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Publications (47)
V souvislosti s probíhajícím přechodem k cirkulární ekonomice se diskutují i nástroje, jejichž prostřednictvím by obce mohly podpořit své občany v předcházení vzniku odpadu, aktivním snižování produkce směsného komunálního odpadu a vyšším třídění využitelných složek. Do středu pozornosti se proto dostává chování člověka a jeho rozhodování o tom, co...
Nowadays, dealing with organic waste (or biowaste) remains a global phenomenon. Especially developing countries worldwide generate more than 50 percent organicwaste. In the European Union (EU) with a share of 34%, biowaste is a dominantfraction of the municipal waste (EEA, 2020). Therefore, separate collection at source and environmentally sound tr...
Nowadays, the European municipal waste management policy based on the circular economy paradigm demands the closing of material and financial loops at all territorial levels of public administration. The effective planning of treatment capacities (especially sorting plants, recycling, and energy recovery facilities) and municipal waste management p...
Increasing pressure of the European Union on diverting municipal waste from landfills requires an active role of households and commands a radical change of their behavior. Knowledge of behavioral patterns enables an effective design of municipal waste management systems. Based on several factors influencing environmental behavior, this paper aims...
Municipal solid waste generation has been analyzed in broad range of studies but most of the studies neglect the spatial aspect of analyzed datasets. This paper’s aim is to explore spatial dependency in relations between municipal solid waste generation and socio-demographic aspects. The results obtained using geographically weighted regression are...
To accelerate the transition to a circular economy European member states have applied a broad range of policy instruments. Based on recycling rates and public participation in recycling efforts the Czech Republic would also appear to be on the way to a circular economy. However, the environmental effect of policy instruments (e.g. promotion and ed...
The European regulation of biodegradable municipal waste (biowaste) treatment places a significant demand on local biowaste separation systems and consequent treatment (composting, anaerobic digestion). When implementing separate collection systems, there is a public demand for systems based on containers and bags. Based on a case study of the city...
This paper examines the role of the competition on the waste-collection market. Based on the case study of the Czech Republic, we evaluate the influence of competition intensity on supply side of the market on efficiency of waste-collection services. The rate of competition was approximated by the number of submitted bids to public tenders and effi...
To accelerate the transition to a circular economy, the European member states apply a broad range of policy instruments. Based on recycling rates and public participation on recycling efforts, the Czech Republic seems to be a country that is on the regular way to a circular economy. However, the environmental effect of policy instruments (e.g. P&E...
Recently, the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)s in environmental governance has been widely investigated, especially regarding the issue of mandatory public participation in policy-making within a European context. This paper aims to redirect scientific attention from their pure participation to their field actions, i.e., to the role th...
Socio-demographic structures of inhabitants of most European towns and cities are facing substantial changes. Populations are ageing, the number of smaller or single person households is increasing and city centers face sinking number of inhabitants. This changes in many cities and regions brings new challenges for implementation of modern smart so...
The present transboundary study of ecosystem services (ES) focusses on a section of the Eastern Ore Mountains, a rural low mountain range in Germany and the Czech Republic. Aims of the study were to quantify five biotope types typical for the region (raised bogs, mountain meadows, clearance cairns, near-natural mountain forests, and near-natural st...
Most analyses dealing with the costs of the municipal waste management system focus on competition, ownership, quality of the service, economies of scale and density, or intermunicipal cooperation. Only a few of them consider system parameters that are under direct control of municipal representatives on a daily basis – e.g. pickup frequency, numbe...
In den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern mit ehemals sozialistischem Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftssystem vollzieht sich seit Ende der 1980er Jahre ein epochaler Strukturwandel, der gesamtgesellschaftlich, regional und sektoral sehr unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Entwicklungspfaden folgt. Daraus ergeben sich die Grundgedanken der IÖR-Schrift, nämli...
Quantitative methods (economic valuation) in socio-economic environmental research still dominate as the main methodological approach used for decision-making in environmental governance. According to Downward et Mearman (2006), Bryman (2006), Austin et al. (2010) and others, the mixed-method research (a combination of quantitative and qualitative...
For downloading is available draft version of the paper pubished in European Planning Studies, Vol 22, Iss. 3, 2014
LA21, a voluntary tool for implementing SD in local level, is one way of implementing sustainability principles in practice. Twenty years after the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro, which made the first reference of LA21 (intended...
Das von der Europäischen Union sowie Sachsen und Tschechien im Rahmen des Europäischen Fond
für regionale Entwicklung (Ziel 3) geförderte Projekt „Mehrwert Natur Osterzgebirge. Ökosystemdienstleistungen erkennen, bewerten und kommunizieren.“ hatte zum Ziel, das ÖSD-Konzept exemplarisch f...
According to the European regulation regarding waste management (which is reflected in the increasing pressure on municipal waste separation and recycling) the choice of suitable political instruments seems to be crucial. Based on scientific research, the variable charges are considered as an effective choice for the regulation. Unfortunately, scie...
The paper describes two evolving qualitative methods of socioeconomic research – the analytic narrative conceptualized by R. Bates and his colleagues and the institutional analysis developed by E. Ostrom – and introduces their pilot application within the field of the environmental protection in the Central European dimension. Authors of the paper...
The paper describes two evolving qualitative methods of socioeconomic research - the analytic narrative conceptualized by R. Bates and his colleagues and the institutional analysis developed by E. Ostrom - and introduces their pilot application within the field of the environmental protection in the Central European dimension. Authors of the paper...
The economic valuation of environmental resources is considered to be an important theoretical tool for decision-making on the allocation of scarce natural resources. However, its practical (political) use is often questioned. Within the paper the usefulness of the widely used contingent valuation method for local tourism strategies is defended. Th...
The publication summarizes the experiences gained from the creation of a draft‐system that would deal with the management of biodegradable muni‐ cipal waste (BMW) within a chosen region of the Czech Republic – the Mora‐ via‐Silesia region. Such a system would indicate a method on how to achieve the goals stated in the directive 1999/31/EC about was...
Business processes take place in an environment of complex systems that consist of many interrelated elements with stochastic and dynamic characteristics. Simulation and management methods were developed to cope with such complexity. Simulation and management methods are interdependent disciplines that were developed relatively separately, but we a...
Anotace Problematika využití a účinnosti ekonomických nástrojů politiky ochrany životního prostředí byla v teoretické rovině diskutována již od 60. let 20. století. Za jejich hlavní výhodu oproti nástrojům regulační povahy byla považována zejména statická efektivnost (Baumol, 1972) vedoucí k minimalizaci nákladů, dynamická efektivnost chápaná jako...
Question (1)
I'm preparing a new course for university students at this topic and searching for a common understanding of what actually is the 'Economics of Waste' for different actors (scientists, policy makers, public etc.).