Jair Ramírez

Jair Ramírez
Servicio Geológico Colombiano · GEORED


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Publications (10)
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The Geology of Colombia book provides an updated background of the geological knowledge of Colombia by integrating the most up–to–date research covering paleontology, biostratigraphy, sedimentary basin analysis, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, stratigraphy, geophysics, geochronology, geochemistry, thermochronology, tectonics, structure, volca...
Conference Paper
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Compilación producto del VII Encuentro de Investigadores del Grupo de Trabajo de Nieves y Hielos del PHI Unesco llevado a cabo en Manizales -Colombia -año 2008, con temas de vital importancia relacionados con cambio climático, glaciologia, amenazas naturales,etrc. Los temas tratados como la identificación, evaluación , evolución y retroceso glaciar...
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The catastrophic lahars triggered by the 13 November 1985 eruption of the ice-clad Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia, demonstrate that the interaction of hot pyroclasts with snow and ice can release 30-50 million m3 of meltwater in 30-90 minutes. The 1985 eruption caused a 16% loss in area and a 9% loss in volume of snow, firn and ice. Turbulent py...
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The Cordillera Central in Colombia hosts four important glacier-clad volcanoes, namely Nevado del Ruiz, Nevado de Santa Isabel, Nevado del Tolima and Nevado del Huila. Public and scientific attention has been focused on volcano-glacier hazards in Colombia and worldwide by the 1985 Nevado del Ruiz/Armero catastrophe, the world's largest volcano-glac...
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As a consequence of ongoing atmospheric temperature rise, tropical glaciers belong to the unique and threatened ecosystems on Earth, as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Houghton and others, 2001). Worldwide glacier monitoring, especially as part of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), includes the systematic collecti...
Conference Paper
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Los sistemas de georadar se constituyen en una herramienta geofisica que cada vez tiene mayores aplicaciones dentro de las geociencias. Desde hace años, la glaciología ha hecho uso de dicha técnica para definir contactos hielo-roca en diferentes masas glaciares del mundo. Se relacionan dos ejemplos de su aplicación en Sudamérica en busca de estimar...


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