Jaewoo Park

Jaewoo Park
Chuo University · Department of Marketing and Trade

Ph. D.


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Publications (49)
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The layout of visual elements in advertising influences consumers' perception and judgments. The research reported here investigates the influence of the face orientation of a human model on the perception of their attractiveness and its downstream consequences on product evaluation. Across five experiments, we first demonstrate that consumers tend...
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Given the worldwide growth of the over-the-counter (OTC) drug market and the increase in the direct-to-consumer advertising of medicines, pharmaceutical branding has become an increasingly important component affecting the consumer’s beliefs about, and hence their responses towards, OTC medicines. The brand name is one of the most important externa...
There is a growing interest in insects as a promising alternative source of protein that can potentially contribute to help solving the imminent global food crisis. However, research on insect-based foods (IBFs) has repeatedly pointed to the fact that, in many countries and cultures, negative attitudes towards eating insects are one of the most sig...
We investigate whether the typeface used to display the purchase amount in the context of mobile payment influences consumers’ awareness of spending. The evidence suggests that prices displayed in angular (vs. round) typeface increase the awareness of spending in the context of mobile payment via the perceived harshness of the typeface and the expe...
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While anecdotal evidence suggests that consumers maintain an association between high status products and cold temperature, no research has empirically examined this linkage. We propose and demonstrate that physical cold can indeed increase consumers' perceptions of a product's status‐signaling and luxuriousness. We demonstrate this consequence can...
While companies’ interest in virtual influencers as brand endorsers is growing, it is striking that limited research exists on how virtual influencers shape consumer perceptions and responses to advertising and the brands they endorse. Scholars have predominantly highlighted the drawbacks of utilizing virtual influencers. Differing from this litera...
This research makes a novel proposition that the haptic sensation of weight can moderate the effect of price framing on consumer decisions. Participants who experienced heaviness (lightness) preferred a target product presented in terms of combined (partitioned) versus partitioned (combined) pricing frames. This effect was further mediated by ease...
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Because of their comparatively high nutritious and various environmental advantages compared to other livestock, the academic and public interest in edible insects increased greatly. In previous studies, personality traits have been recognized as important factors in shaping consumers’ food choices and evaluations. However, the exploration of the c...
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Alternative proteins have recently received significant attention from both academia and industry. Given the reported lower willingness of consumers to accept these alternative protein sources, it is crucial to gain insights into consumers' perceptions of them. Study 1, based on the theory of the meaning of objects and concepts, unveiled the connot...
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Service firms can use sensory cues to provide a perception of luxury in terms of quality and service. In the area of destination branding, brand names are one of the core elements of brands that help communicate their image to a consumer in the hospitality and tourism sector. Psycholinguistics research demonstrates that linguistic cues embedded wit...
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There is growing academic and practical interest in entomophagy as a viable and sustainable solution to the environmental problems of conventional livestock production and future food crises. Although researchers are examining how to effectively increase consumer acceptance of insect food, the existing findings of relevant studies are limited. This...
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Although studies have shown that background ad imagery can communicate various concepts to consumers, no research has investigated its effects on perceived ambiguity and newness of the advertised product. Drawing on construal level theory, we address this gap by exploring the psychological mechanism of newness perception. Through four studies, it i...
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This paper focuses on the impact of marketing-related sensory factors on consumers’ healthy food consumption and reviews relevant studies published in top marketing journals after 2000. We found that the association between sensory factors and healthy food consumption has been of interest in a variety of marketing-related fields, including consumer...
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Phonetic elements of brand names can convey a range of specific meanings. However, an integrated understanding of the sound symbolism of brand names remains elusive. Here, we classify sound symbolism in brand names based on three key dimensions of the semantic differential (evaluation, potency, and activity). In particular, we demonstrated that the...
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Purpose-This study aims to examine whether, and how, perceived product scarcity strengthens the attitude-behavior relation in the case of sustainable luxury products. Design/methodology/approach-Three online studies were conducted to examine the moderating role of perceived product scarcity on the attitude-willingness to pay (WTP) relationship in t...
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A large body of literature now shows the association of various linguistic attributes (e.g., vowel length, voiced consonants) with tastes (e.g., sweet, bitter). Despite the knowledge gathered so far in this field, no overarching explanation has been provided. Here we reveal that taste-speech sound associations depend on the age of acquisition of sp...
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Engineering healthy diets from sustainable food resources undoubtedly constitutes a major global challenge. One solution to the problem of developing healthy and sustainable diets involves the incorporation of various novel/unfamiliar foods into our diets (e.g., insect-based foods, cultured meats, plant-based meat alternatives, and 3D printed foods...
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The interest in healthy food has grown rapidly amongst both consumers and food manufacturers in recent years. However, which foods should be considered healthy is sometimes ambiguous. Identifying those factors that influence the perception of healthfulness is of interest both to consumers and to food manufacturers. Previous research has shown that...
The potential use of insects as a novel food resource has recently attracted a great deal of attention because of their environmental and nutritional benefits. Nevertheless, despite growing interest in the use of insects as food, residents of economically developed countries tend not to accept insect-based foods. This study reviewed earlier reports...
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Visual elements of packaging design serve as a powerful, cost-efficient tool for manufacturers and retailers alike to communicate sensory features of the product to consumers and influence their consumption behaviors. Based on studies of packaging design, cross-modal correspondences, and food science, this research establishes a “packaging visual-g...
Previous research has documented a positive effect of nonconformity on the inference of higher status in Western cultures. In Western culture, nonconformity is associated with high status, which is attributed to competence and autonomy. The present research extends research on nonconformity and status perception to the East Asian context by investi...
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Product names can be developed to effectively convey specific sensory attributes to the consumer. Most of previous research on crossmodal correspondences has shown that people selectively associate words (e.g., ‘Maluma’, ‘Takete’) with taste attributes. To provide practical insights for naming new products in the food industry, it is important to o...
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The purpose of this article is to present a review of the literature on aesthetics to shed light on how aesthetic perception can be related to consumer decision-making and purchase behavior. As the great success of design-oriented companies such as Apple and Dyson has proven, excellent design has become an imperative factor for companies in buildin...
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Drawing on the construal level theory, we replicated and extended Krishna and Morrin's (2008) finding that consumers evaluate water quality to be higher when they drink from a hard cup. The results of our two experiments showed that when they touched a hard object, consumers tended to judge a product as of higher quality when they imagined a near f...
Previous research on taste evaluations has often featured tasty foods. However, some foods taste unpleasant, particularly those that are good for our health. In two experiments, we showed that for unpleasant-tasting foods, the effect of positive information on taste experiences differs from the findings in the previous literature. When positive inf...
Conference Paper
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We report two experiments designed to demonstrate that a leftward (vs. rightward) facing model’s face increases the perceived trustworthiness of a model and subsequently the increased trustworthiness positively affects the evaluation of advertised products. The consumer’s level of emotional expressivity moderated the effect of face orientation on p...
Conference Paper
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Visual product aesthetic is a crucial aspect for increasing consumers' evaluation of products, attaining competitive edge, for avoiding commoditization and ensuring profitability. However, little is known about the characteristics which determine consumers' visual aesthetic consciousness. We conducted an online survey and found that consumers' visu...
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本稿では日本の消費者を対象に,時間概念と空間配置の関連性,またこの関連性が製品 評価に与える影響を検討した。その結果,日本でも左横書きの書字システムを採用する欧 米の消費者と同様に,過去は左,未来は右の空間配置に対応づけられることを確認した。 しかし,レトロ製品の配置効果に関する消費者実験では,アメリカで行われた実験結果と は異なり,時間概念に適した製品の配置が製品評価に与える影響は確認できなかった。一 方,消費者の年齢と過去肯定の水準によって製品配置の影響が調整されることが見出され た。なぜ,高齢者において,また,過去を肯定的に捉える人において,製品の配置効果が見 られるかについては今後更なる研究が必要である。
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既存研究によると,身体的な重さの経験は,関連のない別の物事に対する重要性知覚を 高めるという。一方で,身体的な経験のみならず,パッケージにおける製品画像の掲載位 置のような視覚的な情報も重さの知覚をもたらすといわれている。本研究では,パッケー ジから伝達される視覚的な重さが,製品購買の重要性知覚に及ぼす影響について,消費者 の自己目的的接触欲求(Autotelic Need for Touch: ANFT)を考慮に入れながら検討した。 ANFTとは,購買目標と非関連的な接触(例えば,特に購買とは関連しないが,店頭に陳 列された製品を思わず触れるといった行為)を,どれくらい頻繁に行うかを表す。実験を 行った結果,ANFTが低い消費者において,製品画像が下に掲載されたパッケージは上に 掲載された...
A considerable body of psychological and neuroscientific research has demonstrated the existence of robust sensory correspondences between various features, attributes, or dimensions of experience in different sensory modalities. Despite findings indicating the importance of sensory correspondences to human information processing, research on purch...
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近年の研究では,本来,消費者の判断と直接的に関連していない触覚情報,すなわち非診断的触覚情 報が,意思決定に無意識のうちに影響を及ぼすことが明らかにされている。本稿では,非診断的触覚情 報のなかでも特に硬さと重さに注目し,これらが消費者の意思決定に及ぼす影響について,身体化認知 理論をもとに考察した。硬さに注目した実験1 と実験2 では,硬さの経験が本来関連のない製品に対す る知覚品質を向上させたり,サービスの失敗に対する金銭的補償の要求水準を高めたりすることが明ら かになった。重さに注目した実験3 と実験4 では,重さの経験が本来関連のない製品に対する信頼性や 製品情報に関する記憶想起を高めることが明らかになった。最後に,これらの結果を踏まえ,本研究の 意義と課題について議論を行った。
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製品の評価や選択などにおいて、触覚情報は大きな影響を及ぼしている。マーケティングおよび消費者行 動の領域においては、消費者が自らの手で自由に対象物に触れることで得られた知覚、すなわちハプティッ ク知覚について様々な研究が取り組まれている。ところが、各研究は個別的な関心に基づいて行われており、全体を体系的にとらえた研究は行われていない。そこで本稿では、ハプティック知覚に注目した研究を対象にレビューを行った。その結果、接触の基本的な効果から個別の触覚属性の効果へと研究対象が変化した点、それらの効果の有無からメカニズムの解明へと研究関心が変化している点など、研究展開において複数の変化が生じていることが明らかになった。一方、調整変数に関する議論の精緻化や他感覚との相互作用など、ハプティック知覚に関す...
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Conference Paper
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The purpose of this study is to examine individual determinants of desire for touch. Previous studies suggest that desire for touch is an important factor mediating the effect of touch on product evaluation. However, it is not known what consumer characteristics cause individual differences in desire for touch. To our knowledge, this is the first s...
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感覚マーケティングに関する研究は発展途上にあるものの、近年、その研究件数は増加一途を辿っており、研究成果も次第に蓄積されつつある。本稿では、5つの感覚のうち、マーケティングで幅広く活用できる、視覚、聴覚、嗅覚、触覚の4つに焦点を当て、マーケティングにおける感覚的訴求の効果を考察する。 朴宰佑 (2012) 「マーケティングにおける感覚的訴求の効果」『View & Vision』(千葉商科大学経済研究所)第33号、p.11-15. https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008916522
Conference Paper
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Although the previous studies imply that brand sound may enhance brand evaluation, little is known about the mechanism of the effect, individual differences, and the effect on Asian consumer. The results indicate: (1) Brand sound has significant effects not only on perceived quality and brand image, but also purchase intention through the fit of br...
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本研究の目的は,社会において認知されるソーシャル・タイプと象徴的結合の 対応関係は必ずしも単一ではなく,そこには複数の対応関係が存在しうることを シロガネ-ゼの描写記事の内容分析から明らかにすることである.


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