Ivo Carneiro de SousaMacao Polytechnic University
Ivo Carneiro de Sousa
I am currently gathering and researching memories of Spanish travelers in Macau from 1580 to 1900.
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I am a Historian, trained in Cultural and Religious History, mainly researching the History of Macau, History of Timor Leste, and the Portuguese presence in Southeast Asia. I was a Professor at the University of Porto, vice-rector at St. Joseph University, associate-dean at City University, and vice-president at EWIAS. I have finished a large project on "French travels and travelers in Macau (1609-1900)" and started researching 16th-18th century Spanish travelers in Macao and China.
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January 1993 - April 1993
Publications (347)
On September 24, 1749, a ‘superb black man’, well dressed, speaking and
writing French with surprising resourcefulness, was arrested in the port of
Morlaix in Finisterre, often frequented by Breton corsairs. Arrested after a
fight in a tavern in the city, the person was identified by the Morlaix police
as someone wanted in several ports of Brittany...
This paper researches demographic and societal representations of Macau in the first half of the 19th century in French travel and travelers' accounts.
This paper examines the life and work of the Spanish missionary Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero (1602-1669), who played a significant role in re-establishing the Franciscan presence in the Catholic missions of China during the 17th century. Caballero began his active missionary work in 1633 and became proficient in the Chinese language and culture...
This study aims to reconstruct an essential part of the cultural and professional
biography of Henrique de Senna Fernandes (HSF), especially as a long-time history
teacher in official and commercial secondary education, to investigate his public
speech in commemoration of the birth of Infante D. Henrique (1394–1460),
presented in 1957 at the Teatro...
Ця стаття (запланована публікація якої в номері журналу, присвяченому ювілею Павла Ріттера, не відбулася через невчасне її завершення) є намаганням врятувати [від забуття] довгий іспаномовний опис індуїзму, завершений португальським інтелектуалом Мануелем де Фарією-і-Соузою в 1640 році, але оприлюднений у “Lisbon presses” лише в 1674-му. Наше дослі...
Publication, research and interpretation of 295 French memories and travel texts on Macau organized and published from 1609 to 1900.
Publication, research and interpretation of 295 French memories and travel texts on Macau organized and published from 1609 to 1900.
Publication, research and interpretation of 295 French memories and travel texts on Macau organized and published from 1609 to 1900.
Publication, research and interpretation of 295 French memories and travel texts on Macau organized and published from 1609 to 1900.
The 18th US President is best remembered as the general that led the Union to victory over the southern Confederacy in the American Civil War. But Grant’s impact went beyond the US. We take a look back at his peripatetic world tour, including a little-known trip to Macao om May 9-10, 1879.
This paper rediscusses the famous Dutch defeat in the battle for the conquest of Macau in 1622, recalling its historical context, textual representations, and economic meanings. It also addresses the unfulfilled later projects of the VOC in 1641-1642 for a novel attack on Macau, followed by an extensive period of trade maritime profitable exchanges...
The field research in Timor Leste studies cultural and social transformations in traditional festivities and handicraft productions. The case studies were the religious festival of St. Anthony ("Amo-Deus coronel Santo António), in Manatuto (June 13, 2011, 2018, and 2019) and the traditional production of "tais" from the recollection of natural reso...
The report builds up a curriculum proposal for a new multilingual and transcultural Nursery in Macau, the SMART Nursery managed by Macau Zonta Club.
Proposal for the creation of a new Nursery in Macau offering a transcultural curriculum.
This communication researches from a historical perspective the long term economic, transcultural, and religious connections between Latin America and Macau through Manila.
This paper researches six drawings made by François-Edmond Pâris (1806-1893) during his visit to Macau in 1832 of traditional Chinese ships.
This paper studies the 'View of Macau in China' made by Gaspard Duché de Vanchy (1755-1788), the official painter of the expedition of Jean-François Galaup de La Pérouse around the world that mysteriously disappeared in mid-1788 in the maritime region of the Salomon Islands, in the South Pacific.
History of East Timor from a cultural anthropological perspective
This conference addresses the main goals of the ninth annual BRICS summit, held in Xiamen, gathering the heads of state or heads of government of the five-member states Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa
This chapter recalls a field visit made with António Pedrosa back in
2001 to the former fishermen village of Bidao, now part of East-
Timor capital, Dili. Received then by the head of Our Lady of Bidao
Catholic brotherhood, from him we learnt a narrative stressing that
the community was the only with a true Portuguese origin since it had
been found...
This publication gathers several studies from different social sciences domains to discuss the concept and practices of Quality of Life.
This presentation summarizes the history of PRChina special economic zones (SEZs) and discusses its present situation and future economic perspectives
This Powerpoint is a PhD seminar lesson within qualitative methods dealing with concept formation. The seminar revises, firstly, SARTORI, Giovanni (1970). “Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics." in: American Political Science Review, 64, no 4 (December): 1033-1053; thereafter crossed with COLLIER, David & LEVISTKY, Steven (1997). “Democracy...
Lesson on the PRC Economy, main demographic, economic and fiscal data, stressing its major challenges during a course on fiscal policies for Portuguese-speaking countries high officers.
This power point for a PhD seminar summarizes the basic principles of the Classic greco-roman 'art of memory', a formal discipline within rhetoric, and recalls Matteo Ricci treatise of memory written in Chinese in early 17th century.
This PhD seminar on "Multidisciplinary Foundations" recalls Johan Huizinga classic book "Homo Ludens" (Leiden: Leiden University, 1938) to revise its main theoretical proposals: Culture as Play; Play as Culture; Play before Culture; Play as Poiesis; Play as Poetics; Playing Civilization; Playing Politics; Play transcending the social; and the 'Magi...
Nasceu há cem anos em Angra do Heroísmo, na ilha Terceira dos Açores, aquele que viria ser um dos mais importantes pintores contemporâneos portugueses, referencial crítico de arte e inspirado poeta de obra, infelizmente, quase desaparecida: António Dacosta. O seu nome foi-se tornando cada vez mais memória muito esquecida, apesar da sua obra pictóri...
Estes versos e muitos outros que, a partir das músicas únicas do Brasil, se foram tornando populares, universais, sendo continuadamente reproduzidos pelos mais diversos intérpretes, esquecem muitas vezes a sua origem e a sua autoria. Estes versos e música saíram da inspiração singular de um dos mais influentes e amados músicos brasileiros de sempre...
A História de Portugal que se ensinava nas carteiras das escolas primárias e nos bancos dos liceus há mais de quarenta anos tinha o excessivo gosto pelas datas e pelos grandes nomes. Na verdade, tratava-se apenas de algumas datas, muito nacionalisticamente seleccionadas, e quase sempre os mesmos nomes grandiloquentes que, entre reis e transoceânico...
This seminar for PhD students in the course of "Multidisciplinary Foundations" revises Max Weber key theory of power as social power, then addressing his definitions of domination and authority. The main research source is Max Weber, Economy and Society, a classic of social though unfortunately unfinished.
This paper studies the Jesuit Alexandre de Rhodes residence in Macao and his writings on the Chinese-Portuguese enclave.
Um debate importante, mas nem sempre interessante e rigoroso, tem agitado por estes últimos pares de anos escritores, educadores, políticos, juristas e media brasileiros: o mais importante, venerado, muito lido e ainda mais representado escritor infantil que foi Monteiro Lobato deixou cair na sua prosa com mais de oitenta anos alguns evidentes laiv...
Terra madrasta é a das dez ilhas do arquipélago que hoje formam a orgulhosa República de Cabo Verde. Geógrafos e geólogos foram esclarecendo a sua origem vulcânica, a sua quase marítima continuação das areias desérticas do Sahel e do Sahara, depois descrevendo com monotonia o seu clima árido, seco e tórrido fustigando uma paisagem acinzentada, subl...
Nasceu em 1913, em Mondovi, hoje Dréan, na Argélia, de pai francês, morto em 1914 na batalha do Marne, e de mãe de origem espanhola: Albert Camus transformou-se no mais conhecido, lido e discutido pied noir (como se chamavam os franceses argelinos), agora revisitado em ano de centenário, celebrado mais intensamente em França, mas com ecos um pouco...
Questions (6)