Jaroslaw Rybak

Jaroslaw Rybak
Jaroslaw verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Jaroslaw verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Wrocław University of Science and Technology | WUT · Faculty of Civil Engineering



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I'm 50 years old but still enthusiastic about Geotechnics :-) I have devoted most of my professional life to deep excavations, foundation piles, soil improvement methods and environmental impact of geotechnical and mining technologies. Useful links: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/F-8558-2018 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=14024816900
October 1996 - September 2000
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Field of study
  • Civil Engineering
September 1993 - June 1994
VIA University College
Field of study
  • Constructing Architect at Horsens Polytechnic
October 1990 - September 1996
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Field of study
  • Civil Engineering


Publications (192)
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Cemented soil is widely used for soil improvement due to its durability and comprehensiveness. There is a growing interest in understanding the physicochemical and morphological states of cemented soil surfaces to improve their strength and functional properties. In particular, deep soil mixing (DSM) is used to create cement-soil structures in geot...
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This article investigates the degradation of stiffness in high and standard-strength concrete due to the influence of repeated loading and considers the non-linear behavior arising from localized or natural defects of concrete. The article also refers to the models from existing literature that evaluate the characteristics of concrete by enhancing...
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Remediation and preparation for development is a crucial aspect of the valorization of post-mining areas. This study is focused on technologies devoted to the cement stabilization of post-industrial waste and petroleum contaminated soils. Two case studies are presented. Case 1 is based on the stabilization works of waste from a closed chemical plan...
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This paper presents the results of laboratory testing of samples obtained from soil–cement composite columns produced on a real-world test site as part of a research and development project. The introduction presents the motivation of the research and the goals that guided the layout of a research program. The general geotechnical conditions, initi...
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badańlaboratoryjnych próbek pozyskanych z zarobów próbnych oraz z kolumn cementowo-gruntowych wykonanych na poletku badawczym w ramach realizowanego projektu badawczo-rozwojowego. We wprowadzeniu przedstawiono motywację badańoraz cele, jakie przyświecały układowi programu badawczego. Przedstawiono ogólnie uwa...
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With increasing awareness about environmental sustainability issues, the geotechnical engineering community is in search of sustainable materials, innovative applications and ground improvement technologies which are resilient to climate change, involve low carbon emissions, are ecologically friendly and affordable, yet effective. As such, this rep...
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With increasing ecological awareness, the idea of balanced development has become more popular [...]
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This article presents the characteristics of the heaps resulting from coal exploitation in terms of the possibility of their development for industrial facilities. The chances of soil improvement and the existing threats were indicated, emphasising the risk of self-ignition. The most effective technologies are dynamic or impulse compaction, which a...
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The technogenic impact of mining on the environment is analyzed and the transition to geotechnology with stowing to reduce the impact of mining operations is proposed. The results of the research work devoted to the justification of parameters of the development of salt deposits with stowing and the definition of the influence of stowing on the dyn...
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Due to the development of dedicated software and the computing capabilities of modern computers, the application of numerical methods to analyse more complex geotechnical problems is becoming increasingly common. However, there are still some areas which, due to the lack of unambiguous solutions, require a more thorough examination, e.g., the numer...
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The main aim of the article is demonstrating successful design of spread foundations of a commercial centre building, where geotechnical monitoring allows us to check design efficiency and calculate reliability in comparison with real vertical deformation of building. Introduction to the case study area and building structure and foundations was do...
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The article addresses the issue of mining and industrial waste stored in tailings and heaps in mining areas, and it explores the existing, as well as new, ways of reducing its harmful impact on the environment. On the basis of the Russian experience in mining industry in Ural, it presents a process which makes it possible to eliminate the amassed h...
The paper describes the negative consequences of ore field development. It is deemed that one of the ways to reduce the negative impact of mining is the use of systems with the stowing of the worked-out area with man-made waste. Issues related to stowing mix transportation via pipeline were analyzed. Various types of pipeline transport equipment us...
The relevance of the work is caused by the need to survive the mining industry during the protracted post-reform crisis and to minimize its negative impact on the ecology of the region through the development of technogenic mineral resources. Purpose of work. Substantiation of the possibility of replacing the traditional components of the filling c...
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Geodetic measuring methods are widely used in the course of various geotechnical works. The main purpose is usually related to the location in space, geometrical dimensions, settlements, deflections, and other forms of displacements and their consequences. This study focuses on the application of selected surveying methods in static load tests (SLT...
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The possibility of replacing the traditional components of the filling mass with man-made waste and the need for the use of mechanical activation of the components of the filling composite in order to improve its rheological characteristics and the strength of the mass after solidification are proved. The demand for resource-reproducing technologie...
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Pile bearing capacity is usually understood as the sum of the bearing capacities of the pile’s base and shaft. Nevertheless, the behaviour of the pile base and shaft can be different, depending on what testing method is used for the evaluation of the bearing capacity. In this paper, three different methods of pipe pile testing are introduced, which...
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To the article “Utilization of Mineral Waste: A Method for Expanding the Mineral Resource Base of a Mining and Smelting Company,” by J. Rybak, S. M. Gorbatyuk, K. Ch. Bujanovna-Syuryun, A. M. Khairutdinov, Yu. S. Tyulyaeva, and P. S. Makarov, Vol. 64, Nos. 9-10, pp. 851–861, January, 2021
В статье рассмотрены вопросы применения отходов горного производства для изготовления бетонов после их переработки в активаторах, что расширяет сырьевую базу строительного производства и уменьшает ущерб окружающей среде. The issues of the use of mining waste for the manufacture of concrete after their processing in concrete activators are consider...
The analysis of the technogenic impact of mining on the environment was carried out. A transition to geotechnology with backfill is proposed in order to reduce the impact of mining operations. The paper presents the results of research aimed at finding the parameters of the technology for mining salt deposits with backfill and the determination of...
As the population grows, the need for mineral resources increases, resulting in an intensification of their extraction. This increases the amount of industrial waste and, thus, the human impact on the environment. Further accumulation and storage of industrial waste lead to irreversible changes in the ecosystem. The only correct vector of environme...
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The paper is focused on foundations of wind turbines and challenges in design, execution and long-term maintenance. Some typical solutions are listed: footings (round plates) on natural soil, footings on modified soil (DSM, stone columns, CMC) and deep foundations (piles). The author juxtaposed basic problems that appear in design phase: data acqui...
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As the population increases, the need for mineral resources increases, which leads to an intensification of their extraction. The increase in mineral extraction causes an increase in industrial waste, which leads to an increase in human influence on the environment. Further accumulation and storage of industrial waste leads to irreversible changes...
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This work examined a new method of bi-directional static load testing for piles, referencing the Osterberg test. Measurements were taken, on a laboratory scale, using six models of piles driven into a box filled with sand. This method allowed for separate measurements of pile base and pile shaft bearing capacities. Based on the results, the total p...
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The need of creating the barrier for inflow, access, flow-through, efflux, outflow, or lastly the effect of ground waters and dissolved solids results from as numerous (or surely more numerous) necessities as the number of “flows” specified above. Anti-filtration barriers can be grouped in many ways depending on the fundamental purpose required in...
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Numerical modelling of geotechnical issues requires basic subgrade parameters which need to be introduced into the program. The best way of collecting such information is to commission a series of tests. Defining the parameters of the material gained when admixtures are introduced into existing soil becomes problematic. Basic strength parameters ca...
The need of creating the barrier for inflow, access, flow-through, efflux, outflow, or lastly the effect of ground waters and dissolved solids results from as numerous (or surely more numerous) necessities as the number of "flows" specified above. Anti-filtration barriers can be grouped in many ways depending on fundamental purpose required in hydr...
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In this paper, the problem of optimal sensor arrangement during vibration monitoring is analysed. The wave propagation caused by horizontal excitation is investigated to predict the areas of the largest ground and structure response. The equations of motion for a transversally isotropic elastic medium with appropriate absorbing boundary conditions...
The paper is focused on foundations of wind turbines and challenges in design, execution and long term maintenance. Some typical solutions are listed: footings (round plates) on natural soil, footings on modified soil (DSM, stone columns, CMC) and deep foundations (piles). The author juxtaposed basic problems that appear in design phase: data acqui...
Numerical modelling of geotechnical issues requires basic subgrade parameters which need to be introduced into the program. The best way of collecting such information is to commission a series of tests. Defining the parameters of the material gained when admixtures are introduced into existing soil becomes problematic. Basic strength parameters ca...
Conference Paper
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Standard procedures concerning axial and lateral capacity testing of foundation piles usually consist of a single loading cycle. Constant load steps or constant settlement increments may be applied in the test. Such a procedure significantly differs from in-situ conditions of pile loading, which can be cyclic-especially in the case of the construct...
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Contemporary design methods of foundation piles are more and more focused on sophisticated methods based on reliability analysis. Such methods, on different level of complicity, demand precise description of all data under study, not only by means of their average or characteristic values but, on higher levels of reliability analysis, standard devi...
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Rapid Impulse Compaction technology makes it possible for improving the ground physical properties, especially when the large thickness of non-cohesive material layers is considered. It is also very efficient for compaction of large deposits of spoil rock from the mining industry or from the demolition works. It also allows making columns out of mi...
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There are two different sources of dynamic effects observed on buildings and structures - natural phenomena and human activities. Both may be related to the mining production or civil engineering construction. Ground vibrations induced by human activities characterize much lower intensity compared to the natural phenomena like earthquakes. However,...
Contemporary design methods of foundation piles are more and more focused on sophisticated methods based on reliability analysis. Such methods, on different level of complicity, demand precise description of all data under study, not only by means of their average or characteristic values but, on higher levels of reliability analysis, standard devi...
Rapid Impulse Compaction technology makes it possible for improving the ground physical properties, especially when the large thickness of non-cohesive material layers is considered. It is also very efficient for compaction of large deposits of spoil rock from the mining industry or from the demolition works. It also allows making columns out of mi...
There are two different sources of dynamic effects observed on buildings and structures-natural phenomena and human activities. Both may be related to the mining production or civil engineering construction. Ground vibrations induced by human activities characterize much lower intensity compared to the natural phenomena like earthquakes. However, d...
Human civilization brings the need for energy sources and construction materials. A large amount of materials are extracted from deep and open pit mines. Mining activities are inevitably related to the large direct impact on the local environment (dewatering, landscape). A lot of spoil material is produced in the course of mining production and fur...
Standard procedures concerning axial and lateral capacity testing of foundation piles usually consist of a single loading cycle. Constant load steps or constant settlement increments may be applied in the test. Such a procedure significantly differs from in-situ conditions of pile loading, which can be cyclic-especially in the case of the construct...
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A static load test of a pile provides information about the pile bearing capacity. Nevertheless sometimes more precise information can be needed, e.g. what part of load applied to the pile is carried by its base and its shaft. Many kinds of bi-directional static tests offer the possibility of a separate investigation of the behaviour of pile base a...
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Rapid technological progress in construction requires that more and more attention should be paid to human security issues. Threats occur both at the stage of building facilities and during their use. Some impacts are easy to identify during construction stage like shocks and vibrations, others are hidden from sight and direct sensing like the harm...
Standard procedures concerning axial and lateral capacity testing of foundation piles usually consist of a single loading cycle. Constant load steps or constant settlement increments may be applied in the test. Such a procedure significantly differs from in-situ conditions of pile loading, which can be cyclic - especially in the case of the constru...
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W zależności od zastosowanej metody przy obliczaniu osiadań fundamentów palowych możliwe jest uzyskanie wyników znacząco różniących się między sobą. Ważne jest więc oszacowanie lub wyznaczenie wartości modułu odkształcenia gruntu, która ma wpływ na wartość osiadań
Conference Paper
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World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS 2018) Marian Drusa¹, Isik Yilmaz², Marian Marschalko³, Ana-Maria Dabija⁴, Andrea Segalini⁵, Jaroslaw Rybak⁶, Eva Coisson⁵, Martin Decky¹ ¹University of Zilina, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia ²Cumhuriyet University of Sivas, 581 40 Sivas, Turkey ³V...
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Presented laboratory testing program of tubular steel piles is a part of a bigger research program which contained static load tests in full scale and numerical simulations of conducted research. The main goal of the research is to compare static load tests with different working conditions of a shaft. The presented small scale model tests are the...
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Static load tests of foundation piles are the basic method for the designing or verification of adopted design solutions which concern the foundation of a building structure. Preparation of a typical test station using the so-called inverted beam method is very expensive and labor-intensive. The settlement values of the loaded pile are usually reco...
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Static load testing of foundation piles is still considered the main capacity check technology for almost any kind of piling works (bored, displacement, driven). The rates of load, time increments or imposed displacement are the key factors for various testing methods. The load-displacement relationship, which can be transformed into a coordinate s...
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Deep excavation and tunnelling works in city centres always bring some risks to surrounding structures, especially in the case of old town centres, where the technical condition and structural stiffness of historical buildings is rather doubtful. When the new desired excavation depth goes deeper than the foundation of the surrounding buildings or w...
В статье описаны проблемы, возникающие при строительстве подземных сооружений. В том числе в мегаполисах. Проведен анализ дефектов конструкций, приводящий к возможным геохимическим рискам. Подробно разобраны факторы, приводящие к нарушению состояния подземных конструкций.
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The reuse of building materials becomes an important issue in sustainable engineering. As the technical requirements for civil engineering structures changes with time and the life time is limited, the need of building new objects meets the necessity of recycling of the existing ones. In the case of steel structures, the possibility of recycling is...
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All the geotechnical works need to be tested because the diversity of soil parameters is much higher than in other fields of construction. Horizontal load tests are necessary to determine the lateral capacity of driven piles subject to lateral load. Various load tests were carried out altogether on the test field in Kutno (Poland). While selecting...
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In many cases of monitoring or load testing of hydrotechnical structures, the measurement results obtained from dial gauges may be affected by random or systematic errors resulting from the instability of the reference beam. For example, the measurement of wall displacement or pile settlement may be increased (or decreased) by displacements of the...
PL Przedstawiono przykład badań pod obciążeniem przyczółka z gruntu zbrojonego wiaduktu drogowego nad linią kolejową. Opisano sposób przeprowadzenia próbnego obciążenia oraz kryteria oceny wyników badań. Przedstawiono główne wyniki badań. EN Full scale load test of road bridge abutment made from reinforced earth at railway line is presented. The me...
The presented study juxtaposes authors’ experiences in the field of bridge foundations. Building up of high embankments and bridge abutments imposes high additional stresses on the subsoil and directly on the abutment walls. The earth pressures can be successfully reduced by means of soil nailing or reinforced earth technology. Those techniques do...
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Improving a soil is a process of increasing its physical/mechanical properties without changing its natural structure. Improvement of soil subbase is reached by means of the knitted materials, or other methods when strong connection between soil particles is established. The method of DSM (Deep Soil Mixing) columns has been invented in Japan in 197...
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Some remarks concerning the necessity of employing an independent and over all ethical geotechnical survey were presented in the paper. Starting from the design phase, through the whole construction process, the importance of geotechnical engineer is stated in legal acts. Numerous testing technologies serve for the calibration of geotechnical techn...
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This work presents the review of pile capacity testing techniques. In an overview, the key points in pile designing are: determination of the appropriate computational schemes, reliable data on loads and the properties of structural materials (in particular, of the soil mass, which is marked by the greatest variability). The procedure of constructi...
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This paper presents the results of laboratory testing of organic soil-cement samples are presented in the paper. The research program continues previously reported the authors' experiences with cement-fly ash-soil sample testing. Over 100 of compression and a dozen of tension tests have been carried out altogether. Several samples were waiting for...
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High-intensity housing having been carried out in town's centres causes that many complex issues related to earthworks and foundations must be resolved. Project owners are required to ensure respective number of parking bays, which in turn demands 2-3 storeys of underground car parks. It is especially difficult to fulfil in dense buildings of old t...
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Structures made of reinforced soil can be evaluated for their safety based on a load testing. Measurement results are essentially evaluated by displacements of surcharge (mainly in vertical direction) and facing elements (mainly in horizontal direction). Displacements are within several tenths to several millimetres and they can be taken by common...
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Preface This volume of IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering contains the papers presented in the "World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium" which was held in the city of romance Prague (Czech Republic) during 12-16 June 2017. The World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban P...
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Standard procedures concerning axial and lateral capacity testing of foundation piles usually consist of a single loading cycle. Constant load steps or constant settlement increments may be applied in the test. Such a procedure significantly differs from in-situ conditions of pile loading, which can be cyclic – especially in the case of the constru...
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As the soil improvement technologies are the area of a rapid development, they require designing and implementing novel methods of control and calibration in order to ensure the safety of geotechnical works. At Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland), these new methods are continually developed with the aim to provide the appropriate...