Jaana Hujanen

Jaana Hujanen
Minerva Foundation Institute for Medical Research


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Publications (32)
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Koronapandemia lisäsi ajankohtaisen ja luotettavan tiedon tarvetta niin kansalaisten arjessa kuin kriisin viranomaishallinnassa. Tiedotusvälineet asemoituivat uuteen tilanteeseen: niiden odotettiin toimivan vastuullisesti ja osaltaan hillitsevän terveyskriisin pahenemista, mutta samalla tarkastelevan viranomaisten ja muiden päättäjien toimia kriitt...
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The notion of intervention is gaining traction among Western environmental journalists. While existing research has predominantly focused on countries outside the Nordic region, in our study we investigate the self-perceptions of professional journalists in the Nordic countries of Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Through semi-structured interv...
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Koronapandemia on nostanut esiin tiedontuotannon ja tiedon leviämisen monimutkaisuuden ja tiedon epävarmuuden keskellä olemisen sekä asiantuntijatiedon haastamisen. Vaikka ammattimaisen uutismedian rooli on ollut merkittävä, tietoa pandemiasta ja sen ehkäisystä ja hoidosta ovat tarjonneet myös lukuisat muut viralliset ja epäviralliset lähteet. Täs...
This paper explores the blurring boundaries between local journalism, strategic and marketing communications and civic information. The study at hand produces new knowledge regarding the conceptions and practices that are emerging in the middle ground between local journalism and communications. The data consist of 10 thematic in-depth interviews w...
In this chapter, we present an overview of hyperlocal media business models in a global media environment. Our aim is to analyze operational rationales, with a specific focus on long-term survival and resilience. Hyperlocal media is a new addition to local media ecosystems and has been discussed as an important element for building a feeling of bel...
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The article examines Finnish news professionals’ views on the ethical challenges that ensue from emerging and intertwining forms of local professional journalism and communications. Besides describing the current situation, the article employs data from a survey of editors-in-chief to investigate how news professionals anticipate the relationship b...
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The article investigates the futures of journalism that pioneering entrepreneurial journalists anticipate. This comprises the different imaginaries that journalists employ to make sense of journalism’s present potentials, anticipate its possible futures, and inform their decision-making. By analysing semi-structured interviews with Finnish entrepre...
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The role of hyperlocal media is of increasing relevance as traditional local journalism experiences a decline due to centralisation and consolidation. The affordances of Internet and digital technologies also enable hyperlocal initiatives to enhance civic engagement in localities and serve as a place and resource for local deliberative processes. T...
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Local journalism and communication is in a changing state, with new communication channels and actors coming to the field. In this situation, the question of the blurring boundaries of local journalism and communications has arisen. To examine this phenomenon, this report addresses the ethical principles, practices and motives of local journalism a...
The aims, functions and work practices of hyperlocal start-ups and citizen- or community-initiated information sharing vary. We know little about how hyperlocal practitioners’ perceptions of their roles are constructed as a part of wider media ecosystems. This article examines how Nordic and Russian hyperlocal practitioners define their roles, focu...
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In the Nordic countries, local and regional newspapers have functioned as keystone media. This article examines the emergence of hyperlocal initiatives as part of evolving local media ecosystems in Finland, analysing the extent and characteristics of hyperlocal media, and how they relate to wider changes in the Finnish media ecosystem. The data gat...
As pioneers of new ideas and practices, many entrepreneurial journalists spearhead the change of journalism towards hybridity. By applying appraisal theory, this article examines a hybrid of objectivity and dialogue in daily news articles by five entrepreneurial journalism outlets – Axios, MustRead, National Observer, The Skimm and the Voice of San...
Relying on theories of journalistic ideals and critical discourse analysis, a case study was conducted to investigate how journalism students (re)define journalism ideals in the era of social media. Data were gathered from focus group interviews with European and African students participating in a joint journalism program. The results indicate tha...
This paper examines journalism’s values and ethical principles by analysing how participation is becoming a part of the journalism culture in Finnish news media. The focus is on journalists’ perceptions of the roles and practices of professional journalists and the audience in journalism practice. Of special interest is how the modern ideals of jou...
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan, millaiseksi suomalaisten sanomalehtitoimittajien ymmärrys yleisöstä journalismin tuottamisessa on rakentumassa sekä miten journalistisen profession moderni käsitys hyvän journalismin käytännöistä peilautuu journalismia ja yleisön osallistumista koskevaan neuvotteluun 2010-luvun taitteessa. Artikkelin teoreettinen tausta...
The present article analyses a case study in which the author experimented with use of the interventionist development dialogue method in journalism practice. Journalistic work is conceptualized as a network of multivoiced, contradictory, historically changing and artefact-mediated activity systems. Through the use of development dialogues, the stu...
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The article examines how the challenge of participation is becoming a part of professional journalism culture in a newsroom where news policy relies on articulating the plurality of its ethnically diverse audiences. This study moreover attempts to understand the dynamics of the organizational and professional discourses and practices determining ho...
The article analyses formative texts of public journalism, written in the USA in the 1990s, by constructing comparisons to adult education. The article initially introduces the rationale of paralleling public journalism with adult education by discussing the congruence of aims, methods, and defi nitions of professional roles between public journali...
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The article analyses formative texts of public journalism, written in the USA in the 1990s, by constructing comparisons to adult education. The article initially introduces the rationale of paralleling public journalism with adult education by discussing the congruence of aims, methods, and definitions of professional roles between public journalis...
Public service has been seen as a powerful element in the professional self-definition of journalists. In this article I examine the renegotiation of the ideal of public service by analysing Finnish press journalists' ways of constructing and representing it in interview talk. The data analysed consists of 32 in-depth interviews with press journali...
A group of Finnish journalism students travelled to Zambia, Africa in November 2007. The field trip was a culmination for a course in journalism on developing countries. The starting points reflected the practices and models of the research-based approach to learning. The role of the students was twofold: they were students as well as journalists....
Conceptualizations of good news are increasingly driven by detailed audience research. This article examines the application of Research Institute on Social Change (RISC) Monitor in the context of Finnish press journalistic practice and considers the views on journalism and the audience RISC Monitor reinforces. This international and widely used ma...
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan toimittajahaastattelujen kautta yhden journalistien keskeisen ammatillisen ihanteen, yleisön palvelun, uudelleenneuvottelua historiallisena ja kontekstuaalisena prosessina. Tätä tutkitaan analysoimalla, millaisina journalismin tekemisen horisontteina sanomalehtien toimittajat näkevät voimistuneen bisneksen etujen sekä dem...
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The article examines the interactive uses of journalism, focusing on the changes brought by new communication technology in the everyday news media uses of young Finns. The study is based on a survey and in-depth interviews. The results indicate that even though young Finns have easy access to new communication technology, journalism is still predo...
Public representations are part of the construction of identities. In this article, we focus on how news representations of the Finnish North contribute to the construction of identities of northern people and regions. We pay particular attention to two ethnic groups living there, the Sami and the Finns, as well as to the positioning of the North v...
The article explores the role of Finnish press as a regional voice. The analysed data consist of newspaper texts from seven newspapers and interviews with 20 journalists. Following post-structuralist social theory, it is argued that news do not simply represent regions, identities, and communities in the sense of being passively transmitted by jour...
Summary: Regional journalism : the construction of regions and regionalism in Finnish newspaper texts and in journalists' talk. Väitösk. -- Jyväskylän yliopisto.


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