Jaroslav ŠálkaTechnical University of Zvolen · Department of Forest Economics and Policy
Jaroslav Šálka
Forest policy and governance, Ecological and environmental economics.
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Forest policy and forest governance. Perception of forest ecosystem services, payments for forest ecosystem services, participatory processes.
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October 2001 - June 2015
April 2006 - June 2006
October 1998 - July 2000
Publications (106)
Abstract: Even though the EU does not establish a common forest policy in its founding treaties, its impact at the national level of forest policy in forest-rich countries is considered significant. Theorists assume that countries with high domestic regulation and economic importance of the sector are active at the international level, in order to...
Many scientists have studied the relationship between society and the environment. The New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) has been repeatedly used for the analysis of public environmental attitudes, as the public pays increased attention to the environmental issues, sustainability, or the climate crisis. Our paper deals with the use of the NEP to study...
Forests cover almost one half of European land. Therefore, land taxes, including taxes from forests, are essential for a municipality's income. The land tax system is implemented on different levels, mainly nationally and locally. Therefore, many land tax features are settled by federal law, and others differ according to the local tax administrato...
ABSTRAKT Univerzity sú hnacou silou pre proces inovácií v ekonomike, nakoľko slúžia nielen pri vzdelávacej či vedeckovýskumnej činnosti, ale tiež pri prenose získaných poznatkov do hospodárskej praxe. Proces prenosu poznatkov do praxe nie je vždy jednoduchý a je ovplyvnený viacerými faktormi, ktoré vplývajú na jeho kvalitu a potenciálny úspech. Z t...
Akčný plán na presadzovanie ochrany lesov na území Bratislavského samosprávneho kraja v zmysle Memoranda o spolupráci a spoločnom postupe pri ochrane lesov-návrhová časť
Nature conversation policy in Slovakia is focused on territorial and species protection.Nature protection is regulated by the Nature and landscape protection act. Thisregulation framework also affects forest policy and applies to forest management. Theimplementation of nature protection has a cross-sectoral character and oftentimesrestricts forest...
The content of the monograph is the identification of the current state of bioeconomy and especially forestry bioeconomy, as well as the potential of its application in Slovakia. In order to achieve this goal, we focus mainly on the perception of these concepts by different groups of the population. The publication consists of five logically follow...
The comprehensive performance of the Lesy ČR and Lesy SR forest enterprises was evaluated three decades after the separation of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Implementation of the overarching goal of sustainable forest management was studied using the criteria and indicators approach of the theory-based 3L Model. Quantitative and qualitative data...
The Slovak government sought a solution to motivate forest owners to improve silvicultural measures and use close-to-nature forest management because it believes it would support all forest ecosystem services. For this reason, a new economic instrument, “Forestry Support for Fulfilling Non-productive Forest Functions” (FSfNPFF), has been recently i...
Literature does not agree on whether international forest-related cooperation meets the features of regime per se, either the terms regime complex, non-regime yet, non-regime or wider concept of forest governance are more suitable. On the contrary, what the literature agrees on is fragmented, non-legally binding, and vague regulation nature of inte...
The net annual decrease in forest area in the period 2010-2020 is 4.7 million ha. The forests take a part in the discourses of several international environmental regimes, in particular the regime of biological diversity and climate change. We can assume, the explicitly forest-focused international regime as such is absent. It consists of a network...
Pre tvorbu štúdie uskutočniteľnosti konzorcia slovenských univerzít U10+ (ďalej len „konzorcium“) sa použili dva analytické podklady: a) Vyhodnotenie indikátorov členských vysokých škôl (príloha 1) a b) SWOT analýzy členských vysokých škôl a konzorcia (príloha 2). Obidva uvedené dokumenty tvoria prílohu tejto analýzy uskutočniteľnosti. SWOT konzorc...
The paper builds on previous international research done by Masiero et al. (2020). It applies on Slovak national level and expands the previous study with different study programs. The societal transformation towards bioeconomy provides an opportunity for changing current economy and societies into more sustainable ones with mitigation of the envir...
In practice, employees of research institutions quite often encounter factors that support or, conversely, hinder their involvement in the process of knowledge and technology transfer. The identification of these factors is therefore key to ensuring the successful and effective knowledge transfer at national as well as regional level. In this paper...
Toto je príbeh neobvyklého priateľstva na pozadí globálnej environmentálnej krízy a nedostatku zdrojov. Príbeh okrem iného vysvetľuje princíp udržateľnosti lesov, dôležitosť lesného hospodárstva a potrebu úzkej spolupráce medzi rôznymi záujmovými skupinami a zainteresovanými stranami v oblasti využívania prírodných zdrojov.
Zatiaľ nedokážeme predp...
Payments for water-related services offer a promising market-based mechanism to increase the quantity and quality of water-related ecosystem services (WES) provided by forests. Starting from this point, the objective matter of the study is to identify the key aspects of PWS in Slovakia from the stakeholders’ point of view, as well as relevant theor...
Forests cover about 30% of the world´s land area and provide people and nature with essential ecosystem services and goods. Despite their importance, forests continue to be degraded. A variety of international forest governance and policy arrangements have developed to foster protection and sustainability of forests. However, number of studies poin...
Preferential land tax programs are used over 50 years and are mainly connected with nature protection and environmental goals. Nowadays, they are also considered as a way how to promote and support forest ecosystem services that arise from exempted forest land. In Slovak Republic national forest land tax reduction scheme exists for special purpose...
Within the concept of bioeconomy at Slovak level, forestry is often seen as a key sector. For that reason, the concept of forest-based bioeconomy gained a specific importance. To this concept is on the European level already paid increasing attention not only in research, but also in politics. Whether or not the forest-based bioeconomy will have a...
Research background : The European Union has laid the foundations of European bioeconomy by publishing Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe in 2012 and A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment in 2018. These publications have inspired individual countries to...
In the current economy, considerable attention is being paid towards the environmental aspect of carrying out activities in the forest. Therefore, eco-innovation implementation can be considered as a basic and crucial condition for the success and competitiveness of businesses. The aim of this study was to identify and classify the different types...
Innovations represent the engine of the business and economic. This is particularly relevant to the traditional sectors such as forestry and forest-based industry that are expected to play an important role in the future steps oriented towards meeting the sustainable development goals. The main aim of this study is to analyse the stakeholders’ perc...
There is a need for societal transformation towards bioeconomy, which promotes the replacement of non-renewable natural resources with renewable ones. Slovakia has considerable potential for bioeconomy development, yet this potential remains untapped. This article evaluates the public perception regarding the individual properties of renewable and...
Water-related forest ecosystems services (WES) are vital to the functioning of the biosphere, society, and human well-being. In Slovakia, the active support of WES is provided by economic instruments of forest policy, while the market-based solution as payments for water-related services (PWS) is lacking. Starting from this point, the objective mat...
Zo všeobecného pohľadu základným problémom riešeným v predkladanej štúdií bol prieskum produkčných a rekreačných možností lesného celku Lesy SR Bratislava (LC Lesy SR Bratislava) a následná optimalizácia plnenia produkčnej a rekreačnej funkcie lesa na definovanom území. Územie LC Lesy SR Bratislava predstavuje priestorový rámec štúdie. Časový rámec...
Štúdia má za cieľ pripraviť podklady pre tvorbu akčného plánu na presadzovanie ochrany lesov na území BSK na najmodernejších vedeckých základoch s použitím originálnych metodík z ekonómie, hospodárskej úpravy lesov, geografických informačných systémov a verejnej politiky. Autori veria, že štúdia môže poskytnúť relevantné informácie, ktoré budú dôle...
This study examines forest ownership in the UNECE region. Based on data on 35 countries, and the first to include all forest ownership categories, this study investigates the changing nature and patterns of forest ownership, the ways in which governance and social structures influence forest owners and users, as well as forest management. Within th...
Nowadays, great emphasis is placed on the relationship between forest and water because forests are considered as substantial sources of many water ecosystem services. The aim of this paper is to analyze the stakeholder opinions towards the relationship between forests and water and the potential development of water-related payments for ecosystem...
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are flexible, financial mechanisms for utilisation of available finances for environmental improvement. Payments for forest ecosystem services (PFES) have gained increasing policy acceptance at national and international levels. However, evidence about their implementation is limited and rather mixed. PES desig...
Teória verejnej politiky zastáva názor, že hodnotenie nástrojov vykonávané externými vedeckými inštitúciami umožňuje zlepšovať úspešnosť opatrení verejnej politiky v lesníctve. Implementačná analýza znamená vyhodnotiť, ako je vybraný nástroj skutočne uplatňovaný a zistiť aké má prípadné implementačné nedostatky, teda čo spôsobuje, že nástroj nefung...
The objective of this paper is to analyse development of the business sector as well as to evaluate innovation behaviour and potential of business sector in the Slovak forestry. The study deals with the issue of innovations, innovation behaviour and potential, innovation systems and the market of forestry services in Slovakia. Methodically the stud...
Restitution of private land ownership has been a major undertaking influencing the forest sector in many post-communist countries. The Czech Republic and Slovakia are typical representatives of the countries where major societal changes have taken place since the fall of communism in 1989, including the restitution process of the nationalized prope...
Forest certification as a voluntary verification tool has been providing an independent assessment of sustainable forestry practices and thus confidence in sustainability benchmarks for over 20 years. Using either the international or national approaches and initiatives, two main forest certification systems, PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of...
Forest ecosystem services have public good characteristics that make them difficult for being marketed and which justifies public policies to ensure their production. We distinguish public (state), mixed (public-private) and private (market) mechanisms. In Slovakia we use land tax incentives, subsidies which are national (f.e. forestry support for...
Analýza verejnej politiky na zabezpečenie ekosystémových služieb lesa je učebný text, ktorý sa zaoberá definíciou ekosystémových služieb lesov na základe ekonomickej teórie, klasifikáciou a hodnotením verejnej politiky na ich zabezpečenie. V týchto učebných textoch sa zameriavame predovšetkým na netrhové ekosystémové služby lesa. Pojem verejnoprosp...
The market for forestry services in Slovakia consists of contractors’ business entities that don’t own and use forest lands, but only provide and ensure forestry services, such as timber harvesting, skidding and transport. The objective of the study is to evaluate the functioning of the sectoral innovation system in the Slovak forestry service sect...
Opatrenia verejnej politiky sa stali komplexnými a komplikovanými a ich úspešnosť alebo neúspešnosť v demokratických politických systémoch závisí od rôznych faktorov. Analýzou verejných politík sa zaoberá výskumný politologický smer, ktorý nazývame analýzou úspešnosti verejnej politiky. Daniel Lerner a Harold D. Lasswell (1951) sa považujú za zakla...
Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas aiming at ensure the protection of European habitats and species biodiversity. The national governments of European Union member countries have delegated the responsibility to manage the Natura 2000 sites at sub-national/regional level. The responsible for the Natura 2000 sites management must organise st...
Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas aiming at ensure the protection of European habitats and species biodiversity. The national governments of European Union member countries have delegated the responsibility to manage the Natura 2000 sites at sub-national/regional level. The responsible for the Natura 2000 sites management must organise st...
The provision of financial incentives is one of the three basic functions of the innovation system for support and dissemination of innovations in the forestry sector. This paper deals with the possibilities and conditions of providing financial support granted by The Agricultural Paying Agency under the project support of the Rural Development Pro...
The aim of the study is to determine the innovation strategy of contractor firms in the Slovak forestry service sector in the area of further innovation activities development. The strategy identification was based on the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in this sector. The results indicate that weaknesses of contrac...
Relations between forestry and nature conservation – The example of Slovakia.
Relations between forestry and nature conservation
are becoming clear in the political struggle for territorial
nature conservation requirements and compensation as
key instruments of the Slovak forest conservation policy.
This article analyses this conflict using the Ad...
The provision of financial incentives is one of the three basic functions of the innovation system for support and dissemination of innovations in the forestry sector. This paper deals with the possibilities and conditions of providing financial support granted by The Agricultural Paying Agency under the project support of the Rural Development Pro...
The emphasis in the process of providing forestry services has been put on quality. The basic
elements of success are the innovations that are the result of the institutional process. The ability of
contractor firms to generate innovations currently depends on the ability to work and interact as a part of
the innovation system. The basic functions...
The SLOVAK COUNTRY REPORTS of the COST Action Facesmap serve the following purposes:
• Give an overview of forest ownership structures and respective changes in each country and insight on specific issues in the countries;
• Provide data for some of the central outputs that are planned in the Action, including the literature reviews;
• Provide info...
Záujmové združenia sú organizácie, ktoré artikulujú záujmy skupiny občanov alebo podnikov , ktoré zastupujú, a pokúšajú sa ich presadiť v politickom procese. Špeciálnym znakom záujmových združení vlastníkov lesa je zastupovanie ich záujmov pri využívaní a obhospodarovaní lesa. Záujmové združenia vlastníkov lesov hrali významnú úlohu pri formovaní n...
This literature review deals with the
understanding of ecosystem services related to the question
of their applicability and appropriate methods for their
valuation. We distinguish between ecological valuation
methods that aim to assess the significance of landscape
characteristics, conventional economic, i.e. monetary
valuation and non-monet...
he restitution and privatization in Central and Eastern European countries in the early 1990s predisposed a heterogeneous ownership structure, a large number of forest owners and a variety of types of property ownership modes. Furthermore, development of governance in these countries posited anew framework for interest representation in the forestr...
Background and Purpose: Innovations play an important role in multifunctional forestry due to changing demands for forest goods and services. The multifunctionality can be a result of a joint provision of several outputs from individual forest holding or specialized forest activities. The goal of this paper is to make a comparative analysis from da...
The research project APVV -0057-11 VYNALES (Research of the impact of non-state forest ownership on forest related policies) is an example of the interface between science, research and practice. It presents a comprehensive approach to actionable knowledge resulting in recommendations formulation for forest owners associations in Slovakia - benefic...