Janine Victor

Janine Victor
South African National Biodiversity Institute · Foundational Biodiversity Science

PhD Botany


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Publications (63)
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The global biodiversity crisis in agriculture is overlooked compared with that in wild systems. This must change if we are to safeguard domesticated plant diversity and meet global sustainable development and biodiversity goals. In this Perspective, we review tools developed through decades of wild biodiversity conservation and provide a framework...
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The global biodiversity crisis in agriculture is overlooked compared with that in wild systems. This must change if we are to safeguard domesticated plant diversity and meet global sustainable development and biodiversity goals. In this Perspective, we review tools developed through decades of wild biodiversity conservation and provide a framework...
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Taxonomic research and resultant checklists play a crucial role in underpinning all biodiversity research. Compiling an inventory of plants that occur in a region or country is a complicated task that can be subject to errors and incompleteness, which in turn can hinder other fields of botanical research. South Africa has put in place a rigorous an...
In recent years the poaching of, especially, succulent plants from the wild in South Africa has developed into an enormous, illegal industry, with the number of such plants confiscated increasing annually by over 250%. It has been estimated that more than 1.5 million plants have been illegally removed from the wild in the past three years. This con...
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Never before has the biosphere, the thin layer of life we call home, been under such intensive and urgent threat. Deforestation rates have soared as we have cleared land to feed ever-more people, global emissions are disrupting the climate system, new pathogens threaten our crops and our health, illegal trade has eradicated entire plant populations...
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Societal Impact Statement Plant and fungal specimens provide the auditable evidence that a particular organism occurred at a particular place, and at a particular point in time, verifying past occurrence and distribution. They also document the aspects of human exploration and culture. Collectively specimens form a global asset with significant pot...
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Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi project provides assessments of our current knowledge of the diversity of plants and fungi on Earth, the global threats that they face, and the policies to safeguard them. Produced in conjunction with an international scientific symposium, Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi sets an important inte...
Stenostelma umbelluliferum is an enigmatic plant that has elicited much attention in recent years. Initially thought to be extinct, its rediscovery in an urban area created turmoil in both conservation management and urban development. Taxonomic and field investigations were conducted over a number of years to gain a more comprehensive understandin...
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Key, checklist and species descriptions of the Rutaceae taxa from the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa.
Conference Paper
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A Flora provides taxonomic and descriptive information for all plants within a defined geographic region. It is traditionally compiled by one to several contributors and published in hard copy volumes. Floras often take long to complete and quickly become outdated with difficulty of publishing updated versions. However, with the availability of ele...
Conference Paper
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A national species checklist is an essential foundational resource for a range of research and biodiversity-related activities. South Africa has long had the benefit of updated plant checklists underpinning botanical research. The South African Government mandated the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) to co-ordinate taxonomy in...
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Background: Biannual Council meetings are held with the aim of developing a World Flora Online (WFO) in response to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (2011–2020).Objectives: To report on the sixth WFO Council meeting held in Pretoria, South Africa, on November 2016.Method: A WFO Council meeting (preceded by Taxonomic and Techni...
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Taxonomy provides a universal method to classify biodiversity at different scales locally and globally. Currently, existing taxonomic treatments are scattered, limiting their accessibility and utility. The Convention on Biological Diversity has responded to this challenge by setting the goal of compiling a World Flora Online (Global Strategy for Pl...
Conference Paper
A total of about 400 000 species of vascular plants are known worldwide with some speculating at least another 50 000 are yet to be discovered. Information on these known species is often difficult to access but may hold the key to support the needs of society through development of healthy communities and ecosystems, effective conservation and man...
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The development of plant taxonomy in South Africa from about 1600 to 2015 is reviewed, with emphasis on the main driving factors that have influenced the research direction, techniques used, and choice of taxonomic research topic. In addition, key personalities and important historical events are highlighted. The early scientific interest in the fl...
South Africa's exceptionally rich and diverse flora faces challenges in terms of utilisation, management and conservation; these actions are underpinned by taxonomic research. The principal purpose of this review is to determine whether South Africa has the human capacity and resources to conduct taxonomic research that is required to support end-u...
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A coordinated strategy for biosystematics research that addresses the needs of end-users can improve the relevance and impact of research products. The basic types of information that taxonomists provide, common to all organisms, are the names, descriptions, and a mechanism for identifying components of biodiversity, and associated data such as dis...
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Background: Pelargonium reniforme Curt. is a morphologically variable species that many authors have attempted to split or combine. Confusion relating to the differences between the two subspecies currently included under Pelargonium reniforme has impeded attempts to assess their conservation status. Pelargonium reniforme is closely related to Pela...
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At the 10th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), which was held in Nagoya, Japan, in October 2010, an updated Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was adopted as part of the plan of work of the CBD. Target 1 of the GSPC aims to produce an online Flora for all the plants of the world by 2020. Governments that h...
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In 2009, South Africa completed the IUCN Red List assessments of 20,456 indigenous vascular plant taxa. During that process, medicinal plant species (especially those sold in informal muthi markets) were identified so that potential extinction risks posed to these species could be assessed. The present study examines and analyses the recently docume...
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While many plant species are considered threatened under anthropogenic pressure, it remains uncertain how rapidly we are losing plant species diversity. To fill this gap, we propose a Global Legume Diversity Assessment (GLDA) as the first step of a global plant diversity assessment. Here we describe the concept of GLDA and its feasibility by review...
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The taxonomic and conservation status of Sebaea fourcadei.
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The taxonomic and conservation status of Agrostis eriantha var. planifolia.
The Red List of South Africa is a useful tool for assessing conservation priorities, and furthermore, provides insight into areas where information is lacking and future research thrusts are needed. Succulents are prone to threats from overharvesting, and also have an unusually high number of species classified as Data Deficient due to lack of info...
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For more than a decade it has been internationally recognised that efforts should be made to remedy the concern that taxonomy is an endangered discipline in the grips of rapid decline. In acknowledgement of the perceived continuing marginalisation of taxonomy, the Darwin Declaration recognised the need to enhance the taxonomic capacity of members w...
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Biodiversity targets, or estimates of the quantities of biodiversity features that should be conserved in a region, are fundamental to systematic conservation planning. We propose that targets for species should be based on the quantitative thresholds developed for the Vulnerable category of the IUCN Red List system, thereby avoiding future listing...
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Hydrodistilled essential oils from the herbal parts of Coleonema album (Thunb.) Bartl. et H.L. Wendl., C. aspalathoides Juss et Don, C. calycinum (Steud.) I., Williams, C. pulchellum I. Williams (three samples) and C. virgatum (Schltdl.) Eckl. et Zeyh. were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Forty-three compounds were characterized in the oil of C. album re...
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Hydrodistilled essential oils from the leaves of Acmadenia alternifolia Cham., A. obtusata (Thunb.) Batl. et H.L. Wendle and A. sheilae I. Williams were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Twenty-two compounds were characterized in the oil of A. alternifolia representing 94.6% of the total composition. Main compounds were monoterpene hydrocarbons: beta-pinen...
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Hydrodistilled essential oils from the herbal parts of Adenandra obtusata Sond. and A. villosa (P.J.Bergius) Licht. ex Roem. et Schult. were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Thirty-seven compounds were characterized in the oil of A. obtusata, representing 95.2% of the oil. Main compounds were 2-undecanone (33.3%), alpha-pinene (33.2%) and myrcene (2.4%)....
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Hydrodistilled essential oils from the herbal parts of Diosma prama were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Thirty compounds were characterized in chemotype A, representing 97.3% of the oil with 1,8-cineole + beta-phellandrene (25.6%), myrcene (23.5%), beta-pinene (10.4%), linalool (9.9%) as main constituents. The oil of chemotype B yielded a totally differ...
Technical Report
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Water in South Africa is a critically important natural resource. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry list it as one of the most limiting resources in South Africa. South Africa is a semi-arid to arid region, receiving only an average of 500 mm of rain per annum, which is only 60% of the world average. Sixty five percent...
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Abstract Weintroduce the concept of an Orange List as a way of ,assessing and ,recording the conservation importance ofrare and special concern taxa that are noto nt he Red List. We highlight the necessity for additional recognition of taxa at risk of becoming threatened, including organisms that are Near Threatened, Data Deficient, Rare or Declini...
Hoodia pilifera (L.f.) Plowes subsp. pillansii (N.E. Br.) Bruyns is one of the rarer and less spectacular species of Hoodia. Its taxonomy, distribution and conservation status are briefly discussed with a full description of the subspecies.
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The Brenton blue butterfly is known only from a small population in one hectare of asteraceous coastal fynbos at Brenton-on-Sea. This fynbos is characterized by a great diversity of shrubs, herbs and graminoids, with a successional gradient to thicket where Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus is dominant. The eggs of the butterfly are laid on the lower si...
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The Red Data List status of threatened plants of Gauteng, South Africa is presented. This includes evaluations using categories and criteria adopted by the IUCN in 1994 and updated in 2000 for assessing the risk of extinction. A total of 23 taxa were found to be threatened, nine are Data Deficient and 33 former Red Data taxa are not threatened with...
A new species of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) from South Africa is described as C. craibii J.E. Victor. It is a rare grassland species known only from the type locality. The taxonomy, relationships and cultivation requirements are discussed. A full description and colour illustration are provided.
Pollen morphology of Euchaetis and Macrostylis, both members of the taxonomically problematic subtribe Diosminae (Rutaceae), was investigated by LM, SEM and TEM. Here we report on the taxonomic significance of pollen morphology based on a comparative study of 28 infrageneric taxa. Three pollen types were found, namely reticulate (common to both gen...
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A checklist of vascular plants and cryptograms was compiled for the fynbos and rocky headland communities of the coastal region south of George. The area studied is a 12 km stretch of steep sandstone cliffs forming alternating bays and headlands situated between Glentana and Wilderness. The plant communities of the natural vegetation inhabiting the...
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Community structure and composition of the coastal fynbos and rocky headland plant communities south of George, southern Cape, were studied. Vegetation was analysed using standard sampling procedures of the floristic-sociological approach of Braun-Blanquet. The releve data were subject to TWINSPAN-based divisive classification, and ordinated by Pri...
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Community structure and composition of the coastal fynbos and rocky headland plant communities south of George, southern Cape, were studied. Vegetation was analysed using standard sampling procedures of the floristic-sociological approach of Braun-Blanquet The releve data were subject to TWINSPAN-based divisive classification, and ordinated by Prin...
Phyllosma (two species) and Sheilanthera (one species) are members of the taxonomically problematic subtribe Diosminae, Rutaceae. Pollen morphology of all three species was investigated by LM, SEM and TEM to shed light on their relationships to other genera of the subtribe. Sheilanthera shares pollen morphological features with many other species i...
The pollen morphology of Adenandra Willd. (Rutaceae: Diosminae) was investigated to determine its taxonomic significance. Pollen of 27 of the 30 infrageneric taxa (representing 16 of the 18 species) was investigated by LM, SEM and TEM. Adenandra differs from all other Diosminae in having 4-colporate rather than 3-colporate pollen grains. This suppo...
The pollen morphology of Diosma and Coleonema of the taxonomically problematic subtribe Diosminae (Rutaceae) was investigated to determine its taxonomic relevance. Pollen of 26 of the 28 species of Diosma and of each of the eight species of Coleonema was investigated by LM, SEM and TEM. In pollen of Diosma the exine sculpturing is uniform, and only...
The Asclepiadaceae s.str. have been the subject of much attention in recent years, with many changes having been made at the generic level. The recent placement of Tenaris and Macropetalum into synonymy under Brachystelma is questioned. In this article, the merits of this decision are critically assessed and rejected. All three former genera are re...
The palynology of Acmadenia (Diosminae: Rutaceae), a taxonomically problematic genus, was investigated to determine its taxonomic significance. Pollen of 32 of the 33 species, and one undescribed species, was investigated by LM, SEM and TEM techniques. Exine structure is extremely variable in proportion to the size of the genus, with seven distinct...


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