Janusz Wielki

Janusz Wielki
Opole University of Technology · Faculty of Economics and Management

Ph.D. (Economics)


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I hold the post-doctoral degree (habilitation) in economics (scientific discipline: management) received from the Faculty of Management of University of Warsaw (Poland). I'm the Head of the Department of E-Business and Electronic Economy at Opole University of Technology and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management. My research interests focus on digital technologies and their impact on functioning and transformation of contemporary business organizations.
Additional affiliations
September 2012 - present
Opole University of Technology
  • Professor
October 2011 - September 2012
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa we Wrocławiu
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2000 - September 2011
Opole University of Technology
  • Assistan Professor (2000-2010), Deputy Head of the Institute of Production Engineering (2006-2007), Acting Head of the Institute of Production Engineering (2007-2008)
March 2013 - May 2014
University of Warsaw
Field of study
  • Economics (scientific discipline: management)
October 1994 - January 2000
Wrocław University of Economics
Field of study
  • Economics


Publications (94)
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Streszczenie: Artykuł koncentruje się na prezentacji możliwości związanych z triangulacją metod badawczych. Przedstawiono w nim genezę samego pojęcia triangulacji oraz jego rozumienie w naukach społecznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nauko zarządzaniu i jakości. Wyróżniono cztery różne rodzaje triangulacji, koncentrując dalszą uwagę na triangula...
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The purpose of this study is to verify the condition of European Union economy and its ability to effectively implement the concept of sustainable development in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. To achieve the goal settled by this research, we used the technical indicator MACD (Moving Average Convergence / Divergence), based on the asse...
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The article deals with the issue of identifying losses caused by insufficient support of hospital processes by IT systems. This issue applies to both IT process and systems management. Losses in processes are the result of inappropriate procedures and/or insufficient functionality of IT solutions and, in accordance with the Lean Management philosop...
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is an objective result of technological progress, which will radically change the traditional ways of doing business. This will also contribute to radical changes in the human’s role in the labour market. Employees with high qualifications and developed social-behavioural skills will experience high demand in the la...
Rozdział dotyczy problematyki usprawniania procesów szpitalnych poprzez poprawę wzajemnego obustronnego dopasowania tychże procesów i rozwiązań informatycznych. Zaprezentowano metodykę monitorowania, analizy i oceny wpływu dopasowania procesów szpitalnych i wspierających je systemów informatycznych na podstawie badań aktywnych we współpracy z Uniwe...
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This article addresses the assessment of BI systems to put forward recommendations for implementing this type of solution at the University Clinical Hospital in Opole (UCHiO). The aim of the article is to propose methodologies for evaluating such schemes in terms of benefits and costs. The first stage of the study based on literature analysis ident...
Conference Paper
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One of the most important tasks of every organisation manager is to systematically monitor processes in order to identify opportunities for improvements. In the case of public healthcare in Poland, such needs are enormous, while barriers include the necessary reconciliation of dissimilar needs of many stakeholders. The relationships between busines...
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Along with the increasingly high level of digital media consumption, organizations' expenditure on online promotional activities is constantly and dynamically growing. At the same time, together with the growing expenditures on digital promotion, it can be clearly seen that the effectiveness of activities carried out in the electronic space in its...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this paper is to determine the function, position and significance of digital influencers in the entire online advertising and promotion system, and to state how the concept of influencer marketing fosters its further development. For the purpose of this paper, the literature was reviewed regarding the following: the origin, scale and ca...
Conference Paper
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Purpose – This research aims to build a hierarchical composition of factors influencing the process of consumer decision-making by means of Internet technologies. Design/methodology/approach – In order to address the purpose of this research, factors influencing consumer decision-making by means of Internet technologies were identified and ranked....
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The paper is devoted to the new trend emerging in the area of promotional activities of organizations operating in electronic space i.e. utilization of digital influencers. The notion of digital influencer means a person who runs a blog, has a profile on Facebook, In-stagram, YouTube, Snapchat or other social networking site and is able, by his own...
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Purpose: The purpose of this article is the development of a model for optimizing the investment potential formation process for an enterprise based on the analysis of selected macroeconomic management factors. In the course of the study, it was decided to form four groups of macroeconomic indicators: indicators characterizing the overall developme...
Conference Paper
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The article concerns the evaluation of the software comprising the hospital information system (HIS) in the University Clinical Hospital in Opole. It proposes an approach based on the evaluation of the impact of a given software on the supported process, as well as presents the method of selecting and determining the significance of the criteria. I...
Conference Paper
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The article covers the issue of evaluation of IT application in a hospital. Various IT solutions support the process of carrying out virtually all hospital processes, including medical, logistics and management. They are all linked together, forming a Hospital Information System (HIS). Making decisions concerning its improvement and expansion requi...
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The purpose of this study is to identify structural imbalances in the regional development of the Polish economy on the basis of the level and specifics of regional development analysis. In order to achieve this goal, the data from the Polish Central Statistics Office describing the labor market, and the demographic and economic situation in Poland...
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Investing into stock market effectively is possible only when based on scientifically sound methods for analysing investment instruments. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for selecting financial instruments for the formation of an investment portfolio of securities. The proposed method is based on the analysis of the competitiveness...
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The dynamic development of information technology enables the implementation of tools that improve business processes in enterprises with an unregulated flow path. The use of intelligent systems within the framework of the concept of Industry 4.0 makes it possible to monitor the resources and processes in real time in order to perform efficient inf...
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The article concerns the nature of the application of the lean IT conception to optimize business processes and organization's IT infrastructure. The development of the lean manufacturing conception and its real positive impact on the functioning of the company became the justification for the implementation of the lean principles and tools to all...
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Despite the rapidly growing expenditure on digital advertising, the effectiveness of the functioning of the digital advertising ecosystem is becoming less and less visible. This is related to the fact that only a small part of the expenditure incurred by organizations on various forms of digital advertising brings the expected results. For several...
Conference Paper
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The dynamic development of information technology enables the implementation of tools that improve business processes in enterprises with an unregulated flow path. The use of intelligent systems within the framework of the concept of Industry 4.0 makes it possible to monitor the resources and processes in real time in order to perform efficient inf...
Conference Paper
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Investing into stock market effectively is possible only when based on scientifically sound methods for analysing investment instruments. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for selecting financial instruments for the formation of an investment portfolio of securities. The proposed method is based on the analysis of the competitiveness...
Conference Paper
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The article presents the results of research on the phenomenon of ad-blocking conducted on a cohort of more than 500 respondents-students of the Opole University of Technology and the University of Economics in Katowice-belonging to the heavy Internet users group. The aim of the research, which was carried out by means of surveys conducted using th...
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The article analyses the phenomenon of ad-blocking, as well as the challenges and threats associated with the emergence of ad-blockers, as a new group of stakeholders of organisations using electronic space in their business activities. The place of ad-blockers among the organisations’ stakeholders was analysed and the types of their impact on them...
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W artykule analizowane jest zjawisko blokowania reklam cyfrowych (ad-blocking) i wyzwania oraz zagrożenia związane z wyłanianiem się adblokerów jako nowej grupy interesariuszy organizacji wykorzystujących przestrzeń elektroniczną w swej działalności gospodarczej. Przeanalizowano miejsce adblokerów pośród interesariuszy organizacji oraz zidentyfikow...
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The rapid development of the Internet of Things and its growing influence on functioning of business organizations and utilized by them business models was the main motivation of undertaking the research presented in the paper. In this context the most important areas of opportunities created with the development of this concept were determined. Th...
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Active incorporation of a national economy into the world economic system is possible only if it is open. The purpose of this study is to analyze Poland's national economy openness level and, on this basis, to determine the main directions for foreign economic partnership development. The study used the authors’ own methodology for analyzing the na...
Conference Paper
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Structural changes in the world economy require a constant increase in investment flows. The main factor that determines the presence or absence of resources to finance investment processes is the amount of money in circulation. In this regard, in recent decades, the world financial system has been increasingly faced with the issue of the money sup...
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W opracowaniu przeanalizowano obszary i poziom rozwoju biznesu internetowego w oparciu o identyfikację typów jego modeli oraz analizę danych statystycznych. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ustalenie obszarów wpływu biznesu internetowego na rozwój przedsiębiorczości regionalnej. W opracowaniu zastosowano zestaw metod wykorzystanych w ekonomii i z...
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W opracowaniu przeanalizowano obszary i poziom rozwoju biznesu internetowego w oparciu o identyfikację typów jego modeli oraz analizę danych statystycznych. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ustalenie obszarów wpływu biznesu internetowego na rozwój przedsiębiorczości regionalnej. W opracowaniu zastosowano zestaw metod wykorzystanych w ekonomii i z...
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TECHNOLOGIE INFORMATYCZNE WE WSPÓŁCZESNEJ RZECZYWISTOŚCI GOSPODARCZEJ Monografia poświęcona jest zagadnieniom związanym z rolą i wpływem nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych na różne sfery współczesnej gospodarki. Składa się ona z jedenastu rozdziałów, z których każdy dotyka różnorakich kwestii dotyczących funkcjonowania rzeczywistości gospodar...
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Głównym celem rozdziału jest analiza możliwości, wyzwań i ograniczeń związanych z zastosowaniem zaawansowanej analityki biznesowej przez współczesne organizacje gospodarcze w kontekście wykorzystywania przez nie rosnących ilości danych generowanych wewnętrznie, ale przede wszystkim tych pojawiających się w ich otoczeniu zewnętrznym.
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Monografia poświęcona jest zagadnieniom związanym z rolą i wpływem nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych na różne sfery współczesnej gospodarki. Składa się ona z jedenastu rozdziałów, z których każdy dotyka różnorakich kwestii dotyczących funkcjonowania rzeczywistości gospodarczej i zmian, jakie się w ich obszarze pojawiają wraz postępami w sfer...
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Artykuł poświęcony jest narastającemu od kilku lat w szybkim tempie zjawisku określanemu mianem ad-blockingu. Przeanalizowane zostały w nim przyczyny i skala tego zjawiska oraz jego skutki ekonomiczne. Poza analizą raportów i innych publikacji poświęconych zjawisku ad-blockingu istotnym źródłem informacji były badania własne przeprowadzone na celow...
Conference Paper
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This paper concerns a phenomenon with significant economic effects known as ad-blocking that has been rapidly growing for several years. The paper analyzes the causes and the scale of this phenomenon and its economic effects. In addition to the analysis of reports on ad-blocking, the survey conducted on a targeted group of individual Internet users...
Conference Paper
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The paper concerns a phenomenon with significant economic effects known as ad-blocking that has been rapidly growing for several years. The paper analyses the causes and the scale of this phenomenon and its economic effects. In addition to the analysis of reports on ad-blocking, the survey conducted on a targeted group of individual Internet users...
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This article is an attempt to analyze the impact of the IoT concept on the operations of modern organizations and the implementation of changes related to its use. The main areas of possibilities arising from the development of this concept have been analyzed and identified in this context, and basic types of emerging new business models have been...
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This article is devoted to the study of state regulation of tourist business management in Poland in Ukraine in terms of the rapid growth of tourist activity in these countries. The author considers the national policies in Ukraine and Poland in the field of tourism management carrying out the comparative analysis of the legal framework and state r...
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Streszczenie: Artykuł dotyczy roli technologii informatycznych w optymalizacji procesów biznesowych, będącej naturalną konsekwencją działalności przedsię-biorstw. Wykorzystanie dynamicznie rozwijających się systemów informatycznych klasy ERP oraz MES, a także działanie zgodnie z koncepcją lean management jest ważnym argumentem dla uzyskania i podtr...
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The paper is devoted to the next phase of the Internet’s development i.e. Internet of Things. This concept provides organizations with numerous new possibilities in the context of their functioning and the process of value creation. Simultaneously, it heightens existing challenges, expanding their scope and scale. These aspects have been analyzed i...
Conference Paper
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This paper is an attempt to analyze the role of Internet of Things (IoT) as one of the most important elements of the fourth industrial revolution. First, historical aspects connected with the phases of the industrial revolutions are presented and the key factors causing entering industrial revolution into its fourth phase are discussed. Next, the...
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This paper is devoted to the issues connected with the possibilities of common utilization of two technologies i.e. cloud computing and Big Data. These aspects have been analyzed from two perspectives. The first one is related to the possibilities of creation and implementation of the cloud-based Big Data analytical systems. The second one is conne...
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the Big Data phenomenon and the opportunities and challenges connected with it. It is composed of seven parts. In the first, a general overview of the situation related to the transformation of the economy from the industrial into the post-industrial one is given. In this context, the growing role of data an...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the potential impact of utilization of the cloud computing model by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) on their functioning and ability to compete effectively. It is composed of six parts. The first part offers a brief overview of the development of these new technologies and their impact on businesses. Th...
Conference Paper
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This paper is devoted to the cloud computing model and the opportunities and challenges connected with its utilization by business organizations, including the most significant issues related to the cloud migration strategy. It is composed of five parts. In the first, some facts concerning cloud computing as a new technology and the reasons for org...
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The goal of this paper is to analyze the socio-ethical challenges connected with utilization of the Big Data phenomenon by organizations. It is composed of five parts. The first part contains a brief overview of the situation related to the ever increasing amounts of data in the contemporary socio-economic sphere. The next is focused on the Big Dat...
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Artykuł jest poświęcony kwestii możliwości redukcji kosztów związanych z infrastrukturą IT organizacji i ich funkcjonowaniem w kontekście wykorzystania przez nie modelu cloud computing, cieszącego się coraz większą popularnością. Artykuł składa się ze wstępu i pięciu części. W pierwszej została przedstawiona krótka analiza wydatków przeznaczanych p...
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This paper is devoted to the issues concerning reduction of costs connected with IT infrastructure of organizations and their functioning in the context of the morę and morę popular cloud computing approach used by them. It is composed of five parts. In the first part, a short analysis of money allocated by contemporary organizations for informatio...
Conference Paper
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This paper is devoted to the analysis of the Big Data phenomenon. It is composed of seven parts. In the first, the growing role of data and information and their rapid increase in the new socio-economical reality, are discussed. Next, the notion of Big Data is defined and the main sources of growth of data are characterized. In the following part o...
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kontekście rosnącego wykorzystywania Internetu przez współczesne organizacje gospodarcze. Składa się on z czterech części. W pierwszej z nich przedstawiony został krótki zarys podstawowych aspektów związanych z przestrzenią elektroniczną i zarządzaniem nią. Dwie następne części są kluczowe z punktu widzenia niniejszego artykułu. W pierwszej z nich...
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This paper is composed of four parts. In the first, a short introduction concerning the development of the electronic space is given and the consequences, from the organizations' point of view, are presented. The next two parts form the core of this paper. They relate to the holistic approach to the management of the electronic space. First, an ana...
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The paper is composed of three parts. In the first, a short overview of the development of the Internet and the consequences from organizations’ point of view connected with it is given. The second part forms the core of this paper. First, the five basic levels of the impact of organizations on the Internet are presented. Next, the characteristics...
Conference Paper
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This paper looks at the problem of the changes taking place in the business environment of contemporary organizations, and the usefulness of stakholder theory in the analysis and management of this environment. In the first part, an overview of the situation connected with the changes taking place in the business environment of organizations as a r...
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of Technology. His current research interests concentrate on influence of the Internet on functioning of contemporary organizations, especially on the impact of entities operating in the electronic space on enterprises. His research publications include papers in conference proceedings, journals, books and chapters in books. Abstract The paper is c...
Conference Paper
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: This paper looks at the problem of the impact of rapidly growing social networking websites on the functioning of contemporary organizations. In the first part, an overview of the phenomenon called Web 2.0 is briefly provided. Next, social networking websites, as an important element of Web 2.0, are characterized and their typology is proposed. T...
Conference Paper
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The paper is focused on tire activities of organizations in the dynamically unfolding electronic space and the resulting need to manage knowledge on both the entities operating within that space and on the potential impact they may have on an organization. The discussion is divided into several sections. The first section delivers a taxonomy and br...
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Wprowadzenie Zmiany zachodzące we współczesnej gospodarce, związane z proce-sami jej transformacji z gospodarki ery industrialnej do zupełnie nowej jakościowo gospodarki ery post-industrialnej, wpływają w sposób nie-zwykle znaczących na funkcjonowanie wszelkich podmiotów będących jej elementami. Jednym z najistotniejszych aspektów dokonujących się...
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This paper is an attempt to analyze challenges, threats and potential problems which result from the utilization in contemporary organizations of Internet technologies and tools. Five basic areas of usage have been analyzed: access to Web resources, electronic mail, instant messaging programs, P2P applications and blogs. The most important types of...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is, firstly, an analysis of the behavior of entities operating in the virtual space (termed in the paper “e‐space”) which has emerged and has been continuously developing around the internet (understood in a purely technical way as a global network infrastructure) and, secondly, to create a framework of the impact...
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Conference Paper
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This paper is an attempt to create a holistic approach to the problem of the impact of the elements operating in cyberspace on an organization. Firstly, a classification of the entities operating in cyberspace is offered. Next, a taxonomy of the possible types of influences of the elements of cyberspace on an organization is presented. In the follo...
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Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą zwięzłej analizy kwestii wpływu wykorzystania środowiska elektronicznego przez sektor MŚP na ich rozwój i przetrwanie na rynkach UE. Przedstawione zostały podstawowe korzyści związane z wykorzystaniem technologii internetowych przez organizacje oraz przeanalizowano sytuację polskich MŚP w warunkach rozwoju e-gospodarki....
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The paper deals with human-related barriers connected with implementation of the virtual organization concept. After presentation a VO as a new corporate model strongly supported by ITC, the most important socio-cultural implications of virtual organizing have been identified and discussed. Next, a case study of the company operating in the power i...
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The paper discusses various ethical problems and dilemmas, which have arisen with electronic commerce development. In the first part, the most significant challenges related to on-line sales in business-to-consumer segment are presented and analyzed. The second part of the paper is focused on possible solutions of the problems. Finally conclusions...
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Rosnący wpływ środowiska elektronicznego na funkcjonowanie współczesnych organizacji powoduje sięganie przez nie po nowe instrumenty oparte na technologiach internetowych a jednym z najważniejszych spośród nich jest niewątpliwie poczta elektroniczna. Niniejszy artykuł jest próba pokazania całościowego obrazu różnorakich konsekwencji związanych z wy...
Conference Paper
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The new economy is fundamentally reshaping every single businesses and industry. In such a situation is the recording industry, which is discussed in this paper. The first part of the paper focuses on an analysis of the situation in the music industry and identification of the most important trends. The subsequent part is devoted to an analysis of...
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A large number of contemporary companies all over the world have to cope with difficulties. Not only are their competitive capabilities deficient in low efficiency but also in the organizational structure and work style. Many tenets and techniques that were very expedient some time ago and brought companies to success had to be changed. The organiz...
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The paper discusses the problem of impact of electronic environment on marketing process. In the first part, utilization of various tools and techniques is presented and analyzed. Second part of the paper is focused on challenges emerging in the new e-reality. Next part briefly discusses opportunities arising for marketers with electronic environme...
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Streszczenie Przedmiotem zainteresowania niniejszego referatu jest wpływ rozwoju gospo-darki elektronicznej na przemysł muzyczny. W pierwszej jego części analizowana jest sytuacja branŜy i najwaŜniejsze trendy, jakie się w niej ujawniają. W dalszej części skoncentrowano się na analizie szans i zagroŜeń związanych wykorzysta-niem kanałów internetowy...
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Wprowadzenie Ostatnia dekada to okres głębokich zmian w funkcjonowaniu współczesnych organizacji, związanych z całym szeregiem róŜnych zjawisk i procesów zacho-dzących na świecie. Jedną z bardziej kluczowych kwestii stał się rozwój, opar-tego głównie o Internet, środowiska elektronicznego oraz jego rosnąca rola tak w działalności pojedynczych przed...
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Streszczenie Artykuł jest próba przedstawienia wpływu procesu wirtualizacji środowiska biznesowego przedsiębiorstw na wykorzystywane przez nie formy organizacyjne. Zaproponowana została w nim typologia uwzględniająca podział współczesnych organizacji, ze względu na stopień wirtualizacji ich działalności, na cztery kate-gorie, które następnie został...


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