Janienke Sturm

Janienke Sturm
Fontys University of Applied Sciences · Institute of HRM and Psychology


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January 2005 - November 2012
Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Researcher


Publications (82)
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Although empathy is an essential aspect of co-design, the design community lacks a systematic overview of the key dimensions and elements that foster empathy in design. This paper introduces an empathic formation compass, based on a comparison of existing relevant frameworks. Empathic formation is defined here as the formative process of becoming a...
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By having a healthy and happy social life, social needs are fulfilled. When social needs are not fulfilled, loneliness and social isolation can occur, which have negative consequences for one’s physical and mental health. Social technology, technology that enables social interaction, can be a resource to fulfil the social needs of older people. In...
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Interventions for older people are often not evaluated and, if evaluated, are not proven successful. Based on a systematic literature review and two qualitative studies about the social needs of older people, an intervention has been developed, implemented, and evaluated. Important social needs that emerged from these studies are connectedness, mea...
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Alongside the growing number of older persons, the prevalence of chronic diseases is increasing, leading to higher pressure on health care services. eHealth is considered a solution for better and more efficient health care. However, not every patient is able to use eHealth, for several reasons. This study aims to provide an overview of: (1) sociod...
This study aims at validating the transferability of the Empathic Handover approach, which we originally developed for the co-design process of a dementia simulator. We argue that empathy in design is operationalised using five factors: emotional interest, sensitivity, self-awareness, personal experience, and mixed perspectives. This heuristic prov...
Social needs are important basic human needs. When social needs are not fulfilled, it can lead to mental and physical health problems. In an ageing society, meeting the social needs of older adults is important to sustain their wellbeing and quality of life. Social technology is used by younger people attempting to fulfil social needs. The aim of t...
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Real-time location systems (RTLS) can be implemented in aged care for monitoring persons with wandering behaviour and asset management. RTLS can help retrieve personal items and assistive technologies that when lost or misplaced may have serious financial, economic and practical implications. Various ethical questions arise during the design and im...
De inzet van virtual reality (VR) kan bijdragen aan persoonsgerichte zorg, zo blijkt uit onderzoek.1,2 Het Máxima Medisch Centrum (MMC) maakt gebruik van de VR-toepassing VisitU, die voor meer verbondenheid met thuis zorgt. Hoe ervaren patiënten en verpleegkundigen deze technologie? En hoe draagt dit bij aan het welbevinden van de patiënt en de kwa...
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The Network Applied Design Research (NADR ) is committed to improving the quality and visibility of applied design research in higher education research groups. NADR has organized the ‘Work in Progress’ exhibition during the Dutch Design Week (21-29 October 2017). This publication reflects on the different exhibits presented at this exhibition and...
Since long, persuasion, or exerting influence, has been associated with certain professions such as sales people, therapists, coaches, and teachers. Recent technological developments create the possibility of using computers as persuasive instruments, as a means to elicit specific (desired) behavior, which paves the way for novel, intelligent syste...
Social needs are important basic human needs. When social needs are not satisfied, this can lead to mental and physical health problems. With a growing population of older adults and the need for them to stay healthy and community-dwelling, satisfying social needs is important. The aim of this review is to give more insight into the social needs of...
It is difficult to inform design with experiences from people with dementia. When it comes to involving this vulnerable user group and connecting multidisciplinary design teams, current empathic co-design methods and tools are scarce, seem fragmented and lack a coherent and structured approach. In response, we provide guidance to design teams by pr...
Dynamic lighting systems (DLS) are an innovative way to improve the behavioural symptoms of older people with dementia residing in nursing homes. The use of such systems by care professionals and underlying beliefs of these professionals are essential in the successful implementation of DLS. Therefore, this study investigated the beliefs of staff o...
Conference Paper
Teenagers spend a large proportion of their day doing sedentary activities. They sit in school during classes and breaks, and after school they sit while doing homework, watching television or playing computer games. Novel ways of stimulating teenagers to be more active include applying games and play, because of its intrinsically motivating value....
Since long, persuasion, or exerting influence, has been associated with certain professions such as sales people, therapists, coaches, and teachers. Recent technological developments create the possibility of using computers as persuasive instruments, as a means to elicit specific (desired) behavior, which paves the way for novel, intelligent syste...
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This article describes how to design for ambient playful interactions in public spaces, using interactive technology. Ten explorative design cases are presented, all interactive installations with the goal to elicit playful active behavior from teenagers. Following this, we derive three design values, based on literature, user research and the insi...
Conference Paper
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The PlayFit project aims to design for a structural reduction in sedentary behavior throughout the day. The challenge is to engage teenagers by connecting to their mainly sedentary lifestyle by playful persuasion. Therefore we defined four design principles: (1) embedded in the context (2) trigger an intrinsic need to play, (3) adapt to a personal...
Conference Paper
Ambient games are games and playful activities that offer context-aware and personalized features. Because ambient play and games can be incorporated in everyday objects and routines, they allow players to play throughout the day. Ambient gaming offers promising opportunities for creating novel and unique player experiences. However, there are stil...
Conference Paper
In our design-research studies, we aim to persuade teenagers to engage in playful moments of casual activity. In this article, we present one explorative prototype: walk-of-fame, a multimedia installation that creates virtual avatars in a corridor, depending on the walking style of passers-by. We intend to create playful active moments throughout t...
Conference Paper
During the workshop on Ambient Gaming (AmGam’11) at the International Conference on Ambient Intelligence in Amsterdam, 16-18 November 2011, 17 participants from 8 different countries discussed emerging research topics around Ambient Gaming. With ambient games and play we denote playful activities that are seamlessly integrated within our daily live...
Conference Paper
New technologies create opportunities to enrich people's experience while playing games. In recent years we have seen many examples of technological advances opening up new player experiences, for instance new controllers (e.g. Nintendo's Wii), new sensor technologies (e.g. GPS), and new forms of play (e.g. multi-player online games and open-ended...
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In the PlayFit project, we aim to persuade teenagers to be physically active through playful actions with inherent physical activity. We envision small moments of casual active play throughout the day, matching the target group's interests and activities, and fitting into their daily life. Our research revealed four core interest and activity areas...
Young people spend a large part of their day sedentary, both at school and at home. The aim of the PlayFit project is to persuade teenagers to lead a more active lifestyle by using digital as well as non-digital games and play. In this position paper, we describe in detail the three key principles of our vision concerning the design of game-based i...
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In this paper, we present a system that employs perceptual technologies (i.e. technologies that perceive the context through sensors such as cameras and microphone) to provide feedback about people’s behaviour in small group meetings. The system measures aspects of behaviour that are relevant to the social dynamics of the meeting, speaking time and...
In this paper we describe a case study in which we examine how to develop playful persuasive solutions to motivate older adults to maintain or increase their social and physical activities. By including various stakeholders (older adults, family, and care givers) and by designing for transitions in life we intend to create solutions that can be use...
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This paper describes an explorative user study with interactive objects for open-ended play, i.e. play with flexible game goals and rules. Children were asked to play with interactive objects, called the ColorFlares, in three free play sessions over a period of three weeks. We measured social interaction in terms of social play and social communica...
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This paper describes three design values that we apply for designing playful interactions. Interactive play objects can stimulate social interaction and physical play by providing motivating feedback to players’ behavior; they can allow players to create their own game goals and rules in an open-ended play context and support social player interact...
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Products can support user groups in social interaction and/or physical play in various ways. Depending on the requirements and needs of specific user groups and contexts of use, different approaches are applied to create successful designs. This special issue contains papers that describe designs for children, adults and elderly for sports, home an...
Conference Paper
We describe the first design outcomes of the project Independent Living. During an initial requirements analysis it became clear that a strong need existed for a design that motivates and supports the older adults in their everyday life concerning both social and physical activities. We assume that motivating to be socially and physically active wi...
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We report on a require- ment analysis as part of the Independent Living Project1 to understand the role of social and physical activities in older people’s life. The goal of the project is to design persuasive solu- tions that contribute to independent living. The project falls within the goals of prevention and engagement and the life domains of h...
Products can support user groups in social interaction and/or physical play in various ways. Depend- ing on the requirements and needs of specific user groups and contexts of use, different approaches are applied to create successful designs. This special issue contains papers that describe designs for children, adults and elderly for sports, home...
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In this paper, we investigate how providing multiple feedback modalities affects open-ended play with interactive toys. We designed a play object which reacts to children's physical behaviour by providing multimodal feedback and we compared it with a unimodal variant, focusing on the experience and creativity of the children. In open-ended play chi...
Conference Paper
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We aim to stimulate social interaction by designing and creating interactive objects for physical play for diverse user groups, such as children, elderly or people with special needs. With this workshop we aim to bring researchers and practitioners together to share and explore issues and opportunities for technology-enhanced physical play for stim...
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Social interaction at work has been shown to enhance creativity and productivity. This paper describes the design and evaluation of a large, interactive display that aims to stimulate social interaction amongst co-workers by providing food for talk in the form of activities, jokes, and music. User and system requirements were collected using Cultur...
Conference Paper
In this paper we investigate how providing multiple output modalities affects open-ended play with interactive toys. We designed a play object which reacts to children’s physical behavior by providing multimodal output and we compared it with a unimodal variant, focusing on the experience and creativity of the children. In open-ended play children...
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In this paper, we describe our design research on tangible play objects that stimulate social and physical play. We illustrate our work by describing a design case about an open-ended play object for children called the ColorFlare. The ColorFlare is an object that detects the player's movements and provides light feedback and that can communicate w...
The CHIL Memory Jog service focuses on facilitating the collaboration of participants in meetings, lectures, presentations, and other human interactive events, occurring in indoor CHIL spaces. It exploits the whole set of the perceptual components that have been developed by the CHIL Consortium partners (e.g., person tracking, face identification,...
Recently, the observation that socially inappropriate behavior during meetings may result in suboptimal group performance inspired researchers to develop systems that monitor and give feedback on social dynamics [3, 6, 12, 13]. These systems capture observable properties of the meeting participants, such as speaking time, posture, and gestures, ana...
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This paper describes a study that examines the influence of openended play in interactive play objects on social interaction and fun experience of children. We developed a prototype to examine whether children enjoy playing with simple intelligent objects. Children between 7 and 11 years old were asked to play with the objects in a free-play and pr...
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An Intelligent Playground is an environment with interactive objects that, using advanced technology such as sensors and actuators, react to the interaction with the children and actively encourage children to play. Thus, an intelligent playground stimulates children to move and play together. In this way, it provides for a healthy alternative for...
Conference Paper
We present a service providing real-time feedback to participants of small group meetings on the social dynamics of the meeting. The service measures and visualizes properties of participants' behaviour that are relevant to the social dynamics of the meeting: speaking time and gaze behaviour. The dynamic visualization is offered to meeting particip...
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In the EU-funded Integrated Project "Computers in the Human Inter- action Loop" (CHIL), perceptive technologies are developed that enable us to build systems that, through perceiving and interpreting the ongoing course of events, are able to support people in situations of co-located communication and collaboration. In the current paper, we present...
Conference Paper
In this paper we describe a service that provides peripheral feedback on participation level of the audience in lectures and seminars to presenters. The peripheral display makes the lecturer aware of the attention level as well as the interest level of their students. We hypothesise that providing this kind of feedback can help lecturers or present...
The goal of the research described in this article is to determine in what way speech recognition errors can be handled best in a multimodal form-filling interface. Besides two well-known error correction mechanisms (re-speaking the value and choosing the correct value from a list of alternatives), the interface offers a novel correction mechanism...
Conference Paper
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Theoretical and technological progress has revived the interest in the design of services for the support of co-located human-human communication and collaboration, witnessing the start of several large-scale projects over the last few years. Most of these projects focus on meetings and/or lecture situations. However, user-centred design and evalua...
We present a study of the effect of prolonged use on the way users interact with a multimodal form-filling system. The system accepts spoken input as well as pointing input and provides output both in speech and in graphics. We measured the usability of the system in a pre-test / post-test design and analysed in detail the changes in interaction pa...
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In this paper, we describe a survey of Dutch language resources that has been carried out within the framework of a project launched by the Dutch Language Union (Nederlandse Taalunie) with the aim of strengthening the position of Dutch in Human Language Technologies (HLT). In this paper, we present a so-called BLARK (Basic LAnguage Resources Kit)....
Conference Paper
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This paper describes experiments carried out to automatically transcribe football commentaries in Dutch, English and German for multimedia indexing. Our r esults s how that t he high levels of stadium noise in the material create a task that is extremely difficult for conventional ASR. The baseline WERs vary from 83% to 94 % for the three languages...
Conference Paper
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The aim of the study presented in this paper was to compare the usability of a user driven and a mixed initiative user interface of a multimodal system for train timetable information. The e valuation shows that t he e ffectiveness of the two interfaces does not differ significantly. However, as a result of the a bsence of spoken p rompts and the o...
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This paper describes experiments carried out to automatically transcribe football commentaries in Dutch, English and German for multimedia indexing. Our results show that the high levels of stadium noise in the material create a task that is extremely difficult for conventional ASR. The baseline WERs vary from 83% to 94% for the three languages inv...
The aim of the study presented in this paper was to compare the usability of a user driven and a mixed initiative user interface of a multimodal system for train timetable information. The evaluation shows that the effectiveness of the two interfaces does not differ significantly. However, as a result of the absence of spoken prompts and the obliga...
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In this paper we report on a project about Dutch Human Language Technologies (HLT) resources. In this project we first defined a so-called BLARK (Basic LAnguage Resources Kit). Subsequently, a survey was carried out to make an inventory and evaluation of existing Dutch HLT resources.
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In this paper we describe a survey of Dutch language resources that has been carried out within the framework of a project launched by the Dutch Language Union (Nederlandse Taalunie) with the aim of strengthening the position of Dutch in Human Language Technologies (HLT). In this paper we present a so-called BLARK (Basic LAnguage Resources Kit). Ba...
Conference Paper
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In this paper we report on a project about Dutch Human Language Technologies (HLT) resources. In this project we first defined a so-called BLARK (Basic LAnguage Resources Kit). Subsequently, a survey was carried out to make an inventory and evaluation of existing Dutch HLT resources. Based on the information collected in the survey, a priority list...
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In this paper we describe how the project "Dutch Human Language Technologies Platform" has contributed to creating the preconditions for establishing a roadmap for Human Language Technologies in the Dutch speaking area. Our overview of the results obtained so far reveals that the goals of all four action lines have been achieved and that there are...
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In this paper the effect of prolonged use on interaction with a multimodal system is studied. The system accepts spoken input as well as pointing input and provides output both in speech and in graphics. We measured the usability of the system in a pre-test / post-test design and made a detailed analysis of the changes in interaction styles. The re...
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In the MATIS project a multimodal system has been developed for train timetable information. The aim of the project was to obtain guidelines for designing multimodal i nterfaces for information systems. The MATIS system accepts input both in spoken and in graphical mode (no keyboard input) and provides feedback in the same two modes. The user can c...
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This paper describes a prototype of a multimodal railway information system that was built by extending an existing speech-only system. The purpose of the extensions is to alleviate a number of shortcomings of speech-only interfaces.
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So far most attempts to automate Directory Assistance services focused on private listings, because it is not known precisely how callers will refer to a business listings. The research described in this paper, carried out in the SMADA project, tries to fill this gap. The aim of the research is to model the expressions people use when referring to...
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Recognising directory listings for national telephone number inquiry is slowly getting within reach for modern ASR technology. Two key factors for a successful system design are (1) optimal extent of lexical modelling and (2) an effective utterance rejection method. In this paper we show how a choice for the first has consequences for the second.
We present the evaluation of the most recent version of the Dutch ARISE train timetable information system. The original version of this spoken dialogue system has been adjusted according to the findings of two user tests [1,2]. The new version applies a mixture of implicit and explicit confirmation of information items, based on confidence measure...
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The loss in performance caused by mismatch between train and test material suggests a need for task specific acoustic models, especially for highly demanding tasks. However, since the training of these models is extremely expensive, general purpose models are more attractive. In this paper we address the impact of mismatch in speaking style and tas...
Conference Paper
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The loss in performance caused by mismatch between train and test material suggests a need for task specific acoustic models, especially for highly demanding tasks. However, since the training of these models is extremely expensive, general pur- pose models are more attractive. In this paper we address the impact of mismatch in speaking style and t...
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Both whole word modelling and context modelling have proven to improve recognition performance for connected digit strings. In this paper we will show that word boundary variation can be effectively modelled by applying the Head-Body-Tail (HBT) method as proposed by Chou et al in [1] and also applied by Gandhi in [2]. Each digit is split into three...
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The aim of this paper is to describe the experiences gained in the field of language modelling during the LE-3 ARISE (Automatic Railway Information Systems for Europe) project. All of the different techniques presented in this paper are related to the field of Spoken Dialogue Systems, and they cope with the issues of limited amount of training mate...
Conference Paper
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We present the evaluation of the most recent version of theDutch ARISE train timetable information system. The originalversion of this spoken dialogue system has been adjustedaccording to the findings of two user tests [1,2]. The newversion applies a mixture of implicit and explicit confirmationof information items, based on confidence measures. In...
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In the ARISE project we developed an experimental spoken dialogue system for access to train timetable information of the Dutch Railways. It is based on an existing system (VIOS), which became operational during the course of the project. This paper discusses a number of issues that came to light during evaluations of the ARISE system. We are able...
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The use of confidence measures (CMs) in spoken dialog system (SDS) applications to suppress the number of verification turns for `reliably correctly recognised utterances' can greatly reduce average dialog length which enhances usability and increases user satisfaction. This paper gives a clear review of the method of CM assessment, which was prese...
Conference Paper
In this paper we describe the evaluation of a version of a train time table information system that combines explicit verification with mixed-initiative dialogue control in the first part of the interaction. In the second part of the interaction callers were given more freedom in negotiation and navigation. The evaluation is based on the responses...
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This paper presents a framework and specifies procedures for evaluation of services supporting human-human communication and collaboration that are being developed in the EU-funded Integrated Project Computers in the Human Interaction Loop (CHIL). Evaluation of CHIL services is conducted in different stages of the design process. In the earlier sta...


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