Jaroslav Vojta

Jaroslav Vojta
Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening | VÚKOZ



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Publications (22)
Historical woodland management practices like coppicing and grazing have formed the diversity and structure of oak-hornbeam woodlands. We analysed large-scale, high-resolution spatial data on the distribution of woodland communities in Czechia to find out whether past human impacts influenced the distribution of oak-hornbeam woodlands in present-da...
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Shrubs in pastures are expected to adversely affect plant species diversity and community composition at various spatial scales. We recorded vegetation composition as well as light conditions and other environmental variables in 105 1 m2 plots nested in 35 sampling sites in shrubby pastures in Romanian Banat. We used generalized linear models, gene...
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The aim of this study is to differentiate old-field plant communities along the abandonment time and/or environmental gradient in the landscape surrounded villages with established Czech settlers in Romanian Banat area conserving traditional agriculture, and to identify site factors which cause plant diversity of particular vegetation types. Study...
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Background Foraging activities of wild boar (Sus scrofa) create small‐scale soil disturbances in many different vegetation types. Rooting alters species composition by opening niches for less‐competitive plants and, as a recurrent factor, becomes a part of the community disturbance regime. Vegetation responses to wild boar disturbance have mostly b...
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Seed dispersal is a crucial process for the dynamics and maintenance of plant populations. Free-ranging animals are effective dispersal vectors because they can move between similar habitats and transport seeds into favourable environments. Dung samples from two species of common free-ranging mammals—deer and wild boar—were used to study endozoocho...
The term wood-pastures is usually applied to areas with trees or other woody vegetation, scattered through a mainly grazed grassland area, and reflects one of the oldest land use types in Europe, which plays important ecological, agricultural and socio-cultural roles. However, a rapid decline in their area due to changes in land use and a lack of t...
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Maděra P. et al., eds., 2014. Czech villages in Romanian Banat: landscape, nature, and culture. Brno: Mendel University in Brno. The presented monograph represents one of the outputs from project "Creation and development of multidisciplinary team on the basis of landscape ecology. The aim of the book is to understand regularities of the functioni...
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5.2.1 Introduction Herding of domestic animals has been an important component of the economy in Sfânta Elena since the origin of the settlement in the first half of the 19th century. Grazing by sheep, goats, cattle, and horses shapes the landscape particularly on the shallow soils and steep rocky slopes of karst ravines that are not suitable for p...
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The main aim of this case study is to obtain original data illustrating the impact of arable land abandonment on vascular plant species diversity in the model area of the Romanian Banat territory. The basic reason of our interest is relatively fast land transformation during the last decades caused by re-escaping of Czech inhabitants from this area...
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Study of social insects in the context of sociobiology and behavioral analogies with human societies is an attractive theme (e.g. Soudek 1924; Wilson 1971). Our interest is focused on the other feature of an important insect group facilitating the development of cultural landcape with traditional agriculture going through changes at present. Grassl...
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ABSTRACT The paved (tarmac) roads had been constructed on Soqotra island over the last 15 years. The vegetation along the roads was disturbed and the erosion started immediately after the disturbance caused by the road construction. Our assumption is that biotechnical measurements should prevent the problems caused by erosion and improve stabilizat...
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Is the species composition of the forest community in abandoned pastures different from that in ancient ungrazed forests? Do abandoned wooded pastures serve as refugia for forest species? Which factors influence forest species communities and the diversity of pastures more than 50 years after abandonment? Doupovské hory, Czech Republic. The species...
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Questions: Do differences in previous land use cause long-lasting changes in soil chemistry? Is vegetation composition affected by the previous land use after 50 years of secondary succession? Is the effect of previous land use caused by pre-existing differences in environmental conditions or mediated through changes in soil chemistry? How importan...
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The amphi-Adriatic region, and especially the Western Balkan Peninsula, belongs to the most important biodiversity hotspots in the temperate region. Nevertheless, detailed phylogeographic and molecular systematic studies in the Western Balkan are rare due to sporadic sampling in regions, where access has been, until recently, restricted by war. The...
The phylogeographical structure amongst 39 populations of the temperate forest plant Carex pilosa in Europe was studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), and sequencing of non-coding regions of plastid DNA. No plastid DNA polymorphisms were found withi...
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The phylogeographical structure of the temperate shrub Rosa pendulina at 45 locations in Europe was studied using sequencing of a non-coding cpDNA region (trnL-trnF). Our study revealed a clear geographic structure of cpDNA haplotypes. Three main haplotypes were geographically widespread, but showed little overlap in their distributions, suggesting...
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The factors influencing plant species diversity in secondary and ancient forests can differ. Apart from environmental variability caused by natural conditions, secondary forests are influenced by historical factors (previous human activity). However, the effect of historical factors on vegetation is not fully understood. Secondary forests that have...
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