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Ivett Szalma is a research professor at Centre for Social Sciences. She earned her PhD at the Budapest Corvinus University in 2011. Her research topic included: childlessness, knowledge, and attitudes towards assisted reproduction, social acceptance of gay and lesbian families, and different family practices. In 2021, she received the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Momentum Grant. In the framework of this ongoing grant, she established the Reproductive Sociology Research Group.
Publications (76)
This study has three purposes. First, we explore the percentage of the population that is vaccinated and the factors that contribute to whether or not an individual takes up COVID-19 vaccination. Second, we also look at how pregnant and lactating women (PLW) take up vaccination. Third, we reveal what the public think about PLW receiving...
Abstract: This chapter compares the trajectories of different reproduction policies in Hungary from 1989 until 2023. We analyse how Hungary’s reproduction policies follow pronatalist aims, having become increasingly selective since 2010 in the so-called Orbán regime, named after the acting prime minister. These policies are selective because not al...
The purpose of this paper is to review the international literature on the role of pets in the
family, with a particular focus on the differences that previous literature has found between
men and women in this regard. For this purpose, we use the scoping review method. In this
framework, we collected international journal articles published betwee...
This study contributes to a better understanding of how individuals make decisions about childbearing according to their views on climate change and how they rationalize their reproductive choices in a pronatalist country, Hungary. Using forty-four semi-structured interviews conducted between September 2020 and March 2022 in Hungary, we found that...
Many European societies follow pronatalist family policies; nevertheless , in all countries, the total fertility rate is below replacement level and the rate of childless people is growing. Meanwhile, among demog-raphers and policymakers, immigration is discussed as a way to increase the labor force and recently also to maintain the population size...
Absztrakt A háziállatok egyre fontosabb szerepet játszanak a családok életében, ahogyan erre már számos nemzetközi tanulmány rávilágított. Magyarországon a háziállatok családon belüli szerepéről azonban még nem sok kuta-tási eredmény olvasható. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy áttekintse a nemzetközi szakirodalomnak azt a részét, ami ezt a kérdést járja...
This paper examines Hungarian reproductive policies, their changes and their restrictions in relation to pronatalist objectives between 2010 and 2022. The aim of the study is to present and interpret legislative changes in reproductive policies in the context of the pronatalist policies in Hungary. Reproductive policies include the regulation of as...
Nemzetközi összehasonlító kutatások tükrében a „Homofób-e a magyar társadalom?” kérdésre azt válaszolhatjuk, hogy Magyarország a kevésbé elfogadó európai országok közé tartozik, ugyanakkor az egész magyar társadalom semmiképpen nem tekinthető homofóbnak. Friss magyar adatok azt mutatják, hogy a bevándorlók elfogadása, valamint a melegek és a leszbi...
Ebben a kutatásban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a Covid19-világjárvány hogyan hatott a reprodukciós döntésekre Magyarországon. A kérdés megválaszolásához félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk 2020 őszén 18 és 45 év közötti gyermektelen vagy egygyermekes férfiakkal és nőkkel. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a világjárvány leginkább az egészség...
A család tanulmányozása korábban sokak számára az egyik legunalmasabb vállalkozásnak tűnhetett, most viszont az egyik legprovokatívabb témaválasztás. – Akár azt is gondolhatnánk, hogy ez a felvetés könyvünk 2021-es írása idején született, pedig Anthony Giddens angol szociológus 1980-as évekbeli Társadalomelmélet és modern szociológia című munkájába...
This editorial seeks to define fragile pronatalism by highlighting why pronatalism in the examined Central and Eastern European post‐socialist countries should be considered fragile. Moreover, it aims to map desirable future changes in fertility policies in the region. Following a brief presentation of the articles contained in this thematic issue,...
In many post‐socialist countries, there is a strong social ideal that, in order to live a fulfilled life, men and women should have children; thus “childfree” lifestyles are much less popular than in North‐Western Europe. In this article, we explore factors leading to childlessness among men who were mostly socialized under state‐socialist conditio...
Due to an increasing number of parental union dissolutions, a growing number of fathers does not cohabit with their biological children. This article analyses individual and societal gender role attitudes as well as societal father practices as determinants of nonresident father-child contact. Previous research shows that individual-level factors i...
Ebben a kutatásban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a Covid19-világjárvány hogyan hatott a reprodukciós döntésekre Magyarországon. A kérdés megválaszolásához félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk 2020 őszén 18 és 45 év közötti gyermektelen vagy egygyermekes férfiakkal és nőkkel. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a világjárvány leginkább az egészség...
The research presented in this chapter can be considered exploratory because the aim of this research is to investigate problems which are not clearly defined such as whether partnership is necessary for involvement in ART treatments; what childless women consider about the age-related restrictions in accessing ART; what kinds of beliefs exist abou...
Previous quantitative studies assert that there is generally a supportive attitude towards ART in Hungary (Szalma, 2014; Szalma & Djundeva, 2019; Szalma & Bitó, 2021). However, these results also show that socio-demographic variables have a considerable influence on attitudes towards ART, for example: gender, age, religiosity, education, and number...
Hungary belongs to a group of countries which legally allows single women to participate in ART treatments (Präg & Mills, 2017). At the same time, there are strong social norms about childbearing should occur in a heterosexual partnership (Szalma, 2010, 2014; Neményi & Takács 2015). Data from European Value Survey in 2008 shows that the majority (9...
There is clear evidence that participation in ART treatments can cause both mental and physical burdens for women (Boivin et al., 2012; Agostini et al., 2017). Chen et al. (2004) found that women who visited assisted reproduction clinics for a course of treatment faced depression and anxiety disorders, regardless of their age, education, income, ye...
An overwhelmingly pronatalist approach predominates Hungarian politics: One family policy stresses the need for, and promotes fertility growth based on the assumption that the population’s size or growth is insufficient, putting the population at risk (Spéder et al., 2020; Haskova & Dudova, 2021). The pronatalist approach is related to the aging po...
Previous studies have shown that there is less public support for lesbian, single, or older women using donated gametes than for women below the age of 35 who are in a heterosexual partnership (Kailasam et al., 2001). A reason for these attitudes could be related to accepted social norms on the composition of families (Fasouliotis & Schenker, 1999)...
This book examines the general attitudes of childless women to assisted reproduction technologies as well as the norms and beliefs concerning partnership, age and burdens related to assisted reproduction technologies based on four focus group discussions and 32 semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The results show that there is an overall positive...
This study aimed to evaluate the general knowledge and attitudes about assisted reproductive technology (ART) and the influence of sociodemographic features on knowledge and attitudes in a large sample of men and women of reproductive age in Hungary. A cross-sectional online survey study was conducted among 1370 men and women between 18 and 50 year...
Mesterséges megtermékenyítési eljárásokkal kapcsolatos attitűdök a fiatal gyermektelen nők körében Magyarországon 2 Absztrakt A mesterséges megtermékenyítési eljárásokkal kapcsolatos kérdések aktuálisak ma a magyar társada-lomban, hiszen a közelmúltban több olyan közpolitikai intézkedés is született, amelyek befolyásolhatják ezek igénybevételét (20...
Several studies have examined the factors that can influence contact between non-resident parents and their children (Goldberg & Carlson 2015, Skevik 2006). The distance between the place of residence of the non-resident parent and their child(ren) has been found to be important in terms of the frequency of in-person contact (Manning et al. 2003; C...
This thematic issue aims to shed light on the various ways of linking division of labour within families, work-life conflict and family policy in Europe. This editorial briefly introduces key concepts and provides a general overview of the published articles.
This thematic issue aims to shed light on different facets of the relationship between division of labour within families and couples, work–life conflict and family policy. In this afterword, we provide a summary of the contributions by emphasizing three main aspects in need of further scrutiny: the conceptualisation of labour division within famil...
Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa a külön élő apa és a gyermeke közötti kapcsolattartási mintázatokat Magyarországon. A kutatási kérdésünk, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják a kapcsolattartás gyakoriságát a külön élő apák és gyermekeik között. Ehhez kvalitatív és kvantitatív adatok elemzésére is támaszkodunk. A vizsgálatunk eredménye, hogy a k...
This study examines nonresident parents' contact with their children in Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted 22 semi-structured interviews with 14 nonresidential fathers, 3 resident mothers and 5 parents who have shared custody arrangements in order to reveal whether this unique situation had any effects on their contact patterns and...
In the present study we focus on the relationship between democracy deficit and homophobic divergence within 21st century European societies. Our main research question is about how social attitudes towards lesbians and gays changed in the examined time period (between 2002 and 2016), and whether there are any signs of convergence regarding these i...
By examining attitudes on assisted reproduction technologies (ART) in 42 European countries, we highlight individual and country-level factors that are associated with the level of social acceptance or rejection of ART. This paper contributes to the literature on social acceptance of artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization, the two most...
This study examines social attitudes towards homosexuality in two Central-Eastern European neighbouring countries-Romania and Hungary-with many common points, but that do differ in their religious traditions. Our main research question is whether the main religious denomination can influence social attitudes towards homosexuality, after controlling...
Jelentős változások következtek be a családok életében az utóbbi évtizedekben Magyarországon: válások és élettársi kapcsolatok egyre nagyobb arányban bomlanak fel, miközben az apák szerepvállalása is változóban van: egyre nagyobb részt vállalnak a gyermekek életében mind instrumentális, mind emocionális szempontból. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy megv...
Ebben az írásban összefoglaljuk a férfiak gyermektelenségéhez kapcsolódó kutatásaink legfontosabb
eredményeit. Bemutatjuk, hogy a férfiak és a nők gyermektelensége mögött gyakran
eltérő tényezők húzódhatnak meg, vagy az azonos tényezők mögött eltérő mechanizmusok
játszanak szerepet. Kitérünk arra is, hogy a kvalitatív kutatások milyen új eredmények...
Ebben a tanulmányban azt vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen tényezők játszhatnak szerepet abban, ha egy férfi nem vállal gyermeket ma Magyarországon. Továbbá arra a kérdésre is próbálunk választ adni, hogy vajon eltérő gyermektelenségi mintázatok fi gyelhetők-e meg a férfi ak és a nők között Magyarországon. Jelen kutatás szervesen kapcsolódik korábbi, elsősor...
We chose to analyse Hungarian childlessness in order to map
whether there is any voluntary childlessness at all in a society which
is characterised by strong traditional family values and the widely
accepted social norm that everyone should become a parent.
To answer to this question, we applied both quantitative and qualitative
methods. First, we...
This paper contributes to the literature on social acceptance of artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization, the two most prominent examples of Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) in Europe and direct attention to several previously under-researched aspects. The empirical base of this study is the fourth round of the European Values St...
By examining social attitudes on same-sex adoption in 28 European countries, we highlighted individual and country-level factors that can determine the level of social acceptance or rejection of this specific kind of adoption. This article contributes to the literature on social acceptance of lesbian women, gay men, and their adoption practices in...
In this article, we investigate the factors that influence the work-life conflict of working couples. Specifically, we look at differences and commonalities of the relationship between working conditions and work-life conflict between men and women before and after the financial crisis of 2008. We apply multilevel analysis to 18 European countries,...
Th is paper provides an overview of female childlessness and partnerships in Europe by
using European Values Study – an international survey. Furthermore it focuses on Hungary and Transylvania
more deeply based on interview analysis in these two societies. According to our fi ndings, fundamental
changes are currently in progress in Europe and the c...
This article focuses on remaining childless as a result of certain choices and constraints (not on becoming childless as a result of outliving children). There are two main aims of this study. First it seeks to reveal whether any specific features appear when (temporarily) childless people are compared with those having children in the same cohorts...
In the present paper we investigate how fatherhood influences childbirth in the second union of men in three European countries. We use data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey for France (2005), Norway (2007/8) and Hungary (2004/5) and we apply piecewise exponential event history models. The analysis complements earlier litera...
Using data from Eurobarometer Surveys 2001–2011 we examine trends and correlates of childlessness intentions and ideals across Europe over the past decade. We distinguish childlessness as a personal preference (personal ideal number of children is zero) from intended childlessness (intention to have no children) as these reflect somewhat different...
0 1 4 I n f o r m a t i o n s d é m o g r a p h i q u e s Editorial Concilier activité professionnelle et vie familiale constitue un défi pour toute famille. Les solutions sont aussi variées que peuvent l'être les exigences individuelles et la situation de chaque ménage. Se pose alors la question de la garde des enfants – grands-parents, crèches, g...
The issue of medical treatment of fertility has special social relevance today for most of the European societies which are characterized by very low levels of fertility, and an increasing number of people not having children at all. Biotechnology makes parenthood available for those who used to be excluded from that earlier (medical problems, sing...
A gyermekvállalás egyre inkább tudatos döntéssé válik az emberek életében, amely egyrészt modern fogamzásgátló technikák elterjedésének másrészt a mesterséges megtermékenyítési módszerek elérhetőségének köszönhető. Ebből következően a fertilitási mintázatokban is jelentős változások következtek be Európában. A legtöbb országban csökkent a fertilitá...
In this article, we discuss how paid and unpaid parental leave entitlements shape women’s employment (re-)entry after the birth of their first child and the progression to a second child. We compare Hungary and Poland, two low-fertility countries which share many similarities in their institutional, cultural and economic frameworks but which differ...
The chapters in this book examine the questions of why people have children and what children mean to them in a background of prevailing low fertility levels. To this end most of the authors have conducted qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews, biographical interviews, or using focus groups. The empirical studies examined f...
In spite of the fact that work-life conflict is a frequently examined issue in family sociology, so far there are only a few studies that have investigated how the crisis has influenced the work-life conflict between the two genders. The aim of this paper is to reveal what kinds of factors play a role in work-life conflict among working parent in E...
In this article, we discuss how paid and unpaid parental leave entitlements shape women's employment (re-) entry after the birth of their first child and the progression to a second child. We compare Hungary and Poland, two low-fertility countries which share many similarities in their institutional, cultural and economic frameworks but which diffe...
Effects of Parental Leave Policies on Second Birth Risks and Women’s Employment Entry
In this article, we discuss how paid and unpaid parental leave entitlements shape women’s employment (re-)entry after the birth of their first child and the progression to a second child. We compare Hungary and Poland, two low-fertility countries which share many...
ABSTRACT: How to measure homophobia in internationally comparable ways is a central
issue of the present study. Our main goal was to compare attitudes on homophobia
in 27 European countries as measured by different variables within two large-scale
longitudinal surveys, the European Social Survey and the European Values Study,
with both followin...
Background: In recent years, several studies have reported a positive effect of women’s education on the transition to second births. This finding contradicts the economic theory of fertility. Three explanations were proposed: the selection, the time-squeeze, and the partner effect hypotheses.
Objective: We propose a modification of the economic th...
Background: In recent years, several studies have reported a positive effect of women’s education on the transition to second births. This finding contradicts the economic theory of fertility. Three explanations were proposed: the selection, the time-squeeze, and the partner effect hypotheses.
Objective: We propose a modification of the economic t...
The present crisis may affect gender role attitudes due to several reasons. First of all, the unemployment rate has increased sharply since the first quarter of 2008 as a result of the economic crisis (Kiiver – Hijman 2010). According to American scholars the recession that began in 2007 has affected male workers disproportionately – however, they...
One of our main aims was to answer the practical question whether the institutionalisation level of same-sex relationships can affect the social acceptance of lesbian women and gay men in Europe, and highlight some of the factors that can potentially determine the incidence of homophobia in 26 European countries. Our study contributes to the litera...
A 21. század elején a legtöbb fejlett országban a termékenységi mintázat fő jellemzői közé tartozik, hogy a korábbi évtizedekhez képest a nők későbbi élet-korban vállalnak gyermeket és kevesebb gyermeket szülnek. A teljes termé-kenységi arány a népesség reprodukcióját biztosító helyettesítési ráta (2,1 szint) alatt van szinte mindenhol Európában (T...
This paper seeks to answer the practical question whether the institutionalisation level of same‐sex relationships can affect the social acceptance of lesbian women and gay men in Europe, and highlight some of the factors that can potentially determine the incidence of homophobia in 26 European countries.
The st...
The European Sociological Association (ESA) is a non-profit, Europe-wide academic organization with over 1,500 members. It aims at facilitating "European sociological research, and teaching and communication between sociologists and between sociologists and other scientists " (ESA 2009). The association was established in Vienna in 1992, at the fir...
Hungary is one of those countries where people regard marriage and childbearing
as extremely important values. In spite of this fact, either the diminishing number
of marriages or the postponement and missing of childbearing can be observed
in the country. This paper examines the opinions of people on conditions necessary
to get married or have chi...
The European Sociological Association (ESA) is a non-profit, Europe-wide academic organization with over 1,500 members. It aims at facilitating "European sociological research, and teaching and communication between sociologists and between sociologists and other scientists " (ESA 2009). The association was established in Vienna in 1992, at the fir...
This paper analyzes the questions related to the timing of life events –particularly
certain phases of becoming adults – in the third wave of European Social Survey. It focuses
on the first cohabitation and marriage as well as the timing and the ideal age of becoming
parents. Nowadays, the timing of the first childbearing has shifted to older ages...
The research is going to present the results of the deliberative polling which was held in Kaposvar in summer of 2008. The substance of the deliberative polling is that it takes effort to renew the conventional public opinion with inclusion of the possibility of citizen consultation. Hereby the participants can orientate themselves about the disput...