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Publications (41)
Species abundance or population size is an ecological parameter of critical importance for wildlife management and conservation decisions. Widely used data collection methods, such as sign surveys and remote cameras, often count non-identifiable individuals or individuals prone to misidentification. In ecological modeling, these individuals are con...
Climate change threatens species and ecosystems globally, including forest ecosystems that support rich invertebrate diversity. Saproxylic beetles, that depend on old-growth trees and deadwood, are facing increasing pressure. Consequently, conserving these beetles has become a priority for EU Member States. We developed ensemble species distributio...
Biological invasions pose an increasing risk to nature, social security and the economy, being ranked amongst the top five threats to biodiversity. Managing alien and invasive species is a priority for the European Union, as outlined in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Alien pl...
Estimarea abundenței şi ocupanţei speciilor constituie una din cele mai dificile și importante activităţi de management a speciilor sălbatice. Datele pentru aceste estimări se obțin în principal din studii de capturare-recapturare (abundenţă) și studii de tip ocupanță sau N-mixture (ocupanţă sau abundenţă). Dacă studiile de capturare-recapturare su...
Climate change poses an increasing risk to biodiversity and habitats important for saproxylic beetles are likely to experience severe pressure and threats. The diversity of saproxylic beetles is an indicator of healthy forest ecosystems, and thus, the conservation of beetles is now a priority for EU Member States. We developed ensemble species dist...
Habitat fragmentation is a significant threat to biodiversity conservation and the establishment of protected areas has been proposed as one of the main strategies for mitigating its impacts. Romania has established numerous Natura 2000 sites to protect habitats and species of European importance, but their effectiveness remains unclear. In Romania...
Biological invasions are one of the main drivers of modern human-induced species losses. Research on the distribution of alien species and their pathways of introduction is essential for understanding and tackling the invasion process. A comprehensive overview on invasive alien plant (IAP) species in Romania is lacking. With this paper, we aim to c...
Romanian Carpathians are considered a biodiversity hotspot in Europe, with large forested areas, including old-growth forests. Past forestry practices, such as selective logging resulting in forest high grading and removal of ancient or decaying trees, reduced the heterogeneity of forest structure and composition. These practices led to forest habi...
The European Union strives to increase protected areas of the EU terrestrial surface to 30% by year 2030, of which one third should be strictly protected. Designation of the Natura 2000 network, the backbone of nature protection in the EU, was mostly an expert-opinion process with little systematic conservation planning. The designatio...
The European Union strives to increase protected areas of the EU terrestrial surface to 30% by year 2030, of which one third should be strictly protected. Designation of the Natura 2000 network, the backbone of nature protection in the EU, was mostly an expert-opinion process with little systematic conservation planning. The designation...
Romanian grasslands have high nature value, being between the best biodiversity hotspots at the global level. Current agri-environment measures of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) contradicts the Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 objective by hindering coordinated grassland governance and collaboration among the involved actors. At t...
European farmlands are vital arenas for socio-ecological sustainability because of their significant land coverage and potential for integrating food production with biodiversity conservation. The knowledge produced by scientific research is a critical ingredient in developing and implementing socio-economically and ecologically sustainable managem...
Advances in wildlife tracking technology have allowed researchers to understand the spatial ecology of many terrestrial and aquatic animal species. Argos Doppler is a technology that is widely used for wildlife tracking owing to the small size and low weight of the Argos transmitters. This allows them to be fitted to small-bodied species...
Farming landscapes of Europe are vital arenas for social-ecological sustainability because of their significant coverage and potential to integrate food production with biodiversity conservation. Knowledge gathered by scientific research is a critical ingredient for developing and implementing socio-economically and ecologically sustainable grassla...
Based on species occurrence records of museum collections, published literature, and unpublished records shared by mammalian experts, we compiled a distribution database for 59 terrestrial mammals populating the extensively protected Dobrogea Region of Romania. The spatial patterns of mammal distribution and diversity was evaluated and systematic c...
Occurrences maps for 59 mammal species
Methodology used to identify high-priority Natura 2000 sites with Zonation v4
Publications used to compile distribution of terrestrial mammal species from Dobrogea Region, Romania (field reports and data from museum collections)
Scriptul R include prelucrarea datelor prin curățarea bazei de date brute (descărcate din sistemul Argos) prin identificarea și ștergerea duplicatelor, a datelor fără localizare și fără marcă temporală, salvare ca fișier compatibil cu baza de date Movebank pentru prelucrări ulterioare (ex. filtrare prin algoritmul Douglas Argos Filter), reprezentar...
Advances in wildlife tracking technology have allowed researchers to understand the spatial ecology of many terrestrial and aquatic animal species. Argos Doppler is a technology that is widely used for wildlife tracking owing to the small size and low weight of the Argos transmitters. This allows them to be fitted to small-bodied species...
Recovery of large carnivores in the European human-dominated landscapes has sparked a debate regarding the optimal landscape conditions in which carnivores can thrive and coexist with humans. Here, we use brown bears Ursus arctos in the Romanian Carpathians to test and develop a framework for identifying habitat conservation priorities based on a n...
Recovery of large carnivores in the European human‐dominated landscapes has sparked a debate regarding the optimal landscape conditions in which carnivores can thrive and coexist with humans. Here, we use brown bears Ursus arctos in the Romanian Carpathians to test and develop a framework for identifying habitat conservation priorities based on a n...
Manualul de monitorizare a deplasărilor animalelor sălbatice este realizat pentru cercetătorii din România în vederea stimulării utilizării tehnologiei de localizare Argos în studiile de ecologie a animalelor sălbatice. Manualul prezintă principalele obiective științifice ale monitorizării deplasărilor animalelor sălbatice, tehnologiile de monitori...
Argos based applications for real time wildlife monitoring in Romania, the project aims to develop demonstrative applications for Argos platform transmitters (Argos PTT) in Romania by providing tools for improving data quality, promoting state of the art research in movement ecology, and encouraging the involvement of the local industry in real-tim...
A total of 456 Nyctalus noctula individuals were rescued from a flat during December 2016 by specialists and volunteers from the Wilderness Research and Conservation Association and Visul Luanei Foundation. In order to reduce the relocation stress, the animals were temporarily cared for at the L’ARC animal rescue centre in Bucharest, within a hiber...
The present report is the result of the project Demonstrating and promoting the natural values to support the decision-making process in Romania - N4D, it resulted from the activity 4.3 Field validation activity of distribution of EUNIS ecosystems/habitats level 3 specific to the national distribution of ecosystems (CLM) resulted from the mapping p...
The main funding instrument for implementing EU policies on nature conservation and supporting environmental and climate action is the LIFE Nature programme, established by the European Commission in 1992. LIFE Nature projects (>1400 awarded) are applied conservation projects in which partnerships between institutions are critical for successful co...
Raw data used for performing the network analyses.
Country level centrality metrics.
Structural and within–node ERGMs results for the six LIFE Nature partnership networks.
Abbreviation labels of each organisation by country.
Summary of the methodology.
LIFE Nature partnership network for United Kingdom, Netherlands, Portugal and Greece (size of nodes for organisation = degree; circles: red—public authority, blue–NGO, green—park reserve authority, purple—research and education, orange–enterprises, grey–project; dark grey arrow—link to a beneficiary, grey arrow—link to a partner; isolated projects...
Interpretation of ERGM configurations.
A structure was created DSS-SI comprising a database (geo-relational database), a GIS Server and Application Server for each of them containing specific data regarding the type of reporting. This structure was to be applied for use of DSS directions identified by National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) and Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) for t...