Jakub Švec

Jakub Švec
University of Žilina · Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Ph.D - Doctor of Philosophy in the field of systematic philosophy, specialization: social and political philosophy
Research aims to defend the division of freedom into positive and negative with reference to its use in practical philos


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Current research interests: study is devoted to the defense of two kinds of freedom - negative and positive, and at the same time a critique of the critique of this division. It is possible to argue that the individual is always negatively and positively free, but in the case of positive freedom, we do not always talk about the same qualitative aspect in terms of the unlimited possibility of acting. Methods and techniques: method of analysis, synthesis and comparison
January 2019 - January 2019
University of Silesia in Katowice
Field of study
  • Systematic philosophy
April 2018 - April 2018
University of Ostrava
Field of study
  • Systematic philosophy, PhD. research stay
September 2017 - August 2020
Matej Bel University
Field of study
  • Systematic philosophy


Publications (22)
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As early as within the ancient period and the emergence of the Roman law and then also in the Middle Ages, the contract theory played an important role in establishing order. Contractualism has assumed great importance in the milieu of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It was primarily concerned with agreements that were intended to secure the cove...
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Predložený text pracuje, resp. metodologicky vychádza z vybranýchsúčasných teórií, prístupov a poznatkov z oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov, ale aj bezpečnostia ich prelínania (neoliberalizmus, neorelizmus a geopolitika), čo dokumentuje na posuneobsahovej agendy EÚ. EÚ v tomto smere vníma ako nadnárodnú štruktúru, medzinárodnúorganizáciu, určitý post...
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Pojem liberalizmus má v súčasnom občiansko-politickom diskurze mnoho interpretácií. Dominantný výklad tohto slova spočíva v prezentácii hodnotového systému dobrého života založeného na individuálnej slobode a rovnosti, ktorý je hodný nasledovania. Liberalizmus je taktiež ústrednou témou predkladanej monografie, ktorá čitateľovi ponúka neortodoxný n...
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Jakub ŠVEC / MKD revue, ročník X (2023), číslo 2, ISSN: 1339-777X MKD Revue o nových médiách a kultúrnom dedičstvo, ročník X (2023), číslo 2, Abstrakt Liberalizmus od svojho vzniku predstavuje perspektívny a ambiciózny hodnotový koncept, ktorý spĺňa všetky atribúty plnohodnotnej ideológie. Z historického hľadiska je však potrebné rozlišovať jeho vý...
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Predkladaný článok sa venuje aktuálnej téme o možnostiach a limitoch obmedzovať prejav v demokratickom občiansko-politickom verejnom a mediálnom priestore v kontexte raných myšlienok Johna Stuarta Milla, predovšetkým tých, ktoré prezentoval v diele O slobode. Toto úzkoprofilové vymedzenie je účelové, nakoľko tieto rané postoje autora boli v druhej...
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Except to the Theory of Justice from 1971, which fundamentally changed the view of pluralistdemocracies with a market system on the welfare state and redistribution, John Rawls wasalso responsible for another application of philosophical doctrine to political practice by theform of the idea of political liberalism. This approach, as in the case of...
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Predložená štúdia pojednáva o historických zdrojoch poznávania v kontexte filozofie výchovy. O prepojení filozofie a výchovy evidujeme písomné doklady už v spisoch antických klasikov staroveku. Aj v zmysle tejto skutočnosti polemiky o hľadaní relevantnejšej, staršej či dôležitejšej vedy z uvedenej dvojice nepredstavujú konštruktívnu tému pre vedeck...
Conference Paper
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Výchovno-vzdelávacie ale i politicko-filozofické názory Jean Jacques Rousseaua predstavujú aj v tretej dekáde 21. storočia relevantný zdroj inšpirácie ako aj kritiky. Autorove v mnohom pokrokové myšlienky narúšajú tradičné nazeranie na proces dospievania a výchovy a prakticky od času ich publikovania predovšetkým prostredníctvom diela „Émile ou De...
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Zborník vedeckých príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie pre odborníkov pedagogických vied, vied o človeku a učiteľstva konanej dňa 24. novembra 2022. Vydala Žilinská univerzita v Žiline v EDIS-vydavateľstve UNIZA v roku 2023 v spolupráci so Slovenskou pedagogickou spoločnosťou SAV. Editori: doc. PhDr. Zlatica Bakošová, PhD. Mgr. Jakub...
Conference Paper
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Ideológia liberalizmu, napriek hlbokej filozofickej úrovni prebádania, aj v dnešnej dobe ponúka priestor pre hľadanie nových inšpirácií a myšlienok. Súčasná pandemická situácia a istá miera regulácie osobnej slobody v dôsledku opatrení národných vlád okrem iného evokuje pocit obmedzenia osobnej integrity jednotlivca zo strany autority. Kánonické in...
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Slovak society has been facing the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus for two years. These two years have struck a social organism on a planetary scale in a way that no one could have ever imagined, not even in any dystopian Hol-lywood blockbuster movie. The situation resulted in the modification of social life, despite political regimes and s...
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Through its eclectic 20 principles, the European Pillar of Social Rights is an opportunity to break silos and look at social development as the network of challenges that it truly is. Departing from the rather long history of European social rights, the implementation of the EPSR must follow a holistic approach, identifying synergies with discussio...
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The problems of contemporary individualism, referring to the ideology of liberalism, can also be perceived through the current pandemic crisis. In civil and political society, we can see the phenomenon in which regulations of legal authorities are accepted by a certain part of the population with reluctance, not taking into account the fact that th...
Conference Paper
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Today's liberalism urgently needs a social revival. An uncritical discussion of his shortcomings and advantages, we have committed a situation where we consider this ideology to be synonymous with neoliberalism, libertarianism or the policy of the new right, which excludes deeper social thinking and the need to eliminate inequalities between people...
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Current trends in the development of transport are moving towards to an increasing degree of environmental friendliness, autonomy and a reduction of the cost of production of means of transport. At present we can observe social as well as political efforts to apply these approaches in transport in practice. In the segment of reliability, safety and...
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The ideology of liberalism is still relevant in the current political and philosophical discourse. However, through careful analysis, we find that liberalism, in the light of various influences, loses the status of a value ideology that is an equal partner to conservatism and socialism. Liberalism has become a prominent school of thought in family...
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The ideology of liberalism is not a closed intellectual space where inspiration can no longer be found. Based on a comparison of three philosophers – Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and their approaches to the key concepts of freedom, autonomy and property, the article explains the context of the historical evolution of liberalism...
Conference Paper
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Liberalism urgently needs social renaissance. By uncritical discussion of its shortcomings and advantages, we have committed a situation, where we regard this ideology as a synonym of neoliberalism, libertarianism or the policy of the new right, which excludes deeper social thinking and the need of eliminating inequalities among people. The text ha...
Conference Paper
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The need for deeper solidarity, not governed by human compassion or volunteering but directly by state policy, existed even before John Rawls' groundbreaking A Theory of Justice was released. However, it was the conclusion of this study in the 1970s, that definitively philosophically justified, the policy of the need for active equalization, or com...
Conference Paper
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What is the shape of current liberalism in the public space? Is liberalism a truly objective moral-social doctrine? How it is about the rationality of the action, which the supporters of liberalism refer to? Why do we not perceive current liberalism as an ideology, that includes its shortcomings and benefits? What are the dangers of a bad understan...
Conference Paper
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ACTA FACULTATIS PHILOSOPHICAE UNIVERSITATIS ŠAFARIKIANAE 108 Politologický zborník študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov 4 2018 VÝZVY A RIZIKÁ SPOLOČNOSTI V 21. STOROČÍ Zborník príspevkov z V. ročníka Vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov konanej 12. a 13. mája 2016 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity P...


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