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Publications (41)
The eco-restoration of mine-tailing sites has a profound impact on native microbial communities and soil physicochemical properties. The adaptive response of microbial communities during the initial years of phyto-remediated mine-tailing sites was poorly understood. Therefore, the microbial changes during the early stages of chronosequence-based ph...
Groundwater is essential to secure the safety of water supply in Vadodara, Gujarat. In this study, groundwater samples were collected from various part of the city which separated in 12 wards. The present study contains analyses of 720 groundwater samples gathered from various tube and open wells and analyzed for fluoride and other physicochemical...
Gujarat is the only state in India with the longest coastline of 1663 km (20% of the country) and the widest shelf zone covering about 184,000 km². The main feature includes two gulfs, the Gulf of Khambhat and the Gulf of Kachchh, and the open coast of Saurashtra facing the Arabian Sea. Further, Gujarat is the only state on the west coast of India...
The present study is for investigation of sediment in selected South Gujarat estuaries along the west coast of India. In this paper, the assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments with seasonal and annual periods were carried out. The average and range concentration
(mg/kg) of heavy metals was 2.95 – 22.03 (7.31) for Cd; 7.2 – 33.1 (15.0) for...
Three bottom feeder species, Mugil curema, Boleopthalmus dussumieri, and Scylla serrata collected from five different estuaries of South Gujarat, India were studied to determine the concentration of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, and Hg. Results indicated species-specific bio-accumulation which significantly varied between the stations. The heavy metal concentrat...
National Workshop on Conservation and Management of Urban Wetlands
In the present study, the four estuaries were selected from the South Gujarat region to appraise the impact of industrial pollution in the estuarine water samples. The study focused on the tidal variation of nutrients, which disclosed that concentrations of NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, TN, and reactive silicates were higher in low-tide whereas pH, salinity...
Status of Vadodara wetlands and how these wetlands can be used for water resource management in urban area.
The paper describes the loss of wetlands in Vadodara Urban area with respect to the administrative wards. The paper described loss of waterbodies leading to waterlogging problem every year during the monsoons. The paper recommends need to be integrated waterbodies in the urban development schemes and link the role of water bodies in the Disaster Ri...
Livestock depredation by leopards is one of the key conservation issues in landscapes with limited resources worldwide. Attacks on humans by leopards have been a serious current issue in South Gujarat, India. The present study has used the indirect indices like Census data, compensation given by the forest department, rescue between 2011 and 2017 t...
Sacred natural sites (often regarded as sacred groves) are the confluence of nature and traditional belief systems of the local people. Chhattisgarh being a tribal dominated state comprises of many such sites with different myths, beliefs and taboos. This paper deals with four such sacred sites and their associated traditional beliefs in three vill...
Panandhro was active lignite mining site and operational since 1986 onwards. With the cessation of mining lease as per the MoEF guidelines, the area needs to be restored before handing it over to the State government. Accordingly Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation initiated the restoration works and Gujarat Ecology Society (GES) was asked to d...
Presence of corals in the Kachhigarh area, located around 10 km from Marine National Park is reported for the first time with occurrence of 24 species. The paper describes the abiotic features of the area that sustain the corals, outside Marine protected area. Area harness threatened coral species such as Favia lacuna, Favites complanata, Favites h...
Trade between India and the Western world goes back to the Harappan civilization, when trade was with Babylonia and Mesopotamia in 2000 BCE. Over the years, the trade between India and the western countries continued through the sea route. For centuries past, adventurous mariners were cautiously crossing
Three species of otter are found in India, out of them only smooth coated otter Lutrogale perspicillata is reported in Gujarat. An extensive literature review was carried out to understand the historical distributions of species, to record current distribution and status; some potential sites and habitat were identified through detail survey. Avail...
The mangrove ecosystem in South Gujarat estuaries constantly reel under the pressure of pollution owing to the rapid industrialization. Hence, this study was carried out to assess the impacts of heavy metals coming into the system through the waste discharges on the overall mangrove health in selected estuaries of the region. The concentrations of...
Availability of fresh water is a challenge in the current world and with increase in pollution, erratic climatic conditions has worsened the situation. Gujarat being a semi arid state of India has fresh water resources in form of rivers, ponds, lakes, that is in pressure due to industrialization and urbanizations. To understand the level of water d...
Wetlands are transitional zone between land and aquatic habitat. It provides habitat for flora and fauna. Amongst fauna
birds are the one of the significant indicators of the health of ecosystem as they r
cause by primary causes. Alwa and Limda village pond situated at out skirts of the Vadodara city and Limda
by university and industrial...
Heavy metals are part of the essential micronutrients required by the aquatic organism. The heavy metals concentration in the environment is increasing due to anthropogenic activity. These heavy metals then get accumulated in the tissues of the fish through food chain. The present study was conducted to record the heavy metals in the water, sedimen...
Wetland is one of the most important ecosystems of the world. They have great potential for biomass production and capable for harvesting rich and diverse flora and fauna. The urbanization, industrialization and other developments lead to change in water quality of ponds. The present study was carried out to analyze the physicochemical parameters,...
Sociable Lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) is one of the vulnerable species of Central Asia. The bird is known to migrate for wintering every year in Africa and South East Asia. In India the bird winters in the arid regions of western part of the country. The present paper present the spatial trend recorded in the wintering flocks of the birds from 2005...
Present study consists the temporal changes in the fluxes of the macronutrients in Narmada estuary between the years 2005 and 2010. Temperature, salinity, nitrogen and phosphates were studied. One way ANOVA test was performed and the results suggest difference over the period of time in the parameters like temperature, salinity, nitrates, phosphate...
Sociable Lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) is one of the vulnerable species of Central Asia. The bird is known to migrate for wintering every year in Africa and South East Asia. In India the bird winters in the arid regions of western part of the country. The present paper present the spatial trend recorded in the wintering flocks of the birds from 2005...
Present study deals with the physico-chemical parameters in three main estuaries of Gulf of Khambhat (The Narmada, Mahi and Sabarmati). Parameters like the Dissolved Oxygen, Biological oxygen demand, Salinity, all major nutrients and Petroleum Hydrocarbons have been studied in detail. Comparison between the three estuaries for the nutrient load is...
The conference was exclusively on Banni grasslands
Water chemistry, sediment texture, clay mineralogy and foraminiferal contents from the bottom of Meda creek were studied to
assess the geo-environmental status of the creek. Water quality data for three seasons suggests domination of marine environment
as pH remained above 8 and salinity above 35‰ throughout. Clay dominate the bottom sediments, exc...
Wetlands either in rite form of pond or lake play an important role in an ecosystem. These wetlands not Ill recharge rite groundwater bur also act as sponges, absorbing excess water thereby helping in flood control. Due to rapid expansion of the city, wetlands have been neglected and increasingly looked upon as wastelands. The house/told sewage and...
A survey for Sociable Lapwing was conducted in Saurashtra and North Gujarat and the birds were sighted and photographed in three locations. A total of 20 individuals were sighted. All the sightings were in harvested fields where jowar and till were grown. A common feature
among all the sites was that the fields are not tilled after harvesting and w...
The occurrence of live corals along the Saurashtra coast of Gujarat was recorded. Five species of corals, viz. Gorgonium sp., Polycyathus verrilli, Porites lutea, Tubastrea aurea and Turbinaria crater were recorded from four different places along this coast. The mean numerical density of polyps comprising all species ranged from 53 to 500/m2 and t...
GES undertook a survey of waterlogged areas of Vadodara during the rainy
season. Water logging problem was studied to investigate its causes and suggest
strategy to mitigate the problem.
project aimed at regulating invasion of P. juliflora in Banni by involving local populace, so that the natural habitat is ameliorated and people are able to enjoy the benefits of increased grass availability and P. juliflora in a sustainable manner. The major objectives of the projects were to:
Assess the impact of invasion on habitats
The report is about assessing the conservation status of prioritized plants, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in Gujarat and recommending strategies for these. The research was done bu Gujarat Ecology Society, MS University of Baroda and Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology.
The report analyses the information on species, ecosystems, traditional knowledge, protected areas, institutions, policies and laws and recommends strategy for improving biodiversity conservation status in Gujarat.