Javier Martín BabarroComplutense University of Madrid | UCM · Department of Evolutionary and Educational Psychology
Javier Martín Babarro
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Sociometry, school violence, social network analysis
Publications (47)
This study explores the relationship among self‐perceived gender, family type (heteroparental or homoparental) and socioeconomic factors concerning various educational, family and personal well‐being domains. The data are derived from a large sample of 69,088 students from 465 schools (65% public; 35% private or semi‐private) in Spain. Five separat...
There is a need for more sustainable interventions and for assessing the effectiveness of school-based universal anti-bullying programmes in vulnerable populations. We assessed the efficacy of a multicomponent, web-enabled, school-based intervention that aims to improve school climate and reduce bullying (LINKlusive) relative to conventi...
Bullying is a common form of violence among children and adolescents. Young people with neurodevelopmental or psychiatric conditions might have an increased risk of bullying victimisation and perpetration. We aimed to assess the odds of bullying involvement and its association with mental health measures in these populations.
Handwriting is a complex activity that involves continuous interaction between lower-level handwriting and motor skills and higher-order cognitive processes. It is important to allocate mental resources to these high-order processes since these processes place a great demand on cognitive capacity. This is possible when lower-level skills such as tr...
Previous research has shown that peer victimization can be highly responsive to variables at the classroom level. Aggressive and prosocial norms may promote or reduce its status in classrooms. However, yet there is an apparent lack of success to explain which types of norms are more influential. This study examined the role of aggressi...
There is a large number of variables, studied in the literature, that affect the integral development of students in the educational stage, but few research analyze the effects that relative agecanhaveondevelopment. The aim of this study is to review and summarize the results obtained, on this subject, in recent research. The methodology used has f...
Objective: To examine the relationship between exposure to multiple forms of child abuse and neglect within the family context and peer victimization at school, accounting for the moderator effect of sex and educational level.
Methods: Two thousand four hundred fifteen children and adolescents, aged 9 to 15 years, attending public schools in Mexico...
Background: The empirical evidence accumulated on the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of psychotherapeutic treatments in children and adolescents calls for an
update. The main goal of this paper objective was to carry out a selective review of empirically supported psychological treatments for a variety of common psychological disorders and...
Introduction: Bullying is a major preventable risk factor for mental disorders. Available evidence suggests school-based interventions reduce bullying prevalence rates. This study aims to test the efficacy of a web-enabled, school-based, multicomponent anti-bullying intervention to prevent school bullying and to assess its effects on mental health...
La situación de la violencia contra las mujeres en la adolescencia en España
Autoría: María José Díaz-Aguado, Rosario Martínez-Arias, Javier Martín-Babarro
y Laia Falcón
Su principal objetivo es conocer la situación actual de la violencia contra las mujeres en la adolescencia en España, así como las condiciones de riesgo y de protección frente a...
his study examines how teacher perceptions of student misbehaviour correlate with their perceptions of school climate and student self-reports, using multi-informant two-level multilevel modelling. School climate questionnaires completed by 4,055 teachers and 16,017 students (1rd to 4th year of compulsory secondary education from 187 schools) showe...
This study explores the relationship between
disruption and three sets of indicators on school
climate from a multi-informant approach. The
data came from 4055 teachers and 16017 students from 187 secondary schools. The three dependent variables were teachers’ and students’
perceptions of disruption, and students’ admitting having participated in d...
Bullying is a prevalent and modifiable risk factor for mental health disorders. Although previous studies have supported the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs; their population impact and the association of specific moderators with outcomes are still unclear.
To assess the effectiveness of school anti-bullying interventi...
Esta investigación examina en qué medida la percepción del profesorado sobre el comportamiento disruptivo correlaciona con la percepción del clima escolar y los autoinformes del alumnado, mediante una modelización multi-informante y multinivel. Los cuestionarios sobre el clima escolar, cumplimentados por 4,055 profesores y 16,017 estudiantes (de 1º...
Introduction. The present study examined the ecological-transactional model delineated by Cicchetti and Lynch (1993) and the nature of the association between adolescents’ parental maltreatment and victimization and bullying at school.
Method. Multivariate multilevel regression analyses were conducted on a sample of 2.852 adolescents between the a...
Peer relationships can be shaped as influential factors in the prevalence of bullying episodes. This research aims to analyze the effect of school bullying on the levels of depression of the victims and to what extent it is affected by social support and status in the group and by the profile of victimization. Several hierarchical linear regression...
Spain is among the European countries with the highest prevalence of adolescents at risk of Internet addiction, a problem that could be linked to youth unemployment and leaving education early. This research evaluated the role of three variables relative to school context on Problematic Internet Use (PIU) and on the relationship betwee...
This study explores variables related to teachers’ perception of disruption at school as a function of teachers (sense of personal accomplishment, professional disengagement and depersonalization and emotional exhaustion) and school (overall school management and quality of school rules) factors. Using a questionnaire regarding school climate, data...
SEX DIFFERENCES IN SPANIARD ADOLESCENTS’ INSTRUMENTAL AND EXPRESSIVE TRAITSExtensive research has shown that people believe that men and women have differentpersonality traits characterizing women with “expressive” traits and men with “instrumental” traits. Because of the controversial nature of this topic, this research examines sex differences in...
Spirituality had been acknowledged as a key construct to observe in the treatment and recovery from addictions. Due to the individualistic nature of the construct and overlap with religion, it is still not clear how spirituality influence treatment and recovery of individuals. Different treatments and approaches like AA philosophy or spiritual prac...
This study analyzes the relationship between physical abuse in the family context and its influence on the educational context variables (academic performance and social behavior). A total of 2.852 students aged between 12 and 17 years participated in the study. The results highlight that the students who were abused in the family have higher numbe...
This study analyzes the relationship between physical abuse in the family context and its influence on the educational context variables (academic performance and social behavior). A total of 2.852 students aged between 12 and 17 years participated in the study. The results highlight that the students who were abused in the family have higher numbe...
This study addresses the interacting effects of classroom cohesion and hierarchy on the relationships between victimization and aggression with peer acceptance and rejection. Classroom cohesion and hierarchy were constructed from friendship nominations. Multilevel analysis conducted in a sample of seventh- and eighth-grade students from the Sociesc...
Antecedentes: La mayor parte de los estudios realizados a nivel nacional e internacional sobre el vínculo entre el desajuste psicológico y la victimización en el acoso escolar han centrado su objeto de análisis en factores muy concretos, han utilizado muestras poco numerosas o bien rangos de edad reducidos. Un análisis basado en una consideración m...
The assessment of bullying requires an analysis both of the main profiles involved in this phenomenon and of the social context in which it occurs. By considering both aspects, this study develops a scale that, in addition to individual information, incorporates a representation of the group structure of the classroom.
A larg...
Several studies have found a signifficant relationship between personality traits and burnout syndrome (Burisch 2002; Teven 2007; Rudow 1999). This research aims to analyze the relationship between these personality variables and burnout syndrome in secondary school teachers. A sample (N=566, 52 % women) of teachers from 52 schools in Madrid was su...
La presente publicación recoge los resultados de un estudio realizado en 2013 con una muestra de 8.125 adolescentes escolarizados en centros educativos de España 1.880 profesores y 176 equipos directivos de 223 centros educativos.
El estudio permite disponer de un nuevo diagnóstico sobre el avance y las limitaciones respecto a la construcción de la...
This diagnosis of bullying and abuse among adolescents in Spain was based on reliable consensual indicators that included new types of bullying and abuse and the role of the group. The goal was to ascertain what the characteristics of victimization are and how effective students expect different kinds of measures to be. A survey was carried out wit...
Introducción. En este artículo se presenta un diagnóstico del acoso y el
maltrato entre adolescentes en España a partir de indicadores consensuados y
fiables, entre los que se incluyen sus nuevas modalidades y el papel de todo el
grupo. Lo que se pretende es conocer con qué características de la víctima se asocia
y qué eficacia se anticipa a distin...
Objetivos de la investigación:
1. Conocer cómo es la situación actual de la juventud universitaria que está terminando sus estudios respecto a la igualdad y la violencia de género.
2. Conocer cuáles son las principales condiciones de riesgo y de protección respecto a la violencia de género entre la juventud que está finalizando una carrera univers...
Bully-victims can be considered a differentiate group in bullying classification. The aim of this study is to define the main characteristics of bully-victims regard to peer acceptance in order to improve the understanding of this category. Social status in the group plays an important role, thus we establish a sociometric differentiation between r...
In mid-September 2010, an agreement was signed in Spain about the insertion of the educational psychologist in the Spanish education system. At this time already it was indicated the relevance of implementing a network that would enable to join the different efforts of parents, teachers, educational psychologists (including professionals), academic...
Es la serie de investigaciones más exhaustivo y representativa realizado en España sobre la convivencia Escolar (en él han participado 400 centros escolares, 23.100 adolescentes, 6175 profesores/as, y 11.000 familias).
La publicación se estructura en cinco capítulos: 1.Desde la perspectiva del alumnado, el profesorado, los equipos directivos y los...
La serie de estudios en la que se inserta esta capítulo busca conocer cuáles son las condiciones que ayudan a construir una convivencia escolar de calidad, haciendo de la escuela el lugar en el que se construyen las capacidades, las relaciones y los valores, que nos ayudan a ser como queremos ser: superando problemas ancestrales, como el acoso esco...
Los estudios realizados en los últimos años reflejan diferencias significativas
en el sistema escolar en función del género a las que conviene prestar atención
en los intentos de mejorar la convivencia. En este sentido, por ejemplo, el registro
de conductas contrarias a la convivencia, suele detectar que la mayoría de dichas
conductas, a veces por...
La situación social de los estudiantes es un indicador destacado en el análisis de la convivencia escolar y, más concretamente, en las dinámicas de acoso escolar que en ocasiones se producen en los centros. Los estudiantes forman grupos, establecen jerarquías e interaccionan continuamente; aquellos que se encuentran aislados y a los que no se les p...