Jan Ole Kriegs

Jan Ole Kriegs
Independent Researcher



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Additional affiliations
September 2008 - July 2016
LWL-Museum für Naturkunde
  • Curator
May 2007 - August 2008
University of Münster
  • PostDoc Position
May 2004 - May 2007
University of Münster
  • PhD Student
May 2004 - May 2007
University of Münster
Field of study
  • genome evolution, genomics, retroposons, mammalian evolution
October 1998 - April 2004
University of Münster
Field of study
  • Biology


Publications (100)
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Reconstruction of the placental mammalian (eutherian) evolutionary tree has undergone diverse revisions, and numerous aspects remain hotly debated. Initial hierarchical divisions based on morphology contained many misgroupings due to features that evolved independently by similar selection processes. Molecular analyses corrected many of these misgr...
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Paleovirology involves the identification of ancient endogenous viral elements within eukaryotic genomes. The evolutionary origins of the reverse-transcribing hepatitis B viruses, however, remain elusive, due to the small number of endogenized sequences present in host genomes. Here we report a comprehensively dated genomic record of hepatitis B vi...
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The Tree Marten is known as a species of largely interconnected woodland, while the closely related House Marten also inhabits human settlements. The distribution of both species was investigated using a combination of odor and photo trap. This odor could be shown to attract several species of Mustelidae as well as other carnivores. As a result, th...
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(Article in German) Historical and prehistorical sediments of the river Emscher in Castrop-Rauxel-Ickern, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany, have been investigated on their content of remains of small mammals. The sediments containing remains of small mammals date to the Pre-Roman iron age, the times of the late Roman Empire and the early years of Mod...
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The relationships of passerines (such as the well-studied zebra finch) with non-passerine birds is one of the great enigmas of avian phylogenetic research, because decades of extensive morphological and molecular studies yielded highly inconsistent results between and within data sets. Here we show the first application of the virtually homoplasy-f...
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The authors conclude that Microstus subterraneus is wide-spread around Münster, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. However, it appears to occur in habitats that lack strong competition of other Microtus species, only. It is discussed that the species occurs in low densities and therefore, small habitat changes might have severe effects on the populat...
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Due to the high numbers of records of the Parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus) in late summer/autumn 2023, we investigate the phenology and the distribution of all 427 records of this bat species in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany, during the last 60 years. We make use of the biodiversity data platform Observation.org to combine validated...
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This study investigates the current distribution of the three species of Dormice Gliridae that are regularly found in Germany, the Garden Dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), the European Edible Dormouse (Glis glis), and the Hazel Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), and identifies the changes that have occurred in their distribution over the last few dec...
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We describe the current distribution and the spreading of the European Mantis Mantis religiosa during the last 10 years in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and Europe. Therefore, we evaluate distribution maps based on citizen science data, mainly from Observation.org and other validated sources from GBIF. We suppose that the species is spreading via...
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The Jersey Tiger Euplagia quadripunctaria (PODA, 1761) (Erebidae: Arctiinae) is a thermophilic moth species that is native to Europe. Here we show its range expansion in Germany during the last 10 years with a focus on North Rhine-Westphalia and the current distribution in Europe using validated data from the citizen science project Observation.org...
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The House Centipede Scutigera coleoptrata (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Chilopoda: Scutigeromorpha) is a xerothermophil arthropod species that is native to the Mediterranean but has been introduced to all continents, where it has been able to establish local populations mostly in urban environments. Due to climate change the species is expanding its natural ar...
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Die hier publizierte Artenliste enthält alle 212 im NSG Heiliges Meer-Heupen nachgewiesenen Arten. Brutvögel, Rastvögel und Durchzügler werden in Häufigkeitskategorien eingeordnet. Ergänzend zu dieser Liste gibt es einige allgemeine Bemerkungen, die auf die Besonderheiten des Gebietes eingehen. Dazu gehören besonders die hohen Brutpaar- Dichten von...
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During a citizen science project on Observation.org, the mirid Pinalitus atomarius was recorded for the first time for the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The identity of the species is confirmed by a genital study of specimens collected later on the same location. Furthermore, inquiries on citizen science platforms delivered a new...
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Über das Vorkommen von Baummardern (Martes martes), einer nach der Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie der Europäischen Union geschütz¬ten Art, ist grundsätzlich weniger bekannt als über den verwandten Steinmarder (Martes foina), einem Kulturfolger. Trotz gelistetem FFH-Status gibt es bisher zur Erfassung keine weithin verwendete standardisierte Methode...
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Background Passeriformes (“perching birds” or passerines) make up more than half of all extant bird species. The genome of the zebra finch, a passerine model organism for vocal learning, was noted previously to contain thousands of short interspersed elements (SINEs), a group of retroposons that is abundant in mammalian genomes but considered large...
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"Seltenen Vögel in Nordrhein-Westfalen" das sind Arten, für die Nordrhein-Westfalen nicht auf dem normalen Zugweg liegt, die aber dennoch regelmäßig und auf eigenen Flügeln hierzulande erscheinen. Viele von ihnen stammen aus Asien, aus dem Mittelmeerraum oder sogar aus Nordamerika. Ihr Auftreten verschafft uns Erkenntnisse über den Vogelzug, über A...
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People differ in their sleep-wake behavior. This individual difference is conceptualized in different aspects, such as wake up times, bed times, times of peak performance, as well as in morning affect. A total of 14,987 visitors of an exhibition in the LWL State Museum of Natural History, Münster (Germany), did the survey on chronotype and gave the...
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Passeriformes (“perching birds” or passerines) make up more than half of all extant bird species. Here, we resolve their deep phylogenetic relationships using presence/absence patterns of short interspersed elements (SINEs), a group of retroposons which is abundant in mammalian genomes but considered largely inactive in avian genomes. The resultant...
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The distribution of Northern raccoons was mapped based on hunt statistics of the years 2000-2011 on a municipal level for the Westphalian Basin. A comparison to the distribution in 1984 revealed 58 new records. However, a strong gradient with a decline in record density from southeast to northwest could be observed that is not likely to be explaine...
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Die drei Biologischen Stationen des Westmünsterlandes (Biologische Station Zwillbrock e.V., Naturschutzzentrum Kreis Coesfeld e.V., Biologische Station Kreis Recklinghausen e.V.) führen in Kooperation mit dem LWL-Museum für Naturkunde seit 2012 das Monitoring "Fischotter im Westmünsterland“ durch. Als Ziel des Monitorings ist eine Dokumentation der...
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Baummarder gelten als Bewohner zusammenhängender Waldgebiete, während Steinmarder als Kulturfolger auch häufig in Siedlungen vorkommen. Das Verbreitungsmuster des Baummarders in der Westfälischen Bucht wurde mittels einer Kombination aus Lockstoff und Fotofalle untersucht. Das Lockmittel wirkt auf verschiedene Marderartige und andere Beutegreifer a...
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Farmland birds are among the most serious declining animal and plant species in North-Rhine - Westphalia as well as all over Europe. This is reason for serious concern because birds are among the most visible indicators of biodiversity. Numerous studies show that changes in agricultural practices are the principal causes for these declines. The Orn...
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Die Feldvögel gehören als Vögel der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen in Nordrhein-Westfalen wie europaweit zu den am stärksten im Bestand zurückgehenden Tierarten. Dies ist ein ernstes Warnsignal, da Vögel gut sichtbare Zeiger der Artenvielfalt in der Kulturlandschaft sind. Zahlreiche Studien zeigen, dass die Änderungen der landwirtschaftlichen Nu...
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In 2009, the formerly extinct Eurasian otter was rediscovered in Northrhine-Westphalia. We investigated the novel population and found the otter to be distributed over several stream systems in the western Münsterland region. Genetic analyses revealed that the individuals stem from relict populations in central Germany in particular. However, some...
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The present invention provides oligonucleotides including ampli?cation primers and probes as Well as pairs of said oligonucleotides that are useful in methods and uses for the determination of the sex of an avian subject. Similarly; these oligonucleotides can be used for the preparation of a kit for the determination of the sex of an avian subject....
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The present invention provides oligonucleotides including amplification primers and probes as well as pairs of said oligonucleotides that are useful in methods and uses for the determination of the sex of an avian subject. Similarly, these oligonucleotides can be used for the preparation of a kit for the determination of the sex of an avian subject...
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Presence/absence patterns of retroposon insertions at orthologous genomic loci constitute straightforward markers for phylogenetic or population genetic studies. In birds, the convenient identification and utility of these markers has so far been mainly restricted to the lineages leading to model birds (i.e., chicken and zebra finch). We present an...
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More than 150 Ma, the avian lineage separated from that of other dinosaurs and later diversified into the more than 10,000 species extant today. The early neoavian bird radiations most likely occurred in the late Cretaceous (more than 65 Ma) but left behind few if any molecular signals of their archaic evolutionary past. Retroposed elements, once e...
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Supplementary Figures S1-S3 and Supplementary Tables S1-S2.
Presence/absence matrix as a 1/0-code version in PAUP*.
Complete listing of the 51 full sequence alignments.
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The vast majority of extant birds possess highly differentiated Z and W sex chromosomes. Nucleotide sequence data from gametologs (homologs on opposite sex chromosomes) suggest that this divergence occurred throughout early bird evolution via stepwise cessation of recombination between identical sex chromosomal regions. Here, we investigated avian...
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The homogenous mammalian order Lagomorpha comprises about 80 species in two families, Ochotonidae (pikas) and Leporidae (rabbits and hares). However, the phylogenetic relationships among leporids are controversial. Molecular data, particularly from mitochondrial sequences, give highly homoplasious signals. To resolve the controversy between mitocho...
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After the extinction of the Eurasian Otter in North Rhine Westphalia during the first half of the 20th century, the species has been recorded only sporadically. In 2009, two roadkills were reported in Münsterland region and afterwards a small population was found nearby. The animals have been genetically investigated using their faeces. At least si...
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One and a half centuries after Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace outlined our current understanding of evolution, a new scientific era is dawning that enables direct observations of genetic variation. However, pure sequence-based molecular attempts to resolve the basal origin of placental mammals have so far resulted only in apparently confl...
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We present a draft genome sequence of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. This monotreme exhibits a fascinating combination of reptilian and mammalian characters. For example, platypuses have a coat of fur adapted to an aquatic lifestyle; platypus females lactate, yet lay eggs; and males are equipped with venom similar to that of reptiles. Anal...
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We present a draft genome sequence of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. This monotreme exhibits a fascinating combination of reptilian and mammalian characters. For example, platypuses have a coat of fur adapted to an aquatic lifestyle; platypus females lactate, yet lay eggs; and males are equipped with venom similar to that of reptiles. Anal...
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We present a draft genome sequence of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. This monotreme exhibits a fascinating combination of reptilian and mammalian characters. For example, platypuses have a coat of fur adapted to an aquatic lifestyle; platypus females lactate, yet lay eggs; and males are equipped with venom similar to that of reptiles. Anal...
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Salivary calcium plays an important role in the pathogenesis of dental caries and the bio-mineralization of dental enamel and exposed dentin. The cellular and molecular basis of calcium secretion by the human salivary glands is, however, poorly understood. Recently a transcellular transport of calcium by the acinus cells has been proposed. In this...
The evolutionary relationships of 7SL RNA-derived SINEs such as the primate Alu or the rodent B1 elements have hitherto been obscure. We established an unambiguous phylogenetic tree for Supraprimates, and derived intraordinal relationships of the 7SL RNA-derived SINEs. As well as new elements in Tupaia and primates, we also found that the purported...
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The phylogenetic tree of Galliformes (gamebirds, including megapodes, currassows, guinea fowl, New and Old World quails, chicken, pheasants, grouse, and turkeys) has been considerably remodeled over the last decades as new data and analytical methods became available. Analyzing presence/absence patterns of retroposed elements avoids the problems of...
Detailed Presence/Absence Patterns (148 KB DOC).
Oligonucleotides Used for PCR Amplifications (29 KB DOC).
Aligned Sequences of the 28 Phylogenetic Markers in FASTA Format (579 KB DOC).
Schematic Human Chromosomal Map including the Positions of Presence/Absence Markers (A) The various chromosomal locations indicate the independent integration of the 28 markers investigated. The different colors for markers refer to the clades shown in Figure 2. (B) Presence (+) and absence (−) of all markers in the various mammalian clades. The...
Computational Strategies (1.4 MB JPG).