Jacob LadenburgTechnical University of Denmark | DTU · Department of Mangement Technology and Economics
Jacob Ladenburg
Ph.D. Environmental and Resource Economics
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August 2003 - July 2007
Publications (113)
Carbon capture and storage is vital to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, albeit research on the public willingness to pay for it remains limited. Here we address this gap by considering information effects, development magnitude effects and prior familiarity relations on willingness to pay towards carbon capture and storage. Based on national-wide o...
En efficient og smidig grøn energiopstilling kræver borgernes accept af de anvendte teknologier. Baseret på svarene fra en repræsentativ landsdækkende spørgeskemaundersøgelse med svar fra 1.589-1.593 respondenter1 finder vi størst accept af solceller på industritage, fjernvarme, energibesparelser og havvindmølleparker. Måske fordi det er en ny tekn...
People with diabetes experience increasing needs for accommodation as their workability diminishes due to their disease. Companies and society have economic incentives to ensure that people with diabetes keep their attachment to the labour market. In the present paper, we estimate the preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) among people with diabe...
When assessing strategies for implementing Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), it is paramount to identify and quantify all benefits for securing better, informed decisionmaking. Nevertheless, there appears to be a lack of primary data for linking the valuation of NBS sites with the preferences and attitudes of people interacting with them and their conn...
This study examines the relationship between employee job satisfaction and firm performance in a sample of Danish private sector firms. The study relies on a representative survey merged with administrative data and accounting information for a sample of 1,929 Danish firms representing all economic sectors. The results of this study suggest that th...
Aging populations put pressure on the provision and financing of long-term care (LTC) services in many countries. The projected increase in LTC expenditures may in particular constitute a threat to the future sustainability of public budgets in welfare states, where LTC is financed through taxes. To accommodate the increasing number of 80+ year-old...
The correlation between screen size and visualisations of wind turbines in an internet survey with 2,359 respondents is analysed. Respondents answering the survey on a screen smaller than or equal to an A4 sheet find the visualised wind turbines significantly less visible than respondents answering on a larger screen. These results fuel the debate...
We investigate whether accommodating job attributes influence the return-to-work probability three years after a cancer diagnosis. Using a combination of Danish administrative data and a survey carried out among Danish breast, colon, and melanoma skin cancer survivors, we find that the probability of returning to work is significantly and positivel...
With a higher share of renewable energy in the energy production mix, the need for a flexible electricity production, storage and demand increases. At household level, flexibility in the electricity consumption has the potential to mitigate unexpected drastic shortages of electricity in the system. The efficiency of household flexibility depends on...
Fear of Crime (FoC) has social and economic consequences and can impact both physical and mental health. Consequently, strategies to reduce FoC are imperative to national and local policy makers. We use the stated preference method choice experiments to elicit preferences for multiple FoC mitigation attributes in a nightlife setting among adolescen...
Through a unique combination of Danish administrative data and a discrete choice
experiment, we estimate 30-60-year-old breast cancer survivors’ willingness to pay for
accommodating job attributes when they return to work after cancer treatment. We find
that breast cancer survivors are willing to accept a wage reduction in return for receiving
A multilevel model of perceived neighbourhood safety based on a national survey to 5,934 residents living in one of 31 deprived neighbourhoods combined with Danish register data find a number of sociodemographic characteristics to predict safety. The results also show that perceived neighbourhood safety is correlated with individual values such as...
Using data from a Choice Experiment to elicit preferences for 3600 MW offshore wind farms in Denmark, it is tested how willingness-to-pay for offshore wind power development 12, 18 or 50 km from shore varies as a function of gender, age, education, income, wind turbine viewshed and beach visits. Applying a willingness-to-pay space mixlogit model, i...
In this working paper the correlation between the shutdown of Denmark from March to April and working hours is analysed. We use time-use data from a survey in 2017/18 and time-use data from a time-use survey carried out during the lockdown of Denmark in the spring 2020. Based on a panel of 540 people, who worked in both surveys, we apply a differen...
Population aging is expected to result in an increased demand for long-term home care services world-wide. In
Denmark, long-term home care is predominately provided by local municipalities and is publicly financed. This
paper uses a stated preferences approach to study the willingness to pay (WTP) for various components of longterm
home care servic...
Recently commercial internet panels have emerged, where respondents recurrently are invited to participate in surveys across different topics. The present paper tests and finds significant associations between the number of surveys that the respondent has participated in the past six months and the satisfaction with child care service of their chil...
There is a huge gap between how employees see leaders’ behavior and how leaders see themselves regardless of sector and functional area. Because this gap can be a serious problem in managing organizations, scholars have investigated how the gap can be reduced. This article focuses on leadership training and tests whether and under what conditions i...
There is a huge gap between how employees see leaders' behavior and how leaders see themselves regardless of sector and functional area. Because this gap can be a serious problem in managing organizations, scholars have investigated how the gap can be reduced. This article focuses on leadership training and tests whether and under what conditions i...
Installed wind energy capacity has been increasing steadily across the world and is expected to continue to do so in the future, in response to lowering costs of technology as well as increased renewable energy goals put forth by governments. Nonetheless, public opposition has been increasing and the discussion regarding siting wind turbines onshor...
Theoretically, the choice of childcare mode should be influenced by the quality of the childcare attributes. However, such preference relations have been difficult to identify in past studies. One reason lies in the properties of the data collected, such as insufficient variation or strong correlation in the childcare qualities. To make a formal te...
Diabetic foot ulcers are a serious complication of diabetes with high costs and adverse sequelae, such as lower-extremity amputations. International guidelines recommend that all people with diabetes should have their feet inspected at least once a year. This study is aimed at determining whether socioeconomic factors influence the probability of h...
One of the main drivers for acceptance of wind turbines by the public is their level of visual impacts. While recent studies have focused on estimating the welfare loss of visual impacts from wind turbines, a large share of the studies has used no or very simple visualisations of the visual impacts at stake. These studies thus rely on the cognitive...
The interaction between leaders and employees plays a key role in determining organizational outcomes and performance. Although human resources management literature posits positive effects of leadership behaviors on employee job satisfaction, the causal path between the two is unclear due to potential endogeneity issues inherent in this relationsh...
We investigate whether accommodating job attributes influence the return-to-work probability three years after a cancer diagnosis. Using a combination of Danish administrative data and a survey performed among Danish breast, colon and melanoma skin cancer survivors, we find that the probability of returning to work is significantly and positively c...
Existing conceptualizations and measures of transformational and transactional leadership have unclear theoretical bases, confound leadership and its effects, and are not necessarily suitable for public organizations. Overcoming these problems is necessary to test how leadership affects performance. Many public administration scholars apply the con...
This article reports the results of an empirical examination of the measure of the standardized tool, GPPM (Generic Program Performance Measure for Correctional Programs). The tool was developed to assess the performance and progress of participants in correctional programs, and allows the rating of offenders' skill development, motivation level, a...
In 2016, the Danish Prison and Probation Service introduced the Canadian tool GPPM (Generic Program Performance Measure for Correctional Programs) as part of MOVE, a cognitive-behavioural program for prisoners recently developed in Denmark. The tool measures the performance and progress of participants in correctional programs and allows the rating...
Interest in experimental research in public management is on the rise, yet the field still lacks a broad understanding of its role in producing substantive findings and theoretical advances. Written by a team of leading international researchers, this book sets out the advantages of experiments in public management and showcases their rapidly devel...
Since 2007, TrygFonden has distributed more than 450,000 hugs to the country's anaesthesia departments and specialist clinics in Denmark and Greenland. The hugs can make it easier to get children and their parents to feel comfortable and safe in the situation. The TrygFondens cuddly bear is a soft polar bear bear that comes in two versions - a boy'...
Approximately 15,000 people in Denmark have the disease multiple sclerosis (MS). The number of new cases is 4-500 per year and the number of newly diagnosed is increasing. Of the approximately 15,000 people with MS, most are between 40 and 70 years of age. Well over twice as many women as men develop MS.
Three types of MS are typically dist...
We investigate the association between pre-cancer job dissatisfaction and return-to-work probability 3 years after a cancer diagnosis. We use a Danish data set combining administrative data and a survey to breast and colon cancer survivors. We find that the return-to-work probability has a negative correlation with pre-cancer job dissatisfaction wi...
In many countries positive attitude toward wind power development is commonly found when people are asked to express their attitude toward wind power in general or, for example, specific wind power projects. Acceptance of specific wind power projects often meets local resistance, despite that people in general are positive toward wind power. The ac...
To secure the validity and applicability of stated preference measures in economic analysis, hypothetical preferences must mimic real life preferences. For instance, people have a propensity to prefer what they already have when presented with alternatives that, all things being equal, seem to be superior, i.e. a status quo effect. However, in the...
Using Danish survey data from a choice experiment, parental preferences for class-size reduction are estimated. While parents with children in large classes are willing to pay for class-size reduction, parents with children in small classes are reluctant and even express negative utility for further class-size reduction. We interpret this as parent...
Abstract An increasing number of studies suggest that the cumulative impacts of wind turbine encounters might have a negative impact on the acceptance of onshore wind power development. In many countries offshore wind resources are seen as the new wind energy resource, though the offshore cost of energy is markedly higher compared to onshore. In th...
A vast number of economic valuation studies jointly verify that the benefits of environmental quality changes are spatially correlated in several dimensions. As the first paper, we test and find similar spatial relations in preferences for the location of offshore wind farms. Using data from a Choice Experiment aimed at eliciting preference for the...
An increasing number of studies in the environmental and resource economic literature suggest that preferences for changes or improvements in environmental amenities, from water quality to recreation, are spatially heterogeneous. One of these effects in particular, distance decay, suggests that respondents exhibit a higher willingness to pay (WTP)...
Based on a Danish survey including respondents with on-shore viewshed experience and varying degrees of off-shore viewshed experience, it is estimated how the different types of wind power experience influence the preferences for wind power, biomass energy and solar energy development in Denmark. The preference relations indicate that on-shore view...
Hypothetical bias continues to be a major challenge for stated preference methods. Cheap Talk (CT) has been found to be an effective remedy in some applications, though empirical results are ambiguous. We discuss reasons why CT may fail to effectively remove specific types of hypothetical bias in Choice Experiments. We suggest augmenting CT in Choi...
Purpose of the study
COWI, senior researcher Jacob Ladenburg (KORA) and DTU Aqua have collaborated to conduct a study on the local economic value of the Skjern River salmon angling. The purposes of the study are:
' To describe the angling and the anglers at Skjern River.
' To determine the local economic value of the current salmon angling in Skje...
Welfare estimates in discrete choice experiments studies are found to be sensitive towards the applied bid vector, i.e. anchoring bias or starting point bias. Furthermore, there are some evidence that female respondents might be more prone to starting point bias compared to male respondents. Using a market good, starting point bias is tested and fo...
People experience welfare losses in the event of power outages. A higher share of wind power in the power generation mix increases difficulties in forecasting power generation. This, in turn, challenges an effective utilization of wind power and increases the risk of power outages. Using a split sample approach, we test whether private households’...
Costs and benefits of water restoration projects are not necessarily evenly spread out over the entire area affected by the project. The physical distribution of benefits is, therefore, an important parameter when conducting economic analyses of water restoration projects. Two particularly relevant spatial issues relate to 1) the location of the po...
Online survey panels have proliferated in recent years. However, little research has addressed the potential effects of respondents’ survey experience, also known as (web) panel conditioning. Based on a study of Danish parents’ day care arrangements and their response to a series of questions related to the change of care services, the satisficing...
Presently, onshore wind turbine densities are increasing in many countries. The “crowding” of wind turbines in especially the urban fringe and in more densely populated rural areas is expected to meet resistance. However, few studies have to date analysed the cumulative effects of wind power on the social acceptance of wind power. We shed light on...
Resumé/Abstract in English Online survey panels have proliferated in recent years. However, little research has addressed the potential effects of respondents' survey experience, also known as (web) panel conditioning. Based on a study of Danish parents' day care arrangements and their response to a series of questions related to the change of care...
Cheap Talk (CT) has been found to be an effective ex ante tool for reducing hypothetical bias in Contingent Valuation Surveys (CVM). However, despite the apparent differences in the preference elicitation formats between CVM and Choice Experiments (CE), particularly in the number of stated preferences tasks, CT has been applied uncritically in CE s...
People experience welfare losses, in the event of power outages. A higher share of wind power in the power generation mix increases difficulties in forecasting power generation. This, in turn, challenges an effective utilization of wind power and increases the risk of power outages. Using a split sample approach, we test whether private households’...
The article sheds light on the economic properties of visual impacts from offshore wind farms and reviews the literature that have elicited the demand visual disamenity reductions. The article particularly focuses on: (a) technical properties of the studies; (b) the demand for visual disamenity reductions; (c) marginal demand; and (d) sources of he...
Dialog mellem mennesker med gigt og kommunerne Resultater fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse med fokus på service, kommunikation og tilfredshed blandt medlemmer af Gigtforeningen
Web surveys are becoming an indispensable tool for quantitative researchers, and online survey panels have proliferated in recent years. However, little research has addressed the challenges of using online panels, namely the potential effects of respondents’ survey experience, also known as panel conditioning. This paper is based on a study of Dan...
The offshore wind power generation market is currently experiencing growth rates on a global scale and investments exceeding several billion euro are being made. From a welfare economic point of view there is a non-trivial economic trade-off between offshore generation costs and the visual impacts from offshore wind farms. Offshore wind farms close...
Presently, on-land wind turbine densities are increasing in many countries and with an expected rise in local resistance. However, despite that the “crowding” of wind turbines in especially the urban fringe and in more densely populated rural areas, few studies have to date analysed the cumulative effects of wind turbines on the social acceptance o...
Using choice experiment data for economic valuation we analyse how disbelief in survey information could affect the retrieved welfare estimates. We distinguish between two types of survey information to the respondents. The first type of information concerns the current environmental status of a water body. This information is provided prior to the...
Generally people are more positive towards offshore wind farms compared to on-land wind farms. However, the attitudes are commonly assumed to be independent of experience with wind farms. Important relations between attitude and experience might therefore be disregarded. The present paper gives a novel contribution to this field. First of all, we g...
An imperative factor in the identification suitable wind turbines locations and the subsequently development thereof is the general acceptance of the proposed wind turbines. In this perspective, the existing number of turbines is expected to be a driver of attitude. However, to date only a few studies have assessed the influence of the density of t...
The application of stated preference methods rests on the assumption that
respondents act rationally and that their demand for the non-market good on the
hypothetical market is equal to what their real demand would be. Previous studies have shown that this is not the case and this gap is known as hypothetical bias. The present paper attempts to f...
Presently, less than a handful of papers have analysed the attitude towards offshore wind farms in a population living in an area with offshore wind farms. This leaves the experience-based attitude and demographic relations analysis relatively unexplored. The present studies aims at covering some of that seemingly uncharted territory by analysing a...
We test the hypothesis that people conform to certain social norms, i.e. that some individuals may be willing to pay a higher price premium for green products the more widespread green consumerism is in society. To investigate consumer preferences for environmentally friendly products, we conducted a choice experiment where the respondents were ask...
Hypothetical bias remains a major problem when valuing non-market goods with stated preference methods. Originally developed for Contingent Valuation studies, Cheap Talk has been found to effectively reduce hypothetical bias in some applications, though empirical results are ambiguous. We discuss reasons why Cheap Talk may fail to effectively remov...
When prompting respondents to act on the hypothetical markets that are presented to them in stated preference surveys, it is often observed that a proportion of the sample state a zero demand for the good in question even though their genuine demand is positive. Though the literature comes up with some means to calibrate the estimated preferences e...
Offshore wind power has a large potential as a vast resource for delivering clean and abundant energy on a global scale. However, the siting of offshore wind farms in the coastal zone has negative effects on the seascape. This might be particularly evident in the case if offshore wind farms are located close to areas with recreational activities in...
Energy planners have shifted their attention towards offshore wind power generation and the decision is supported by the public in general, which in the literature has a positive attitude towards offshore wind generation. However, globally only a few offshore wind farms are operating. As more wind farms start operating and more people become experi...
With the increasing number of on-land turbines and the increasing size of the individual turbines, on-land locations for wind power development have become more difficult to find in an increasing number of countries. In the literature and the public debate, these on-land siting difficulties are often put forward to be related to the perceived envir...
In this paper, we test whether preferences and willingness-to-pay estimates obtained in a Choice Experiment study are susceptible to starting point bias as is often the case in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation studies. On the basis of a multinomial probit model, we find that preferences are indeed susceptible to starting point bias. In a spl...
Wind power generation is expected to increase significantly in the near future. Owing to the increasingly limited possibilities for using on-land turbines, offshore wind generation is a potential alternative. However, wind turbines located offshore are still associated with visual disamenities potentially making offshore location a less attractive...
Expansion of offshore wind power plays a significant role in the energy policies of many EU countries. However, offshore wind farms create visual disamenities. These disamenities can be reduced by siting wind farms at larger distances from the coast—and accepting higher costs per kWh produced. In this paper willingness to pay for reducing the visua...