Janet Mcintyre

Janet Mcintyre
University of Adelaide · College of Professions

D.Lit et Phil, MA


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Publications (188)
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How can we work with diverse cultures and diverse ways of knowing whilst enabling space for diversity? Metalogues can help to avoid (or remedy) misunderstanding, leaving ideas out, speaking for or over others. It provides breathing space between the stimulus of engagement and the process of coming up with an agreed upon output or outcome. This post...
This learning community approach (adapting Senge, The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. Random House, 2006) is facilitated through Yunus Social Enterprise and UnPad (Widianingsih) to support social inclusion and green, re-generative entrepreneurship. The paper proposes transforming educational systems to support a...
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Education plays a multitude of roles in securing society’s wellbeing and ensuring the development of a sense of social and environmental awareness and responsibility. Leveraging on this premise, the objectives of this chapter are twofold. First, it aims to identify the norms that could transform education to support regenerative development. Second...
The chapter discusses an NGO in Cape Town that works successfully with a local community to provide education and opportunities to re-generate the community through sustainable organic farming and a range of associated activities to address employment and food security through supporting aspects of a circular economy at the community level. The cas...
The paper discusses the potential of indigenous customs in the Tolon district of the Northern of Ghana to support government legislation to promote the country’s sustainable development agenda. It is estimated that throughout the district sacred groves are protected by the belief in the power of Jaagbo. The case study of the Tolon District is discu...
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The paper is organized as a virtual dialogue and iterative commentary using email and phone calls during lock down. The authors address the potential for public education to redress the gendered inequality towards women. Historically women have shown their capabilities to take on essential roles in times of danger, in order to help the country gain...
The chapter aims to highlight the importance of subjective, objective and intersubjective domains when engaging in public education and research on wicked problems such as poverty, climate change, loss of habitat and pandemics. The case is made that public education and awareness of critical systemic thinking and practice underpinned by a more rela...
Public policy is framed in terms of the social contract based on extending rights to people of voting age. Dis-ability policy (at best) is framed in terms of the veil of ignorance, an awareness of intersectional disadvantage and its impact on welfare and being voiceless. However this paper makes the case that dis-Ability needs to be seen as a form...
Sentience is not the preserve of human animals; it is shared by all animals. Once this is accepted, it raises questions about rights, responsibilities and where we draw the line of inclusion and exclusion when making policy decisions. It has implications for ethics, law, governance and democracy and the way in which education is framed at the prima...
The sacred lake and forest in Venda are threatened by the development of a coal mine. The paper makes the case why building a mine would be counterproductive for water and food security and that alternative forms of energy are feasible in South Africa. Furthermore, a green cyclical economy could provide a source of income for women through setting...
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This review is written in the form of a dialogue between the author (Janet Mills) and the reviewer (Norma Romm). This fits well with the way we usually work together as it helps to unfold ideas and to consider whether they can be improved. A conversation as we see it implies that the speaker does not wish to speak in an authoritative voice but invi...
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The paper aims to illustrate and explain the problems and opportunities for improvement in Covid management that become evident when taking a systems perspective. Critical time delays occurred in the regulation of the pandemic that the management cycle of political cybernetics makes explicit. In general, the executive management of the pandemic in...
This article is aimed at organisations and researchers to urge them to adopt more systemic ways to deal with energy justice issues in renewable energy projects being built around the world to help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) 7. It will focus on solar and wind farms. While these projects positively contribute towards...
Transformative education and practice are underpinned by the following axiom: human beings can be free and diverse to the extent that we do not undermine living systems in this generation and the next. This is in turn based on a recognition of our diversity and interconnectedness and that we are one of many species within a living system. The appro...
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This paper reflects on leadership shown in Venda, Southern Africa to protect the lungs of the planet and draws out key themes on the way Indigenous wisdom — underpinned by a sense of the sacred and the profane – expressed in solidarity with nature - are vital for protecting forests. It explores indigenous wisdom on their kinship with organic and in...
The paper is based on email conversations to address the area of concern, namely how to balance individual and collective needs within a pan- Africa and global context in order to redress the historical and current imbalances that result in social and environmental injustice. The paper suggest that African Indigenous ways of knowing (including ways...
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The chapter spells out the implications of ongoing research that we have been conducting in the locality of Venda in South Africa as an action learning approach. We have also been inspired by the "one village many products" initiatives as practiced in certain localities of Indonesia. We focus on the systemic impact of convergent social, economic, a...
COVID‐19 can be seen as feedback for anthropocentric social, economic and environmental decision‐making that disrespects other living systems. The paper makes a case that respects for multiple species, and the onus of beneficence should be applied to all living systems of which we are a strand. Human beings are not exceptional insofar as they are a...
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The paper addresses human trafficking from an intersectional perspective and gender and right based approach, and makes policy suggestions based on a critical systemic approach. It examines human trafficking from both the demand and supply sides and reviews a reintegration shelter for trafficked persons in Vietnam. The paper examines a gender respo...
The paper aims to highlight the importance of subjective, objective and intersubjective domains when engaging in public education and research on wicked problems such as violence, poverty, climate change, loss of habitat and pandemics. The case is made that critical systemic thinking and practice—underpinned by a meta Design of Inquiring Systems—co...
This paper aims to explore policy possibilities for strengthening institutional capacity to address the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda through ecological engagement based on a “one village, many enterprises approach” to development to reduce rural poverty, outmigration and better rural-urban balance. The paper outlines the way in which we c...
Balancing individual rights and collective responsibility to this generation of life and the next requires a new form of democracy and governance to protect the common good. This requires considering the consequences of decisions whilst preserving the right to voice and agency to the extent that it does not undermine the rights of the majority in t...
This chapter draws on personal experiences, memories, narratives and conversations about what it means to be a settler. Memories are imperfect and they highlight was is important to the person who is re-membering. Quite literally weaving the threads of the narrative that make sense and meaning for the author. A settler comes to a region, but those...
This chapter explores some examples of systemic thinking and practice to support re-generative development. By re-generative development we mean developing opportunities that support people and the living systems on which they depend. We need to understand our connectedness and protect people and the environment. Our thinking shapes the material wo...
We face a turning point as school protests led by young activists such as Greta Thunberg stress that adults have done too little too late to protect the next generation of life. Greed has indeed governed the way in which economies have been managed as she stated at her UN address and her address at Davos in January, 2020. Cutting carbon emissions h...
A vignette provides the context for discussing values, emotions and cultural meanings, with reference to interpersonal and interspecies relationships.
Balancing individual rights and collective responsibility to this generation of life and the next requires a new form of democracy and governance to protect the common good. This requires considering the consequences of decisions whilst preserving the right to voice and agency to the extent that it does not undermine the rights of the majority in t...
Ideas about the nature of relationships are central to the work of David Bohm and to this volume. Unlike other physicists Bohm was sidelined from military research, because of his open mindedness and sympathy with leftist thinking and was once a member of the Communist Party for a short while. Instead he followed his own research path which include...
Foucault’s lectures on bio politics open the possibility of exploring the way in which government can be seen as a form of governance—to control human beings, other animals and the environment on which we are co-dependent. In many ways he begins to explore the area that Haraway developed in her work on the relationships of power and the importance...
Consciousness is a continuum. Axiologically, the paper begins with the assumption that ethically we need to transform the way we live our lives and that this entails changing our relationships to sentient beings and living systems. Ontologically we need to place ourselves within a web of life and epistemologically it requires humility and the willi...
Balancing individual rights and collective responsibility to this generation of life and the next requires a new form of democracy and governance to protect the common good. This requires considering the consequences of decisions whilst preserving the right to voice and agency to the extent that it does not undermine the rights of the majority in t...
The aim is to develop capability to make better judgements by acknowledging values and emotions, in order to be aware of their influence, so as to enable us to be both more compassionate and more rational in our judgements.
‘Existential risk’ continues to escalate and the crime of ‘ecocide’ is not yet recognised as part of international law even though it poses a new form of ‘genocide’. Politically fragmentation and populism have become the new order driven by capitalism, anthropocentrism, speciesism, nationalism and racism. The case is made that liberalism has progre...
The vignette was written to remember and celebrate the work of a colleague whose thinking and practice inspired nurturing people and places.
The notion that regular small adjustments are all it takes to enable one bird to fly in harmony with a flock, gives me hope that despite the challenges posed by climate change and Covid-19 it is possible to do things differently. All it would take is for each of us to make small adjustments in the way we live. Based on the rules of reciprocity, man...
Consumption to the extent that it is unsustainable is not new. Excessive consumption has consequences as many failed economies (and systems of governance) bear testimony as detailed in the ‘Life and death of democracy’ (Keane in The life and death of democracy. Simon and Schuster, London, 2009).
We face a turning point as school protests led by young activists such as Greta Thunberg stress that adults have done too little too late to protect the next generation of life. Greed has indeed governed the way in which economies have been managed as she stated at her UN address. Cutting carbon emissions has achieved too little too late. But trans...
How has urban living changed over time and how has it impacted on the lives of women and their families? This paper uses the lens of Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach to examine the change and impact of urban living on women and their family. By reflecting on a case study of actual urban living experience, it explores the extent to which some centra...
Horse racing, champagne and gambling are regarded as harmless fun Australia. Only ‘wowsers’ complain about them, right? Today grey hound racing has been band in Australia because dog lovers exposed the cruelty of the sport and the thuggery to the animals who suffered miserable lives.
The interview with the editor of Current Sociology reflects on values and the factors that shape a non-anthropocentric research agenda. The chapter draws on an interview and questions posed by the editor of Current Sociology, an International Sociological Association publication as part of their Sociologist of the Month series. A link to the origin...
Living systems are defined as a continuum from organic to inorganic life. In some cultures, rocks and plants, as well as a range of creatures are seen as kin that need to be protected. The case for a new form of eco-systemic governance to protect sentient beings and their habitat is developed. ‘Ecocide Law’ is needed to protect the capabilities of...
The paper proposes an alternative cyclical economy based on eco-villages supporting urban hubs to re-generate rural-urban balance based on eco-facturing, to use Gunter Pauli’s concept. Africa and Asia are two of the fastest urbanising areas globally. The development of eco-villages supporting the ‘one village many enterprises’ concept currently app...
This volume prompts us to re-think the categories human/animal/organic/inorganic, human/machine and local/nonlocal, categories that Donna Haraway (1992) explored, because she stressed ‘we are the boundaries’. In other words, we construct these boundaries. In line with this mission the volume develops a new approach to rights and responsibilities th...
This book explores the concept of multi-species relationships and suggests critical systemic pathways to protect shared habitats. This book discusses how the eradication of species as a result of rapid urbanisation places humanity at risk. This book demonstrates how narrow anthropocentrism has focused on the rights of human beings at the expense of...
The paper proposes an alternative cyclical economy based on eco-villages supporting urban hubs to regenerate rural-urban balance based on public education to support eco-facturing, to use Gunter Pauli's concept. The paper sketches an alternative cyclical economy based on eco-villages supporting urban hubs to regenerate rural-urban balance based on...
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The project review as outlined in this article explores the questions: What is transformative research and what is transformation as far as the community stakeholders are concerned? To what extent has the transformative research achieved its intended outcomes? The Bokamoso project (founded by Lesego Serolong as facilitator and investor) is an integ...
The chapter was published with few text errors. The same has now been corrected throughout the chapter.
The collection of papers in this volume Mixed Methods and Cross-Disciplinary Research Towards Cultivating Eco-systemic Living and its companion volume Democracy and Governance for Resourcing the Commons: Theory and Practice on Rural-Urban Balance addresses health, development and social inclusion to enhance our understanding of how to manage comple...
The symposia at the Flinders University and at Universitas Padjadjaran in West Java (December, 2017) (This symposium is linked with partnership development in Indonesia. UnPad (University of Padjadjaran) is co-hosting the symposium) spread across two geographical sites explored the challenge of increased urbanisation and movement towards cities (In...
In this book we have striven to create a compilation of interrelated material around the common theme of nurturing eco-systemic living and what this might entail in our everyday lives. Most of the contributions focus on how we can recognise what we call eco-systemic responses to food and water security. The contributions taken together offer a vari...
Giddens stressed in The Consequences of Modernity that trust is contingent and that risks escalate when transfers are disembedded from local contexts. This paper concentrates on the need to develop policy and praxis to protect the commons through a critical and systemic approach drawing on history, sociology and anthropology. The paper explores Ing...
The paper discusses the water management problem in Nauli City, Indonesia as a wicked problem that needs to be addressed by applying a critical systemic approach to the area of concern. Mixed methods will be applied to examine the wicked problem by using sequential stages of qualitative method followed by a quantitative method. Interviews with wate...
The government of Bangladesh introduced direct election in the quota seats for women through the Local Government (Second Amendment) Act 1997. The empirical studies on the performances of the elected women representatives, however, show mix evidences of women representatives’ success and empowerment. Intuitively, the literature commonly scrutinised...
Protecting human beings (including sentient beings) requires protecting our shared environment. The paper makes a case for non-anthropocentrism and for extending rights to human and other animals based on their individual sentience. Simultaneously, it makes the case for protecting their diverse habitats in order to provide the means for sustaining...
In this chapter we discuss the concept of Ubuntu as a way of living, and we consider what it means to revitalise the principles of Ubuntu in relation to our human connectedness and sense of connectivity to all that exists. We discuss this in relation to some of our life experiences intermingled with the literature which we share with one another an...
The vignette gives a brief insight into the historical background of the Rohingya Refugees and hints at the extent of their victimization at the hands of the state. It grounds the issues of conflict, displacement and loss as a current and unfolding issue. More people have experienced displacement currently than during the Second World War (UN Direc...
This paper scopes out a response to the new populism based on anger and a sense of exclusion by those left behind by a neo-liberal economy resulting in high levels of unemployment or underemployment. Unemployment has been represented as a problem associated with policy representations ranging from the most conservative to more progressive approache...
The approach detailed in this chapter aims to honour diversity and to keep the identity of separate strands. The workshop and symposium hosted by Flinders and UnPad invited colleagues from a range of disciplines to address the area of concern posed by Rorty (1997) in Achieving Our Country, namely, to be practical, engaged academics rather than spec...
This case study of both public and private schools in Saudi Arabia is drawn from a completed PhD project that aimed to contribute to the understanding of human development in education. The research defines human development in education in terms of students’ ability to achieve their learning goals as well as to maximise their human potential. The...
This chapter suggests alternative approaches (alternative to ‘business as usual’) which build on the capabilities of young people at risk of leaving the land premised on a non-anthropocentric approach that fosters sustainable development through job creation. Non-anthropocentrism refers to the approach where human beings appreciate that they share...
The chapter highlights the way in which a West Javan village succeeds in creating job opportunities in line with the recent policy initiative of President Jokowi which states that each village should develop an enterprise. The business council in the village, largely patriarchal, and the success of the enterprise are underwritten by the voluntary w...
A prototype for self-managing social, economic and environmental decisions is discussed with the potential for managing household contributions to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and scaling up the engagement through a management application at the local government level.
The chapter discusses the overall themes of the symposium and the challenges that water, food and energy security pose for humanity and the environment on which we depend.
Intersectional interventions are needed to match and address the needs of the marginalised in social life. Our focus is on the voiceless as they become displaced and vulnerable as a result of losing habitat or homes. We begin with some deliberations by Janet in which she summarises her conceptual background to this argument and then explains the im...
The chapter delves into the area of concern of water scarcity in an area in Indonesia that we will call Nauli. The central and regional governments have misused the water provision function to commodify drinking water, and the government regards water as a commercial good and prefers to sell it to the people rather than provide it as a common good....
The chapter reflects on the content and context of the International Society for the Systems Sciences Conference held in Vienna in 2016. Vienna aims to be a smart, carbon neutral city and has signed legislation making this a requirement for planning.
The Western and Eastern Cape in Southern Africa are at risk as a result of climate change. The regional farming areas surrounding metropolitan Cape Town and metropolitan Mandela Bay face water insecurity. As a result, these city areas have been required to restrict their water usage. A range of NGOs and some farmers in the Western Cape made donatio...
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Education plays an important role in enhancing people’s autonomy and in helping them to make well-informed decisions. Thus, the aim of the current chapter is to investigate the ability of students in the Saudi education system to build creative and critical thinking capabilities. The analysis draws on critical pedagogy to highlight key issues in le...
The aim of the research underpinning the two companion volumes, subtitled ‘We are the land and the waters’ and ‘Getting lost in the city’, is to develop a new paradigm for reconstructing a sense of political community within and beyond the nation state. The focus will be on democratic and governance theory and practice to protect the commons.
The aim of the paper is to make the case for educational pathways to address the big issues of the day, namely, poverty, climate change and competition for resources in an increasingly unequal world where the gaps between rich and poor grow wider.
The chapter underlines the importance of sociological research across boundaries and the so-called Mode 2 knowledge production (Gibbons et al., The new production of knowledge, Sage, London, 1994) based on systemic approaches that span conceptual boundaries and support working across disciplines and sectors in order to respond to the cascading cons...
This book promotes the well-being of the commons through representation and accountability through monitoring from below in order to operationalize engagement. This book views the commons as a legal concept, a transformative governance concept, and a basis for systemic ethics. The chapters focus on practical responses to address complex problems th...
This book uses mixed methods to extend the concept of “wellbeing stocks” to refer to dynamic ways of working with others. It addresses metaphors and praxis for weaving together strands of experience. The aim of the wellbeing stocks concept is to enable people to re-evaluate economics and to become more aware of the way in which we neglect social an...
This article is a thinking exercise to re-imagine some of the principles of a transformational vocational education and training (VET) approach underpinned by participatory democracy and governance, and is drawn from a longer work on an ABC of the principles that could be considered when discussing ways to transform VET for South African learners a...
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This paper is drawn from PhD research funded by the Saudi government on the policy and governance of Saudi schools (Algraini 2017. A critical systemic approach to human development in education: a case study of the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia). The aim of this article is to address human development challenges using the Critical Systems H...
The current way of life is unsustainable (Papadimitriou in The coming ‘tsunami of debt’. The Guardian.com, Sunday 15 June 2014 17.58 BST 2014) and in a bid to maintain the status quo—profit is extracted from people and the environment. The challenge of scaling up efforts to engage people in an alternative form of democracy and governance is that cu...
This paper is based on a PhD project seeking to develop a unique participatory and inclusive urban governance of model of Nairobi city in Kenya. This paper, therefore sets to address the gap in the life chances between the haves and have nots in the city of Nairobi by using a participatory action research (PAR) approach in the course of rapid untam...
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The chapter explores the disempowered role of women in rural development planning in Mindanao, Philippines. It argues that women are excluded from opportunities to participate actively in making development decisions as a result of the rise in multinationals who take over small farms and combine them into plantations growing only one crop. These mo...
The impact of climate change has been underestimated and the way in which built capital is valued at the expense of social and environmental capital has resulted in development and urbanization processes that threaten food, energy and water security. These issues were discussed and raised at a previous conference on sustainability hosted with Unive...
This book addresses the social and environmental justice challenge to live sustainably and well. It considers the consequences of our social, economic and environmental policy and governance decisions for this generation and the next. The book tests out ways to improve representation, accountability and re-generation. It addresses the need to take...
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The paper responds to the 2030 Development Agenda and suggests a way to enhance representation and accountability by extending the Millennium Goals and UN Sustainable Development Agenda. It summarises the content of a forthcoming volume for the Contemporary Systems Series entitled: Towards a Planetary passport for Representation, Accountability and...
Abstract Successful government decentralization requires the participation of all levels of government, industry, and civil society, and especially benefits from the traditions, wisdom, and ownership of local communities. However, Indonesia’s central government was not assisted by international aid donors to undertake a decentralization process tha...
https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Transformation_from_Wall_Street_to_Wellb.html?id=npJpBAAAQBAJ&source=kp_cover&redir_esc=y McIntyre-Mills, J. with De Vries and Binchai, N. 2014, ‘Transformation from Wall Street to Wellbeing: joining up the dots through participatory democracy and governance to mitigate the causes and adapt to the effects of...
Introduction: This chapter focuses on institutionalised children’s homelessness in Sri Lanka. The key reasons for children’s homelessness in Sri Lanka are war, natural disaster and poverty. While many children are orphaned, it is more common in Sri Lanka for children to be voluntarily relinquished to children’s homes by parents who are experiencing...
Conference Paper
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The area of concern for this paper is how to enhance the quality of education in secondary schools in Saudi Arabia. The Critical Systemic Approach addresses the challenges that students face in achieving their learning and life goals and then makes policy suggestions based on 12 is/ought questions (Ulrich, 1983). The analysis draws on the 'capabili...
A core capability for sociologists who wish to respond to the complex interconnected social, cultural, political and economic challenges will be the ability to transcend disciplinary boundaries and to work with diverse perspectives. Thus those who inform the argument for this article include De Waal and Dawkins (primatology and philosophy), Kymlick...
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This article considers policy making in practice focussing on case studies drawn from ethnographic research on prostitution in Indonesia carried out between 2012 and 2013 (this article is based on field research undertaken in Java, Indonesia, between November 2012 and 28 February 2013). Its theoretical underpinnings is that of ‘critical systemic he...


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