János CsikyUniversity of Pécs | PTE · Department of Ecology
János Csiky
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Publications (161)
This paper discusses the spread of the Mediterranean plant Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E. Hubb. in Hungary, which is found in the transition zone between the sub-Mediterranean and continental climatic zones of Central Europe. This alien species has been found at 12 new localities in Hungary in recent years. Some of these stands are located along main...
In this paper, we deal with threatened and/or legally protected bryophytes found in the shady, forested valleys of the Mecsek Mountains, which are rare in national and/or local terms. Taxiphyllum densifolium, a rare moss in Europe has stable colonies with sporophytes in two valleys. This study is the first to describe the spore characteristics of...
The first comprehensive phytosociological classification of all vegetation types in Europe (EuroVegChecklist; Applied Vegetation Science, 2016, 19, 3-264) contained brief descriptions of each type. However, these descriptions were not standardized and mentioned only the most distinct features of each vegetation type. The practical application of th...
A cikk a 2023-ban végzett kriptogám flóratérképezés során talált, florisztikai, taxonómiai és/vagy természetvédelmi szempontból érdekesebb fajokkal foglalkozik. Két Magyarországon ritkának tűnő Trapeliopsis faj bükki adatain kívül közöljük az Európában is ritkának tűnő, hegyvidéki bazídiumos gombás zuzmó, a Multiclavula mucida első előfordulását a...
The existing plant trait databases’ applicability is limited for studies dealing with the flora and vegetation of the eastern and central part of Europe and for large-scale comparisons across regions, mostly because their geographical data coverage is limited and they incorporate records from several different sources, often from regions with marke...
As part of the PADAPT project, the authors compiled the invasion biological database of the alien vascular flora of Hungary, which contains the nativeness, residence time, introduc- tion mode and invasion status of 878 alien or cryptogenic taxa. In the absence of adequate evidence, the classification of some species was only possible into uncertain...
A magyarországi határozókulcsok napjainkig csupán két aranyos fodorka (Asplenium trichomanes agg.) taxon elkülönítését tették lehetővé (subsp. trichomanes és subsp. quadrivalens). Herbáriumi, irodalmi és saját terepi kutatásaink eredményeként Magyarországon három tetraploid Asplenium trichomanes agg. taxon biztos előfordulását igazoltuk. Ezek közül...
We present PADAPT 1.0, the Pannonian Database of Plant Traits which relies on regional data sources and integrates existing data and new measurements on a wide range of traits and attributes of the plant species of the Pannonian Biogeographical Region and makes it freely accessible at www.padapt.eu. The current version covers the species of the reg...
2022. május 25-én a Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray és a Luzula multiflora Kirsch. egy-egy erőteljes alföldi állománya került elő a Drávamenti-sík peremén, a Vajszló és Páprád közt található Bükkháti-erdő tömbjében, üde erdei tisztáson. A Drávamenti-sík flórájára új, együttélő fajok élőhelyi körülményeit egy cönológiai felvétel szemlélteti.
Habár a Calla palustris L.-nak egy több mint 150 éve gyűjtött hazai herbáriumi példánya megtalálható a Pécsi Egyetem gyűjteményében (JPU), sok botanikus kétségbe vonja az adat hitelességét. A lapon olvasható bejegyzés alapján a növény egykor a Velencei-tavon, Székesfehérvár mellett fordult elő. A lap hitelességét az ezzel foglalkozó botanikusok...
Lepidium oblongum, of American origin is a new member of the European adventive flora, only detected in Romania so far. The first Hungarian stand was discovered in 2018, and others in 2020. Based on our studies, we detail its morphological characteristics in comparison with other Lepidium species. We present a new drawing and a table to help identi...
The first comprehensive checklist of European phytosociological alliances, orders and classes (EuroVegChecklist) was published by Mucina et al. (2016, Applied Vegetation Science , 19 (Suppl. 1), 3–264). However, this checklist did not contain detailed information on the distribution of individual vegetation types. Here we provide the first maps...
A kivi (Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev.) két kivadult egyedét mutattuk ki Pécsett, városi környezetben. Mindkét tő téglafalak lábazatánál, ereszcsatornák kifolyóinál lévő repedésekben, zöldséges árudák bejáratának közelében fordult elő a város különböző pontjain. A gyakori visszavágás ellenére a 2019-ben elsőként megt...
A Mediterráneumban elterjedt Vulpia ciliata Dumort Európa több országában, jellemzően vasutak mentén jelent meg az elmúlt évtizedekben. A fajt 2016 tavaszán észleltük először Magyarországon, a szolnoki vasútállomáson, majd néhány nappal később Budapest-Keleti pályaudvaron. A faj 2020-ban számos más dunántúli vasútállomáson is megtaláltuk, és úgy...
Assessing biodiversity status and trends in plant communities is critical for understanding, quantifying and predicting the effects of global change on ecosystems. Vegetation plots record the occurrence or abundance of all plant species co‐occurring within delimited local areas. This allows species absences to be inferred, information se...
Buxbaumia viridis is a but well-researched bryophyte in Europe. Owing to its small size and unusual life cycle, its developmental stage is key for its detection in the field, so it is surprising that intensive field research on its phenology has not previously been carried out.
During a systematic study from 2014 to 2020, data...
2020. június 1-én a Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. egyetlen töve került elő a Mecsek hegység egyik Pécs feletti, árnyas dolomitsziklagyep foltjában. A Mecsek flórájára új faj élőhelyi körülményeit egy cönológiai felvétel szemlélteti.
2020. decemberében a Pilis hegységhez tartozó egri vár másolatának egyik ÉNy-i kitettségű, habarccsal kötött homokkő falán öt páfrányfaj kicsiny populációjára bukkantunk. 15 tő Asplenium ceterach L. (s.str.), 1 tő Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth mellett 1 tő Asplenium trichomanes L., számos Asplenium ruta-muraria (L.) Hoffm. és egyetlen tő Dryopte...
To understand recent biogeographic patterns of Central European rocky steppes, we inspected phytosociological data from rocky steppes dominated by Carex humilis along an elevation gradient (from 140 to 1,350 m) and in four biogeographic regions (NW Pannonian Basin, Western Carpathians, Transdanubian Mountains and Transylvanian Basin). Due to the ph...
The research of European urban flora is still based on the study of Western and Central European settlements, while relatively few data are available from the southern and eastern parts of Europe. This paper presents the first grid-based approach that surveyed the spontaneous and sub-spontaneous flora and its temporal changes of a Hungarian city lo...
47 dunántúli és alföldi település flórájának felmérése kapcsán, 52 magyarországi flóratérképezési kvadrátból, összesen 157 hazánkban adventív növényfaj adatait közöljük. Az itt sorolt ritka, érdekes vagy a legutóbbi hazai neofiton fajokat összegző listán nem szereplő növényeken belül 65 az ország flórájára új taxonnak számít. A listázott fajok egy...
Urbanization is one of the major causes of species loss and the homogenization of the world's flora. Our coarse-scale floristic mapping project of the largest south Transdanubian city, Pécs, is the first grid-based urban study in Hungary that reveals the current pattern of the vascular flora. Beyond the general description of the project, the speci...
Jelen közleményünk annak a sorozatnak a tizedik része, melynek célja a Magyarország edényes növényfajainak elterjedési atlasza térképeinek kiegészítése, főként aktuális előfordulási adatokkal. A dolgozat 194 kvadrátban 686 edényes taxon elterjedési adatait pontosítja, amelyeket egy elektronikus appendixben listázunk részletesen. Egy kvadrát néhány...
Between the years 2015–2018, 147 stands of Ficus carica L. was found out of cultivation in Baranya county. In 2008 presence of fig wasp ( Blastophaga psenes L.) and caprificus individuals that are necessary for pollination, then for producing fertile seeds were detected in Pécs at first time. For germination tests fig seeds were collected from seve...
Aim: To disentangle the influence of environmental factors at different spatial grains (regional and local) on fern and lycophyte species richness and ask how regional and plot-level richness are related to each other.
Location: Global.
Time period: Present.
Major Taxa studied: Ferns and lycophytes.
Methods: We explored fern and lycophyte species r...
Aims: Vegetation-plot records provide information on the presence and cover or abundance of plants co-occurring in the same community. Vegetation-plot data are spread across research groups, environmental agencies and biodiversity research centers and, thus, are rarely accessible at continental or global scales. Here we present the sPlot database,...
Oak-hornbeam forests (order Carpinetalia) are a widespread vegetation type in central Europe. As vegetation ecologists focused on them since the pioneering times of vegetation research,many
syntaxonomic units are described. However, classification systems used in various central-European countries suffer from inconsistencies and overlaps of the con...
Biodiversity databases are valuable resources for understanding plant species distributions and dynamics, but they may insufficiently represent the actual geographic distribution and climatic niches of species. Here we propose and test a method to assess sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases in geographic and clima...
Species distribution models (SDMs) are used to project how suitable ranges of species shift under a warming climate. Conservation management, however, commonly targets habitat types rather than individual species. Such habitat types are often defined by the co-occurrence of a set of characteristic species. Here, we develop a co-occurrence-based ind...
Questions: Vegetation-plot records provide information on presence and cover or abundance of plants co-occurring in the same community. Vegetation-plot data are spread across research groups, environmental agencies and biodiversity research centers, and thus, are rarely accessible at continental or global scales. Here we present the sPlot database,...
During the systematic flora survey of the city a large stand of Dipsacus strigosus was found in Pécs. Morphological characteristics, some phytocoenological features, the most likely way of introduction, and the expansion dynamics are discussed and a new key to the Dipsacus taxa of Hungary is presented in the study.
The present part of the series of miscellaneous new records provides the records of Radiola linoides reported for the fi rst time from the Zemplén Mts, and as a confi rmation of the occurrence of the species in Hungary. Partly sympatrically, Centunculus minimus is reported as a new species from the Zemplén Mts with a number of localities. One invas...
Ceratophyllum (Ceratophyllaceae) is among the most enigmatic of angiosperm taxa, with its phylogenetic placement changing almost continuously over the last few decades. Ceratophyllum spp. are difficult to identify using vegetative morphology alone, which is commonly all that is available for these highly clonal plants. A molecular phylogenetic appr...
Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. is the most widespread invasive moss species in Europe. Originating from the Southern Hemisphere, it is nowadays causing serious changes in coastal sand habitats of Western Europe and invading various anthropogenic habitats in Central Europe. In South-Eastern Europe, the species was initially found in Croatia in...
Jelen közleményünk annak a sorozatnak a nyolcadik része, melynek célja a Magyarország edényes növényfajainak elterjedési atlasza térképeinek kiegészítése, főként aktuális előfordulási adatokkal. A dolgozat 157 kvadrátban 539 edényes taxon elterjedési adatait pontosítja. Az érintett kvadrátok többsége a Dunántúlon található. Egy kvadrát a szisztema...
A tervezett cikksorozat a florisztikai térképezések, illetve az így keletkezett adatbázisok hibaforrásaira szeretné felhívni a figyelmet. E dolgozatban elsőként a „jószándékú” flórahamisítás esetét mutatjuk be egy kistáj, a Medves vidék példáján. Az adatok forrását azok a 2005-ben postázott levelek képezik, amelyeket Varga Ferenc az elsőszerző kér...
What are the main floristic patterns in European beech forests? Which classification at the alliance and suballiance level is the most convincing?
Europe and Asia Minor.
We applied a TWINSPAN classification to a data set of 24 605 relevés covering the whole range of Fagus sylvatica forests and the western part of Fag...
Jelen közleményünk annak a sorozatnak az ötödik része, melynek célja a Magyarország edényes növényfajainak elterjedési atlasza térképeinek kiegészítése, főként aktuális előfordulási adatokkal. A dolgozat 66 kvadrátban 360 edényes taxon elterjedési adatait pontosítja. Az adatok többsége a Dél-Dunántúlról származik, ahol 6 kvadrát a szisztematikus...
Populations of Bouché’s star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum boucheanum (Kunth) Asch., fam. Hyacinthaceae) were recorded on Bansko Hill (Baranja, Croatia) in 2007. Since this species has not been previously confirmed in Croatia, it should be treated as a new taxon in the country and included in the Flora Croatica Database. In this paper we present a sho...
Questions: What are the main floristic patterns in the Pannonian and western Pontic steppe grasslands? What are the diagnostic species of the major subdivisions of the class Festuco- Brometea (temperate Eurosiberian dry and semi-dry grasslands)?
Location: Carpathian Basin (E Austria, SE Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, N Croat...
Appendix?S1. List of aggregated species.
Appendix?S7. Full synoptic table of the Festuco?Brometea.
Appendix?S3. Diagnostic species of the classes Festuco?Brometea, Molinio?Arrhenatheretea, Nardetea strictae, Koelerio?Corynephoretea and Elyno?Seslerietea following the EuroVegChecklist.
Appendix?S6. Fidelity, constancy and average cover of species in the three Festuco?Brometea orders.
Appendix?S2. Indicator species of steppe grasslands.
Appendix?S4. Synoptic table of the TWINSPAN classification.
Appendix?S5. Average percentage cover of the diagnostic species of five grassland classes in the TWINSPAN clusters.
Appendix?S8. Data sources of the Festuco?Brometea relev?s.
Questions: What are the main floristic patterns in the Pannonian and western
Pontic steppe grasslands? What are the diagnostic species of the major subdivisions of the class Festuco-Brometea (temperate Euro-Siberian dry and semi-dry grasslands)?
Location: Carpathian Basin (E Austria, SE Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary,
Romania, Slovenia,...
62 contributors report on 55 bryophyte species, collected in Europe, Central and South America, Antarctica, Central and East Asia. Most of taxa are reported for different European countries: Denmark (14 species), Italy (3), Spain (2), Lithuania (2), Hungary (2 ones); the other countries (Portugal, Croatia, Ukraine, Greece, etc) are represented by o...