Jakub MlynářHES-SO Valais-Wallis | HES-SO · Institute for Information Systems
Jakub Mlynář
Studying social interaction and technology
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Jakub Mlynář is a researcher at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland. His current research focuses on the use of digital technology in classroom interactions, sociological aspects of AI, and on the situatedness of oral history, narrative and identity.
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Publications (63)
Members in society make ubiquitous use of examples as a resource to engage in their everyday and specialized activities. This paper takes the resourcefulness of exemplification as a topic of inquiry by focusing on the formulative phrase “for example,” investigating its interactional work within the analytic framework of ethnomethodology and convers...
Contributing to interactionist studies of walking and to research on human-machine interaction, this article draws on video recordings of a self-driving shuttle being tested as a means of public transportation. The analytical focus is on yielding as achieved through the practice of pedestrians’ stepping aside, stopping, and letting the shuttle pass...
This article proposes that social change, a fundamental topic in sociological theory, can be productively revisited by attending to studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EM/CA). We argue that the corpus of EM/CA research, from the 1960s until the present day, provides details of the constitutive and identifying aspects of practices...
Technologies based on “artificial intelligence” (AI) are transforming every part of our society, including healthcare and medical institutions. An example of this trend is the novel field in oncology and radiology called radiomics, which is the extracting and mining of large-scale quantitative features from medical imaging by machine-learning (ML)...
Despite its elusiveness as a concept, ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) is becoming part of everyday life, and a range of empirical and methodological approaches to social studies of AI now span many disciplines. This article reviews the scope of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic (EM/CA) approaches that treat AI as a phenomenon emerging in...
The digitalization of oral history (OH) has resulted in the availability of multiple interviews conducted with the same narrator under different circumstances. To explore the comparability of such materials, we analyze interviews with a Holocaust survivor from the Fortunoff Video Archive (1979) and the Visual History Archive (1997), focusing on ins...
A central assumption of conversation and multimodal analysts is that the participants have sensorial access to the acoustic features, most notably talk, of the studied interactions, which are available thanks to the recordings. If speakers stand in close proximity, a microphone is placed between or on one of them, and the analyst considers that the...
Příspěvek pojednává o tom, jak může sociologie adekvátně přistoupit k "umělé inteligenci" (UI). Diskutuje některé oborové konceptuální nástroje a naznačuje také inherentní omezení, na něž sociologie může narazit. Jedním z hlavních úskalí je, že UI je běžně (i v sociologii) konceptualizována na základě kognitivistických analogií: mechanickým a digit...
This paper explores how an innovative service technology -- a mobile robot for luggage transport -- was tested and made to operate in "autonomous mode" through the coordinated work of human participants in two parallel spaces of the street and the control room. Our paper is grounded in video-ethnographic materials collected on site. The results sho...
This paper examines Harold Garfinkel’s work with ELIZA and a related program LYRIC from 1967 to 1969. AI researchers have tended to treat successful human–machine interaction as if it relied primarily on non-human machine characteristics, and thus the often-reported attribution of human-like qualities to communication with computers has been critic...
This paper describes the experimentation of a robot that carries luggage for tourists through the streets of a ski resort. Our interest is in the autonomy of this robot to perform the service expected by the user, as well as in the interventions of the operators supporting the functioning of the robot. The analysis is centered on observations made...
Reworking Garfinkel's ethnomethodological studies of the documentary method of interpretation as heuristics for interactions with Generative AI, in this workshop we will engage in live experimentation with ChatGPT as a tendentious exercise in machine writing.
Significant and rapid advancements in cancer research have been attributed to Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, AI's role and impact on the clinical side has been limited. This discrepancy manifests due to the overlooked, yet profound, differences in the clinical and research practices in oncology. Our contribution seeks to scrutinize physicia...
This article provides an ethnomethodologically informed ethnographic investigation of visually recognisable aspects of shared work spots in co-working office rooms. We focus on the phenomenon of holding a place in such environments, and document the participants’ practices which constitute distinguishing between empty and taken places. Our investig...
This article documents the beginning of the intellectual companionship between the founder of ethnomethodology, Harold Garfinkel, and Edward Rose, who is most often associated with his program of “ethno‐inquiries.” I present results from archival research focusing on the contacts and collaborations between Rose and Garfinkel in the years 1955–1965....
The field of Jewish Studies is facing many new challenges as a result of ongoing digitization. This chapter focuses on digital oral histories of the Holocaust. Following the digital revolution in oral history, many institutions now provide access to multiple collections at once. One of the new challenges is thus related to the simultaneous availabi...
The current mechanisms that drive the development of AI technologies are widely criticized for being tech-oriented and market-led instead of stemming from societal challenges. In Human-Centered AI discourses, and more broadly in Human-Computer Interaction research, initiatives have been proposed to engage experts from various domains of social scie...
This article investigates sequences of collaborative writing that are part of classroom interaction in student dyads and triads working with a digital device and a paper worksheet. In analyzing instances from a corpus of 18 h of video recordings made in five high-school classrooms through an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic approach, I...
Conducting oral history interviews or using them as research and educational resources requires the (mostly tacit) background knowledge necessary for understanding an interview or its excerpts. Taking the topic of commemoration and remembrance as a case in point, and analyzing fifteen interviews in the Czech and Slovak languages from the USC Shoah...
This article explicates the notion of 'practical accord', encompassing the routine nonprob-lematic relationship of material artifacts and textual objects that provides the necessary grounds for further classroom work. Practical accord consists of courses of action that are temporally aligned with structured objects such as series of pages, slides o...
We examine the technological aspects of political collaborative practices in one of the first studies of participatory constitution writing in the course of its progression. In particular, we examine how digital collaborative and communicative tools can facilitate (or inhibit) the permeation of boundaries, which manifest through the differences in...
This paper focuses on rewatching sequences in classroom work with digital oral history, i.e., participants conducting second watching of a video clip that they already watched before. I provide detailed examination of rewatching initiations through speech and embodied conduct. Video clip is treated as a structured object containing an already famil...
Although mobility has recently gained importance within interactionist studies of social action, not much is known about the consequentiality of being on the move for the particular unfolding of conflictual interactional episodes. Utilising two publicly accessible video clips of 'road rage' situations, we describe and analyse the centrality of hand...
Information: Konference k 10. výročí Centra vizuální historie Malach: Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2020, 27.–28. 1. 2020
This article investigates an interactional phenomenon in which oral history interview participants deal with temporal structure in extended storytelling. It is based on the observation that while narrating a life story, participants routinely use its temporal structure as an organizing principle of the interview. Drawing inspiration from Sacks’ not...
Given the occasion of celebrating the 10th year of the Malach CVH existence, we decided to substantially extend the program of our annual January anniversary conference, which we newly entitled PragueVisual History and Digital Humanities Conference (PraViDCo). By adopting this name, we desired to express in the broadest possible sense the thematic...
We begin our article by placing various forms of trust distinguished by the literature along a continuum according to the truster’s practical orientation toward the possibility of things not going as expected. We then present the ethnomethodological respecification of trust as an observable phenomenon of order involving continuous practical work, i...
This article aims to explore the personal name as an aspect of human identity, based on our analysis of several tens of oral-history autobiographical interviews from the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive (http://vhaonline.usc.edu). The text reflects on the transformations and meanings of name in the war and post-war period, focusing on...
In order to use audiovisual oral history (OH) materials efficiently and meaningfully, it is important to understand how people make sense of such video recordings in social interaction. Fundamental questions thus emerge in regard to secondary analysis and practical utilization of archived audiovisual OH material, such as: What are the features of O...
Recognizing the relation between inhabitants and their built environments as a feedback loop, our aim is to capture the temporality of this loop in various scenarios of adaptation. We specifically focus on the emerging types of adaptation that are motivated by digitally acquired personal data, leading to either automation or action taken by the bui...
This chapter provides an outline of the sociological significance of Musil’s famous work and relates it to his historical and social environment, while maintaining focus on the common theme of this volume, i.e. the cultural space of Central Europe and the variety of ideas, identities, and intellectuals it has created. Firstly, Musil’s biographical...
Social sciences have been always formed and influenced by the development of society, adjusting the conceptual, methodological, and theoretical frameworks to emerging social phenomena. In recent years, with the leap in the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the proliferation of its everyday applications, “non-human intelligent actors”...
Half-century of the publication of Harold Garfinkel's Studies in Ethnomethodology (1967) is taken as an occasion for retrospective. The main question of the text is whether we can describe the development of Garfinkel's oeuvre in terms of continuities or rather in terms of transformations. In spite of the profound changes in Garfinkel's ethnomethod...
Gérard Noiriel: Úvod do sociohistorie. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), 2012, 146 stran (přel. Pavel Sitek).
This contribution exemplifies how the study of space perception and its impact on space-use behavior can inform sustainable architecture. We describe our attempt to integrate the methods of user research in an architectural project that was focused on optimization of space usage. In an office building, two large office rooms were refurbished to pro...
This paper (in Czech) describes the basic sociological approaches to oral history data; introduces the USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive, a vast collection of digital oral history (http://vhaonline.usc.edu); and illustrates the sociological utilization of such archival data by two case studies (post-war approaches toward Germans, and na...
Video-based communication has become a common way of interacting with remote interlocutors, whether through complex videoconferencing systems or webcams integrated into consumer technologies. Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EM/CA) are sociological approaches that have been influential in Human–Computer Interaction for nearly three decad...
Tato kapitola se soustředí na první osobu množného čísla a jiná kolektivní označení, kterými odkazujeme k různým sociálním skupinám a kategoriím. K čemu vlastně zájmena v plurálu a kolektivní označení referují? Co zakládají, reprodukují a implikují? Jak je lidé v praxi používají? Podíváme se, jakými směry se můžeme při hledání odpovědí na podobné o...
Rozhovor s prof. Iljou Šrubařem
The oral history (OH) interview is a generally accepted method of obtaining verbal accounts of past events from eyewitnesses. Contemporary OH draws from several scientific disciplines and considers various philosophical and methodological issues. The original approach to OH as the “transparent” locus of information is no longer accepted, and resear...
This is a Czech translation of Harvey Sacks' Lecture 4 An Impromptu Survey of the Literature published in his Lectures on Conversation (1992, Volume 1, pp. 26-31). Translated by Jakub Mlynář, Jiří Nekvapil and Tamah Sherman.
Main objective of the article is to explore the sociological implications of the conceptual metaphor theory, which is based on the idea that metaphors are not only discursive ornaments , but rather the basic principle of human thought as such. The article provides an overview of the metaphor theory, from the classical Aristotelian perspective to th...
This article explores selected aspects of narrative expression of identification with social entities in Holocaust survivors ' oral history testimonies, including the related conflicts of identities. In its empirical dimension, the study is based on secondary analysis of archived interviews with people born in Czechoslovakia and labelled as Jews by...
This is a review of Jacques LeGoff's last book on historical periodizations, published in the journal Historical Sociology.
Malach Center for Visual History at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the Charles University in Prague was founded in 2009 as
a licensed access point to USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
Peter Auer: Jazyková interakce. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2014, 312 str.
Jiří Šubrt, Jiří Vinopal a kol.: Historické vědomí obyvatel České republiky perspektivou sociologického výzkumu. Praha: Karolinum, 2013, 258 str.
Juraj Šuch, Jan Horský (ed.): Narace a (živá) realita. Praha: Togga, 2012, 112 str.