James JohnsonUniversity of the South Pacific | USP
James Johnson
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (38)
In the Pacific island country of Fiji, where men’s rugby enjoys immense popularity as a ‘national’ sport and a pinnacle of indigenous masculinity, a small community of women have actively pursued the game since the late 1980s. They have received little institutional or community support, however, and the development of the sport to date is almost e...
The present experiment examined identity denial and reduced empathy for in-group (vs. out-group) targets as a function of the racial composition of their social networks. Black participants rated in-group (Black) targets as more weakly racially identified and expressed less empathy for in-group targets with cross-race close friends versus same-race...
This experiment examined the intersection of socioeconomic status and racial identification in understanding Blacks’ reactions toward Black victims of racial discrimination. When a Black victim of racism was presented as wealthy, rather than non-wealthy, other Blacks viewed this individual as weakly racially identified and expressed little empathy...
Two experiments assess the extent that targets' stereotypically Black physical features and individual differences in perceiver discrimination expectations influence racism-related responses. In Experiment 1, a total of 115 Black college students read about an ambiguously racist workplace situation. Participants reported their hostile emotions and...
African-Americans are under-represented in alcohol research, especially alcohol administration laboratory studies. Specific recruitment of African-Americans into laboratory studies, however, may also inadvertently affect the generalizability of the findings. In the current study, we compared all African-American young adult men (n=53) who volunteer...
Empathy has received increasing empirical attention in the study of intergroup relations. Much of this research has focused on the potential of interventions that generate empathy for improving intergroup attitudes and reducing intergroup bias. Specifically, this work typically explores how empathy mediates the effects of various manipulations, suc...
IntroductionSocial Categorization and Social BiasThe Common In-Group Identity Model and Intergroup Biascommon Identity and Prosocial BehaviorDual IdentitiesResponses to Expressed Identity: Prejudice and HelpingMechanisms and Moderatorsconclusion
Research suggests that alcohol intoxication may increase a young man's likelihood of sexual aggression. This laboratory analogue experiment tested a disinhibition versus alcohol myopia explanation of alcohol's role by investigating effects of acute alcohol administration, expectations and individual differences drawn from Malamuth's Confluence Mode...
Two experiments involving White participants tested the influence of media-based priming of Black stereotypes on support for government policy that assisted Black versus White persons-in-need. Experiment 1 showed that priming the "Black criminal" stereotype through exposure to photographs of Blacks looting after Hurricane Katrina reduced policy sup...
This article investigates the role of contextual cues in the evaluation of a service failure. Empirical data demonstrates
that although discrimination is a factor in the evaluation of a service failure for black (vs. white) customers, contextual
cues also play a role in the evaluation of the encounter. When a black customer experiences a service fa...
Two experiments involving White participants tested the influence of media-based Black stereotypes on subsequent responses to Black and White persons-in-need. Experiment 1 showed that priming the “Black criminal” stereotype through exposure to photographs of Blacks looting after Hurricane Katrina produced greater application of the criminal stereot...
Researchers using scenarios often neglect to validate perceived content and salience of embedded stimuli specifically with intended participants, even when such meaning is integral to the study. For example, sex and aggression stimuli are heavily influenced by culture, so participants may not perceive what researchers intended in sexual aggression...
The authors examined differential contributions of Black racial identity and racial attitudes toward Whites in determining counselor preferences. Results indicated that racial attitudes accounted for a significant portion of the variance in same-race counselor preference. In addition, Black racial attitudes were distinguished from racial identity a...
Two studies involving community-based samples of Blacks assessed the extent that Black anti-White attitudes are associated with racial identity and the Big Five. The two forms of anti-White attitudes assessed were ingroup-directed bias (i.e., discriminatory expectations) and outgroup-directed bias. The results of study one indicated that ingroup-di...
White university students participated in a study to investigate the impact of defendant race and empathetic induction on a subsequent juror decision-making task. Participants read a passage involving a Black or a White defendant in a criminal case. They were subsequently induced to feel no empathy, low empathy, or high empathy for the defendant. W...
The present study assessed the effects of drinking and behavioral ambiguity on perceptions of sexual aggression. Male participants, randomly assigned to 1 of 4 alcohol conditions (low, moderate, placebo, or control) viewed a videotaped interaction involving a couple meeting before a blind date. In the receptive condition, the female was friendly an...
The present study provides a replication and extension of the validity of a measure of anti-White attitudes in Blacks. A college and community sample of Black participants completed the recently developed Johnson–Lecci Scale (JLS) and subsequently made responses to scenarios involving ambiguously racist behavior, direct confrontation with a perceiv...
This study was designed to explore how the impact of exposure to a few stereotyped group members can be mediated by individual variation in stereotype application to other group members. When compared to participants exposed to nonpromiscuous women on an episode of the Jerry Springer Show, those exposed to promiscuous women perceived a victim of se...
The present work investigated mechanisms by which Whites' prejudice toward Blacks can be reduced (Study 1) and explored how creating a common ingroup identity can reduce prejudice by promoting these processes (Study 2). In Study 1, White participants who viewed a videotape depicting examples of racial discrimination and who imagined the victim's fe...
Research on violent television and films, video games, and music reveals unequivocal evidence that media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts. The effects appear larger for milder than for more severe forms of aggression, but the effects on severe forms of violence are also su...
Experiment 1 indicated that when the White supervisor's negative treatment of a Black subordinate was unconstrained, participant race had no impact on attributions. Conversely, when the treatment was constrained, Black participants reported greater racist attributions than did White participants. Experiment 2 indicated that when the supervisor repo...
Five studies are herein reported to describe the development and preliminary validation of the Johnson-Lecci Scale (JLS), a multicomponent self-report measure of anti-White attitudes held among Blacks. Items were generated from the everyday experiences of Black respondents using an act-frequency approach, and the scale configuration was derived usi...
The present study explored how media, specifically violent rap music, may influence Blacks’ and Whites’ attribution of Blacks through stereotype priming. When compared to controls and participants exposed to nonviolent Black musicians, those exposed to violent Black musicians reported attributions of a target Black male’s violent behavior that was...
Labeling theorists have long argued that the application of negative labels can promote rather than deter delinquent behavior. Yet, it has also been suggested that the effects of negative labeling may vary by factors such as race and social class. With an emphasis on the formal labeling process, studies of differential effects by race have generall...
Subjects read a passage which described an interaction between a man and a woman at an office party. The woman was either sober or intoxicated, and eventually the man engaged in 1 of 3 behaviors which involved varying degrees of sexual innuendo and/or aggression: (a) verbal comment, (b) verbal request, and (c) nonverbal physical display. The result...
An experiment was conducted to assess whether effects of exposure to violent media information would vary as a function of target person race. Participants were exposed to violent or nonviolent media information and subsequently made judgments of a violent act committed by a Black, White, or race unspecified man. The most relevant findings indicate...
The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of exposure to nonviolent rap music on African American adolescents' perceptions of teen dating violence. African American male and female subjects were exposed to nonviolent rap videos (which contained images of women in sexually subordinate roles) or they saw no videos. They read a vignet...
An experiment was conducted to assess whether the effects of inadmissible information in a simulated criminal trial is moderated by race. The significant interaction between information admissibility and defendant's race indicated that the effect of inadmissible information was stronger when the defendant was Black. More specifically, perceptions o...
Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of exposure to sexual activity information regarding a rape victim. The results of the first experiment indicated that men had a greater tendency to attribute a female target person's sexual activity to dispositional causes than did women. In the second experiment, subjects read an acquaintance r...
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of exposure to rap music on the attitudes and perceptions of young African-American males. Subjects u were exposed to violent rap music videos, nonviolent rap music videos, or no music videos (controls). They read two vignettes, involving: (a) a violent act perpetrated against a man and a woman, a...
An experiment was conducted to assess whether the judgmental effects of inadmissible evidence would vary as a function of type of rape. Subjects (predominantly Caucasian) read rape scenarios that depicted either an acquaintance rape or a stranger rape, which contained information implying that the victim had a promiscuous sexual history. In one con...
In the present study the effects of salience of consciousness-raising information on the perception of acquaintance vs. stranger rape were focused on. One half of the subjects were exposed to information which emphasized the inappropriateness of sexual inequality (salient condition), while the other half were exposed to no such information (nonsali...
The purpose of the present research was to assess the effects of the simultaneous occurrence of two potential moderators of the perceptual-biasing effects of salient cognitions. These moderating factors were ambiguity of the behavioral information and individual differences (gender). The design was a 2 (salience-salient, nonsalient) X 2 (ambiguity-...
There is evidence to suggest that in an acquaintance rape the victim is perceived less favorably and there is more leniency toward the perpetrator than in a stranger rape. The purpose of the present study was to assess the perceptual effects of factors that might underlie this differential perception. Victim-perpetrator attraction and ambiguity in...
471 undergraduates, selected for interest in and knowledge of college football, read information about an upcoming football game and explained a hypothetical victory by 1 team. Some Ss knew of the outcome to be explained prior to reading the information. Others learned of the explanation task only after reading the information. Of these latter Ss,...