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April 2014 - November 2015
Publications (62)
studies on the transition from university to the workforce have revealed that non-traditional students (Nts) often face more challenges , including discrimination and a higher likelihood of securing lower-quality jobs compared to traditional students. Despite these findings, there is a scarcity of studies examining the specific benefits Nts derive...
De afgelopen jaren hebben vroegere collega’s Jaap van Weeghel en Jacques Zeelen
elkaar weer opgezocht. Behalve gewandeld hebben ze ook grondig van gedachten
gewisseld in een kritische briefwisseling. Vanuit IPS als interventie ontspon zich
een interessante discussie over wat ‘eigenlijk’ een goede interventie is, hoe je die
ontwikkelt en hoe je de k...
Non-governmental organisations have several mechanisms in place to facilitate learning with and from communities they intend to serve, however these do not always realise authentic participation and meaningful programmatic adjustments. In a participatory research in Central-Eastern Uganda we investigated how the community believes collective learni...
Liberalisation of higher education in Uganda meant opening its provision to the private sector, and also running a public-private mix model at public institutions. Consequently, the composition and needs of the student population at universities have changed due to flexibility in provision of study programmes and access routes. Students who had pre...
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book takes an expansive view of vocational education and training. Drawing on case studies across rural and urban settings in Uganda and South Africa, the book offers a new way of seeing this through an exploration of the multiple ways in which people learn to have better livelihoo...
Amidst the global pressure on education systems to harness youth employability and transition to the world of work, there is increased interest in vocational placements. It is evident that Uganda's tertiary education sector, like others in similar context, is struggling to optimise vocational placements for better students' learning and labour mark...
Increasingly studies claim that building young people’s vocational interest in agriculture, as a sector of meaningful employment, is a central dilemma of Africa’s education and labour market systems. With Ugandan students’ voices, this article examines some of the methodological dilemmas of agricultural education and training. The article draws fro...
The SDGs mark the clearest global acceptance yet that the previous approach to development was unsustainable. In VET, UNESCO has responded by developing a clear account of how a transformed VET must be part of a transformative approach to development. It argues that credible, comprehensive skills systems can be built that can support individuals, c...
This paper reports and reflects on studies about the problems encountered in the implementation of education policies in several contexts in developed and developing countries. In these studies special attention is paid to the problems of the youth at risk between education and the labour market. In developing countries policies are in general fram...
Participation and integration of non-traditional students (NTS) in university education is influenced by factors within the institution and those external to the institution, including participants’ self-perceptions and dispositions. The objective of this qualitative study is to draw from the life-world environment component of Donaldson and Graham...
Participation and integration of non-traditional students (NTS) in university education is influenced by factors within the institution and those external to the institution, including participants' self-perceptions and dispositions. The objective of this qualitative study is to draw from the life-world environment component of Donaldson and Graham...
The objective of this qualitative study was to establish motivations for participation of non-traditional students (NTS) in university education. The findings are drawn from empirical data collected from 15 unstructured in-depth interviews with NTS of the School of Computing and Informatics Technology at Makerere University, and analysed with the a...
Although vocational education and training is considered to be a good option for improving livelihood opportunities for marginalised youth in developing countries, it often suffers from an image problem. This situation affects the quality of entrants, instruction and skills acquisition in training programmes. In this article, the researchers report...
Uganda has one of the highest rates of early school leavers (ESLs) in Sub-
Saharan Africa, and the highest in East Africa, despite impressive school
enrolment rates. While studies have been conducted on the possible causes of
this phenomenon, little is known about the experiences and social world of
these ESLs. This study aimed to explore the lived...
Mission statements of universities in developing countries usually include serving the surrounding communities. Often this service does not reach beyond lip service. This article puts into context the experience of developing an adult education research program responding to the needs of the surrounding community in a historically disadvantaged rur...
This article reflects on the potential of non-formal vocational education in Uganda to improve the quality of life of those excluded from formal education. Based on an exploration of humanizing development theorists Sen, Freire and Nyerere, together with two case studies, practical empowerment is described as a desirable outcome of education for de...
This article discusses the current dynamics at African universities concerning the quality of teaching, the role of research, the level of community outreach, and the position of higher education in the educational sector as a whole. Points of reference are experiences at the University of the North in South Africa as well as experiences at univers...
Care avoidance refers to the condition wherein clients do not seek assistance and do not attend appointments although they are in need of help. Care avoidance is linked to another phenomenon, the inability to help clients with multiple and complex problems by social services and care facilities, in this article identified as care paralysis. The aim...
In this article we report and reflect on a study about the problems encountered in the implementation of adult education policies in the Limpopo province of South Africa. We used the model of intergovernmental policy implementation of Van Horn and Van Meter as a theoretical framework. We reflect on this study and link the findings with more recent...
This paper aims to explore the role of a small‐scale project around storytelling as a form of informal education in five health clinics in rural areas of the Limpopo Province in South Africa. The aim of the project is to decrease the stigma around HIV/AIDS and to start an open dialogue in local communities about the disease.
This paper presents experiences and reflections on the use of a participatory research methodology under the difficult conditions of a war situation in northern Uganda. We draw from two complimentary approaches in action research to explain our methodology while doing research on the reintegration of formerly abducted children. First, the experienc...
This paper is a report of a study conducted to explore the competencies - especially deep-rooted personal qualities - of care providers who succeed in making contact and gaining trust with clients who are inclined to avoid the care they need.
Demands, thresholds and fragmentation of services hinder the accessibility of health care, such that some s...
Abstract. Bibl. The intent of capacity building in international development cooperation is to enable people to control their own development. Important premises are ownership, choice and self-esteem. The authors analyse the dynamics of the enabling process in practice, based on their own experiences working for several years in universities in dev...
In a globalizing world, what role can social science research – particularly action research – play in order to address the risks of exclusion, poverty, social and physical insecurity and environmental deprivation? More specifically, how can this type of research be conducted in a participatory, responsible, transparent and scientific way? In other...
In this adaptation of his valedictory speech as guest professor at the University of the North in South Africa, Jacques Zeelen draws up an intermediate balance of the research program which forms one of the pillars of the new-founded department of adult education. Breaking with the destructive past, Zeelen and his South African colleagues explicitl...
Het aardige van de andragogiek is dat ze geen onderdak heeft gekregen of gezocht in de Ivoren Toren van de Academie, maar te velde is getrokken op zompige, moeilijk toegankelijke contreien en nooit te beroerd was om zich in te laten met daklozen en onbehuisden die minder in Harmonie met hun omgeving leven.
In this article the following key question will be discussed: Is there a way out between the uncritical adoration of the so called Western scientific approach or the danger of over-romanticising an own African culture and history?
On the basis of the example of an innovation at the University of the North the author discusses competing images abou...
This article discusses the possible role of the vocational rehabilitation in a changing psychiatry. Some introductory remarks on the significance of work for ‘people with a psychiatric background precede a description of how traditional occupational therapy has dealt with the clients’ need to work. Some counter- productive routines are discussed. C...
In this contribution the issue of professionalization is being discussed, mainly tailored to the field of vocational rehabilitation in Dutch Mental Health. Presented is an overview of existing routines frequently used in the methodical actions of industrial therapists and occupational therapists. Several important methodical suggestions for the con...