J.-P. LiégeoisRoyal Museum for Central Africa · Department of Earth Sciences
J.-P. Liégeois
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January 1980 - present
Publications (232)
The Tuareg Shield is made up of 25 terranes separated by extensive shear zones that are several hundred kmlong,
which have been attributed to a northward post-collisional tectonic escape during the Pan-African
orogeny. The development of these shear zones was accompanied by abundant high-K calc-alkaline batholiths
and plutons (~630–580 Ma). In the...
The Egéré domain belongs to the Egéré-Aleksod terrane (LATEA metacraton), which has the peculiarity in the Tuareg Shield of being practically devoid of Pan-African batholiths allowing the preservation of pre-Neoproterozoic and early Pan-African events. It is composed of amphibolitic to eclogitic facies metamorphic rocks with the mostly metamagmatic...
Wetland are of paramount importance for the entire province of Nâama as well as for the entire Algerian Western High Plateaus. One of them, Chott El Gharbi, is a major but poorly-known hydrogeological unit shared between Algeria (80%) and Morocco (20%). Chott El-Gharbi is a multi-layered aquifer system whose most productive layers are the Middle Ju...
The vast Tin Begane batholith (5000 km²) is located in the Laouni terrane, LATEA metacraton, Central Hoggar and emplaced in the middle crust (c. 4.2 kbar). High-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous and magnesian as a whole, it comprises two distinct groups: i/ a porphyritic amphibole-biotite monzogranite (598 ± 3 Ma, U–Pb zircon) display a LREE enriched p...
In an environment of volcanic and plutonic rocks such as the Central Hoggar, the knowledge of groundwater flows and their residence time is of prime importance. This is especially the case in the arid zone of Central Sahara where the main town of southernmost Algeria, Tamanrasset, with its rapidly growing population (>200,000 inhabitants extreme So...
The Saharan Metacraton (SmC) is a fascinating continental-scale entity. However, its boundaries are not all well defined, which is the case to the SE in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan, here studied. Shoshonitic granites, a class of A-type granites, anhydrous and of high temperature , are good probes for determining the composition of the crust or mantle...
This richly illustrated book reviews the geology, tectonics and mineralization of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) in 27 chapters. It starts with an examination of the ANS lithospheric scale features, explores Mesoproterozoic units and deals with the ANS oceanic stage. Arc volcanism and plutonism, post-collision basins and volcanics are discussed, a...
The late upper-level subcircular Tisselliline pluton (c. 572 Ma), emplaced in Hoggar along the major Pan-African Ounane shear zone, is NNW-SSE oriented. Its magnetic fabric is mainly characterized by dome-shaped magnetic foliations and subhorizontal magnetic lineations. When approaching the nearby Ounane shear zone, the lineations become associated...
The Saharan Metacraton (SmC) is a fascinating continental-scale entity. However, its boundaries are not all well defined, which is the case to the SE in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan, here studied. Shoshonitic granites, a class of A-type granites, anhydrous and of high temperature, are good probes for determining the composition of the crust or mantle...
The Stavelot-Venn Massif (SVM) is the major Cambrian-Ordovician inlier of the Ardenne Allochthon (Southern Belgium). The SVM belongs to the Avalonian microcontinent and was affected by the Caledonian and Variscan orogenies. The Ardenne Allochthon constitutes the northwestern part of the Rheno-Hercynian domain, just south of the Variscan northern fr...
Here is presented a geological map of the Tuareg Shield (Algeria, Mali, Niger), based on the various available geological maps, which are often old and uneasily available, and on the various papers published during the last decades that give mapping or geochronological information. This work has been initiated by the new geological map of Africa at...
The high-level sub-circular North Tihimatine granitic pluton, intrusive in the In Ouzzal terrane, has been dated at 600 ± 5 Ma (LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon) and at 602 ± 4 Ma (SHRIMP U–Pb zircon). At this time, while Tihimatine intruded a brittle In Ouzzal without major metamorphism, large high-K calc-alkaline granitoid batholiths emplaced in the adjacen...
The high-level sub-circular North Tihimatine granitic pluton, intrusive in the In Ouzzal terrane, has been dated at 600 ± 5 Ma (LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon) and at 602 ± 4 Ma (SHRIMP U–Pb zircon). At this time, while Tihimatine intruded a brittle In Ouzzal without major metamorphism, large high-K calc-alkaline granitoid batholiths emplaced in the adjacen...
The Trans-Saharan Belt is one of the most important orogenic systems constitutive of the Pan-African cycle, which, at the end of the Neoproterozoic, led to the formation of the Gondwana Supercontinent. It is marked by the opening and closing of oceanic domains, collision of continental blocks and the deformation of thick synorogenic sedimentary bas...
This work reports an analysis of the relationships existing between the structural lineaments and the Cenozoic volcanism of the Tibesti area (northern Chad). Shield volcanoes, cinder cones, structural lineaments, intersection points of lineaments and faults are mapped using the combination of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), Digital Elevati...
The Kisenge-Kamata manganese deposit (Katanga, D.R. Congo) belongs to a group of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary manganese ore occurrences that have been recognized for various parts of Africa. It is a relatively small deposit with total estimated reserves of ∼12 Mt ore, but it is of major importance for understanding key aspects of the geology of the...
The Malayer-Boroujerd plutonic complex (MBPC) in western Iran, consists of a portion of a magmatic arc built by the northeast verging subduction of the Neo-Tethys plate beneath the Central Iranian Microcontinent (CIMC). Middle Jurassic-aged felsic magmatic activity in MBPC is manifested by I-type and S-type granites. The mafic rocks include gabbroi...
The Massigui region is located in the western Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi domain close to the Archean Kenema-Man domain, Man Shield, West African Craton, which is an ideal place for studying their amalgamation. The Massigui region consists of volcano-sedimentary sequences intruded by granitoid and dioritoid bodies and is transected by the large N...
The pre-Alpine basement of the Lower Danubian nappes in the South Carpathians is made up of two Precambrian terranes (Drăgşan and Lainici-Păiuş) that were intruded by Pan-African/Cadomian and Variscan granitoid massifs. We focus on the major and trace element geochemistry (1) in the Drăgşan terrane, of the Variscan Retezat and Parâng intrusions; (2...
This study presents a multidisciplinary approach to discriminate and map different types and generations of Pan-African granitoids in the Hoggar, southern Algeria, using remote sensing and airborne geophysics in close correlation with previous works and established geological maps. RGB (Red, Green, Blue) combinations of band ratios; principal compo...
Belonging to the huge Ouarzazate volcanic Group that covered the whole Anti-Atlas during the late Ediacaran (580-545 Ma), the Tifnoute valley volcanic formations are mainly pyroclastic and show a large composition, from trachybasalt to rhyolite and are crosscut by dolerite dykes. The Tifnoute valley volcanic rocks are located within a rigid salient...
A new edition of the Geological Map of Africa at the 1:10 million scale was published on the occasion of the 35th International Geological Congress (Cape Town, 29 August-2 September 2016) under the direction of the Commission of the Geological Map of the World, with support from UNESCO and the Geological Society of Africa, and the technical and sci...
Une nouvelle édition de la Carte géologique de l’Afrique à l’échelle de 10 million a été réalisée à l’occasion du 35e Congrès géologique international (Le Cap, 29 août-2 septembre 2016) sous l’impulsion de la Commission de la Carte Géologique du Monde (CCGM), avec le soutien de l’UNESCO et de la Société géologique d’Afrique, et la coordination tech...
The Azrou volcanic district, located to the south-east to the Atakor district in the Hoggar, has a landscape is governed by a number of felsic volcanic highs and dissected mafic plateau lavas.Our new Rb-Sr age (i.e. 23.1 ± 1.6 Ma) indicates that the Azrou felsic lavas are contemporaneous with the Achkal ring complexes (Anahef region). The Azrou fel...
Coticule is the name originating in Belgium for a fine-grained metasedimentary yellowish rock mainly composed of quartz, spessartine and mica, which is repeatedly interstratified in the hematite-rich purple slates of the Lower Ordovician of the Ardenne region. It was described for the first time in the nineteenth century in the Stavelot-Venn Massif...
Le district du Manzaz fait partie de la province volcanique du Hoggar central; il se situe dans le metacraton LATEA à la limite des blocs d’Azrou N’fad et Tefedest (long. 5°33’E - 6°00’E, lat. 23°45’N et 24°00’N). Le district peut se subdiviser en trois groupes géographiques distincts, oriental (E), occidental (O) et central (C). L’épisode volcaniq...
Le massif du Manzaz (1500 km²) fait partie de la province volcanique cénozoïque du Hoggar, limité par les méridiens 5°33'et 6°00'E et les parallèles 23°45'et 24°00'N. Il se situe dans le méta-craton LATEA à la limite des terranes d'Azrou N'Fad et de la Tefedest. Ses laves se sont épanchées à partir du Miocène sur un socle relativement plat, constit...
A petrological and geochemical (major and trace elements, Sr–Nd isotopes) study of two nelsonite occurrences (the Kydlandsvatn and Hestnes deposits) in the Rogaland anorthosite province (Southern Norway) reveals that both deposits are cumulates but were generated from strikingly different magmas and processes. The Kydlandsvatn deposit was formed fr...
The Tuareg Shield, to which Hoggar (southern Algeria) belongs, has a swell-shaped morphology of lithospheric scale of ~1000 km in diameter linked to Ceno-zoic volcanism occurring in several regions, including Atakor, the center of the swell, which reaches nearly 3000 m in altitude. The lack of high-resolution geophysical data for constraining its d...
The Tuareg Shield, to which Hoggar (southern Algeria) belongs, has a swell-shaped morphology of lithospheric scale of ~1000 km in diameter linked to Ceno-zoic volcanism occurring in several regions, including Atakor, the center of the swell, which reaches nearly 3000 m in altitude. The lack of high-resolution geophysical data for constraining its d...
Adrar Izzilatène in the Egéré-Aleksod terrane of the LATEA metacraton (Hoggar, Algeria) exposes one of the best-preserved examples of eclogite-facies metamorphism in Hoggar. Three distinct stages of metamorphic development are recognised, namely the pre–peak stage (M1), characterised by garnet, amphibole, epidote, quartz and rutile, the peak eclogi...
Nephelinites and phonolites from the Moroccan Anti-Atlas form a cogenetic series of volcanic rocks linked by a fractional crystallization process and showing continuous evolutionary trends for trace-elements. According to partial melting calculations, minor element data in olivine and review of published experimental studies, the most primitive nep...
1-FSNV-STU, Université Abou Bekr Belkaïd, BP 119, 13000 Tlemcen, Algérie (azzouniabla@hotmail.com)
2-FSTGAT, Laboratoire de métallogénie et...
The Nefza mining district in Northern Tunisia comprises late Miocene (Serravallian to Messinian) magmatic rocks belonging to the post-collisional magmatism of the Mediterranean Maghreb margin. They are mainly made up of Serravallian granodiorite (Oued Belif massif), Tortonian rhyodacites (Oued Belif and Haddada massifs) and cordierite-bearing rhyod...
In the Tifnoute Valley, three plutonic units have been defined: the Askaoun intrusion, the Imourkhssen intrusion and the Ougougane group of small intrusions. They are made of quartz diorite, granodiorite and granite and all contain abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MME). The Askaoun granodiorite and the Imourkhssen granite have been dated by L...
The Kekem shoshonitic gabbro-norite association is part of the high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) post-collisional magmatism, a major feature of the Pan-African Belt in Cameroon. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analyses provide an age of 576 ± 4 Ma for the Kekem complex. This age is interpreted as dating the emplacement of the massif during the waning stage of the...
The arch-and-basin geometry that characterizes North Africa was achieved at the end of Paleozoic times. It has been subsequently reactivated during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic with, in particular, the development of large topographic anomalies. Among these, the Tuareg Shield forms a topographic high in which the Pan-African basement reaches 2400 m above...
In North Africa, Meso-Cenozoic large scale topographic swells, such as Hoggar, Tibesti or Darfur domes, are superimposed to a Paleozoic arch and basin morphology which characterizes this region. Although these topographic highs are associated to Cenozoic intraplate volcanism, their development remains poorly constrained, both from temporal and spat...
Granite and dolerite occurring in the eastern unit of the Maures Massif (southern France Variscan belt) were emplaced in the waning stage of the evolution of a dextral shear zone along the Gondwana border with Laurasia. We present a geochronological and petro-geochemical study (major and trace elements, Sr-Nd isotopes) of (1) the foliated Moulin Bl...
In this paper, we show with examples that cratons involved in intercontinental collisions in a lower plate
position are often affected by orogenic events, leading to the transformation of their margins. In some
cases, craton interiors can also be shaped by intense collisional processes, leading to the generation of intracratonic
orogenic belts. We...
Le Hoggar est le siège d’une importante activité magmatique de l’Eocène au Quaternaire au cours de
laquelle se sont mises en place d’importants volumes de laves tholéitiques, alcalines et hyperalcalines,
saturées et sous-saturées. Ce volcanisme se localise le long des grands accidents d’échelle lithosphérique qui
séparent le plus souvent certains t...
Le terrane de Djanet, situé à l’extrême est du bouclier touareg en Algérie, est formé d’une
série sédimentaire détritique affectée par un métamorphisme de faciès schiste vert: le Groupe
de Djanet. Ce dernier est recoupé par des intrusions magmatiques datées entre 571 et 558 Ma dont
la mise en place est liée à l’épisode orogénique mourzoukien d’âge...
The continental crust of Africa, largely built during the Pan-African orogeny (late Neoproterozoic) has acquired in its northern part, during Paleozoic times, an arch and basin morphology. Meso-Cenozoic large scale topo- graphic anomalies, associated to Cenozoic intraplate volcanism, such as Hoggar, Tibesti or Darfur domes, are superimposed to thes...
It was recognized that two important boundaries, the Farsund-RAP shear
zone and the Sveconorwegian (=Grenvillian) opx-in isograd, controlled
the composition of the post-collisional magmatism of southern Norway
(0.97 to 0.92 Ga) (Vander Auwera et al., 2011). The Farsund-RAP shear
zone (Bolle et al., 2010), a boundary between two contrasted
The Sept Iles layered intrusion (Quebec, Canada) is dominated by a basal Layered Series made up of troctolites and gabbros, and by anorthosites occurring (1) at the roof of the magma chamber (100–500 m-thick) and (2) as cm- to m-size blocks in gabbros of the Layered Series. Anorthosite rocks are made up of plagioclase, with minor clinopyroxene, oli...
The Tuareg shield is made of more than 20 terranes, whose some have an oceanic origin, are Neoproterozoic in age and have been preserved from the Pan-African orogenic climax by their accretion towards cratons or metacratons. The Iskel terrane, in Central Hoggar, is among them. It is strongly elongated, being 700 km long for a width of maximum 60 km...
We show here that the Amalaoulaou complex, in the Pan-African belt of West Africa (Gourma, Mali), corresponds to the lower
and middle sections of a Neoproterozoic intra-oceanic arc. This complex records a 90–130-Ma-long evolution of magmatic inputs
and differentiation above a subducting oceanic slab. Early c. 793Ma-old metagabbros crystallised at l...
a b s t r a c t In the Arokam Ténéré, the three studied massifs of granitoids are located around the N–S oriented Raghane mega-shear zone, which separates two of the main domains of the Tuareg shield, the Saharan metacraton and the Central Hoggar. The field observations, AMS analyses and U–Pb zircon dating were completed by a study of Landsat image...
The undeformed 564 Ma Sept Iles layered intrusion (Quebec, Canada) is a large igneous body of c. 20 000 km3. From the base to the top, it consists of a Layered Series dominated by troctolite and gabbro, an anorthositic Upper Border Series and a dominantly granitic Upper Series. The parent magma of the Layered Series is inferred to be an iron-rich t...