI) in professional football. 161 professional male football players participated in this study (age: 24.6 ± 5.36 years; body-height: 180 ± 7.07 cm; body-mass: 77.2 ± 7.70 kg)...
High-Performance Training for Sports changed the landscape of athletic conditioning and sport performance when first published in 2014. Now the second edition builds on that groundbreaking work with the latest and most effective philosophies, protocols and programs for developing today’s athletes. High-Performance Training for Sports, Second Editio...
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The aim was to determine the respective influences of sprinting maximal power output (PHmax) and mechanical Force‐velocity (F‐v) profile (i.e. ratio between horizontal force production capacities at low and high velocities) on sprint acceleration performance. A macroscopic biomechanical model using an inverse dynamics approach applied to the athlet...
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This study aimed to quantify the validity and reliability of load–velocity (LV) relationship of hill sprinting using a range of different hill gradients and to describe the effect of hill gradient on sprint performance. Twenty-four collegiate-level athletes performed a series of maximal sprints on either flat terrain or hills of gradients 5.2, 8.8...
Conference Paper
Background A test battery is recommended after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) to help decision-making of return to sport (RTS). Running is important in RTS continuum, but it is currently not included in the usual test batteries. Could running pattern asymmetry, which can be observed after ACLR, be considered as a risk factor of AC...
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PurposeTheoretical 100-m performance times (t100-m) of a top athlete at Mexico-City (2250 m a.s.l.), Alto-Irpavi (Bolivia) (3340 m a.s.l.) and in a science-fiction scenario “in vacuo” were estimated assuming that at the onset of the run: (i) the velocity (v) increases exponentially with time; hence (ii) the forward acceleration (af) decreases linea...
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Background Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a common overuse injury in running-related sports where patients experience pain and impaired function which can persist. A graded rehabilitation program has been successful in reducing pain and improving function to enable a return to sport. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of a criteri...
The orientation of the ground reaction force (GRF) vector is a key determinant of human sprint acceleration performance and has been described using ratio of forces (RF) which quantifies the ratio of the antero-posterior component to the resultant GRF. Different methods have previously been used to calculate step-averaged RF, and this study therefo...
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Clear decreases in horizontal force production capacity during sprint acceleration have been reported after hamstring injuries (HI) in football players. We hypothesized that lower FH0 is associated with a higher HI occurrence in football players. We aimed to analyze the association between sprint running horizontal force production capacities at lo...
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Purpose: Sprint kinematics have been linked to hamstring injury and performance. This study aimed to examine if a specific 6-week multimodal intervention, combining lumbopelvic control and unning technique exercises, induced changes in pelvis and lower-limb kinematics at maximal speed and improved sprint performance. Methods: Healthy amateur ath...
Conference Paper
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Basketball is an intermittent sport were the fast actions such as sprints, jumps or changes of direction are key physical features. Typically, it is in the preseason that these, and the main physical components are emphasized during training to ensure the highest levels of performance in the following competitive period (1). Given that the technica...
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Assessing football players' sprint mechanical outputs is key to the performance management process (e.g. talent identification, training, monitoring, return-to-sport). This is possible using linear sprint testing to derive force-velocity-power outputs (in laboratory or field settings), but testing requires specific efforts and the movement assessed...
All procedures are explained within the spreadsheet. - record a single sprint time-speed data with an accurate/valid GPS system - export time-speed data (from speed = 0.2 m/s to the top speed plateau) - copy-paste into the first 2 columns - run the excel solver to fit the exponential model Youtube tutorial:
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Purpose: compare linear and curvilinear models to describe the force-velocity relationship, especially on the velocity end, in lower limb acyclic extensions. Methods: nine athletes performed horizontal lower limb extensions on a leg press ergometer allowing to set from very high to very low (i.e. horizontal assisted extensions) resistive and inerti...
Comprehensive information regarding neuromuscular function, as assessed through force-velocity-power (FVP) profiling, is of importance for training optimization in athletes. However, neuromuscular function is highly task-specific, potentially governed by dissimilarity of the overall orientation of forceapplication. The hip thrust (HT) exercise is t...
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Dans les sports nécessitant des sprints et accélérations avec des changements brusques de directions, les lésions musculaires des ischio-jambiers (IJ) sont parmi les blessures les plus fréquentes avec une prévalence sur une saison d’environ 20% des sportifs. C’est le cas par exemple du rugby où cette blessure est parmi celles qui induisent aussi le...
In jumping, countermovement increases net propulsive force and improves performance. We aimed to test whether this countermovement effect is velocity specific and examine the degree to which this varies between athletes, sports or performance levels. Force-velocity profiles were compiled in high-level skiers (N= 23) and sprinters (N= 30), with thei...
Objective To analyse the rates of lower limb muscle injuries in athletics disciplines requiring different running velocities during international athletics championships. Design Prospective total population study. Methods During 13 international athletics championships (2009 - 2019) national medical teams and local organizing committee physicians...
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To train hamstring muscle specifically to sprint, strengthening programs should target exercises associated with horizontal force production and high levels of hamstring activity. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to analyze the correlation between force production capacities during sprinting and hamstring strengthening exercises, and to...
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Specific force capacities might be a limiting factor for alpine skiing performance, yet there is little consensus on the capabilities in question, and whether they differ between disciplines. We aimed to test discipline (speed and technical) and performance (event-specific world standing) effects on lower-limb force-production qualities. National-l...