Iulius Rostas

Iulius Rostas
National School of Political Science and Public Administration | SNSPA · Faculty of Political Science



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Additional affiliations
August 2016 - present
Central European University
  • Chair
August 2016 - present
Central European University
  • Chair
  • Romani Identity in XXIst century: From Oppression to Mobilization (Fall 2017); Critical Approaches to Policy Making towards Roma (Fall 2017); Romani Identity and Movement (Fall 2016); Ethnicity and Policy Making: the Case of the Roma (Winter 2016)
January 2012 - June 2016
Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Lecturer
  • Co-teaching Studies in Equal Opportunities I and Studies in Equal Opportunities II, Introduction to Sociology, European and State policies towards Roma


Publications (60)
What significance does education have for individuals as well as for society as a whole in terms of participation and inclusion? What does unequal educational participation say about democracy and inclusion capability of the education system and society? To what extent does the education system today have the ability to handle societal diversity in...
Conference Paper
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This Brief presents and summarises the key findings and policy recommendations based on the four CHACHIPEN Country Reports covering Germany, Romania, Sweden, and Spain. It highlights commonalities and differences between these EU Member States, draws lessons learned, and makes recommendations for future EU policy interventions. It also considers th...
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The CHACHIPEN Project (Paving the way for Truth and Reconciliation Process to address antigypsyism in Europe) has aimed at advancing the recognition of and response to historically-rooted and systemic antigypsyism in order to achieve justice, equality, non-discrimination, and the full participation of Roma as equal citizens across the European Unio...
Technical Report
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The report takes stock of the current debates regarding racism and dis- crimination against Roma and contributes to a better understanding of the topic. The report covers the debates on the terminology used by different actors and the definitions provided by academics and institutions, discusses the causes of the racism against Roma, and describes...
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This publication attempts to contribute to a clarification of two of the most frequently used terms in the European debate on Romani people: antigypsyism and Roma. These are two basic concepts of European political thought and policy with regard to Europe’s Romani citizens. European politics and administration have used Roma as a name for all Europ...
In discussions about ‘race’, empire, imperialism – and the decolonisation of the curriculum in European universities – the discipline of Romani Studies has, until recently, been relatively quiet. This article seeks to address this silence and offers commentary on the institutional silences, via both disciplinary historical and contemporary country-...
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În ciuda numărului din ce în ce mai mare de inițiative dedicate romilor la nivel european și național, nu se întrevede o îmbunătățire a situației lor în Europa, ba chiar dimpotrivă. Lucrarea de față explorează numeroasele erori de calcul, conceptuale și gafele care au dus la acest eșec. Analizând situația Cehiei, Ungariei, și României, Rostaș arată...
This chapter aims to collect, document, scrutinize and critically analyse the current research literature on Roma in higher education (HE) and academia, and at the same time to identify gaps and make recommendations for potential further research. The approach for this entailed extensive searches of comprehensive education databases such as the Edu...
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In spite of the positive role Hungary played in placing Roma on the agenda of EU institutions, the progress in improving the situation of Roma in Hungary is limited as data collected from the field indicate. The aim of the article is to review the implementation of the national strategy in Hungary, part of the EU Framework for Roma, by presenting p...
Over the last 25 years, there were numerous initiatives addressing the Roma predicament in Europe. In spite of the generous policy objectives, the situation of the Roma has continued to worsen, as research from the field indicates. One of the causes for the limited impact policies towards the Roma have had, I will argue, is the lack of ethnic relev...
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Despite an increasing number of EU and government initiatives in their favor, the situation of Roma in Europe has only worsened. This book explores the many miscalculations, misconceptions, and blunders that have led to this failure. Looking at Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Romania, Rostas shows how policymakers in each country have mishandled a...
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This chapter aims to look into ways Roma participate in politics, in both electoral and non-electoral processes, in order to influence decision-making process as a result of the Lund recommendations on the effective participation of national minorities in public life. When analysing political participation, the focus is predominantly on electoral f...
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The Introduction presents the origins of the new journal "Critical Romani Studies". It discusses why the editors found a new journal. Finally, the paper presents the main features of the new journal.
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The paper aims to understand the reasons behind the limited impact of the measures to support Roma’s access to higher education. They have had in spurring social change in Roma communities by analysing the institutional settings currently in place for facilitating the access of Roma individuals to tertiary education in selected countries as well as...
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This article is a self-reflection of my work over a decade of challenging school segregation of Roma across Europe. I look at how segregation has been framed and how communication around equality in education with the public took place. The education system is an important pillar in producing and reproducing antigypsyism in society. I see school se...
Technical Report
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The notion of ‘anti-Gypsyism’ aims to refocus public policies addressing Roma discrimination in order to place responsibility for combating structural, historically-embedded and systemic forms of racism, discrimination and exclusion towards Roma squarely on state institutions and actors. This report examines the ways in which policies and funding c...
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Studiul realizat a urmărit evaluarea impactului intervenţiei proiectului ”Copiii și părinții romi vor la școală!” la nivelul acumulărilor educaţionale ale elevilor. În acest sens, nivelul performanţei şcolare a fost testat atât la începutul proiectului, cât şi la final, iar rezultatele obţinute de elevii beneficiari au fost comparate cu cele ale el...
In this chapter the authors examine whether the powerful who make policy can actually share that power with those within Roma communities who are seeking social advancement and justice, and what kind of changes within government, Roma civil society and communities and the academic establishment would be necessary. This requires a strong theory of h...
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Scrutiny of the socio-economic exclusion of the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe has brought attention to the widespread practice of school segregation of Romani children who are automatically placed in classes for the mentally disabled or shunted into separate and inferior schools and classrooms. It is now widely recognised that such practices a...
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This article was presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, September 2012 Cadiz, Spain. The article argues that community dialogue and participation is a vital dynamic in desegregation and explores the centrality of forms of empowerment which can be described as ‘inclusive community development’ (ICD). The segregation of Roma ch...
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In 2005 a course text book was published which was written by Géza Jeszenszky and used for courses taught by Jeszenszky at the Corvinus University. In the text book there is a sentence which generated a great deal of debate and controversy. "The reason why many Roma are mentally ill is because in Roma culture it is permitted for sisters and brother...
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Romák az Európai Unióban: képessé tétel, társadalmi bevonás és emberi jogok 2011 áprilisában az Európai Bizottság elfogadta a nemzeti roma integrációs stratégiák ke- retrendszerét, 2011 végén pedig a tagállamok benyújtották nemzeti stratégiáikat. Ez a fo- lyamat az európai roma kérdés kezelésének egyedülálló modellje, és várakozásokat éb- resztett...
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In April 2011 the European Commission has adopted an EU framework for national Roma integration strategies and member states submitted their national strategies by the end of 2011. This process represents a unique governance model of the Roma problematique in Europe and raised expectations as regards concrete results to be achieved at the end of po...
Technical Report
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The study was conducted among students enrolled in lower secondary schools (grades 5 to 8) and their parents from Centre, North-East and South-Muntenia Regions of Romania, in schools where the share of Roma children was at least 5-10%. In fact, they represented the target population of the study which was subdivided into 3 categories:  Roma studen...
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The study was conducted among students enrolled in lower secondary schools (grades 5 to 8) and their parents from Centre, North-East and South-Muntenia Regions of Romania, in schools where the share of Roma children was at least 5-10%. In fact, they represented the target population of the study which was subdivided into 3 categories:  Roma studen...
The focus of the book in its examination of policy and practice is mostly located in Britain; however this is achieved within a framework of understanding wider European and global issues for Roma, Gypsies and Travellers. Xenophobia against Roma appears to be on the rise, but there may be potential for European wide social policy to address these i...
Introduction The origins of Roma communities and their arrival in Europe were discussed in Chapter One. It has been estimated that Europe has a Gypsy, Roma and Traveller population of between 10 and 12 million people (Fundamental Rights Agency, 2010). They are Europe's largest minority ethnic group but their predicament presents one of the greatest...
The eviction at Dale Farm in the UK in 2011 brought the conflicting issues relating to Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to the attention of the world's media. However, as the furore surrounding the eviction has died down, the very pressing issues of accommodation need, inequality of access to education, healthcare and employment, and exclusion fro...
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The volume presents the results collated in the frames of the fact finding project led by the editor. The analysis includes the examination of a large number of legal documents and policy statements issued by national authorities and the international community on the matter. A critical overview is also made about the various Roma-specific politica...
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The life standard and human development indicators from the Republic of Moldova are the lowest in Europe. According to the World Bank, and also to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Republic of Moldova is considered one of the poorest countries in Europe. 58% of the Moldovan population lives in rural areas, and 70% of the pop...
The chapter explores the ways in which Roma participate in public life in Romania, the EU country with the largest number of Roma,1 which is characterized by an apparently permissive minority participation system2 and visible advocacy organizations at the national and international level. In spite of these positive developments, Roma in Romania hav...
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S tudiile despre romi sunt predominant descriptive, discur-sul dominant fiind cel al sără-ciei acestei comunităţi. Unele dintre aceste studii au fost inovative la vremea realizării lor şi au promovat necesitatea dezvoltării unor politici publice faţă de romi, ca grup social aflat în dificultate. Este însă nevoie de o analiză multidi-mensională şi c...
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in c8utarea identitarii ProbleIIlatica ro...ilor :u.odali"ti'ii"ti de abordare '" IULIUS ROSTA~ este descrisa rn funqie de unele c.aracteristici socio­ Dupa 1990, dnd romii au fost recunoscut i ca economice: acces scazut la locurile de munca dintr-o minoritate nationalli in Romania, ei au constituit un economie moderoa, meserii traditionale, inefic...


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