Jaime BarrientosAlberto Hurtado University · Área de Psicología Social e Intervención Psicosocial
Jaime Barrientos
Phd in Social Psychology
Senior research. Topics: LGBT issue. Member of the IASR and WAS. Head of GEDIS (Programa Género y Diversidad)
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I´m social psychologist, gay men, and working at the Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile. My field of research is sexual prejudice and coping in transgender population. I´m director of the GEDIS, research program of Gender and Diversity. I conducted research about gender and sexuality, LGBTQ issues and anti-gender movements.
Publications (180)
Resumen Si bien se ha precisado que la identidad de género, orientación sexual, seropositividad e identidad racial supone una agudización de la violencia sexoafectiva en personas LGBTI+ alrededor del mundo, no se ha ahondado en cómo las características psicosociales influyen en las experiencias de victimización y desvictimización íntima de personas...
The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) stands out for its utility and widespread use to measure sexual function in men. However, it lacks consistency in its internal latent structure across studies, has not been evaluated for measurement invariance, and has not undergone psychometric validation for its 15-item form in Spanis...
Resumen La producción de conocimiento sobre las (homo)sexualidades en Chile ha sido un proceso que ha supuesto un doble movimiento. Por un lado, el de un sujeto investigador gay que sale del armario para producir conocimiento sobre las (homo)sexualidades y, por otro, el del desplazamiento de la disciplina psicológica para entrar en la interdiscipli...
Esta investigación cuantitativa describe las actitudes y opiniones de una muestra de 1.777 docentes hacia las transformaciones que estaría experimentando la sociedad chilena y el sistema educativo en cuanto a género, sexismo, familia, sexualidad, disidencias sexogenéricas y educación sexual. Los resultados muestran actitudes favorables hacia los ca...
Background Monitoring and responding to the sexual health needs of migrants is crucial, given their vulnerability during migration. Therefore, this study aimed to develop socio-epidemiological indicators related to sexual health and communicable diseases among the migrant population in Chile, including dimensions of the contexts of vulnerability an...
El Congreso Chileno de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Diversidad Sexual y de Género busca construir un espacio de intercambio académico y activista en torno a las diversidades y disidencias sexuales, genéricas e identitarias en nuestro país.
Para mas información: https://congresoestudiosexgen.investigasexgen.com/
El propósito de este Congreso...
Beliefs about a social system help people understand and evaluate their environment and are related to their behavior within a society. When people believe that they live in a just social system and develop positive attitudes about the social and political environment, they experience greater satisfaction and well-being. This phenomenon is known as...
Beliefs about a social system help people understand and evaluate their environment and are related to their behavior within a society. When people believe that they live in a just social system and develop positive attitudes about the social and political environment, they experience greater satisfaction and well-being. This phenomenon is known as...
Hola a todas y todos. Estamos pensando enviar una propuesta de número especial sobre Salud mental en poblaciones LGBTQ+ en Latinoamérica para la Revista Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad (Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad-Revista Latinoamericana (uerj.br) El tema que deseamos abordar y las especificaciones sobre lo que deben enviar está a continuación. REVIS...
Psychosocial research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen-der, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) populations from Latin America is relatively recent. Initially, research focused mainly on prejudice, using qualitative techniques. Studies on LGBTIQ+ populations, using more sophisticated psychosocial theories such as those of Herek or Meyer, began in the...
Ficción y vida real alimentan la construcción literaria desde siempre. A veces, la literatura ha permitido soslayar aspectos importantes de la vida de muchos escritores, bajo condiciones sociales de represión social y política. En épocas pasadas, de fuerte represión hacia las poblaciones lésbicas, gais, bisexuales, transgénero y queers (LGBTQ), la...
This article describes a clinical-community intervention of five sessions (two collective and three individual) with people self-identified as sex and/or gender diverse masculinities carried out in Santiago, Chile. The intervention design was based on theoretical assumptions of M. Bakhtin and V. Vološinov dialogism and some particular perspectives...
Studies concerning BDSM sexual practices within the general population often use different criteria to differentiate between those who practice or identify by them vs. those who do not. Yet, using criteria such as BDSM self-identification or measuring the actual frequency of these practices incur in limitations that likely over or underestimate the...
Sexual intercourse (SI) is a prevalent sexual behavior with significant implications for sexual health, function, and satisfaction. While extensive research has focused on the duration of SI, particularly intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT), the nuances of when SI ends remain underexplored. This study aimed to elucidate how different inter...
Resumen En Chile, las personas no binarias han sido invisibilizadas por el sistema sexo-género, siendo homologadas en la categoría trans binaria, lo que dificulta la comprensión de sus vivencias subjetivas e identitarias. Este estudio busca conocer y diferenciar cómo las personas trans (binarias) y personas no binarias de Santiago de Chile responde...
Esta es una red para generar proyectos compartidos de investigación y difundir las investigación actuales y sus resultados.
Para mayor información:
This article explores homophobic violence among homosexual men in Santiago, Chile. The sample was non-probabilistic, online, with N=546 homosexual men. Two scales were applied: the Spanish version of the Attitudes Towards Gay Men (ATG) subscale of the Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG), validated in Chile by Cárdenas and Barrientos...
Este artículo revisa las propuestas conceptuales actuales que abordan la relación entre las personas y los espacios geográficos. Las propuestas desde la psicología ambiental tales como la identidad de lugar y el de apego al lugar resultan insuficientes para dar cuenta del fenómeno de identificación con territorios con los que no se interactúa direc...
Contact with sexually diverse people predicts attitude transformation towards the whole group membership (i.e., the primary transfer effect) and may potentially generalize to other group memberships (i.e., The secondary transfer effect). However, the effect of contact may extend beyond this known attitudinal transformation, comprising also cognitiv...
In Chile, as in other countries around the world, transgender people confront high levels of prejudice at an early age on a daily basis. This prejudice operates at three levels: (a) structural level, (b) interpersonal level, and (c) individual level. The extreme expression of prejudice is hate crime against transgender people, events widely reporte...
The present study aimed to examine dyadic associations between attachment insecurity and emotional intimacy in same-sex male couples, and to investigate whether and how each partner’s internalized homonegativity (IH) moderated these associations.
The sample included 138 same-sex male couples. Both dyad members completed self-r...
This article deals with a theoretical proposal problematizing the participation of corporal materiality as a subject’s analytical and constituent dimension via the phenomenon of homophobic violence (HV) among homosexual men. This proposal emerges from two stages: first, the identification of two gaps: the invisibility of the processes of HV in rese...
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with poor mental health symptoms, particularly among vulnerable populations such as LGBTQ+ individuals. In the present study, we aimed to (i) identify different psychological adjustment profiles among LGBTQ+ young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and compare LGBTQ+ young adults in relation to (...
OBJECTIVE: To expose visibility of the health concerns of sexual and gender minority groups in Chile, as well as to provide a platform to advocate for policies that support the health and well-being of sexual and gender minority people in the country. METHODS: The health conditions and risk factors of participants identified as sexual and gender mi...
Reconociendo la escuela como espacio fundamental de socialización de género, el artículo describe las representaciones que el profesorado tiene acerca del género, la sexualidad, el sexismo en la educación y los recientes cambios en las relaciones de género. Se realizaron 5 focus groups, 4 en Santiago y 1 en Valparaíso entre 2018 y 2019, los que fue...
To expose visibility of the health concerns of sexual and gender minority groups in Chile, as well as to provide a platform to advocate for policies that support the health and well-being of sexual and gender minority people in the country.
The health conditions and risk factors of participants identified as sexual and gender...
This paper proposes a narrative-dialogic analysis strategy to study the relationship between gender/sex identity and mental health problems in the context of heteronormativity. This strategy is called listening to the embodied musicality of hetero-cisgender violence. Inspired by a narrative-dialogic theory of gender/sex identity development and app...
Heterosexism is not only expressed through sexual prejudice as an external stressor, but also as an internalized rejection toward one’s own (and others’) sexually diverse identity. That is, lesbian women and gay men themselves internalize negative societal attitudes toward their sexual orientation and identity—a phenomenon called internalized homon...
Libro colectivo del Programa GEDIS, de investigación en sexualidad y género de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Handbook about LGBTQ+ geographies.
There are few reports on mental health among the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population in the context of COVID-19, especially in South America.
To describe the prevalence of symptoms associated with mental health disorders, as well as to analyze the risk of their occurrence, in different groups of the Chi...
Stressors arising from the COVID-19 pandemic can spill over into the quality of couple relationships, with negative consequences on mental health. The mental health impact of COVID-19 might be particularly pronounced in disadvantaged populations such as LGBT people. This study aimed to examine direct and indirect dyadic associations between emotion...
Resumen: El concepto de homofobia ha sido relevante para el estudio de las minorías sexuales y ha tenido un impacto positivo en el desarrollo de teorías académicas y efectos en la visibilidad de la homosexualidad. A pesar de esto, su reduccionismo al campo exclusivo de la homosexualidad masculina y la sobregeneralización de su uso significa la repr...
Libro que aborda el concepto de calidad de vida y bienestar subjetivo desde una perspectiva psicosocial.
Libro que describe los hallazgos de la primera encuesta hecha en el marco del orgullo LGBT 2007 en Santiago de Chile.
Primera edición 2015 Las publicaciones de la Ofi cina Internacional del Trabajo gozan de la protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual en virtud del protocolo 2 anexo a la Convención Universal sobre Derecho de Autor. No obstante, ciertos extractos breves de estas publicaciones pueden reproducirse sin autorización, con la condición de que s...
Libro que aborda cualitativamente las transformaciones de la sexualidad y las relaciones de género en la segunda región de Chile.
Libro que describe los principales resultados de la primera encuesta probabilistica sobre sexualidad efectuada en la ciudad de Antofagasta en el año 2005.
The social and legal situation of lesbian, gay men, bisexual, and transgender people (LGBT) has improved in recent years. At the same time, attitudes toward LGBT populations have changed over time, increasingly into more favorable opinions of LGBT people. However, despite this promising scenario, stigmatization, prejudice, and discrimination still...
Currently, many of the western countries have made progress in safeguarding and protecting sexual and gender minorities, and the negative attitudes of people towards sexual and gender minorities have decreased. However, little data are available to analyze these changes globally and compare countries. Until recently, except for the World Values Sur...
to compare the relationships between emotional symptomatology and perceived social support according to gender identity and sexual orientation in LGBTQ+ university students.
322 Chilean LGBTQ+ college students answered an online survey based on sociodemographic information and validated instruments. Analysis of variance and linea...
Description about the anti gender movements and policies in Chile.
La Escala de Intimidad Emocional (EIE) es un instrumento de auto-informe que evalúa la intimidad emocional en relaciones cercanas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la EIE para su uso en personas heterosexuales, gais y lesbianas involucradas en una relación de pareja. La muestra incluyó 883 personas chi...
Understanding the internal diversity of transgender communities is essential for developing optimal, inclusive policies and service provision. To date, research on this topic remains scarce in Chile. We conducted a survey study describing sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex assigned at birth, onset age, nationality, education, sex work, havi...
Resumen: el presente número pretende evidenciar las barreras que deben sortear los niños, niñas y jóvenes LGTB+ de la región, tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela, para ejercer su derecho a la educación. Los diferentes artículos que lo componen ayudan a analizar, de manera crítica, las experiencias de inclusión escolar en diferentes países, resalt...
Este libro da cuenta de una parte de esta realidad crítica. Se centra en el estudio de las percepciones cambiantes que la ciudadanía tiene de la democracia en América Latina y analiza los factores estructurales que, en combinación con la agencia de actores políticos y sociales, determinan la evolución de la democracia en la región.
In Chile, the ‘social outbreak' that began on 18th October 2019, closely questioned the transitional processes of the last 30 years. In the context of a neoliberal society crisis, political mobilisation could problematise the country's democratic statute. One of the phenomena most worrisome to observe was the confirmation of a police vocation which...
La homofobia interiorizada se trata de un constructo importante para el desarrollo y la salud física y mental de lesbianas, gays y bisexuales, sin embargo, su operacionalización ha sido constantemente criticada y señalada como complicada, por su contenido, por sus propiedades psicométricas y por la influencia cultural con la que cuentan las escalas...
This theoretical paper seeks to reflect on hetero/cissexist bias and how it could influence scientific papers and research on sexual diversity in the field of psychology. First, the paper defines and describes core concepts in this area, particularly, the notion of bias. Next, some of the most salient problems in this field are outlined, particular...
The Minority Stress Model has proposed that connectedness to a specific minority community may be a protective factor for stigmatized groups. This study evaluated the mediational role of connectedness with the gay men’s and lesbian women’s community on the relationship between two minority stressors (internalized homophobia and perceived sexual sti...
Gender differences in sexuality-related dimensions have long been investigated in close relationship research. An important assumption when comparing values across gender in dyadic research is that both partners conceptualize the construct under investigation in the same way. Thus, issues of measurement invariance should be considered when working...
Across the world, people have seen their lives interrupted by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Using an online survey, we explored how
the psychosocial effects of the pandemic affected the mental
health of LGBTQ+ young adults who were confined with their
parents during the lockdown period (N = 1,934), from six countries:
Portugal, UK, Italy, Brazil, Chile, a...
Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic has led many countries around the world, including Chile, to take various measures, including physical and, social isolation. The effects of these measures, necessary to prevent the virus from spreading, must be studied. In particular, quarantines are known to have an impact on quality of life and well-being (for exa...
Introduction : La pandémie de COVID-19 a conduit de nombreux pays à travers le monde, et notamment le Chili à adopter diverses mesures, y compris le confinement physique et social. Les effets de ces mesures, nécessaires pour empêcher la propagation du virus, doivent être étudiées. En particulier, on sait que les quarantaines ont un impact su...
This Prologue offers a glance of the current situation in Ibero-America that makes it socially and politically crucial to encourage and circulate reflections such as the ones represented in this volume. It argues for the current importance of addressing what are queer practices in educational contexts, considering the current scenario of conservati...
This article analyses the way in which the Chilean educational system has reacted both to recent socio-educational debates and to the transformations that society is experiencing in terms of gender, sexuality and family. Studies show how changes have taken place in these areas in society, but not in the educational system, where alternative family...
Transgender population is at a higher risk of suffering mental health problems than cisgender population (people whose sex and gender identity are in agreement) and other sexual minorities (gays, lesbians, and bisexuals), partly due to the greater stress that they suffer or for being victims of sexual prejudice.
To describe positi...
El presente trabajo expone y fundamenta recomendaciones basadas en la experiencia de investigación en personas transgénero, con la intención de que puedan ser útiles a quienes realicen estudios con dicha población. Estas recomendaciones incluyen orientaciones conceptuales, metodológicas y éticas, aplicables a lo largo del proceso de investigación....
El trabajo del capítulo tiene como principal objetivo estudiar cómo perciben las personas LGBT+ la calidad de la crianza de sus hijos e hijas teniendo en cuenta las implicaciones de la homofobia internalizada y sus relaciones con la salud psicológica. Los efectos de convivir en una sociedad que sigue siendo heteronormativa alcanzan a sus creencias...
This article examines the relationship between sexual satisfaction and gender, age, social status, being in stable relationships, intercourse frequency, and satisfaction with physical attractiveness (physical appearance and sex appeal). A self-report questionnaire was applied in a representative sample of 767 residents of Santiago (Chile), over 18...
There are no reference values for the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS-E) for the Chilean population.
To elaborate reference values for the interpretation of the DERS-E for the Chilean population.
Material and Methods:
The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale was answered by participants from the general populat...
Objective: The purpose of this study is the validation of a proposed additional item for the PWI-7 scale for measuring sexual satisfaction as a dimension of Personal Well-being.
Methodology: An adaptation of the PWI-7 questionnaire was administered to adult inhabitants of urban areas of Santiago, Chile. Analysis consisted of exposition of descripti...
System justification theory posits that perceiving society as fair and legitimate provides palliative benefits to people who endorse such beliefs. Despite mixed evidence among socially disadvantaged groups, recent evidence shows that members of disadvantaged groups minimize perceptions of discrimination in order to reap palliative benefits. We test...
This chapter analyzes and discusses the outreach work of a Catholic LGBTI organization, Pastoral de la Diversidad Sexual, which intervenes in Chilean Catholic schools through the testimony of its members. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, volunteers or educational workers at the Pastoral were interviewed in order to describe their own exper...
In recent decades, the study of psychological abuse in same-sex couples has increased, but the perpetration of psychological abuse and the influential psychosocial factors have been studied less. However, some previous studies have shown the importance of the insecure attachment style and outness as relevant psychosocial factors in the perpetration...
Transgender individuals have progressively acquired visibility and rights in many western societies. Psychosocial research on this population is recent and has focused on sexual prejudice and its impact on the mental health of transgender people. This paper intends to clarify some conceptual definitions used in psychosocial research, summarize the...
The Minority Stress Model (Meyer, 2003) has made it possible to explain how sexual prejudice produces negative effects on the health and wellbeing of people belonging to sexual minorities, through distal and proximal stressors. A qualitative study was conducted to investigate the effects of sexual prejudice on the mental health of transgender adult...
Attachment theory has proven to be a solid framework for understanding couple bonds, but research focused on same-sex relationships among gay men and lesbian women from Latin America remains limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between romantic attachment and relationship satisfaction in a sample of Chilean gay men and...
Objectives: This study examines the effect of some factors at individual and aggregated level on tolerance of homosexuality (TOH) in some South American countries. Method: The study performs a multilevel analysis of individual and sociocultural factors related to TOH. Results: Belonging to a religion and the importance it acquires are negative pred...
Background: Research on psychological abuse in same-sex couples has increased in recent decades. However, the few studies that have validated standardized measures to assess this phenomenon have been conducted in English-speaking countries. The Psychological Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence Scale (EAPA-P) is a self-reported questionnaire measurin...