Javier Enrique Sanchez Galan F

Javier Enrique Sanchez Galan F
Technological University of Panama | UTP · Departamento de Computación y Simulación de Sistemas

PhD in Experimental Medicine


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Javier E. Sanchez-Galan currently works at Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas Computacionales, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá. Javier does research in Biosystems Engineering, Computing Science in Mathematical Modeling, Natural Science, Engineering, Climate, Agriculture and Medicine.
Additional affiliations
August 2019 - present
Technological University of Panama
  • Professor (Assistant)
January 2016 - August 2019
Technological University of Panama
  • Researcher
August 2013 - December 2015
Technological University of Panama
  • Researcher
September 2010 - February 2015
McGill University
Field of study
  • Experimental Medicine
September 2007 - February 2010
McGill University
Field of study
  • Computer Science
March 2001 - December 2006
Technological University of Panama
Field of study
  • Computer Systems Eng


Publications (99)
Providing training and access to standard computing hardware and cloud-based resources can enable scientists in lower-resource institutions and countries to reanalyze published ‘-omics’ data and produce career-enhancing STEM research.
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We evaluated the potential of using convolutional neural networks in classifying spectrograms of Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) vocalizations. Spectrograms using binary, linear and logarithmic amplitude formats were considered. Two deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) architectures were tested: linear (fixed filter size) and py...
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Nowadays, the ability to make data-driven decisions in public health is of utmost importance. To achieve this, it is necessary for modelers to comprehend the impact of models on the future state of healthcare systems. Compartmental models are a valuable tool for making informed epidemiological decisions, and the proper parameterization of these mod...
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Natural products (NPs) are secondary metabolites of natural origin with broad applications across various human activities, particularly the discovery of bioactive compounds. Structural elucidation of new NPs entails significant cost and effort. On the other hand, the dereplication of known compounds is crucial for the early exclusion of irrelevant...
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Natural products (NPs) are secondary metabolites of natural origin with broad applications across various human activities, particularly discovering bioactive compounds. Structural elucidation of new NPs entails significant cost and effort. On the other hand, the dereplication of known compounds is crucial for the early exclusion of irrelevant comp...
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Introduction This work presents an unsupervised learning-based methodology to identify and count unique manatees using underwater vocalization recordings. Methods The proposed approach uses Scattering Wavelet Transform (SWT) to represent individual manatee vocalizations. A Manifold Learning approach, known as PacMAP, is employed for dimensionality...
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Natural products (NPs) are secondary metabolites of natural origin with broad applications across various human activities, particularly discovering bioactive compounds. Structural elucidation of new NPs entails significant cost and effort. On the other hand, the dereplication of known compounds is crucial for the early exclusion of irrelevant comp...
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Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have provided great advances for the task of sign language recognition (SLR). However, recurrent neural networks (RNN) in the form of long–short-term memory (LSTM) have become a means for providing solutions to problems involving sequential data. This research proposes the development of a sign language translati...
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Los ataques de denegación de servicio distribuido (DDoS) representan una amenaza significativa para instituciones y empresas que dependen de redes interconectadas. Distinguir entre ataques maliciosos y aumentos legítimos en el tráfico web es un desafío, y los sistemas de defensa existentes luchan por identificar. Este estudio explora el impacto del...
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Esta investigación aborda la escasez de estudios relacionados con la seguridad alimentaria y su conexión con la pobreza en Panamá, destacando la falta de sistemas de información geoespacial para identificar áreas donde se han implementado intervenciones nutricionales. El objetivo principal del estudio es organizar bases de datos a partir de informa...
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Este año, el Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología APANAC 2023 busca promover la diversidad disciplinaria y crear espacios para que investigadores de diversos campos compartan sus investigaciones e ideas, lo que conducirá a avances significativos en ciencia con impacto social. y las innovaciones resultantes pueden responder a problemas y desafí...
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Geographic variation in the vocal behavior of manatees has been reported but is largely unexplored. Vocalizations of wild West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) were recorded with hydrophones in Florida from Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris), and in Belize and Panama from Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) to determi...
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This work presents a remote sensing application to estimate the leaf area index (LAI) in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (IDIAP 52-05 and IDIAP FL 137-11), as a proxy for crop performance. In-field, homogeneous spectroradiometric measurements (350–1050 nm) were carried in two campaigns (June–November 2017 and January–March 2018), on a private...
In Panama City, Panama, as in many cities, the large number of cars on the roads and random traffic events produce constant and extensive traffic jams. These issues are usually not solved even with the construction of more traffic lanes. This work proposes the development of a system that allows the visualization of information published on social...
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The Antillean Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus), an herbivore mammal which inhabits coastal and wetlands areas from Mex- ico and Central America to northern Brazil, is considered a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Herein, the usage YOLOv5, a Deep Learning based model, was suc- cessfully implemented...
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En la actualidad se cuenta con enormes volúmenes de registros de carácter histórico, cuya transcripción y digitalización no se ha hecho y esta se ve frenada por muchas limitantes, ya sea por la escasez de personal falta de equipos necesarios. Esto hace que esta información en ocasiones se pierda y con el pasar de los años o simplemente no se tenga...
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El Aprendizaje Automatico, en especial el metodo de redes neuronales, ha sido aplicado ampliamente en el ámbito de la caracterización molecular. Entre otras tareas se ha usado para la predicción de propiedades de las moléculas para la industria farmacéutica, para la predicción de efectos bioquímicos de productos naturales. Recientemente, las Redes...
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Este proyecto se centra en demostrar la viabilidad de la implementación de nuevas tecnologías, principalmente herramientas de inteligencia artificial, para el control de suministro de bebidas de forma automatizada, pero también aplicable a diferentes tipos de productos alimenticios. Esto es posible ya que, en áreas de automatización, las herramient...
Conference Paper
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Panama is well regarded as an international exporter of watermelon in the Central American region. Most of the watermelon selection process is made by hand with empirical techniques, based on firmness, color, sound and random sampling from other specimens of the same batch. The overall goal of the project is to have an automated system able to dist...
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Visibilidad y Posicionamiento Componentes en la Visibilidad y Posicionamiento Redes Académicas Tipos de Redes Académicas Redes de académicas científicas Ejemplos de Redes académicas científicas Ciencia 2.0 Identificadores persistentes IP ORCID Google Scholar Métricas e Indicadores Datos UNACHI en SCOPUS Rankings Universitarios
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Este trabajo busca correlacionar de manera cuantitativa la incidencia de COVID-19 con las variables climáticas en la República de Panamá, para este fin se utilizó la incidencia de COVID-19 desde el inicio de la pandemia el día 9 de marzo de 2020, las variables climáticas en las mismas fecha, luego se crearon series de tiempo que después serian corr...
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The present analysis uses the data of confirmed incidence of dengue cases in the metropolitan region of Panama from 1999 to 2017 and climatic variables (air temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) during the same period to determine if there exists a correlation between these variables. In addition, we compare the predictive performance...
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Panama is well regarded as an international exporter of watermelon in the Central American region. Most of the selection process is made by hand with empirical techniques, based on firmness, color, sound and random sampling from other specimens of the same batch. The overall goal of the project is to have an automated system able to distinguish bet...
In this paper we present a multi-watermelon varieties recognition analysis using the color and texture information. The goal is to classify the watermelon taking into account its features, despite its variety. To improve the efficacy of the proposed method the images were preprocessed using morphological and adaptive threshold methods. Also, to ext...
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Background Angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) is the main ligand of Tie-2 receptors. It promotes endothelial cell (EC) survival, migration, and differentiation. Little is known about the transcription factors (TFs) in ECs that are downstream from Tie-2 receptors. Objective The main objective of this study is to identify the roles of the ETS family of TFs in A...
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En Panamá, la gran cantidad de carros en las vías y eventos aleatorios de tráfico producen embotellamientos constantes y extensos. Estos problemas no son solventados aun cuando las autoridades planifican y avanzan con la construcción de más carriles para el flujo vehicular. Se propone desarrollar un sistema que permita visualizar información public...
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El ecosistema de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Panamá, sin lugar a duda, ha crecido y se fortalecido en los últimos años. Este crecimiento se puede contabilizar y está ligado al crecimiento del número de nuevos investigadores y los proyectos de investigación e innovación que estos realizan a través de las diversas unidades de investigación (U...
Understanding risks, putting in place preventative methods to seamlessly continue daily activities are essential tools to fight a pandemic. All social, commercial and leisure human activities have an impact on the environmental media. Therefore, to accurately predict the fate and behavior of viruses in the environment, it is necessary to well under...
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In this article supervised classification methods for the analysis of local Panamanian rice crops using Near-Infrared (NIR) spectral signatures are assessed. Neural network (Multilayer Perceptron-MLP) and Tree based (Decision Trees-DT and Random Forest-RF) algorithms are used as regression and supervised classification of the spectral signatures by...
Conference Paper
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En la charla se presentaron conceptos básicos e historia de la metodología de desarrollo de software llamada Machine Learning (ML) o aprendizaje automático (AA, en español. Se explicaron los tres distintos tipos de aprendizaje que existen dentro del AA, aprendizaje supervisado, no-supervisado y por refuerzo; que se utilizan dependiendo de la tarea...
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This chapter focuses on the contributions made in the development of assistive technologies for the navigation of blind and visually impaired (BVI) individuals. A special interest is placed on vision-based systems that make use of image (RGB) and depth (D) information to assist their indoor navigation. Many commercial RGB-D cameras exist on the mar...
Conference Paper
The climatic measurements collected by meteorological stations are often found to be incomplete or have missing datapoints. Among many causes that can generate this phenomenon are: damages to the equipment, corruption of memory units used to save the measurements, out of range values or simply that the stations are found to be out of service or und...
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In the last 20 years in Panama, important discoveries has been made via prospection, by the dentification and discovery of biomolecules with the potential for health and biotechnology. This work has been achieved mainly through research organized by the International Cooperative Group for Biodiversity of Panama (ICGB). Following the spirit describe...
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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analytical method that detects macromolecules that can be used for proteomic fingerprinting and taxonomic identification in arthropods. The conventional MALDI approach uses fresh laboratory-reared arthropod specimens to build a reference mass spectra library...
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In this article, we evaluate the impact of temperature and precipitation at the end of the 21st century (2075–2099) on the yield of maize in the Azuero Region in Panama. Using projected data from an atmospheric climate model, MRI-ACGM 3.2S, the study variables are related to maize yield (t ha−1 ) under four different sea surface Temperature (SST) E...
Conference Paper
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Climate change could have a critical impact on the Republic of Panama where a major segment of the economy is dependent on the operation of the Panama Canal. New capabilities to do targeted research around climate change impacts on Panama is therefore being established. This includes anew GPU-cluster infrastructure called Iberogun, based around 2 D...
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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analytical method that detects macromolecules that can be used as biomarkers for taxonomic identification in arthropods. The conventional MALDI approach uses fresh laboratory-reared arthropod specimens to build a reference mass spectra library with high-quali...
Conference Paper
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En las últimas décadas ha aumentado el interés mundial por identificar posibles señales de impacto del cambio climático, por lo que es importante generar análisis de las bases de datos (BD) disponibles en cada país. Generalmente, una BD está conformada por Series de Tiempo (ST) diarias, horarias y de alta frecuencia, a diez minutos. Una ST son obse...
Conference Paper
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A simple computational model AdvDiff, for solving linear and nonlinear advection-diffusion problems on the surface of a sphere, is presented. The model consists of Fortran 90 routines to efficiently solve the problem of advection-diffusion according to the method [1,2] and useful Python scripts to data processing and visualization. We took advantag...
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Este estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar la dinámica del tiempo-clima en Los Santos, provincia de Panamá para los periodos de referencia 1961-1990 de acuerdo con el Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC), periodo observado actual 1991-2015 y escenarios para el periodo futuro 2075-2099 generados por el Modelo de Circulación G...
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Las variables utilizadas para este estudio fueron: temperaturas extremas, rapidez del viento a 2m y brillo solar. Se realizó un análisis de su comportamiento dinámico no lineal. Éste fue hecho para dos periodos de 5 años con datos diarios de la estación Los Santos de ETESA. Para cada variable se consideró cada ST individual. Se logró identificar un...
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En los últimos 20 años se han generado importantes datos sobre la identificación y descubrimiento de biomoléculas con potencial para la salud y biotecnología. Este trabajo se ha logrado principalmente a través de investigaciones organizada por el Grupo Internacional Cooperativo para la Biodiversidad de Panamá (ICGB, por sus siglas en inglés). Sigui...
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Future change in precipitation over Panama was investigated with 20-km and 60-km mesh global atmospheric models. The present-day climate simulations were conducted for 21 years from 1983 through 2003, driving models by observed historical sea surface temperatures (SST). The future climate simulations were conducted for 21 years from 2079 through 20...
This chapter presents a method to solve the stairway localization and recognition problem for both indoor and outdoor cases by using a convolutional neural network technique. To blind and visually impaired persons, these assistive technology application has an important impact on their daily life. The algorithm should be able to solve the problem o...
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This work presents a methodology to automatically detect and identify manatee vocalizations in continuous passive acoustic underwater recordings. Given that vocalizations of each manatee present a slightly different frequency content, it is possible to identify individuals using a non-invasive acoustic approach. The recordings are processed in four...
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Background The long-distance dispersal of the invasive disease vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus has introduced arthropod-borne viruses into new geographical regions, causing a significant medical and economic burden. The used-tire industry is an effective means of Aedes dispersal, yet studies to determine Aedes occurrence and the factors...
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Background Malaria control in Panama is problematic due to the high diversity of morphologically similar Anopheles mosquito species, which makes identification of vectors of human Plasmodium challenging. Strategies by Panamanian health authorities to bring malaria under control targeting Anopheles vectors could be ineffective if they tackle a misid...
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The determination of water quality in rivers is a very important task for ensuring the well-being of any population [1]. Moreover, It is very laborious task, involving a combination of chemical and microbiological analysis techniques. A low cost alternative to achieve this same goal is the use of biomonitoring or recognition of macroinvertebrate or...
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Bioinformatics algorithms are now crucial for processing high throughput “-omics” data and deriving meaningful interpretations in most biomedical and life science research domains. Bioinformatics-related training and research mostly take place in nations with higher income economies. Scientists in lower-income countries publish less frequently than...
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Bioinformatics algorithms are now crucial for processing high throughput “-omics” data and deriving meaningful interpretations in most biomedical and life science research domains. Bioinformatics-related training and research mostly take place in nations with higher income economies. Scientists in lower-income countries publish less frequently than...
Conference Paper
The determination of water quality in rivers is a very important task for ensuring the well-being of any population. Moreover, It is very laborious task, involving a combination of chemical and microbiological analysis techniques. A low cost alternative to achieve this same goal is the use of biomonitoring or recognition of macroinvertebrate organi...