![Iztok Rakar](https://i1.rgstatic.net/ii/profile.image/644241462157323-1530610542898_Q128/Iztok-Rakar.jpg)
Iztok RakarUniversity of Ljubljana · Faculty of Public Administration
Iztok Rakar
PhD in Law
Currently working on "Digital transformation for smart public governance" - an ARIS-funded research programme
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Iztok Rakar researches in the field of local government and comparative public administration.
He served two terms as a titular member of the Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government by the Council of Europe for Slovenia.
He collaborated with EC and OECD/SIGMA.
Bibliography: http://splet02.izum.si.nukweb.nuk.uni-lj.si/cobiss/BibPersonal.jsp?init=t&code=22211
Additional affiliations
January 2008 - September 2011
Publications (84)
Gender Responsive Budgeting is a tool that enables budgets to respond to the different needs of women and men providing them with the opportunity to benefit equally from public money. In recent decades countries around the world have implemented GRB at national and local levels, introducing different initiatives, using different GRB tools and diffe...
National and local governments around the world are trying to implement gender responsive budgeting (GRB). Rarely the focus is on local levels and consequently, no sensitive tool is available to measure GRB implementation at the local level. The paper tried to conceptualise some characteristics for the assessment of GRB process at local government...
This paper aims to discuss the current situation on GRB as a tool to make budgets gender-responsive and achieve gender equality in Western Balkans. Apart from exploring the gap between the aspiration in implementing the GRB instruments and tools from one side and the obstacles encountered which are bound to be specific for any country or region. Th...
V članku predstavljamo rezultate analize uvrstitev slovenske javne uprave
na izbranih mednarodnih lestvicah v obdobju 2015–2020 in jih postavljamo
v kontekst vloge, ki jo nadnacionalne in mednarodne organizacije imajo na
področju razvoja in reform javnih uprav. Pregled literature kaže, da je število
mednarodnih primerjav v porastu, še zlasti na pod...
This paper analyses Gender Responsive Budgeting in Local Government. Local government budgets have the potential to highly influence the lives of their constituencies and ensure that the needs and priorities of all are represented in their policies and budgets. Existing literature agrees that this can happen when budgetary processes are legally cle...
V zadnjih dveh desetletjih je primerjalna javna uprava postala pomemben segment upravne znanosti, mednarodne lestvice uspešnosti upravljanja pa pomemben instrument vplivanja mednarodnih in drugih organizacij na države in dejavnik odločanja različnih subjektov. Iz analize izbranih nizov kazalnikov lahko vidimo, da so uvrstitve slovenske javne uprave...
V prispevku je prikazan razvoj teritorialnega obsega občin na območju nekdanje
Jugoslavije v obdobju od konca 19. stoletja do danes. Avtor prikaže
zgodovinski okvir, v katerem je nastala Jugoslavija in pojasni razloge za drastično
zmanjšanje števila občin v petdesetih letih 20. stoletja. Ugotavlja, da je
bil razvoj po razpadu SFRJ različen. Nekater...
This publication is the result of ongoing research of public administration started within the EU-funded project “Support to Comprehensive Reform of Public Administration in Ukraine (ID No. EuropeAid/138732/DH/SER/UA),” coordinated by the Corporate & Public Management Consulting Group SIA (Estonia).
This report covers six European countries:
1. Fi...
Področje organizacije javne uprave je eno od glavnih področij proučevanja javne
uprave. S pojmom organizacije se ukvarja več družboslovnih znanosti, saj ima več
razsežnosti. Z vidika pravne znanosti je ključen formalni vidik organizacije, ki ga
označuje predvidljiva, legitimirana, trajna in v cilj usmerjena struktura, s katero se
ustvari red na pod...
Poglavje obravnava koncept samouprave, ki v upravnih sistemih obstaja v dveh
pojavnih oblikah, in sicer kot lokalna in funkcionalna samouprava. Lokalna samouprava
predstavlja glavno pojavno obliko samouprave in hkrati služi kot njen referenčni
model. To je posledica tako zgodovinskega razvoja kot upravnopolitičnega
pomena lokalne ravni, zato ji tud...
The article draws on research on the quality of governance and its impact on Slovenian municipalities’ competitiveness. It presents the research results guided by two hypotheses: “Municipalities with a higher quality of governance are more competitive” and “The assessments of the quality of governance in Slovenian municipalities vary more than the...
Local public finance regulation differs among countries. The intention of this chapter is to compare current regulatory systems, uncover similarities and differences and provide some cautious explanations on developments. As example, three Southeast European countries—Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia—will be analysed. These countries share a similar hi...
V kontekstu omejevanja širjenja COVID -19 v letu 2020 so v ospredje ponovno stopila razmerja med državo in občinami tudi na področju varnosti. Zanimalo nas bo, ali je država je v času epidemije prenesla nekatere svoje varnostne pristojnosti na občine? Ker je preprečevanje širjenja COVID-19 tudi lokalno-varnostna zadeva, smo jo analizirali v tem pri...
Local public finance regulation differs among countries. The intention of this chapter is to compare current regulatory systems, uncover similarities and differences and provide some cautious explanations on developments. As example, three Southeast European countries—Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia—will be analysed.
Obseg in pomen javnih služb je v preteklosti doživel številne spremembe. V
zadnjih treh desetletjih je bil poudarek na liberalizaciji, privatizaciji in deregulaciji,
od leta 2000 dalje pa lahko v Evropi in drugje po svetu opazimo primere,
v katerih je prišlo do vnovičnega prevzema javnih služb pod okrilje samoupravnih
lokalnih skupnosti. Gre za poj...
Februarja 2020 je novi virus SARS-CoV-2, ki
povzroča bolezen covid-19, dosegel Republiko Slovenijo.
Država je 12. marca 2020 razglasila epidemijo. V kontekstu
zajezitve širitve epidemije je Vlada Republike Slovenije začela
ukrepati in postopoma sprejemati ukrepe s področja
preprečevanja in obvladovanja širjenja covida-19. V skladu z
ukrepi Vlade so...
Slovenia is a country abundant in water resources. Like in other countries, legal regulation for water protection and its governance is complex. This chapter presents the selected constitutional and administrative law perspectives on water protection in Slovenia. Slovenia is one of the few countries in the world, which regulates the right to drinki...
This publication is the result of ongoing research of public administration started within the EU-funded project “Support to Comprehensive Reform of Public Administration in Ukraine (ID No. EuropeAid/138732/DH/SER/UA),” coordinated by the Corporate & Public Management Consulting Group SIA (Estonia).
This report covers seven European countries:
Inter-municipal cooperation is a common and diverse phenomenon that aims to increase the professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of municipal tasks. The paper deals with the general issues of inter-municipal cooperation and its development in Slovenia. Particular attention is paid to one of the institutionalized forms of...
Public procurement is one of the key points of contact between public administration and the economy, while the amount of public resources is a possible source of conflict of interest and corruption. The article aims to contribute to improvements in public procurement legislation and practice. The article examines the practice of supervisory bodies...
Prispevek obravnava politiko boljših predpisov, zakonodajne dejavnosti in regula-tornih postopkov v Sloveniji znotraj programa razvoja oziroma reform javne uprave. Avtorja izhajata iz vodil na ravno OECD in EU, da je treba upravne reforme voditi celostno, če naj bodo učinkovite. Zlasti v državah s pravno osredotočenim javnim upravljanjem, kot je Sl...
In the approximately two and a half decades since 1990,
Slovenia has undergone a series of unprecedented historical
events and has often been characterised as a success
story. The author focuses on the assessment of the development
of Slovenian local self-government in the light of
the provisions on subsidiarity and financial autonomy set
out in th...
V Sloveniji se sistem javnih služb dejansko ni spremenil ne na normativni ravni
ne na ravni izvajanja od leta 1991 dalje. Javni zavodi so najpogostejša organizacijska
oblika izvajanja negospodarskih javnih služb. Zaradi velikega števila teh
organizacij na občinski ravni je razprava o racionalizaciji legitimna. Naše ključno
raziskovalno vprašanje je...
The present publication has been developed in a study that the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) carried out between September 2015 and June 2018 under the title “Support for developing better country knowledge on public administration and institutional capacity building” 1 (hereafter EUPACK – EUropean Public Adminis...
A major reform of the public sector salary system took place between 2003 and 2008, where public administration was included as one of the sub-sectors in a broader scheme, covering also the health care and social care sectors, the education sector and other parts of the public sector. The reform was extremely complex, and its development consisted...
Slovenija je država z bogato kulturno dediščino in razmeroma visokim deležem gibalno oviranih oseb. Namen prispevka je oceniti dostopnost javno dostopnih objektov za gibalno ovirane osebe na vzorcu devetih objektov v Mestni občini Kranj. Rezultati empirične analize kažejo številne ovire pri dostopnosti in neizvajanje priporočil, ki so bila dana v m...
Present work presents an overview and evaluation of twenty years of development of slovenian local self-government under European Charter of Local Self-Government (ECLSG). Value added of the work lies in its multidisciplinarity, since development is elaborated in its legal, political and economic perspective. Initially, the broader European context...
This chapter deals with the evaluation of delivery mechanisms in water supply industry in Slovenia. The focus is on the institutional and outcome evaluation, i.e. an explanation of the phenomenon in local governments where water is mostly supplied by public entities, either by public enterprises or in-house integrated service providers. Although th...
The paper deals with the emergence and historical development of delegated legislation in the area of England from the late Middle Ages to the mid-20th century. The author notes that the delegated legislation in England is the primary result of the struggle for power between the monarch and the parliament (an internal factor). After equilibrium was...
Prispevek predstavlja ključne ugotovitve institucionalne evalvacije področja izvajanja javne službe oskrbe s pitno vodo v Sloveniji. Prispevek izhaja iz predpostavke, da je regulatorni okvir v veliki meri onemogočil funkcionalno privatizacijo. Tako bo v prispevku prikazan pravni in regulatorni okvir delovanja in izvajanja te javne služba, čemur sle...
Prispevek pregledno obravnava javno gospodarsko pravo kot celoto pravil javnega prava, s katerimi država ureja oz. posega v gospodarstvo. Prispevek vsebuje opredelitev, razvoj, sistematiko ter ustavni in EU okvir tega pravnega področja, posebno pozornost pa nameni gospodarskemu upravnemu pravu. Delo temelji na analizi pretežno nemške literature, ki...
In recent years, public participation has been a frequent object of research, especially in
relation to rulemaking procedures. The aim of the paper is to verify a common thesis,
that public participation is a means for enhancing democratic legitimacy in rulemaking. In
order to do so, the author defines legitimacy and legitimation, presents models o...
Učbenik »Pravo javne uprave« je pregledno in sistematično delo, kjer so predstavljene osnove upravnega prava, temelji pravne ureditve in delovanja državnih organov, lokalne samouprave, nosilcev javnih pooblastil in izvajalcev javnih služb ter osnove pravnega položaja funkcionarjev, javnih uslužbencev in njihovega plačnega sistema.
Učbenik je po s...
The aim of the expert mission was to support the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA) of Montenegro in drafting the Law on Local Self-Government in accordance with European legislation and in compliance with European Charter of Local Self-Government (LSG). The mission should allow comprehensive discussion of international concepts and standards...
The article deals with permanently challenging issue of legal protection of municipalities vis-à-vis the state. In past few years this topic is of special importance since the changes in the environment require changes in the public sector and public administration. In this context, the so-called prior (ex ante) (legal) protection of muni...
The paper presents a theoretical overview of local participation and the results of empirical research conducted on a population of Slovenian urban municipalities. The authors tried to learn how Slovenian urban municipalities assess the implementation of activities that effect the principle of participation at the local level as defined by the Coun...
The purpose of the paper is to present development of the Slovenian local self-government. Along with short general presentation the emphasis is putted on organizational and financial dimensions of Slovenian local self-government development. The main problem of Slovenian municipalities is that the most of them are too small, which has several impl...
The article aims to provide an overview of the statutory regulation of
inspection at the national and local levels and its placement in the process
of modernization of Slovenian public administration. The article is intended
to deepen the understanding of the legal position of inspectors and parties
to inspection procedures, as well as the...
The paper presents the results of empirical research conducted on a population of Slovenian town municipalities to establish how they assess the implementation of activities that give effect to the principle of participation at the local level. We note that the majority of municipalities believes that actively invite citizens to participate in deci...
Legitimacy in the system of criminal justice can be understood, inter alia, as a moral justification of authority. In relation to legitimacy, legality means that within the legal order and legal justice of a democratic state, state bodies are only allowed to do that which is permitted through legal rules. Legitimacy and morality are broader categor...
Prispevek obravnava nastanek in razvoj podzakonskih predpisov na območju Nemčije v obdobju od absolutistične države do združitve Nemčij v 20. stoletju. Poseben poudarek je dan predstavitvi razvoja teorije in ustavnosodne prakse na območju Zvezne republike Nemčije po 2. svetovni vojni. Avtor ugotavlja, da je pomen podzakonskih predpisov od vzpostavi...
The paper addresses the legal, organisational, economic, and financial aspects of local public services development in Slovenia in the last two decades. Since both economic and social local public services are taken into account, the research question focuses on main variations in the development and current status of those two categories. The evid...
In recent years trend towards remunicipalization of public services emerged in several countries across Europe and broader. In the literature describing and analysing of this phenomenon was only in its infancy, until recently, and empirical evidence for this phenomenon was relatively small, too. Authors analyse reasons for this phenomenon and the r...
The importance of delegated legislation is growing in both the quantitative and qualitative sense. Under the American system, the so-called division of rulemaking authority between the legislative and executive branch was resolved at a very early juncture and in a highly pragmatic manner by applying the fundamental principles of the legislative pro...
The financial crisis has once again brought up the question of the ‘perfect size’ of local governments and revealed a new dimension of the eternal question of financing self-governing local communities. The paper presents a comparative overview of efforts to determine the ‘perfect size’ of municipalities and recent reforms in different countries ai...
Paper deals with public services on municipal level in developmental and comparative perspective. After general introduction the paper focuses on tri selected European countries and presents emergence of so-called remunicipalisation. In the concluding part the paper highlights role of municipal administrative bodies and limitations of finding solut...
Administrative procedures (APs) are tools to protect fundamental human rights in statecitizen relations. As the modernization of public administration regulation is undergoing a transformation in the direction of reducing detailed rules on APs and, by the same token, emphasizing fundamental or general principles, research on the development and the...
Prispevek obravnava problematiko prevajanja pravnih aktov samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti na izbranem dvojezičnem območju v Sloveniji in Italiji. Tematika je obravnavana tako normativno kot empirično. Uporabljene so deskriptivna, komparativna in empirična metoda (anketa). Poudarek prispevka je na empirični raziskavi, izvedeni med prevajalci in prav...
Analiza literature in sodne prakse na temo sodelovanja javnosti pri pripravi predpisov kaže, da naj bi le-to imelo številne funkcije. Avtor se v prispevku omejuje na področje podzakonskih predpisov in si postavlja vprašanje, ali lahko v postopku oblikovanja podzakonskih predpisov govorimo o sodelovanju javnosti kot obliki pravnega varstva. Avtor ug...
The article determines the adoption of certain principles of good governance in practice in the case of Slovenian municipalities by means of empirical analysis. The results of the research indicate that there are important opportunities for improvements and that the majority of municipalities consider that greater involvement of the public in the p...
Local self-government has faced a number of challenges over the past decade. The financial crisis has revealed new dimensions of the eternal question of financing self-governing local communities, while distrust and a lack of interest in participation in local democracy among the people have led to considerations of different approaches to public d...
The article determines the adoption of certain principles of good governance in practice in the case of Slovenian municipalities by means of empirical analysis. The results of the research indicate that there are important opportunities for improvements and that the majority of municipalities consider that greater involvement of the public in the p...
Normativna dejavnost izvršilne oblasti je v sodobnih demokratičnih državah dejstvo. Razvojno gledano pomen podzakonskih predpisov raste tako v kvantitativnem kot kvalitativnem smislu. Ker podzakonski predpisi pomenijo odstop od načela delitve oblasti, so deležni velike pozornosti tako teorije kot sodne prakse. Primerjalno gledano je pristop k temu...
Eden od osnovnih pogojev za varnost cestnega prometa je tehnična brezhibnost vozil. Glede na to, da nadzor izpolnjevanja tega pogoja zahteva specifična strokovna znanja in tehnično opremo, hkrati pa se država srečuje s fiskalnimi omejitvami, je razumljivo, da je država za izvajanje te naloge pooblastila ustrezno usposobljene subjekte zasebnega sekt...
Odločanje v upravnem postopku sicer pomeni oblastno obliko delovanja, vendar to ne pomeni, da mora biti tako delovanje tudi avtoritarno. Upravni postopek mora biti namreč v sodobni demokratični državi oblikovan in izvajan tako, da se ne kršijo temeljne ustavne vrednote, pri čemer je ena od najpomembnejših človekovo dostojanstvo. Po našem mnenju je...
Zaradi stalne potrebe po izboljšavah in racionalizaciji poslovanja se je vodstvo uprave Mestne občine Nova Gorica odločilo s pomočjo svetovalne skupine Fakultete za upravo analizirati organizacijo struktur in poslovanja mestne uprave ter ugotoviti potrebne ukrepe za racionalizacijo in večjo uspešnost. V projektu so člani svetovalne skupine pristopi...
Regulatorna funkcija države je v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih postala predmet široke razprave v različnih forumih, pri čemer se je kot eno izmed osrednjih vprašanj izpostavilo vprašanje kakovosti regulacije. Splošno sprejeto stališče je, da je eden izmed glavnih instrumentov, namenjenih izboljšanju le-te, analiza učinkov predpisov oz. ocenjevanje vpli...
Samoupravne lokalne skupnosti v Evropi, še posebej tiste manjše, se že nekaj časa
srečujejo s številnimi izzivi. Medobčinsko sodelovanje predstavlja eno od možnih
strategij za spopadanje z dvema izzivoma, in sicer s potrebo po zagotavljanju večjega
obsega javnih dobrin in storitev ter kompleksnostjo družbenih problemov. Razprave v
zvezi z medobčins...
Presentation prepared for a guest-lecture at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (FH-Kärnten) in 2013 (host: prof. dr. Benedikt Speer). It consists of structure of PA, civil service system and public sector salary system in Slovenia. It containes several schemes, statistical data and Slovenian translation of basic terms.
This paper considers administrative procedures and acts of the executive branch of government in the framework of good governance. One important aspect of good governance is the importance of the participation of all societal groups in governance. A study of the regulation and implementation of procedures for issuing general and individual administ...
Predmet Lokalna in regionalna samouprava je eden ključnih izbirnih pravnih predmetov visokošolskega študijskega programa Uprava I. stopnje. Študentu omogoča seznanitev s temeljnimi pojmi in pravno ureditvijo posameznih elementov lokalne in regionalne samouprave.
Pričujoče študijsko gradivo je temeljni pripomoček za spremljanje predavanj. Obravnava...
The paper examines the results of an evaluation of a legal and ethic principles survey of employees of the Slovenian Police. All employees of the Slovenian Police were invited to participate, including those from the General Police Directorate. The analysis focuses on statistically significant differences in the evaluation of selected legal and eth...
This book has been written as a university study book
intended to be used as an aid in understanding the main
characteristics of holders of public office and civil servants law
in Slovenia.
The book has four parts. The first part is devoted to the
definition of administrative law. Administrative law consists
primarily of the legal norms which regul...
The rulemaking function of the executive branch of government is a fact of life in modern democratic states. In terms of development, the importance of secondary legislation is growing in both the quantitative and qualitative sense. Because it represents a deviation from the principle of the separation of powers, secondary legislation receives a gr...
Knjiga Pravo javnega sektorja je celovito in sistematično delo,
kjer so predstavljena temeljna področja pravne ureditve javnega sektorja.
Knjiga je namenjena naslednjim bralcem:
• študentom, ki študirajo na visokošolskih in univerzitetnih
programih predmete javna uprava, pravna ureditev javne
uprave, upravno pravo in management v javni upravi ter
The paper deals with some issues related to the principle of self-government. Part one focuses on definitions of terms and legal examinations of different forms of self-government with an emphasis on functional self-government. Part two processes self-government as a principle of guidance of the functioning of the administrative system. The purpose...
Over the last few decades, two parallel and interrelated trends have emerged. Both delegated legislation and
direct citizen involvement in decision making procedures over issues which concern citizens have been
gaining significance. Theory, for the most part, assumes that the first phenomenon can be attributed to the
ever growing volume and complex...
In the case of traffic licence in Slovenia, it has been pointed out that
contracting out of public administration tasks in the field of traffic licence
issuing has caused that the majority of costumers receive their traffic licence
and perform other tasks attached to traffic licence obligations at private
sector entities, the major reasons being si...
Prenos izvajanja upravnih nalog na subjekte izven državne uprave je pojav, ki je v zadnjem času pridobil na aktualnosti v povezavi z vprašanji ekonomičnosti, učinkovitosti, transparentnosti in legitimnosti javnega upravljanja. Prispevek predstavlja stališča nemške pravne teorije ter njihovo zakonodajo in sodno prakso na področju prenosa oblastnih u...
Questions (2)
Looking for literature on mayors - comparative, legal and historical perspective ...