Javiera Barrera

Javiera Barrera
Adolfo Ibáñez University · Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias

PhD. Applied Math, Probability


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Publications (37)
Presentation at the Network Reliability Session atLatin American Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM) – RIO 2023
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p>The research community’s attention has been attracted to the reliability of networks exposed to large-scale disasters and this has become a critical concern in network studies during the last decade. Earthquakes are high on the list of those showing the most significant impacts on communication networks, and simultaneously, they are the least pre...
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The research community’s attention has been attracted to the reliability of networks exposed to large-scale disasters and this has become a critical concern in network studies during the last decade. Earthquakes are high on the list of those showing the most significant impacts on communication networks, and simultaneously, they are the least predi...
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p>The reliability of networks exposed to large disasters has grasped the research community's attention and has become a critical concern in network studies during the last decade. Looking at the damages caused by recent disasters, with earthquakes top the list of those showing more significant impacts on communication networks, and simultaneously,...
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p>The reliability of networks exposed to large disasters has grasped the research community's attention and has become a critical concern in network studies during the last decade. Looking at the damages caused by recent disasters, with earthquakes top the list of those showing more significant impacts on communication networks, and simultaneously,...
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Convexification based on convex envelopes is ubiquitous in the non-linear optimization literature. Thanks to considerable efforts of the optimization community for decades, we are able to compute the convex envelopes of a considerable number of functions that appear in practice, and thus obtain tight and tractable approximations to challenging prob...
Given its wide spectrum of applications, the classical problem of all‐terminal network reliability evaluation remains a highly relevant problem in network design. The associated optimization problem—to find a network with the best possible reliability under multiple constraints—presents an even more complex challenge, which has been addressed in th...
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In this paper, we investigate potential pathways for achieving deep reductions in CO2 emissions by 2050 in the Chilean electric power system. We simulate the evolution of the power system using a long-term planning model for policy analysis that identifies investments and operation strategies to meet demand and CO2 emissions reductions at the lowes...
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Natural hazards cause major power outages as a result of spatially-correlated failures of network components. However, these correlations between failures of individual elements are often ignored in probabilistic planning models for optimal network design. We use different types of planning models to demonstrate the impact of ignoring correlations...
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Given its wide spectrum of applications, the classical problem of all-terminal network reliability evaluation remains a highly relevant problem in network design. The associated optimization problem -- to find a network with the best possible reliability under multiple constraints -- presents an even more complex challenge, which has been addressed...
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Convexification based on convex envelopes is ubiquitous in the non-linear optimization literature. Thanks to considerable efforts of the optimization community for decades, we are able to compute the convex envelopes of a considerable number of functions that appear in practice, and thus obtain tight and tractable approximations to challenging prob...
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The Marshall-Olkin (MO) distribution is considered a key model in reliability theory and in risk analysis, where it is used to model the lifetimes of dependent components or entities of a system and dependency is induced by “shocks” that hit one or more components at a time. Of particular interest is the Lévy-frailty subfamily of the Marshall-Olkin...
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Intelligent transportation, and in particular, fleet management, has been a forefront concern for a plethora of industries. This statement is especially true for the production of commodities, where transportation represents a central element for operational continuity. Additionally, in many industries, and in particular those with hazardous enviro...
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Income tax systems with pass-through entities transfer a firm's incomes to the shareholders, which are taxed individually. In 2014, a Chilean tax reform introduced this type of entity and changed to an accrual basis that distributes incomes (but not losses) to shareholders. A crucial step for the Chilean taxation authority is to compute the final i...
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In 2000, Chile introduced profound health reforms to achieve a more equitable and fairer system (GES plan). The reforms established a maximum waiting time between diagnosis and treatment for a set of diseases, described as an opportunity guarantee within the reform. If the maximum waiting time is exceeded , the patient is referred to another (priva...
A stochastic binary system is a mathematical model for reliability analysis. There is a logical function, called structure, that tells us whether the system survived or not under geographical correlate failures on its components. Given a set of states, it is intended to evaluate the reliability of a network under different applications of stochasti...
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The Marshall-Olkin (MO) copula has been recognized as a key model to capture dependency in reliability theory and in risk analysis. In this setting, the multivariate distribution is used to model the lifetimes of components of a system, where dependency between the lifetimes is induced by "shocks" that hit one or more components. Of particular inte...
The Marshall–Olkin (MO) copula model has emerged as the standard tool for capturing dependence between components in failure analysis in reliability. In this model, shocks arise at exponential random times, that affect one or several components inducing a natural correlation in the failure process. However, because the number of parameter of the mo...
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We study chance-constrained problems in which the constraints involve the probability of a rare event. We discuss the relevance of such problems and show that the existing sampling-based algorithms cannot be applied directly in this case, since they require an impractical number of samples to yield reasonable solutions. We argue that importance sam...
We address the design problem of a reliable network. Previous work assumes that link failures are independent. We discuss the impact of dropping this assumption. We show that under a common-cause failure model, dependencies between failures can affect the optimal design. We also provide an integer-programming formulation to solve this problem. Furt...
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Interactions between genes and their products give rise to complex circuits known as gene regulatory networks (GRN) that enable cells to process information and respond to external stimuli. Several important processes for life, depend of an accurate and context-specific regulation of gene expression, such as the cell cycle, which can be analyzed th...
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The location and width of the time window in which a sequence of processes converges to equilibrum are given under conditions of exponential convergence. The location depends on the side: the left-window and right window cutoffs may have different locations. Bounds on the distance to equilibrium are given for both sides. Examples prove that the bou...
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We link two phenomena concerning the asymptotical behavior of stochastic processes: (i) abrupt convergence or cut-off phenomenon, and (ii) the escape behavior usually associated to exit from metastability. The former is characterized by convergence at asymptotically deterministic times, while the convergence times for the latter are exponentially d...
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We explicitly compute the limiting transient distribution of the search-cost in the move-to-front Markov chain when the number of objects tends to infinity, for general families of deterministic or random request rates. Our techniques are based on a "law of large numbers for random partitions," a scaling limit that allows us to exactly compute limi...
Given an n-tuple of independent processes, each converging at an exponential rate, conditions are given under which a cut-off occurs for the n-tuple, when the convergence is measured by different distances between probability distributions. More precise estimates and explicit examples are given for the case of i.i.d. coordinates.
Consider a list of n files whose popularities are random. The list is updated according to the move-to-front rule. When the induced Markov chain is at equilibrium, we explicitly compute the limiting distribution of the search-cost per item as n tends to infinity. The uniform distribution results in the largest search cost.
Consider a list of $n$ files whose popularities are random. These files are updated according to the move-to-front rule and we consider the induced Markov chain at equilibrium. We give the exact limiting distribution of the search-cost per item as $n$ tends to infinity. Some examples are supplied.
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Consider the random Dirichlet partition of the interval into n fragments at temperature [theta] > 0. Explicit results on the law of its size-biased permutation are first supplied. Using these, new results on the comparative search cost distributions from Dirichlet partition and from its size-biased permutation are obtained.
Consider a countable list of files updated according to the move-to-front rule. Files have independent random weights, which are used to construct request probabilities. Exact and asymptotic formulae for the Laplace transform of the stationary search cost are given for i.i.d. weights. Similar expressions are derived for the first two moments. Some...
Consider a countable list of files updated according to the move-to-front rule. Files have independent random weights, which are used to construct request probabilities. Exact and asymptotic formulae for the Laplace transform of the stationary search cost are given for i.i.d. weights. Similar expressions are derived for the first two moments. Some...
We study the colonizing process of space by some populations which can be verbally described as follows: suppose a first incoming species occupies a random fraction of the available unit space. The forthcoming species takes an independent random fraction of the remaining space. There are n species and so there is a fraction of space occupied by no...
Considerabinary search tree containing n items updated according to the move-to-root rule as defined first by Allen and Munro [1]. Assumethat requestprobabilities are themselves random. Formula fortheexpectation is derived from classicalresult and iscomparedto the case of alistupdatedaccordingtothemove-to-frontrule[2].The case ofGamma requestis the...
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We prove a law of large numbers for certain nite random partitions of [0, 1], when the number of fragments go to ∞. Then, we apply it to compute the limiting distribution of the transient search-cost of the move-to-front rule for general classes of random and deterministic request probabilities, when the list size goes to ∞.
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Consider a binary search tree containing n items. This tree is updated according to the move-to-root rule as defined first by Allen and Munro [1]. We assume that files have iid random weights, which are used to construct request probabilities. Exact formulas for the two first moments of the stationary search cost are derived from classical result....


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