Jan Derksen

Jan Derksen
Radboud University | RU


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Publications (115)
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The maladaptive trait model of personality has gained popularity in the assessment of personality pathology. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF) is a widely used instrument to measure maladaptive traits, by means of the Personality Psychopathology 5 (PSY-5-r) scales. Polarity of these maladaptive trait measures—whether these...
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We applied a Bayesian Constraint-based Causal Discovery method (BCCD) to examine the hierarchical structure of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) Restructured Clinical (RC) scales. Two different general psychopathology super spectra (p-factor) scales were extracted from (1) all RC scales and (2) all RC s...
Objective: More empirical research is needed to disentangle the phenotypes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and cluster C personality symptomatology (CCPD), as both show similarities in their clinical presentation. We explored personality and psychopathology dimensions as conceptualized in contemporary dimensional taxonomies (i.e., hierarchical t...
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Objectives This study reports the development of the AUT-EZ-ME, a new diagnostic instrument in order to quickly, reliable, and valid identify and differentiate children with autism aged 4–18 years.MethodsA total of 216 parents of children age 4 to 18 years participated in this study and were divided into three groups: children with autism, children...
In this article we hypothesize that psychopathic leaders may be attracted to positions of power because in such environments they can fulfill their need for domination and control over other people. Although social dominance is a well-established trait in psychopathy, social dominance as a motivational factor in those high in psychopathy has receiv...
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Identifying autism in clinical practice is complex because the causes of autism are still unclear and the features of autism are highly diverse. The Empathizing–Systemizing theory is successful in interpreting the core features of autism, both social and non-social, compared to other current theories of autism. This study provides an overview of th...
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The long-term stability of maladaptive personality traits in the general population has been under-investigated. The current study examined the longitudinal 20-year mean-level stability and rank-order consistency of five maladaptive personality traits—as measured with the Personality Psychopathology-5-r scales. Correlations and regression analysis...
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Humans need empathy to promote social interactions and to display prosocial behavior. Therefore, it is not surprising that low empathy skills are commonly seen as diagnostic features in several mental disorders. Empathy is an interesting topic in autism, since low empathy skills are responsible for the social difficulties that individuals with auti...
In the last few years scholars have postulated that non-institutionalized psychopathic individuals may be overrepresented in leadership positions. In this paper we juxtapose theory and research on the profile of those high in psychopathy in leadership positions with the traditional profile of those high in psychopathy in prisons and institutions. W...
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Psychopathy is a severe personality disorder that can be defined by a lack of conscience, an egocentric and manipulative character, and charming social skills. Among the general community, images of serial killer Ted Bundy or movie character Hannibal Lector immediately come to mind. Interestingly, however, the recent TV show House of Cards appears...
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Baron-Cohen’s Empathizing-Systemizing theory plays a central role in this study due to its success in interpreting the core impairments and strengths in autism. The theory states that low empathizing skills are responsible for the social difficulties in autism, and that high levels of systemizing are accountable for the restricted, repetitive patte...
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This article examines the influence of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) as a clinical and research instrument beyond the borders of the United States. The MCMI's theoretical and empirical grounding, its alignment with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and scales that can be interpreted both categoricall...
Onlangs organiseerde de International Neuropsychoanalysis Society (NPSA) het jaarlijkse International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, in Amsterdam. Redactieleden Paul van der Heijden en Jan Derksen interviewden NPSA-voorzitter Mark Solms, een Zuid- Afrikaanse hoogleraar neuropsychologie die getraind is als psychoanalyticus. In gesprek met een bevloge...
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How does primary care psychology deal with organized complexity? Has it escaped Newtonian science? Has it, as Weaver (1991) suggests, found a way to 'manage problems with many interrelated factors that cannot be dealt by statistical techniques'? Computer simulations and mathematical models in psychology are ongoing positive developments in the stud...
Pollen germination may occur via the so‐called germination pores or directly through the pollen wall at the site of contact with the stigma. In this study, we addressed what processes take place during pollen hydration (i.e. before tube emergence), in a species with extra‐poral pollen germination, Arabidopsis thaliana . A T‐ DNA mutant population w...
Background Recent research addressed the relationship between staff behaviour and challenging behaviour of individuals with an intellectual disability (ID). Consequently, research on interventions aimed at staff is warranted. The present study focused on the effectiveness of a staff training aimed at emotional intelligence and interactions between...
Background Challenging behaviour of clients influences emotional wellbeing of staff; this in turn affects levels of staff engagement and avoidance within interactions with clients. The main goal of this study was to investigate to what extent levels of staff engagement and staff avoidance are related to challenging and desirable client behaviours a...
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We reviewed the evidence regarding which personality traits and personality disorders remain stable into later middle and old age (age >60 years of age) and how expressions of (maladaptive) personality traits affect personality assessment among older adults. Our study was a literature review of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies of the Five F...
This study investigates the relationship between personality and psychopathology as measured by the NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992) and the Minnesota Multhiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF; Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008) in a combined dataset of patients with a broad range of psychiatric disorders (N = 472)...
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This study investigates the relationship between the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) and the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) in a combined data set (N = 491) of patients with a broad range of psychiatric disorders (n = 286) as well as alcohol use disorder (n = 205). We examined bivariate correla...
Narcisme op latere leeftijd blijkt onderbelicht in de wetenschappelijke literatuur. Niettemin is aandacht voor narcisme bij 65-plussers in de klinische praktijk zeer relevant. Ouderen met een narcistische stoornis hebben doorgaans grote moeite om grootheidswensen te modificeren aan leeftijdsspecifieke verlieservaringen en beperkingen. Het is algeme...
In de klinische praktijk wordt het diagnosticeren van een stoornis binnen het autismespectrum als een lastige opgave beschouwd. In ieder geval zou de clinicus dit als een lastige opgave dienen te beschouwen. Aan deze moeilijkheid liggen verschillende oorzaken ten grondslag. Zo is er onvoldoende inzicht in determinanten van de stoornis, zorgt de div...
Achtergrond De Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 2 (MMPI-2), wereldwijd het meest onderzochte en gebruikte instrument binnen de klinische psychologie, is in 1993 voor Nederland vertaald en genormeerd. Mede op basis van een exploratief vergelijkend onderzoek wordt in de handleiding van het instrument gesuggereerd dat de ontwikkelde normg...
YILDIRIM, B.O., DERKSEN, J.J.L. Systematic review, structural analysis, and new theoretical perspectives on the role of serotonin and associated genes to the etiology of psychopathy and sociopathy. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV XX(X) XXX-XXX, 2013.- Since its theoretical inception, psychopathy has been considered by philosophers, clinicians, theorists, and...
Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate whether (a) overgeneralization is restricted to negative attributions directed at the self; or whether it also extends to positive self-attributions and to attributions of situations in the outside world, and (b) whether the valence and direction (positively or negatively, to the self- or across s...
Life-course persistent antisocial behavior is 10 to 14 times more prevalent in males and it has been suggested that testosterone levels could account for this gender bias. Preliminary studies with measures of fetal testosterone find inconsistent associations with antisocial behavior, especially studies that use the 2D:4D ratio as a proxy for fetal...
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The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2–Restructured Form (Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 20087. Ben-Porath , Y. S. and Tellegen , A. 2008. MMPI–2–RF user's guide for reports, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. View all references) Restructured Clinical scales and Higher Order scales were linked to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Invent...
Testosterone (T) has received increasing interest in the recent years as a probable biological determinant in the etiology of male-biased clinical conditions such as psychopathy (i.e. psychopathy is more prevalent in men and leads to an earlier onset and more severe expression of antisocial and aggressive behavior in men compared to women). In this...
Due to several developments in the (mental) health care, outcome monitoring has been seen as more and more important. For this purpose disorder specific instruments (BDI), symptom based generic instruments, instruments measuring daily functioning (both OQ-45), and instruments measuring quality of life (WHOQoL-Bref) are widely used. This study inves...
Due to several developments in the (mental) health care, outcome monitoring has been seen as more and more important. For this purpose disorder specific instruments (BDI), symptom based generic instruments, instruments measuring daily functioning (both OQ-45), and instruments measuring quality of life (WHOQoL-Bref) are widely used. This study inves...
Derksen J, De Jong A. Het profiel van de eerstelijnspsycholoog na dertig jaar. Huisarts Wet 2011;54(8):432-5. Nederland kent sinds het begin jaren van de tachtig het beroep van eerstelijnspsycholoog. Dit is een generalist die nauw samenwerkt met de huisarts en andere zorgverleners in de eerste lijn, en daarin onderscheidt hij zich van andere, meer...
Primary care psychology has been recognized as a profession in the Netherlands since the early 1980s. The primary care psychologist is a generalist who works in close cooperation with general practitioners and other primary care professionals, but is different from other, more specialized mental health professionals. He or she provides services for...
A major question in pollen tube growth in planta remains: do the pollen tube walls form a barrier to interaction with the environment? Using cryo-FESEM, we directly assessed the 3D construction and porosity of tobacco pollen tube walls. Fractured mature primary walls showed a 40-50 nm spaced lattice of continuous fibers interconnected by short rods...
Begin jaren vijftig verscheen de eerste versie van de Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Hiermee vond een verschuiving plaats van diagnostiek in de diepte (in het bijzonder gericht op bewust en onbewuste aspecten van de levensloop van de patiënt) naar classificatie aan de oppervlakte (gericht op het in kaart brengen van de...
Kinderen en jongeren labelen als ‘hoogbegaafd’ leidt tot misverstanden en is strijdig met actuele psychologische inzichten. De psychologische diversiteit onder ‘hoogbegaafden’ is indrukwekkender dan de overeenstemming en er is onvoldoende empirische steun voor ‘hoogbegaafdheid’ als afzonderlijke categorie. Feitelijk is het (nog) onduidelijk wat ’ho...
Als gevolg van verschillende ontwikkelingen in de (geestelijke) gezondheidszorg, heeft uitkomstonderzoek meer en meer aan terrein gewonnen. De Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Korte Klachtenlijst (KKL), Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS), Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R), Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) en Out...
Een groot deel van de patiënten die worden gescreend en behandeld door klinisch psychologen gebruikt psychofarmaca. Dit artikel bespreekt de mogelijke bijdrage van de psychologische indicatiestelling aan het besluit om psychofarmaca voor te schrijven. Verschillende MMPI-2-profielen zijn, op basis van Stahls methodologie, hypothetisch verbonden met...
De Amerikaanse Drew Westen is hoogleraar Klinisch psychologie, gespecialiseerd in persoonlijkheidspathologie bij adolescenten. Een interview over onder meer de comorbiditeit tussen AS I-problematiek en persoonlijkheidspathologie, de definities van de persoonlijkheidsstoornissen in DSM-5, de (on)mogelijkheden van beeldvormende technieken zoals MRI e...
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The aim of this study is to gain insight into the level of emotional intelligence of mental health nurses in the Netherlands. The focus in research on emotional intelligence to date has been on a variety of professionals. However, little is known about emotional intelligence in mental health nurses. The emotional intelligence of 98 Dutch nurses car...
Staff working with clients with intellectual disabilities (ID) who display challenging behaviour may contribute to the continuation of this behaviour, because it causes emotional reactions such as anxiety, anger and annoyance, which may prohibit adequate response behaviour. To enhance staff behaviour and treatment skills a training that aimed at im...
In zijn reactie op mijn column over Lucia de Berk schrijft Arjan de Groot van het NIFP dat ik niet uitnodig tot debat. Dat was ook niet mijn intentie, maar toch is er een debat op gang gekomen.
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Structural sterols are abundant in the plasma membrane of root apex cells in Arabidopsis thaliana. They specifically accumulate in trichoblasts during the prebulging and bulge stages and show a polar accumulation in the tip during root hair elongation but are distributed evenly in mature root hairs. Thus, structural sterols may serve as a marker fo...
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In most validity studies on the recently released 338-item MMPI-2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF; Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008; Tellegen & Ben-Porath, 2008), scale scores were derived from the 567-item MMPI-2 booklet. In this study, we evaluated the comparability of the MMPI-2-RF scale scores der...
Allergie is een uiterst complex verschijnsel. De uitlokkende stoffen (de allergenen) zijn zeer divers van aard en je kunt er, afhankelijk van het allergeen, op zeer verschillende plaatsen mee in aanraking komen. Ook de effecten zijn zeer verschillend, zowel qua ernst als ziektebeeld. Bovendien zijn de ziektebeelden sterk individugebonden. Het stell...
Inhalatieallergenen zijn allergenen uit de lucht die door inademing in neus, bronchiën en longen terechtkomen. Dezelfde allergenen kunnen via de lucht ook in de ogen terechtkomen en daar allergische reacties geven. De naam ‚inhalatieallergeen’ zegt alleen iets over de manier waarop we in contact komen met de desbetreffende allergenen. De belangrijk...
De MMPI-2- Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) is een kortere versie van de bekende MMPI-2. De MMPI-2-RF is in de VS al in gebruik en zal in de loop van volgend jaar ook beschikbaar komen voor het Nederlands taalgebied. De test is op een geheel nieuwe wijze vormgegeven en bevat eengroot aantal nieuwe schalen die beter aansluiten bij moderne dimensionele...
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The primary care psychologist (PCP) in the Netherlands has 30 years of experience. The PCP is a generalist who, in close cooperation with the family physician and other providers of primary health care, has a mindset and manner of working that is largely determined by the context in which the PCP works. The specific attitudes and role of the PCP ar...
Onze bijdrage in het Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie (Van der Heijden, Derksen & Egger, 2008a) blijkt te inspireren tot reacties. De laatste (Hafkenscheid, 2009) heeft het karakter van een refreindicht, een ballade, door de niet onaanzienlijke overlap met de reactie van Jaspers (2008). Niettemin maken we graag gebruik van de mogelijkheid om enkele...
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S a m e n v a t t i n g ] Dit onderzoek ging na of de Nederlandstalige versie van de Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – Adolescenten (MMPI-A) gebruikt kan worden voor assessment van Vlaamse jonge-ren. De Vlaamse normgroep bestond uit 847 adolescenten variërend in leeftijd van 13 tot en met 18 jaar. In het kader van het test-hertestonderz...
In dit artikel wordt een theorie ontwikkeld over het object van de psychotherapie, de intrapsychische architectuur, en over de wijze waarop dit door middel van openleggende psychotherapie kan worden beïnvloed. Dit gebeurt tegen de achtergrond van de toenemende assertiviteit van onderzoekers in de psychotherapie die menen dat de clinici vooral ‘evid...
Over de waarde van de psychodiagnostiek in psychotherapeutische context is de laatste tijd veel discussie (zie onder meer Derksen, Egger & Van der Heijden, 2008; Verbraak, 2007).
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In this article, we evaluate internal validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) scales in the Dutch MMPI-2 normative sample (N = 1,244) and a Dutch outpatient psychiatric sample (N = 1,066). We pay special attention to a critique regarding construct drift of RC3 and the redundancy of the RC...
‘Echte’ psychotherapeuten testen niet. Zo is het al heel lang. Toch worden ze wel geacht psychodiagnostiek te bedrijven. Zij doen dat hoofdzakelijk met twee databronnen in plaats van met drie: kijken en praten. Hun testvaardigheden zijn verouderd, versleten of anderszins achteruitgegaan. Zij lopen, zeker bij complexe stoornissen, uit de pas met de...
The present study is the first to relate professional caregivers’ general mood to the observed quality of their interactions with the children in their care. A total of 238 female caregivers from 133 child care groups in 64 centers completed the General mood scale of Bar-On’s Emotional Quotient Inventory (1997) and was observed while playing with s...
Het is verheugend dat er voor het eerst in de 27 jaargangen van het tijdschrift Directieve Therapie aandacht is besteed aan de Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2; Verbraak, 2007). In de klinische psychologie is dit wereldwijd de meest gebruikte en onderzochte psychologische test. Jammer genoeg gaat het niet om een origineel artikel...
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In this paper we describe a study on emotional intelligence. The hypothesis is that emotional intelligence can be trained. 106 managers took part in a 6 day training in emotional intelligence (TrEIn), spread over a period of 6 months. The Bar-On EQ-I, a well-known and validated measure for emotional capabilities, was used to assess the effect of th...
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In this paper we describe a study on emotional intelligence. The hypothesis is that emotional intelligence can be trained. 106 managers took part in a 6 day training in emotional intelligence (TrEIn), spread over a period of 6 months. The Bar-On EQ-I, a well-known and validated measure for emotional capabilities, was used to assess the effect of th...
Objective: Psychometric research in the field of alcohol dependence has concentrated on identifying certain (personality) characteristics (i.e. typologies). This paper is aimed to identify such typologies and studies the relation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and Cloninger’s temperament-character inventory (TCI). Met...
On the basis of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and later the MMPI-2, E. I. Megargee and colleagues empirically developed a classification system to enhance management and treatment of offenders throughout the criminal justice system. This preliminary study extended the application of the MMPI-2 based system for the first time to a...
There is still a lack of diagnostic instruments that are specifically developed to diagnose personality disorders in the elderly. To develop a reliable and valid screening instrument to assess personality disorders in older adults. The draft version of the screening instrument (52 items) consists of two sections: one for patients and one for inform...
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The developmental expression pattern and localization of calreticulin were studied in Nicotiana tabacum L. anthers, pollen and pollen tubes. High transcript and protein levels were detected throughout anther development. Immunolocalization of calreticulin in the anthers showed particular dense label in tapetum and pollen at developmental stage 2, w...
Little is known about the course of personality disorders across the life span. A major problem is that the current DSM nosology for personality disorders does not account for age-associated changes in behaviour and interpersonal functioning. This editorial will discuss the main diagnostic bottlenecks when applying the current DSM-IV-TR Axis II cri...
The past twenty years have seen many developments in 'psychodynamic' psychotherapy. To provide an overview of recent developments in short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. This involves summarizing current approaches and describing in detail the model developed by Malan and Davanloo. A summary is also given of empirical research into the effect of...
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Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane, the second most important greenhouse gas. Methane flux to the atmosphere depends strongly on the climate; however, by far the largest part of the methane formed in wetland ecosystems is recycled and does not reach the atmosphere. The biogeochemical controls on the efficient oxidation o...
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Plant cells are enclosed by a rigid cell wall that counteracts the internal osmotic pressure of the vacuole and limits the rate and direction of cell enlargement. When developmental or physiological cues induce cell extension, plant cells increase wall plasticity by a process called loosening. It was demonstrated previously that a class of proteins...
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The lipid-rich, sticky exudate covering the stigma of solanaceous species such as tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and petunia (Petunia hybrida) contains several proteins, of which only some have been characterized to date. Proteome analysis of the stigmatic exudate in both species revealed the presence of a cysteine-rich, slightly acidic 12-kD protein...
Hoewel de diagnose ‘persoonlijkheidsstoornis’ zonder specifieke deskundigheid niet gesteld kan worden, kan de huisarts een persoonlijkheidsstoornis wel vermoeden op basis van de indruk die hij krijgt van de patiënt. Zeker bij enkele opeenvolgende consulten is een persoonlijkheidsstoornis goed te signaleren. Bij stoornissen van het niet veelvoorkome...
This paper reports on a two-year longitudinal study on the emotional intelligence profiles of 380 nurses caring for clients with highly frequent and extremely severe behaviour problems. The aim was to identify emotional intelligence cluster types for those nurses reporting the fewest symptoms of burnout, the least absenteeism due to illness, and th...
This article describes a study of the degree of concordance between assessments made by patients and informants (n = 96) and between assessments made by informants (n = 92) on the basis of the Gerontological Personality disorder Scale (GPS). The patient-informant concordance was weak (κ = 0.24) to fair (κ = 0.51) and the concordance between two inf...
Till now, no specific diagnostic instruments to detect personality disorders in the elderly are available. The aim of our study was to contribute to the construction of a reliable en valid instrument for the detection of personality disorders in older adults. Therefore, a draft version of the instrument was constructed both for the patient and the...
Till now, no specific diagnostic instruments to detect personality disorders in the elderly are available. The aim of our study was to contribute to the construction of a reliable en valid instrument for the detection of personality disorders in older adults. Therefore, a draft version of the instrument was constructed both for the patient and the...
This study investigates the coping styles of bulimic patients with personality disorders (PDs) and the effects of the level of depression on the relations between PDs and coping. The sample consisted of 75 Argentinean bulimic outpatients engaged in treatment. Patients completed the SCID II (Structural Interview for DSM IV-Personality Disorders), CO...
The emotional intelligence profiles, gender differences, and adaptive success of 380 Dutch nurses caring for people with mental retardation and accompanying severe behavior problems are reported. Data were collected with the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, Utrecht-Coping List, Utrecht-Burnout Scale, MMPI-2, and GAMA. Absence due to illness and...
Cognitive models of bulimia nervosa have stressed the importance of self-beliefs in the maintenance of the disorder. However, new findings show a deeper and more general level of beliefs also to play a role in eating disorders. These beliefs are long-standing, absolute, and unconditional. In the present study, the relations between such core belief...
BACKGROUND: Personality disorders in the elderly constitute a relative novel topic in psychology and psychiatry. AIM: To investigate whether the DSM-concept 'personality disorder' is applicable to the elderly and to find out what is known about the course, manifestation, prevalence, (test)diagnostics and treatment of personality disorders in the el...
A Delphi-technique was used as part of the development of a screening instrument to diagnose personality disorders in the elderly. Several statements regarding this subject were tested. Fifty-three Delphi-members, with expertise in the field of mental health services for the elderly and knowledge about the concept 'personality disorder', gave their...
This article examines the cross-national application of psychological tests and examines the generalizability of objective psychological assessment instruments. The most widely used and internationally adapted personality instrument, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), is highlighted to illustrate the adaptation of psychologic...
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The authors investigated cross-cultural replicability of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality as represented by the revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992) in a sample of 423 Dutch psychiatric patients. Also, NEO-PI-R domain scales were compared with the Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5; A. R. Har...
Class III pistil-specific extensin-like proteins (PELPIII) are chimeric hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins with properties of both extensins and arabinogalactan proteins. The abundance and specific localization of PELPIII in the intercellular matrix (IM) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) stylar transmitting tissue, and translocation of PELPIII from the...
The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-II and MCMI-III) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) were applied to 263 Dutch inpatient substance abusers with multiple psychiatric diagnoses, and the results compared with those of 306 North-American substance abusers studied by Ward (1995). We looked for structural similarit...
Tricellular pollen tubes of Arabidopsis thaliana were cultured in vitro on solid media and studied with respect to growth, cellular organization and ultrastructure, cytoskeletal organization, organelle movement, deposition and structure of the wall and the occurrence of coated pits, all elements assumed to be relevant for tip growth. For our ultras...
Background: This article describes an exploratory study of MMPI-2 administration to 20 patients with Korsakoff's disease, all admitted to the Korsakoff unit of a major psychiatric hospital in the Netherlands. Methods: We compared their MMPI-2 basic profiles with those of an inpatient alcohol-dependent non-Korsakoff group. Attention was also given t...
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Until recently, little knowledge existed about the molecular mechanisms regulating male gamete development. This was mainly due to the low transcriptional activity and the cellular inaccessibility of the generative and sperm cells that are enclosed by the vegetative cell in pollen. In order to study sperm cell development and possible preferential...
