Iya Tashlykova-Bushkevich

Iya Tashlykova-Bushkevich
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics · Department of Physics



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Publications (57)
The morphology, topography and wetting with distilled water of Al–1.5 at. % Fe alloy films with a thickness 25–90 nm, formed on glass by ion-assisted deposition using a resonance ion source of vacuum electric arc plasma, have been studied. Using scanning probe microscopy, it is shown that, depending on the mode and the time of deposition, the modif...
Conference Paper
В последние десятилетия возрастают требования к служебным характеристикам алюминиевых сплавов системы Al–Mg из-за развития и расширения областей их эксплуатации в машиностроении, транспортной и авиационной промышленностях. Сплавы данной системы обеспечивают конструктивную прочность, хорошую пластичность и коррозионную стойкость деталей в агрессивны...
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Mg(OH)2/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) films were prepared on the surface of single phase Mg-4Li-3Al (α-Mg phase) and Mg-14Li-3Al (β-Li phase) alloys by in situ hydrothermal in pure water with chemical-free reagents, respectively. The influence of α-Mg and β-Li phases on the formation of LDH and the corresponding corrosion resistance were inv...
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The effects of solid solution treatment duration on the corrosion behavior and microstructure behavior of the cast Mg-8.5Li-6.5Zn-1.2Y (wt.%) alloy were investigated. This study revealed that with the treatment time for solid solutions increasing from 2 h to 6 h, the amount of α-Mg phase gradually decreases, and the alloy presents a needle-like sha...
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Исследованы закономерности формирования структуры, а также смачиваемость тонких пленок алюминия и сплавов Al-2.1 ат. % Mn и Al-1.4 ат. % Ni, осажденных на стеклянные подложки при ассистировании собственными ионами. Применение сканирующей зондовой (СЗМ) и растровой электронной микроскопии позволило охарактеризовать топографические неоднородности нан...
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Исследовано влияние термообработки на распределение лития по глубине поверхностных слоев быстро затвердевших фольг промышленного сплава Al-Mg-Li-Sc-Zr (1421), полученных сверхбыстрой закалкой из жидкой фазы методом одностороннего охлаждения на внутренней поверхности вращающегося медного цилиндра. Методом дифракции обратно отраженных электронов опре...
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The influence of heat treatment on the distribution of lithium over the depth of surface layers is studied for rapidly solidified foils of industrial Al-Mg-Li-Sc-Zr alloy (1421) produced by ultra-rapid quenching from the molten state using unilateral cooling on the internal surface of a rotating copper drum. It is found by electron backscatter diff...
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Body-centered cubic (BCC) Mg–Li alloy can be effectively strengthened by with the addition of Al and Zn. However, adding excessive amounts result in reduced mechanical properties and damping capacity of the alloy during subsequent heat treatment and deformation. The effects of solution-hot rolling-aging on the mechanical properties and damping capa...
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The effect of lithium on the structural-phase state of aerospace aluminum alloy 1421 of the Al–Mg–Li system prepared by rapid solidification is studied. Analysis of the composition of the surface layers of alloy samples carried out by means of nuclear reaction analysis establishes that lithium diffuses to the surface at elevated treatment temperatu...
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Исследовано влияние лития на структурно-фазовое состояние авиакосмического алюминиевого сплава марки 1421 системы Al–Mg–Li, полученного с помощью высокоскоростной кристаллизации из расплава. Анализ состава приповерхностных слоев образцов сплава, проведенный методом мгновенных ядерных реакций, установил, что при повышенных температурах обработки про...
Conference Paper
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In Belarus, women’s representation in the field of natural science, as well as gender imbalance in physics and mathematics, have been investigated using the latest available statistical data, accessed in July 2017. Statistics on daily time use by gender and marital status, with a focus on work and family responsibilities, are provided to aid in poi...
The surface microstructure and wettability of Al-1.0 at.% Cr alloy films obtained by ion-beam-assisted deposition on glass substrates have been investigated using atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and the sessile drop method. In the passive deposition regime, the surface roughness of the films increased from 8.9nm to 21.6nm with...
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In this work, the relationship between the microstructure and microhardness of Al–Mg–Li–Zr–Sc alloy (1421 Al) prepared by ultrafast quenching from the melt has been studied. The following methods are used in studying the rapidly solidified (RS) alloy: scanning electron microscopy integrated with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis, the method of...
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This article presents the approbation of author's pedagogical technology of lectures organization with elements of heuristic learning into a learning process within the frame of a general physics course. The technology involves students into the process of production of own educational product in the form of creative works as a part of managed self...
Conference Paper
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This work considers questions related to the analysis of surface nanorilief and a relationship between the roughness parameters of thin metallic films and their physicochemical properties. It is shown how computer processing of atomic-force microscopy images of surface of thin molybdenum films on glass allows obtaining the quantitative information...
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The effect of ion beam assisted deposition conditions on the surface microstructure of thin metal films of molybdenum on glass substrates was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). For Mo deposition without ions, it was found that the surface roughness increases from 1.05 to 1.66 nm with increasing depositi...
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Целью настоящей работы является исследование изменения микроструктуры быстрозатвердевшего сплава 1421 системы Al-Mg-Li-Sc-Zr при термической обработке для того, чтобы за счет использования высокоскоростной кристаллизации повысить предельные рабочие температуры сплава в результате повышенного содержания легирующих элементов в твердом растворе и форм...
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В данной работе на примере тонких пленок сплава Al-1.0 ат. % Cr, характеризующегося высокой термической стабильностью, обсуждаются экспериментальные результаты исследования изменения микроструктуры тонких металлических пленок, полученных методом ионно-ассистированного осаждения (ОПАСИ, IBAD), в зависимости от условий формирования покрытий.
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The microstructure, elemental and phase composition of rapidly solidified foils of Al-In alloys were investigated using SEM with EDX, XRD and RBS. It was found that thin surface layers of foils are enriched with indium that results in hydrophilization of alloys. Wetting transition from the homogeneous Wenzel state to the heterogeneous Cassie-Baxter...
Abstract This work reports recent advances in characterization of the composition at submicron length scales of Al-based rapidly solidified alloys, which are correlated to their interactions with hydrogen. The hydrogen desorption kinetics and the evolution of the surface and subsurface structure and chemical state of high-purity Al and Al-3.0 at.%...
Conference Paper
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The present work summarizes recent progress in the investigation of nanoscale microstructure effects on hydrogen behavior in rapidly solidified aluminum alloys foils produced at exceptionally high cooling rates. We focus here on the potential of modification of hydrogen desorption kinetics in respect to weak and strong trapping sites that could ser...
Conference Paper
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Women constitute 49% of all natural scientists in Belarus. However, fewer than 18% of Belarusian natural scientists who hold a doctor of science degree are women. The proportion of women decreases with increasing rank at universities and institutes in Belarus. Gender imbalance at the level of full professor is striking at just 17.5% women, and illu...
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Hydrogen desorption kinetics for rapidly solidified high purity Al and Al-Cr alloy foils containing 1.0, 1.5 and 3.0 at % Cr were investigated by means of thermal desorption analysis (TDA) at a heating rate of 3.3°C/min. For the first time, it was found that oxide inclusions of Al2O3 are dominant high-temperature hydrogen traps compared with pores...
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The experience for women in physics remains challenging in Belarus. The proportion of female physics master's degree recipients is approximately 30%, while the percentage of female physics PhD recipients is 50%. Still, only a few female physicists occupy top positions in research laboratories, institutes, or universities. The basic problem for care...
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Elemental composition of rapidly solidified Al-0.2 at.% Fe alloy has been examined using elastic recoil detection technique and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy to investigate the changes in hydrogen depth distribution under heat treatment. It was found that hydrogen was limited to near-surface region (400 nm) of as-cast foils. Most detected...
Conference Paper
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Depth profiling of elemental composition has been examined for rapidly solidified Al-Cr alloy foils containing 1.0 and 3.0 at % Cr by means of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and scanning photoelectron microscopy (SPEM) using synchrotron radiation. Surface microstructure was monitored using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Analysis of SP...
Hydrogen surface segregation and trapping in rapidly solidified Al-0.2; 0.5 at % Fe alloys has been studied through elastic recoil detection technique, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy. It was detected that most hydrogen was localized in the subsurface regions (400 nm) and estimated to be 3.6 at % in Al-0.2...
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Microstructure of rapidly solidified (RS) pure Al and Al-0.8; 1.0 Cr alloys (at %) foils was examined with reference to near surface composition, solute/microstructure interactions, and surface topography. The hydrogen desorption from Al-Cr alloys was investigated in order to clarify effect of rapid solidification processing (RSP) on hydrogen trapp...
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Hydrogen surface segregation and trapping in rapidly solidified Al-0.2; 0.5 at % Fe alloys has been studied through elastic recoil detection technique, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy. It was detected that most hydrogen was localized in the subsurface regions (400 nm) and estimated to be 3.6 at % in Al-0.2...
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The thermal desorption spectroscopy has been applied to analyze hydrogen desorption from foils of Al–Cr alloys containing up to 3.0 mol%Cr produced by centrifugal melt quenching. Surface morphology of the alloys was monitored using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. It was revealed that hydrogen behavior is strongly affected...
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The thermal desorption spectroscopy has been applied to analyse hydrogen desorption from foils of Al-Cr alloys containing up to 3.0 mol% Cr produced by centrifugal melt quenching. Surface morphology of the alloys was monitored using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. It was revealed that hydrogen behaviour is strongly affecte...
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Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) technique has been used to study hydrogen behaviour in rapidly solidified (RS) aluminium (Al) both as-cast and exposed to humid air (HA). The surface morphology of the foils was studied through atomic force microscopy (AFM). Analysis was made of the effect of rapid solidification processing (RSP) on H/microstru...
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Hydrogen (H) behaviour in materials was investigated in rapidly solidified (RS) foils of pure aluminium (Al), Al-0 4 Cr and Al-0.25 Zr alloys (at %) by means of thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) In addition, Al-0 25; 0 3 Zr alloys were examined with respect to microstructure and its instability during the thermal process using SEM and microhard...
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The microstructure including layer-by-layer elemental composition of rapidly solidified Al-6.0; 9.4; 15.0 Zn (at %) alloys has been examined. Three distinct types of microstructure are found out in a transverse cross-section of the foils. Nonuniform Zn depth distribution shows depletion of thin (0.02 μm) surface layers by Zn. The zone at contact fo...
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) technique with computer simulations are developed for numerical analysis of the level-by-level element composition of rapidly solidified foils of the Al–Mn alloy. It has been obtained that the manganese depth distribution in the foils is irregular in the near-surface region of the samples. Thin surface l...
Hydrogen behaviour in rapidly solidified pure aluminium foils of about 30-60 μm thickness has been investigated. Microstructure of aluminium samples was refined by rapid solidification from the molten state (cooling rate was 〜 10^6 K/s). The effect of rapid solidification processing on hydrogen behaviour of pure aluminium was examined by comparing...
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The structure and phase composition of lightly-doped Al-Fe alloys obtained by ultrarapid quenching from the melt are investigated. The surface of foils was studied using scanning electron microscopy, atomic-force microscopy, and Rutherford backscattering technique. The variation in the phase composition of alloys during annealing was studied by x-r...
Conference Paper
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The structure of Al.-0.3 at.% Fe foil produced by ultrarapid quenching from the melt was investigated using force atom microscope and RBS method. It was estimated that layer near the surface contains at 2.7-4.5 times more of Fe in comparison with calculated data. It was also tested the roughness of foil surface. It was estimated that this roughness...
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By means of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy technique, a detailed element analysis of a rapidly solidified Al–9.6Si–0.8Ti (at%) alloy with Fe and Ni dopes has been investigated. It was found that the 0.02 μm thick surface layer of the ribbon is enriched with Si (24.0 at%) and Bi impurity (0.007 at%). Oscillations of non-uniformly Si depth di...
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The detailed study results are presented on the distribution of alloying element cobalt having rather small mobility in aluminum. With the help of RBS spectroscopy and computer simulation, composition and depth distribution of Co and impurity Bi in Al1-xCo (x = 0.3; 2.4 at. %) rapidly solidified foils have been investigated. A not uniform Co and Bi...
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Composition of the rapidly quenched films of Al-9.6Si-0.8Ti (at. %) alloy was investigated by means of OES and RBS methods. A surface alumina film occurrence of 0.02 mm in thickness was observed. A non-uniform depth distribution of Si as well as the surface layer depletion with Ti and enrichment with Fe and Ni impurities were found in investigated...
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By means of X-ray analyses as well as measurements of thermoEMF, electric conductivity and microhardness the phase composition and thermal stability of rapidly solidified dilute Al-Ge alloys have been studied. Metastable crystalline γ1- and γ2-phases are found to be produced under quenching dilute Al-Ge alloys with Ge contents of no more than 1.2 a...
A detailed dope depth distribution investigation in rapidly solidified (RS) foils of Al alloys has been made using the Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy technique. We found that at the foil surface (0.04–0.06 μm) the dope concentration exceeds the experimental measured concentration. We also found that the Me concentration oscillates through t...
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By means of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy technique a detailed component depth distributions in rapidly solidified foils of Al-Me (Me=Fe, Cu, Sb) and Al-Ge alloys have been investigated. It was found that on the foil surface (0.04-0.06 mm depth) the component concentrations exceed the experimental measured values. Me concentration oscillat...
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A phase analysis of rapidly solidified Al-0.4; 1.6; 2.4 and 3.2 at.%Ge alloys have been carried out by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is found that second phase precipitation occurs at the specimens composition with more than 0.4 at.%Ge. This phase is absent in Al-Ge equilibrium phase diagram. It is observed increasing G...
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The hardness of thin ribbons and related composition in rapidly solidified Al-Sb, Al-Cu, Al-Fe alloys have been investigated by Vickers measurements and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. Optical microscopy was employed for microstructural analysis of alloys. Rapid solidification of Al-Cu and Al-Fe alloys leads to a substantial increase of the...


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