Javier Salgado-OrtizUniversidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo | UMSNH · Faculty of Biology
Javier Salgado-Ortiz
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I am a proffesor at the Biology department, currently undergoing research in bird ecology and wildlife conservation. Since 2012 up to date I am the coordinator of the Ornitology Lab.
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Publications (34)
The Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus has an exceptionally broad distribution in North America, with the southernmost populations found in central Mexico. The species has experienced severe declines throughout its range, and thus, is of conservation concern, particularly in USA and Canada. Life history data is scarce for Mexico, where both resi...
El río Lerma es el más largo en el interior de México, y se
extiende desde el Estado de México hasta el lago de Chapala;
aunque sus aguas son usadas para riego, su cauce recibe
vertidos industriales, agrícolas y ganaderos. En la región de La
Piedad-Santa Ana Pacueco su fisonomía es variable, pudiéndose
diferenciar tres sectores: a) Canal (cauce sin...
El Cerro del Águila, ubicado dentro del municipio de Morelia, Michoacán, fue recientemente decretado como reserva estatal. Con base en muestreos de aves en los tres principales tipos de vegetación, en este trabajo reportamos un inventario con un total de 182 especies, de las cuales el 72.6% son residentes permanentes y 27.4% migratorias. El 21% pre...
Birds contribute to the stability of ecosystems and represent a tool used to evaluate a variety of anthropogenic impacts. The area known as El Oro-Tlalpujahua Mining District in central Mexico was subjected to significant environmental impacts as a result of ore extraction, including profound habitat transformations, landscape changes, and the accu...
Abstract∙ There is little information on the body condition of the Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) during migration. We measured biometric traits and body condition parameters of B. longicauda in central Mexico in 2016 and 2017. Mean morphometric values were 170.4 ± 4.3 mm (wing length), 28.9 ± 1.7 mm (bill length), 61.5 ± 2.2 mm (head leng...
There is little information on the body condition of the Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) during migration. We measured biometric traits and body condition parameters of B. longicauda in central Mexico in 2016 and 2017. Mean morphometric values were 170.4 ± 4.3 mm (wing length), 28.9 ± 1.7 mm (bill length), 61.5 ± 2.2 mm (head length), and 5...
Body condition of Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) during migration is poorly known. We measured body condition parameters of B. longicauda) in central Mexico (2016–2017); mean morphometric values were 170.4 ± 4.3 mm (wing), 28.9 ± 1.7 mm (bill), 61.5 ± 2.2 mm (head), 55.3 ± 2.6 mm (tarsus), 169.7 ± 24.1 g (mass) and 4.6 ± 1.8 fat score. Mas...
The endemic and endangered Black-polled Yellowthroat (Geothlypis speciosa) resides in freshwater marshes within the Transvolcanic Belt in central Mexico. A decade-long extensive survey (2005-2015) on 238 wetlands within the historical species' range revealed that surviving populations are confined to five wetlands of central western Mexico. We prov...
The endemic and endangered Black-polled Yellowthroat (Geothlypis speciosa) resides in freshwater marshes within the Transvolcanic Belt in central Mexico. A decade-long extensive survey (2005-2015) on 238 wetlands within the historical species' range revealed that surviving populations are confined to five wetlands of central western Mexico. We prov...
El estado de Michoacán incluye la región productora de aguacate Hass (Persea americana)
más importante a nivel nacional y mundial; sin embargo, esto ha generado una reducción
importante en la superficie forestal de bosques templados y por consiguiente, la pérdida
de biodiversidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la riqueza y abundancia d...
La urbanización es causa principal de pérdida de hábitat y extinción local de especies, modificando
la estructura de comunidades y poblaciones de flora y fauna. El “Cerro del Punhuato”,
en Morelia, Michoacán, es un área protegida sometida a una gran presión por la urbanización.
Determinamos la diversidad y composición de la comunidad de mamíferos m...
Brood parasitism in birds has been a topic of great interest among
bird ecologists and conservation biologists due to the effects
inflicted on the demography of host species, such that some are
currently considered locally endangered. In this study, we provide
information on the effects of parasitism by the Red-eyed cowbird
(Molothrus aeneus) on it...
El parasitismo en nidadas de aves es un fenómeno de interés entre los ecólogos y conservacionistas debido a los efectos negativos causados en la demografía poblacional de especies hospederas, poniéndolas incluso en peligro de extinción local. En este estudio, presentamos información de la incidencia y efectos del parasitismo de cría por parte del T...
We reviewed scientific literature and internet sources related to types of threats, conservation actions, and focus of research implemented in 78 Mexican non-coastal wetlands. These sites have been established as Natural Protected Areas, Ramsar Sites, and/or Important Bird Areas, and thus hold the highest priority for wetland conservation in Mexico...
Las áreas naturales protegidas representan la principal estrategia de conservación de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, sólo el 12.93% del territorio nacional se encuentra bajo protección legal. En este escenario surge la necesidad de encontrar alternativas para la conservación de la biodiversidad. Los agroecosistemas (ecosistemas bajo manejo antropog...
Carotenoid- and phaeomelanin-based sexual pigmentation
may signal a capacity to maintain oxidative balance
and viability. However, diverse empirical results leave the
association between pigmentation and oxidative stress (OS)
unclear. We assessed the hypothesis that population-specific
levels of oxidative challenge, or strategies for managing OS,
According to some authors, both nest and eggs of the Spotted Wren (Campylorhynchus gularis) have remained not formally described. We describe physical features and average dimensions of the nest and eggs from a population at Cerro Punhuato Natural Protected Area in Morelia, Michoacán. As part of a study on the species breeding biology, we collected...
El nido y huevos de la matraca serrana (Campylorhynchus gularis) han permanecido como formalmente no descritos de acuerdo con algunos autores. Aquí, describimos las características físicas y las dimensiones promedio del nido y huevos de una población del Área Natural Protegida Cerro Punhuato en Morelia, Michoacán. Como parte de un estudio de su bio...
Many Inland floodplain systems of Central Mexico constitute ecosystems that contribute to the long-term viability of migratory and resident birds. Our study was conducted in southwestern Guanajuato, Mexico at the "Yururia" Lagoon, a Ramsar site and a Natural Area of 15,216 ha protected at the federal level. In order to identify zones within the res...
The Yucatan Wren (Campylorhynchus yucatanicus) is a highly restricted endemic species inhabiting the coastal scrub at the northern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula. We describe the breeding phenology and nesting success of this endangered species from April to September 2007 for a population at Ria Celestun Biosphere Reserve. We found 232 nests of...
We describe for the first time the characteristics of the nests and eggs of the Green-backed Sparrow (Arremonops chloronotus) and the Grey-throated Chat (Granatellus sallaei) with additional notes on breeding behavior. These two species are endemic to southern Mexico, Belize, and the northern portion of Guatemala where they are fairly common. Three...
The Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) taxonomic complex includes long-distance temper- ate-tropical migrants and year-round tropical resident subspecies. While life history traits of northern migratory populations have been widely studied, little is known from their tropical counterparts. Based on observations obtained during three consecutive ye...
Abstract.—It is widely accepted that tropical birds differ from temperate species in life-history traits and social behaviors, yet baseline ecological data are lacking for most tropical species and comparative studies often fail to control for phylogenetic influences. Within the Americas, the Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) is ideal for such co...
Increasing human activity in the Yucatan peninsula has led to declines in older stages of successional forest, threatening regional habitat diversity. To determine potential effects of this habitat loss on the region's avifauna, we examined the relative use of different forest stages by resident and migrant birds during the nonbreeding season. We u...
Increasing human activity in the Yucatan peninsula has led to declines in older stages of successional forest, threatening regional habitat diversity. To determine potential effects of this habitat loss on the region's avifauna, we examined the relative use of different forest stages by resident and migrant birds during the nonbreeding season. We u...
Changes in the diversity of birds in light of changes in resources availability and habitat suitability were studied in a slash-and burn cultivation mosaic in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. Comparisons were conducted among recently abandoned cultivation plots (milpas) with that of different stages of succession (3-30 years old),...
Many regions of Central America have undergone wide-scale habitat change as land has been converted for cultivation or grazing. Clearing for agriculture often leaves a variety of regenerating and remnant patches of wooded vegetation. Of particular importance is arroyo vegetation, or strips of trees or tall shrubs growing along streams. Although it...
Competition between closely related species of migratory birds is thought to be important in determining their winter distributions, habitat and resource use. However, the role of active dominance interactions has generally been downplayed. In this paper we review the occurrence of interspecific feeding territories among certain Neotropical migrant...
ASSTRACt.--YelIowW arblers( Dendroicpae techiad)e fends mallt erritoriesi n isolatedp atches
of treesi n cattlep asturesin the LacandonF oresto f Chiapas,M exico.W e observedi nterspecific
aggressionm uch more frequently than intraspecifica ggressionA. lthough aggressionb y
Yellow Warblersw asd irecteda t a minimum of 37 speciesr,e sidenta nd migra...
El principal objetivo del estudio fue comparar los cambios en la riqueza, abundancia y composición de la comunidad de aves en manchones remanentes de vegetación de selva y vegetación secundaria en áreas dedicadas a la ganadería y comparar los atributos con los de la selva conservada en la comunidad de Chajul, dentro del área conocida com Marquéz de...
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