Iwona Pielesiak

Iwona Pielesiak
University of Łódź · Department of the Built Environment and Spatial Policy



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Publications (32)
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The article presents insights into holiday travel and its determinants in Poland. The purpose of the study was to analyze Polish citizens’ modal split and its determinants. Raw data from a pilot survey conducted in 2015 were used as the source material. To identify the determinants of travel mode choice for holiday trips, a multilevel multinomial l...
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The book entitled “Contemporary challenges of spatial planning in tourism destinations” compares the different contexts for spatial planning and how they approach tourism-related issues in selected European countries, namely Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Turkey. Each chapter starts with a presentation of the overall profile of the investigate...
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W artykule przedstawiono założenia i wyniki oceny terenów poprzemysłowych Ozorkowa – małego miasta leżącego w województwie łódzkim. Analizą objęto 12 obszarów w kontekście ich endogenicznego potencjału do wdrażania działań rewitalizacyjnych. Większość z omawianych terenów to korzystnie zlokalizowane pozostałości po XIX-wiecznym przemyśle lekkim. W...
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The goal of the study is to explore the co-evolution of the tourism and industrial sectors. This paper addresses the concept of inter-path dependency as the theoretical framework for this study. The case study of Bełchatów industrial district is applied to discuss the co-evolution of tourism and heavy industries. Tourism and heavy industries are us...
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Tourism and its related dynamics and activities are, by definition, a spatial complex of processes that shape landscapes and affect the social, economic, cultural, and political relations that characterise a specific place or territory (Shaw and Williams, 2004). To be sustainable tourism should, through its cross-sectoral and multi-scalar nature, c...
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Ecosystem health is one of the most important topics for ecosystem management and it is also the main core in ecosystem assessment. In this study, a regional ecosystem health assessment (REHA) method is adopted to develop a spatial ecosystem health framework for Gorgan Township, North-Eastern Iran. The REHA methodology refers to an ecosystem mosaic...
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Publikacja wynika z realizacji międzynarodowego projektu badawczego „3S RECIPE – Smart Shrinkage Solutions – Fostering Resilient Cities in lnner Peripheries of Europe”. Jego przedmiotem jest prężność/elastyczność miejska (urban resilience), rozpatrywana w kontekście zarówno obecnie obserwowanego, jak i potencjalnego kurczenia się ośrodków zurbanizo...
Research Proposal
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Call for Papers Special Issue on Sustainable spatial planning of tourism destinations Call for papers for the special issue of European Spatial Research and Policy (2022, vol. 29, no. 2) journal on sustainable spatial planning of tourism destinations has already been announced. ESR&P journal is indexed in Web of Science ESCI and Scopus Elsevier....
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Streszczenie Artykuł dotyczy przekształceń drewnianego zasobu mieszkaniowego peryferyjnie zlokalizowanej, bogatej w zabytki gminy Narew, leżącej w wielokulturowym regionie Podlasia. Do badania wybrano 321 zabytkowych domów, które poddano inwentaryzacji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na ich walory architektoniczne w kontekście zakresu i skali ich przeks...
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W artykule omówiono dotychczas mało znaną na gruncie polskim metodę Urban Futures, pozwalającą m.in. na ocenę prężności rozwiązań na rzecz rozwoju miast. Z jednej strony szczegółowo przedstawiono w nim procedurę postępowania, a z drugiej – krytycznie oceniono możliwości jej zastosowania. Było to możliwe dzięki praktycznemu testowaniu podczas warszt...
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This policy brief refers to the strategy of the economic development of a third largest Polish city. Łódź is a city of very strong industrial roots, based on the textile industry. Its sudden growth took place in the 19th century, when it transformed from an agricultural village into an industrial centre having nearly 300 thousand residents and beca...
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This policy brief refers to a so far partially successful solution to the transport problems in a city inhabited by almost 700 thousand people. Located in the heart of the country, Łódź is a former centre of the textile industry, still coping nowadays with the results of economic restructuring and population loss. The issues that need to be address...
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This policy brief refers to a so far partially successful solution for urban renewal in a city inhabited by almost 700 thousand people. Łódź is a former old industrial centre, which is located in the heart of Poland. The city is still coping with the results of deep economic restructuring and ongoing population loss. The broadly defined issue of ur...
To download article click on the link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1YTlr,oML0xq6j Proper investigation of travel behaviour – its spatial variability and determinants, is a key factor in correct national and local policy-making on transport. In this paper we try to identify the main features of travel behaviour in Poland as well as its relations...
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W artykule zwrócono uwagę na tereny zieleni w gminie miejsko-wiejskiej na przykładzie gminy Stryków. W pierwszej części opracowania omówiono strukturę rodzajową i rozmieszczenie terenów zieleni, nawiązując do wybranych zagadnień współczesnego rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego omawianej jednostki. W dalszej kolejności przedstawiono wyniki wywiadu kwes...
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The article analyzes participation of senior citizens in urban life of Łódź in the context of spending their free time. The paper is also aimed at revealing obstacles for their mobility within the city. It occurred that the elderly want to participate more in urban life, especially because of their strong desire to meet other people. However, there...
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Since 1989, in Poland, the share of industry in the national GDP has slightly increased, in spite of job destructions. In the Polish industrial transformation triggered by the access to market economy and to the European Union, industrialisation and deindustrialization are combined. Territorial impacts of these changes are diverse. There are winner...
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W artykule podjęto się porównania podejść do rozwiązywania problemów mieszkaniowych osób bezdomnych na Ukrainie i w Polsce. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono rodzajom obiektów mieszkaniowych oraz ich lokalizacji. Omówienie aktualnej sytuacji w Polsce stało się podstawą do sformułowania rekomendacji odnośnie kształtowania nowej polityki mieszkaniowej w za...
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Past and contemporary cooperation between French researchers and those representing Lodz Geographical Centre (Poland).
Technical Report
Z dniem 1 stycznia 2016 r. zaczyna obowiązywać Ustawa o Związkach Metropolitalnych, będąca rozwiązaniem wspierającym możliwość zrzeszania się gmin i powiatów wchodzących w skład obszarów metropolitalnych. Do ich zadań będą należały przede wszystkim organizacja transportu zbiorowego oraz koordynacja planowania przestrzennego na szczeblu ponadlokalny...
Contemporary big cities are affected by progressing disintegration of their space. In this paper an attempt was made to analyse the perception of the scale and scope of this process on the basis of a survey with urban space users in Łódź. The interviewees indicated hardly accessible places, as well as barriers that discouraged them from moving arou...
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It could be argued that cultural heritage in Poland, like in other post-socialist countries, is losing its importance due to modernisation, and that its preservation is in conflict with new investment. The situation is caused by several factors. Firstly, free use of private property is often more valued than the care for historical landscapes, whic...
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The paper discusses research results regarding the influence area of cultural institutions located in Lódz. The analysis includes data collected from nine biggest museums and theatres. In order to gather the information, customers were asked for their zip-codes. This method allows for surveying a large group of people and at the same time it does n...
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Metropolisation of space could be defined as the process of undertaking by some cities of management functions within economic, political and cultural spheres on the supranational scale (Jałowiecki 2005). This process leads to the formation of new types of spatial structures (concentration of development, socioeconomic potential and innovations), c...
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Dzienna mobilność odgrywa istotną rolę w budowaniu relacji przestrzennych, w szczególności w obrębie obszarów silnie zurbanizowanych. Złożoność tych związków stała się przesłanką dla przeprowadzenia badań na temat relacji małe miasto-metropolia na przykładzie Łódzkiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego. Ich celem była identyfikacja kierunków i pomiar skali...
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The transformation of centrally planned economy into market economy brought significant changes within Łódź urban agglomeration both in the structure and strength of spatial linkages. Those changes refer in particular to permanent migrations, as well as workforce and students' commuting flows. They lead to strengthening the role of Łódź as the cult...
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The article refers to the concept of territorial cohesion. It focuses on its terminological complexity and close relations with the ideas of social and economic cohesion. The second part of the paper is aimed at presenting and discussing the usability of the chosen methods of measuring territorial cohesion. The attempts to assess spatial dimension...


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