Javier Ernesto Vilaso Cadre

Javier Ernesto Vilaso Cadre
Javier Ernesto verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Javier Ernesto verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí | UASLP · Instituto de Metalurgia

BSc. Chemistry; MSc. Chemistry; MSc. Minerals Engineering
PhD candidate: Analytical and separation methods


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My work focuses on analytical chemistry, separation methods, electrochemistry, minerals, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, environmental chemistry, statistics, and quality assurance.
Additional affiliations
September 2015 - November 2019
Universidad de Oriente
  • Professor researcher
January 2022 - February 2026
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí
Field of study
  • Minerals Engineering
January 2020 - February 2022
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí
Field of study
  • Minerals Engineering
February 2016 - November 2017
Universidad de Oriente
Field of study
  • Chemistry


Publications (44)
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An AISI 304 stainless steel laminar electrode without oxidative treatment was investigated for the potentiometric titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide. The proposed electrode was obtained from metalworking cuttings. Scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffract...
In the present work, 3-phenyl-1-propanol is proposed as a new collector for coal flotation in a low-rank carbonaceous mineral containing 2.0% of carbon and basic groups predominantly on the surface. Hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, as well as unsaturated carbon chains, were identified by FT-IR. Microflotation tests were conducted to evaluate and co...
Chemical analytical methods play a fundamental role in process and waste control in industry, and both classical and instrumental are known in this sector. Optical and chromatographic methods have been more widely used within the industrial sector than electroanalytical methods. Research into increasingly modern electrochemical sensors, many of whi...
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In this work, TiO2 spherical nanoparticles with a mean diameter of 10.08 nm (SD = 4.54 nm) were synthesized using Aloe vera extract. Rutile, brookite, and anatase crystalline phases were identified. The surface morphology of a carbon paste electrode does not change in the presence of nanoparticles; however, the surface chemical composition does. Th...
A voltammetric method for xanthate quantification was developed by fabricating a new electrode based on TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). The nanomaterial in the anatase phase was synthesized by a simple sol-gel method followed by a thermal treatment (9 h at 500°C). The nanoparticles have a spheroidal morphology with an average size of 20.61 ± 6.01 nm...
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Corrosion is a critical industrial problem. To solve this problem, the present research analyzed the influence of corrosive media on the efficiency of a guayusa inhibitor. Therefore, guayusa extract was obtained, and five groups of ASTMS A36 steel test tubes were prepared, each with variable extract concentrations (200 ppm, 400 ppm, 600 ppm, 800 pp...
This work presents a study on the concentration of silver-bearing minerals by froth flotation using xanthogen formate collectors. The objective was to valorize a jarosite waste from the zinc ore processing industry. The primary material was characterized, and several mineral phases were identified, such as sodium jarosite, anglesite, and gypsum. Si...
Conference Paper
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Organic dithiophosphates are organophosphate salts that are widely used in industry as lubricants, extractant reagents, and mainly as collectors in mineral flotation. However, it has been shown that their toxicity may be greater than that of other organophosphorus compounds. In humans, they have been linked to immune damage. Therefore, the control...
Conference Paper
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En este trabajo se sintetizaron nanopartículas esféricas de almidón (5-10 nm) y se utilizaron para la depresión de carbón mineral en la flotación de un carbón sub-bituminoso (CSB) y un mineral carbonoso de bajo rango (MCBR). Las nanopartículas deprimieron el 29.3% del carbón en el CSB y el 48.8% en el MCBR frente al 21% y 33.1% conseguido por el al...
Heavy metal accumulation in marine ecosystems at Guanahacabibes peninsula south coast (Cuba) is an increasing environmental concern due to increasing tourism in the last 10 to 15 years. In this way, some species such as Syringodium filiforme, Thalassia testudinum, and Sargassum buxifolium would exhibit heavy metals bio-indicating accumulation chara...
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This paper presents a gravimetric method for the quantification of total organic carbon by ignition at 1100°C and carbonates by acid dissolution in rock samples containing coal. Two minerals (CM-1 and CM-2) and a sub-bituminous coal (SBC) were used in the study. The mineralogical characterization of the samples was performed by X-ray diffraction an...
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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is one of the most important methods for studying the electrochemical interface. The instrumentation for its implementation consists of an electrochemical cell and a potentiostat with a frequency analyzer. Several authors have demonstrated the feasibility of designing and constructing low-cost, in-lab po...
In this work, an industrial hazardous jarosite residue produced in the zinc hydrometallurgical process containing silver was used to evaluate the feasibility of using thiourea (Tu) for silver leaching under acidic conditions in the presence of oxalate (C2O42− ion denoted as Ox2−). The shrinking core kinetic model (SCKM) was applied to evaluate the...
Analytical methods used in mineral analysis laboratories are susceptible to significant sources of random error that define the level of intralaboratory precision. This requires a good quality control system to ensure that analytical performance is within statistical criteria established by institutional, national, or international bodies. The Horw...
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En este trabajo se caracterizaron y evaluaron las aguas de dos pozos “Bárbara” y “Río Fuentes”, ubicados en el poblado “El Cobre”, de la Provincia de Santiago de Cuba, teniendo en cuenta que los moradores de la zona emplean estas aguas para diversos usos domésticos, abasto, etc. Los indicadores determinados fueron seleccionados teniendo en cuenta...
This paper presents a review of voltammetric and related methods implemented with low-cost, mainly lab-made instrumentation. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing low-cost electrochemical instrumentation. Advances in electronics and software have made it easier to access high-performance components for the construction of...
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This research delves deeply into the intricate degradation kinetics of triclosan, employing two distinct methodologies: UV and simulated solar irradiation. Through a comprehensive comparative analysis, the study endeavors to elucidate the efficacy of these techniques, aiming to shed light on their respective methodological strengths and limitations...
Analytical methods for microplastics are essential for understanding and monitoring the degradation processes of these micromaterials, with some techniques even being able to identify them in living organisms. This chapter presents the fundamentals and applications of the main methods for the analysis of microplastics with a focus on degradation pr...
This paper presents the evaluation of the statistical reliability of micro-flotation experiments using a Hallimond flotation cell. The study was conducted by three experimental analysts using different micro-flotation conditions and samples. Statistical analysis of 20 micro-flotation experiments was performed. Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the...
Contamination by heavy metals and metalloids in water resources, soil, and air is one of the most severe problems that compromise food and water safety and public health globally and locally. Water naturally contains heavy metals; however, its increase, although sometimes also determined by natural enrichment when passing through aquifers containin...
Contamination of water resources, especially drinking water, is common. Pharmaceuticals, extensively used nowadays, are now considered as important contaminants. Sargassum, a marine algae that reaches Caribbean beaches, causes socioeconomic and ecological damage by affecting marine species, and is one of the main environmental problems in Mexico to...
Conference Paper
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This work presented an optimization strategy for electrochemical sensors modified with nanoparticles using the Box-Behnken experimental design.
From a char of Palm seed (CSP), activated carbon at 973, 1073, and 1173 K was obtained (CASPs). These temperatures developed textural properties to favor the adsorptive properties. The CASPs percentage of burning decreased with the increase of the activation temperature from 76 to 26%. These products were obtained with a CO2 flow (as activating gas...
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A voltammetric method for xanthate quantification was developed by fabricating a new electrode system based on TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). TiO2 NPs which were synthesized by a simple sol-gel method, are presented in anatase phase as shown by X-ray diffraction after treatment at 500°C for 9 h. The purity of the material was verified by X-ray fluo...
Conference Paper
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The separation of coal by froth flotation allows the beneficiation of this material as well as its elimination when it is present as a gangue component in other minerals. Coal, due to its high surface area, adsorbs a large amount of the substances commonly used in flotation schemes (collectors, depressants, or activators), so it becomes a problem m...
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This paper presents a voltammetric method for the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) quantification in a dairy wastewater using homemade minimal electrochemical instrumentation. The working electrode was a carbon microdisc, the auxiliary electrode was a carbon rod, and a silver electrode was used as reference. A low-cost non-commercial potentiostat was e...
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La potenciometría y la conductimetría son los métodos electroanalíticos más comunes en los laboratorios. Una de las ventajas de los métodos electroquímicos es la posibilidad de construir instrumentación no comercial de bajo costo, ya que la interacción física y la respuesta fisicoquímica del sistema son de naturaleza eléctrica. La instrumentación n...
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This work presents the flotation of a sub-bituminous coal using 1-butylamine as a short-chain amine collector. The flotation results have been obtained with 1-butylamine (coal yield: 100%) and compared with those achieved with a quaternary amine (coal yield: 95.4%), kerosene (coal yield: 100%) and diesel (coal yield: 95.7%). The best results have b...
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The minimal instrumentation voltammetry with manual staircase voltage scan allows to obtain electrochemical results with non-commercial equipment. Several researches have demonstrated its analytical and metrological validity; however, some variables have not been studied in this kind of methods, such as the effect of the supporting electrolyte on t...
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Introducción. La contaminación por compuestos orgánicos persistentes (COP) y metales pesados en aguas y suelos es un serio problema ambiental. El objetivo fue evaluar el empleo de microorganismos (autóctonos y de colección) y sus productos en la remoción de estos contaminantes. Métodos. Los microorganismos autóctonos se aislaron mediante enriqueci...
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The printed circuit industry is growing rapidly due to the development of modern electronic equipment. The manufacture of the boards involves a coating with copper, on which the impressions are made; and then the copper is removed using an ammonia solution. In this medium, copper is very soluble and stable, forming amine complexes, which are diffic...
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The objective of the study was to propose a method of sphalerite surface activation through the deposition of copper sulfide nanoparticles (ZnS-Nps CuS). A synthetic sphalerite was used to avoid impurities. The Nps CuS were obtained by the coprecipitation method and the deposition of these was carried out in situ, the characterization was performed...
Conference Paper
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This work presented the separation of coal by froth flotation using polystyrene nanoparticles as collector reagent.
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The validation of a stripping voltammetric method for the cadmium quantification in wastewater using the built potentiostat is presented. Stability of current intensity was observed in KCl 1 mol/L and in acetic acid/acetate buffer, setting 10s as the sampling time. At pH 5 and -1300 mV an increasing of the peak current was observed, and the electro...
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Voltammetry can be developed using manual potentiostats. This study focuses on the potential sweeps and its influence on the voltammograms in the manual staircase voltammetry. Oxidations of potassium ferrocyanide, potassium iodide, ascorbic acid and succinic acid were used for the study. Five voltammograms were generated for each analyte. A mathema...
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A voltammetric method for the cadmium quantification was developed using minimal instrumentation. A manual homemade potentiostat for linear voltammetry was used. An Ag reference electrode and auxiliary and working electrodes of writing graphite were employed for the electroanalysis. The electrolytic conditions for the quantification were stablished...
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In this work, a study of some chemical-physical parameters of the waters of the “Lago Azul” in the ancient mine of the town “El Cobre” of Santiago de Cuba was made. Three sampling points were fixed and the parameters: pH, conductivity, concentrations of chloride, sulfate, solids, dissolved oxygen and copper were determined. Determinations were done...
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Hydrocarbon removal using rhamnolipids has shown potential for use in remediation technologies of impacted ecosystems as well as increasing the efficiency of oil extraction wells. In this research, the removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soil was evaluated using rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ORA9. A stability s...
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Metrology is the branch of science that studies measurements. Its fundamental category, the uncertainty of measurement, allows to determine the interval at which the true value of the measurement is likely to be found. All scientific-technical results depend on measurements. Chemistry requires measurement to provide results related to its object: t...
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Biosurfactants are amphiphilic compounds produced by microorganisms and have diverse uses in industry and agriculture. The biosurfactant producing microbes are helpful in bioremediation of heavy metal, pesticides and hydrocarbon contaminated sites. In this study, isolation and identification of biosurfactant producing strain was assessed. Soil samp...
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A minimal instrumentation micropolarograph was built, and its metrological characterization was performed. The oxidation of K 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] was studied by linear voltammetry. A microdisc and a bar of carbon were used as working and auxiliary electrodes, respectively. A bar divided into compartments of copper-internal solution-cotton was used as ref...
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Resumen El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar la validación por verificación del método colorimétrico de la antrona para cuantificar ramnolípidos en un medio de cultivo microbiano. Para ello se determinaron los parámetros: linealidad, precisión, exactitud, límites de detección y cuantificación y la robustez. Se demostró que el ensayo es...


Questions (29)
I am studying an electroactive species that adsorbs on the electrode and seems to block the electrochemical active sites for the ferro/ferri system, as shown by some CV tests. However, when I do the CV to check the controlling process for the oxidation of this species, the graph of log(peak current) vs. log(scan rate) shows a slope that demonstrates diffusion control at peak current. I have several questions:
1. Do you think this species adsorbs significantly on the electrode as adsorbate but its oxidation is diffusion controlled? So there is not necessarily a relationship between this adsorption and the controlling process at the electrochemical interface?
2. What alternative method do you recommend to verify the control in the voltammograms other than the CV method?
I have seen several researchers who declare themselves as independent in their work affiliation. In a review article, for example, can an author appear as independent, i.e. without any affiliation to any institution? I am not taking into account those who have their own company, since in that case, that is their work affiliation.
If I have an article originally published in Spanish, there is a way to publish an English version of it even if the original version has been published for some years.
The pH range of a borate-phosphate buffer solution can be taken as the range of the phosphate and borate buffers separately?
A few years ago I published an article on teaching Metrology and the journal is no longer available nor are its archives. If so, should I remove it from my CV?


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