Javier G. Puntieri

Javier G. Puntieri
National University of Río Negro | UNRN · Specialization in Technological Management (Andina Campus)


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Javier G. Puntieri currently works at the Specialization in Technological Management (Andina Campus), Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Javier does research in Plant architecture and development and Ecology (especially plant invasions) . His current project is 'Architecture of Patagonian woody species: ontogenetic and environmental variations.'
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Publications (119)
Global warming can pose a significant threat to forest tree species, particularly those inhabiting subalpine forests in temperate regions. Plasticity and adaptation are essential for the persistence of these forests. Nothofagus pumilio, the dominant tree species at the high-altitude limits of Patagonian temperate forests, is well adapted to cold co...
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Multifunctional productive systems based on native species management, a new paradigm that counters colonial worldviews, offer sustainable sources of food and materials while preserving biodiversity. Despite extensive discussions in herbaceous and agricultural systems, applying this concept to native forests in Northern Patagonia remains unclear. M...
The comparison of ecological, phenological, morphological and developmental traits between exotic invasive species and coexisting native species contributes to understand the driving mechanisms of successful invasions. This study aimed to examine which of these traits are related to the invasion of woody plants in the understory of deciduous North...
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Key message When growing under similar conditions, Salix humboldtiana plants exhibit intra- and inter-clone variations in growth and branching traits, despite sharing an acrotonic branching pattern. Abstract Willows represent some of the most extended tree crop species worldwide. Understanding their global architecture could help improving the for...
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Existen más de 400 especies de sauces en el mundo, una de ellas nativa de Sudamérica: Salix humboldtiana (sauce amargo, sauce colorado, sauce criollo o sauce nativo). Desde la introducción de los sauces exóticos ha habido una disminución en las poblaciones de sauce nativo, lo que causa pérdidas no sólo de la diversidad genética sino también del pat...
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The development of scaly buds (= cataphylls) has been traditionally associated with seasonally cold climates, although only few species from the southern hemisphere were investigated in this regard. The present work focuses on apical and axillary buds of seven tree species native to the South-American Temperate Rainforests (STR). Due to differences...
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Introducción y objetivos: Los inventarios en áreas protegidas son indispensables para planificar acciones de conservación. Se propone: proveer una base de datos de las especies de plantas vasculares de los Parques Nacionales del noroeste de Patagonia, Argentina, destacar la singularidad de los Parques y analizar la incidencia de las especies exótic...
Along a precipitation gradient, we summarize the current knowledge on mycorrhizal associations in Andean and Extra-Andean northwest Patagonian subregions, including High-Andean environments, forests, steppes, and meadows. In the Andean region, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) are prevalent (number of plant species, dominance, and abundance), including pl...
The ecological relevance of early ontogenetic trends in root/shoot covariation in herbaceous plants is barely known. In the present study, this issue was tackled for seedlings and juvenile plants of two herbaceous species (Plantago lanceolata and Sanguisorba minor) that share several life-history traits and habitats. We measured root and shoot trai...
Background and aims: Ugni molinae (Myrtaceae) is a shrub species that produces berries of excellent aroma, taste and nutraceutical properties. It is native to Patagonia, but is barely known in Argentina. The objective of this study was the identification of the pattern of primary growth and of the periods of anthesis and fruit ripening in U. molina...
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Introducción y objetivos: Ugni molinae (Myrtaceae) es una especie arbustiva que produce bayas de excelentes aroma, sabor y calidad nutracéutica. Es nativa de Patagonia, pero poco conocida en Argentina. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar el patrón de crecimiento primario y los períodos de antesis y de maduración de frutos de planta...
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Calafate (Berberis microphylla) is a native and widely distributed Patagonian shrub, which produces edible fruits with excellent antioxidant and nutraceutical properties. This study evaluates its multiplication by the rooting of stem cuttings, a widely used method in fruit species with little success so far in B. microphylla. This work was carried...
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Comparación de los patrones de ramificación de Salix humboldtiana y Salix ×fragilis.
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The conditions faced by edge populations of a tree species may affect the architecture of individual trees. The latitudinally broad range of Salix humboldtiana Willd. encompasses tropical to cold-temperate climatic regions, with its southernmost population in central Patagonia. We expected S. humboldtiana trees from the southern-edge population to...
In many tree species, trunk forking plays a major role in crown construction, and stands out as an indicator of the architectural transition between juvenile and adult trees. We aimed to evaluate the effects of trunk forking on height and diameter growth of Nothofagus pumilio trees in an even-aged monospecific stand in northern Patagonia, Argentina...
Volcanic eruptions affect ecosystems drastically, and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) may play a critical role in forest regeneration. Nothofagus species are usually ectomycorrhizal. The 2011 Puyehue Cordón-Caulle volcanic complex (PCCVC) eruption covered vast areas of N. pumilio forests with thick tephra deposits. The main objectives of this work were...
Nothofagus obliqua forests in Argentina extend over a wide latitudinal gradient but highly fragmented and locally restricted. The relevance of this species relies in its high wood quality and tolerance to warmer niches, as those predicted under climate change. In this chapter, we describe the species characteristics and natural distribution range a...
This chapter deals with two emblematic species of the Argentine forests: Araucaria araucana, a conifer with a restricted distribution area and considered a living fossil, and Salix humboldtiana, a willow with a continental distribution but the only native to this country and particularly threatened in Patagonia. Each species is presented in a separ...
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Rainforests (RF) and transitional forests (TF) of Argentinian north Patagonia develop under such different climatic conditions that key aspects of seasonal growth may be assumed to differ among the woody plants that characterize these forests. This study was aimed at evaluating primary growth dynamics in tree species typical of RF and TF. Two commo...
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Introducción y objetivos: Ugni molinae (Myrtaceae) es una especie arbustiva nativa del sur de Chile − donde se la conoce como “murta” o “murtilla” − y de Argentina. Este estudio tiene como objetivo aportar información morfo-arquitectural de U. molinae, y así promover su cultivo e introducción en sistemas productivos de Argentina. M&M: Se realizaron...
Within-tree variation in fruit and seed production is little understood for anemophilous trees. This study contributes to identifying this variation for Nothofagus obliqua and N. nervosa by assessing the relative fruit production of reproductive shoots and patterns of filled fruit production in relation to flower position in the tree crown and alon...
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Los taludes de rutas están sometidos a procesos de erosión y desestabilización del suelo que dificultan el establecimiento de las especies de plantas vasculares. En este trabajo se caracterizan las comunidades vegetales que recolonizaron taludes de rutas asfaltadas del NO de Patagonia y se comparan con las respectivas comunidades de las zonas de re...
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This presentation include results of preliminar analyses about the relation of functional traits of fine root and architecture of coarse roots. Herb species with tap root system and shoot-borne roots were compared.
Plant modularity traits relevant to functions of on-spot persistence, space occupancy, resprouting after disturbance, as well as resource storage, sharing, and foraging have been underrepresented in functional ecology so far. This knowledge gap exists for multiple reasons. First, these functions and related traits have been considered less importan...
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This work reports for the first time the presence in Argentina of a naturalized population of Buddleja davidii, which occupies about 124 hectares at El Hoyo (Cushamen department, Chubut province). Buddleja davidii is a middle-size to tall shrub native to central Asia which nowadays is considered a troublesome invasive plant in several countries. Th...
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The aim of this work was to study the effect of fire on the germination of 4 native seeder herbs of northwester Pagania forests (Alstroemeria aurea, Loasa bergii, Oxalis valdiviensis and Phacelia secunda). For seeds of each species, one control was considered and treatments of heat (80°C and 120 °C during 5 minutes), smoke (during 30 minutes) and a...
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En los bosques andino-patagónicos el fuego impacta fuertemente sobre la vegetación generando procesos de erosión. En este contexto, la instalación de especies herbáceas nativas puede ser una adecuada primera intervención para la protección del suelo debido a su rápido crecimiento y reproducción temprana. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron (1) ide...
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Tras los incendios forestales que afectaron a la Reserva de Usos Múltiples Lago Epuyén en 2012 y 2015, la Subsecretaría de Bosques de la provincia de Chubut implementó tareas de restauración. Una de las mayores complicaciones es la invasión de coníferas exóticas que compiten fuertemente con los plantines de ciprés de la cordillera instalados medien...
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Key message Intra-individual variations of plant responses to environmental conditions are related to axis differentiation. Plastic responses include variations in primary growth, shoot allometry, leaves’ chlorophyll content and water use efficiency. Abstract Primary growth affects plant plasticity by influencing the number, spatial arrangement an...
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The 2011 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle volcanic eruption left vast areas of Nothofagus pumilio forests covered by high volumes of tephra, which buried the understory. This event offered a unique opportunity to analyse the impact of recent tephra deposition and the main environmental factors affecting the growth of N. pumilio seedlings. To this end, three s...
La introducción de especies nativas en los agroecosistemas contribuye al aumento de su estabilidad. La murta (Ugni molinae Turcz.) es una especie nativa de la Patagonia argentino-chilena que produce bayas rojizas de intenso aroma. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron (i) analizar el comportamiento de la murta bajo distintas condiciones de irra...
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Development of native and exotic woody species in the Patagonian cypress forests. The growth and architecture of forest-dwelling woody plants affect the dynamics of these communities. The present study was aimed at improving our understanding of the dynamics of Argentinean Austrocedrus chilensis forests through the study of length growth and archit...
The extent to which a vertical trunk is differentiated from its branches is a key trait for the architecture of trees and may affect interspecific relationships. In this study, we analysed the effect of soil water availability on biomass partitioning for Nothofagus pumilio by means of a nursery experiment. Juvenile trees were subject to three irrig...
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p>Las especies vegetales que habitan en regiones con bajo nivel de estacionalidad en el clima suelen presentar rasgos morfo-arquitecturales que ocurren con menor frecuencia en especies de regiones con clima estacional. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el crecimiento primario en vivero de cuatro especies leñosas típicas de los bosques templad...
High inter-annual variations in flower and seed production have been frequently reported for wind-pollinated tree species. Such variations have been generally studied from a population perspective. The present study focuses on the meristematic cost of flower production in main branches of Nothofagus obliqua and N. nervosa through a retrospective an...
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Extreme environmental events such as volcanic eruptions can trigger plant responses that largely exceed those recorded for moderate-intensity disturbances. We assessed the effects of the June 2011 eruption of the Puyehue – Cordón Caulle volcano on the length and radial growths of juvenile Nothofagus pumilio trees at two sites located 20 (with >40 c...
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Exotic fleshy fruited plants are often dispersed by generalist frugivores into undisturbed or weakly disturbed forests. The establishment and spread of these plants in the understory may pass unnoticed until their abundance and size turns them a nuisance. Sorbus aucuparia is a fleshy fruited tree recently established in temperate forests of northwe...
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Plant species inhabiting regions with low seasonality in climate tend to exhibit some morpho-architectural features that occur less frequently in species from regions with seasonal climate. This study was aimed at evaluating the primary growth of nursery-grown trees of four woody species native to the temperate rainforests of Patagonia, also known...
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Lythrum is a cosmopolitan genus with about 36 species of annual and perennial herbs. Lythrum salicaria, one of the most widely distributed species of this genus, grows at riverine sites in several countries, and is highly invasive outside its natural range. In this paper we report for the first time the presence of a spontaneous population of L. sa...
Partagée entre l’Argentine et le Chili à la pointe australe du continent américain, la Patagonie a de longue date fasciné explorateurs, naturalistes et simples voyageurs. Selon l’altitude, l’exposition aux vents et aux précipitations, ou selon la latitude, ce vaste espace peu habité présente une grande variété de milieux et une flore diversifiée. E...
Partagée entre l'Argentine et le Chili à la pointe australe du continent américain, la Patagonie a de longue date fasciné explorateurs, naturalistes et simples voyageurs. Selon l'altitude, l'exposition aux vents et aux précipitations, ou selon la latitude, ce vaste espace peu habité présente une grande variété de milieux et une flore diversifiée. E...
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Prunella is a genus of perennial herbs native to Eurasia and northern Africa. This genus includes eight species, among which P. vulgaris is the most widely distributed. This species grows as a weed throughout the world, including America and Argentina. Here, the presence of the less common species, P. laciniata is reported for the first time in Arg...
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This study evaluates the idea that differences in reproductive phenology and traits between coexisting exotic and native species may promote exotic invasiveness. Reproductive phenology, proportions of flowers setting unripe fruits and ripe fruits (fruit set), abundance and morphology of fruits, and seed viability were compared between two invasive...
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The northernmost ‘robles’ of Argentina, located in Lagunas de Epulauquen (northwest Patagonia), are considered a population of Nothofagus obliqua, even though they differ in some respects from individuals of other populations of the species. In order to analyse a possible genetic basis of their distinctive character, we revised previous information...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationships between primary and secondary growth as well as the influences of climate variations on both types of growth. The relationships between apical (or primary) and radial (or secondary) growth, and climatic influences on both types of growth, were evaluated for Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae), t...
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Key message As in mature forests, seedlings responded positively to N supply in terms of mass and architecture, especially N. obliqua . P became a secondary-limiting nutrient for N. nervosa with increased N addition. Abstract Previous studies on mature forests of NW Argentinean Patagonia indicated that N is the main growth-limiting nutrient in most...
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Growth and branching in Nothofagus alpina and Nothofagus obliqua (Nothofagaceae) under different light conditions. Architectural traits of entire main branches and their growth units (GUs) were assessed for trees of Nothofagus alpina and N. obliqua developed at three sites with different levels of natural shading (low: roadside, intermediate: nurse...
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Architectural traits of entire main branches and their growth units (GUs) were assessed for trees of Nothofagus alpina and N. obliqua developed at three sites with different levels of natural shading (low: roadside, intermediate: nursery, and high: understory). The hierarchical structure of main branches was evaluated by means of: (1) the ratio bet...
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• Context There is evidence that Nothofagus nervosa (= N. alpina) is suitable for timber production in temperate regions due to its wood quality and fast growth. However, high intra-specific variability in the architectural traits of this species limits its usefulness. • Aims This study was aimed at evaluating intra-specific variability in the arch...
Interference between male and female functions within a monoecious plant may hinder crossing and decrease seed set. We assessed the probability of self-pollination and the effect of self-pollination on cross-pollination for two self-incompatible species: Nothofagus obliqua and N. nervosa. The probability of self-pollination was studied by tracking...
The capacity of preformation and neoformation and the structure of winter buds are vegetative attributes that may vary between plant species and according to ontogenetic stages of the same species. The present study describes and evaluates these features for the four tree species of Proteaceae occurring in Patagonia. In particular, it analyzes the...
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Flower distribution within the tree crown may affect both pollination dynamics and the costs of flowering on tree growth. For Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst. and Nothofagus nervosa(Phil.) Krasser, the production of flowers and viable seeds were compared among axes of contrasting size and category in the tree crown. For annual shoots arising from...
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The development of the trunk and main branches of approximately 26-year-old Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. et Endl.) Krasser trees was studied. The length and number of leaves of annual shoots were recorded for 56 trees from a natural population. Morphological and macroanatomical features allowed the identification of shoot apex deaths and the axillary...
The role of branching on the development of size hierarchies was studied on experimental populations of the annual herb Galium aparine L. (Rubiaceae). All branches of plants growing at high and low density were severed as plants developed, and the growth of individual plants, the development of growth and size inequalities, and the mean change in t...
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During the growing seasons 1994-1995 and 1995-1996, weekly measures of length and number of internodes and morphological observations were made on annual shoots of 11- to 21-year-old Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Blume trees growing in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Growth period and shoot size at the end of the extension period were highly variable....
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In plants with rhythmic growth, a branch segment extended in one event is known as growth unit (GU). GU structure, resulting from the resources allocated to stem length, volume and mass, and to leaf area and mass, is relevant for understanding branch functioning in the context of plant development. This study compares GU structure between main bran...
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Variations in the architecture and axis structure of different growth forms of Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. et Endl.) Krasser (Nothofagaceae) were studied along an altitudinal gradient. We evaluated the primary growth and branching pattern of annual shoots belonging to the main axis categories (trunk, main branches, and secondary (short) branches) of...
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• Species distributed along wide environmental ranges are expected to be either plastic or adapted to local optima. The elucidation of which of these alternatives prevails, is crucial in planning breeding and conservation strategies for not yet domesticated species. Austrocedrus chilensis (Cupressaceae) is the most commercially important conifer of...
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Plants are regarded as populations of modules such as axes and growth units (GUs, i.e. seasonally produced axis segments). Due to their dense arrays of GUs, cushion plants may resemble crowded plant populations in the way the number of components (GUs in plants, individuals in populations) relates to their individual sizes. The morphological differ...
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The distribution and differentiation times of flowers in monoecious wind-pollinated plants are fundamental for the understanding of their mating patterns and evolution. Two closely related South American Nothofagus species were compared with regard to the differentiation times and positions of staminate and pistillate flowers along their parent gro...
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Leaf and stem development in extension units of Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae) under high and low light conditions. The size of stem and leaves was studied for trunk, main branch and short branch extension units (EU) of young Nothofagus dombeyi trees growing in open areas (road verges) and understory communities in Patagonia. The surface area a...
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Shoot growth and dieback were compared among progenies of nursery-grown seedlings of Nothofagus obliqua belonging to seven progenies of the same provenance (Quila-Quina, Argentina). First-year shoots consisted of one growth unit (GU) and second-year shoots of one or two GUs. The probability of development of two GU was similar for all progenies. Pr...
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In temperate trees, axis length growth generally results from the differentiation of organs at the end of a growing season and the extension of such "preformed organs" in the next growing season. Neoformation, i.e., the simultaneous differentiation and extension of organs, has been studied for only a few species. Here we evaluated bud composition a...
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Neoformation is the process by which organs not preformed in a bud are developed on a growing shoot, generally after preformation extension. The study of neoformation in trees has been hindered due to methodological reasons. The present report is aimed at assessing the relative importance of preformation and neoformation in the development of shoot...