Itziar Alonso-Arbiol

Itziar Alonso-Arbiol
Itziar verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Itziar verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Dept. of Clinical and Health Psychology & Research Methods



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Publications (114)
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Emotion Recognition Accuracy (ERA) is vital for social functioning and social relationships, yet empirical support for a positive link with well-being has been sparse. In three studies, we show that the Assessment of Contextualized Emotions (ACE) which distinguishes between accurately perceiving intended emotions and bias due to perceiving addition...
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Emotion Recognition Accuracy (ERA) is vital for social functioning and social relationships, yet empirical support for a positive link with well-being has been sparse. In three studies, we show that the Assessment of Contextualized Emotions (ACE) which distinguishes between accurately perceiving intended emotions and bias due to perceiving addition...
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The high impact of COVID-19 pandemic on individuals’ well-being was especially detrimental to those suffering from an eating disorder (ED). The aim of the present study was to examine the perceived adverse and beneficial effects of lockdown on people with ED symptoms from a qualitative approach. The sample was made of 129 adults (Mage = 33.63; SDag...
Conference Paper
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2440 participants in 12 cultures reported on chronic/state adult attachment, self-construal, and self-other interests. Participants’ anxious and avoidant attachment were meaningfully associated with independent and interdependent self-construal and self vs. other interests. Country-level anxious and avoidant attachment moderated individual-level re...
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Parental mentalization, as the ability to understand mental states (e.g., desires) behind their children’s actions, may play a relevant role in the prevention of future externalizing problems. We conducted a meta-analysis to examine the relationship between parental mentalization and children’s externalizing problems. Six electronic databases were...
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Alexithymia refers to the difficulty in identifying and communicating feelings. The only published meta-analysis on gender differences in alexithymia is based on studies at least 20 years old. However, due to changes in gender roles in recent decades, reviewing the updated literature on this topic is needed. A meta-analysis was conducted to examine...
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Drawing on the literature on person-culture fit, we investigated how culture (assessed as national-level familism), personality (tapped by attachment styles) and their interactions predicted social network characteristics in 21 nations/areas (N = 2977). Multilevel mixed modeling showed that familism predicted smaller network size but greater densit...
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Women’s cycling rides are leisure events where individual and group elements may jointly contribute to optimal experience. This study was aimed at building knowledge about the narratives underlying optimal experience of these collective (noncompetitive) events. Twenty-nine women who participated in group cycling rides and challenges in Spain and in...
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Introduction Adolescents' attachment security toward parental figures has been assessed in multiple cultures and languages. In some cultural contexts, the presence of a secondary parental figure is ubiquitous, though its effect on children's and adolescents' well‐being has been understudied. The present study aimed to validate a culture‐specific Ar...
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Although different social crises may eventually favour undemocratic and authoritarian forms of governance, at some point, such anti-democratic practices require the support of a significant part of the population to be implemented. The present research investigates how and whether the COVID-19 pandemic may favour greater support for anti-democratic...
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Using cross-sectional data from N = 4274 young adults across 16 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, we examined the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the perceived vulnerability to disease (PVD) scale and tested the hypothesis that the association between PVD and fear of COVID-19 is stronger under high disease threat [that is, absence of...
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The utilization of specific strategies to manage couple conflict has a differential impact on women’s relationship satisfaction. However, considering that women’s role within couple relationship is shaped by societal norms, such association should be examined by embracing a cross-cultural perspective. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze...
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Due to their response at the COVID-19 frontline, migrant essential workers became moral exemplars likely to boost emotions such as gratitude or admiration. We examined the effect of moral exemplars on outgroup attitudes, beliefs about the outgroup, intentions and behavior toward the outgroup, as well as the role of self-transcendent emotions in thi...
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Increased time spent together and the lockdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may have created new scenarios for marital conflict. We analyzed how home confinement affects avoidantly attached individuals': (a) resolution strategies to cope with couple conflict, (b) perception of partner's resolution strategies, and (c) overall relationship sa...
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The neo-Durkheimnian model suggests that feedback and emotional communion between participants during a collective gathering (i.e., perceived emotional synchrony: PES) is one of the key mechanisms of collective processes. This shared emotional experience gives rise, in turn, to more intense emotions, this being one of the explanatory models of the...
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This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the combined and mediating effect of actor’s withdrawal–partner’s demand conflict resolution strategies between avoidance attachment dimension and relationship satisfaction. We conducted a dyadic study with 175 heterosexual couples (aged between 18 and 72 years) who filled in the questionnaires...
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El árbitro de fútbol (AF) se expone a situaciones estresantes durante la competición que pueden afectar a la toma de decisiones, pudiendo ser más o menos impulsiva durante dicha competición. Los objetivos de este estudio son analizar la fluctuación de la impulsividad del AF amateur entre un contexto basal y otro precompetitivo y, además, comparar l...
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The soccer referee confronts stressful situations during the sports competition while performing physical actions of great demand to be close to the play that entails a high physiological demand. The aims of this study are to know the different physical, physiological and psychological responses and their interrelations in real competition in amate...
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The aim of this study was to examine the relationship among aggressiveness, parenting practices, and attachment security in adolescents, assessing maternal and paternal effects separately. Two different subsamples of adolescents between 12 and 16 years old participated in the study (n = 157): 67 adopted adolescents (61.2% girls) and 90 non-adopted...
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Kittel, K., Alonso-Arbiol, I., y Bretaña, I. (2021). Apego adulto y variables asociadas a cambios en la satisfacción marital a lo largo del tiempo: Una revisión sistemática. En J. Rodríguez Góngora, J. C. Rodríguez Rodríguez, M. Martínez de San Vicente, J. A. Rodríguez Rodríguez, Burgos Videla, C. G., y C. I. Bojórquez Díaz (Eds.), Psicología Siglo...
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La conceptualización de la inteligencia emocional (IE) y la teoría del apego en personas adultas constituyen dos de los marcos teóricos más relevantes para la comprensión del desarrollo socioemocional de los individuos y se originan de manera casi simultánea en 1990. Como consecuencia de ello, numerosos estudios afloraron para dar cuenta del influj...
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8 March (8M), now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effec...
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8 March (8M), now known as International Women's Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effec...
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8 March (8M), now known as International Women's Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effec...
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The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of conflict resolution strategies in the links between the avoidant attachment dimension and relationship satisfaction. The sample comprised 274 participants (ranging from 18 to 73 years old, 58% women). A predictive model of relationship satisfaction was tested, taking into account avoidant attachmen...
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Social identity is a factor that is associated with well-being and community participation. Some studies have shown that ethnic identity goes along with empowerment, and that interaction between the two leads to greater indices of well-being and community participation. However, other works suggest a contextual circumstance (i.e., perceiving one’s...
Kontzientzia Fonologikoa zer den azaltzen da lehenik. Ondoren, Kontzientzia Fonologikoa lantzeko ariketak proposatzen dira. Lan hau Erein Argitaletxeak argitaratua da. 2008koa da lehen argitalpena. Bigarren argitalpena 2020koa da.
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We aimed at disentangling the role of ethnicity and of acculturation in relation to destructive conflict resolutionand relationship satisfaction among 600 individuals of different ethnicity living in the Netherlands. Ethnicgroup differences were obtained for destructive conflict resolution and similarities appeared for relationshipsatisfaction afte...
The aim of this study was to compare levels of attachment, conflict resolution strategies and marital satisfaction in women from Israel, United States, Turkey, and Spain (N = 343). A sample of individuals involved in a romantic relationship at ages 18-68 (M = 35.4, SD = 11.83) completed measures of attachment dimensions, conflict resolution strateg...
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In this study we aimed to examine the relationship between PMS and some mental health variables (anxiety, depression, neuroticism) and coping strategies. We analyzed their predictive value by assessing 55 women’s symptoms. We found that all the studied health variables and coping strategies were significantly correlated with reported PMS’s Negative...
Relational aggression—a psychological form of aggression—has numerous negative consequences for physical and emotional health. However, little is known about the risk factors that lead youth to engage in relational aggression. Using multimethod data from a longitudinal research of 674 Mexican‐origin youth, this study examined the influence of paren...
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This study examined adopted adolescents’ levels of attachment security to parents and aggressiveness as compared to those of community nonadopted adolescents and of clinical nonadopted adolescents. Three different subsamples participated (n = 262): 101 community nonadopted adolescents (48.5% girls), 80 community adopted teens (65.0% girls), and 81...
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A pesar de la importancia nuclear de las emociones en el contexto académico no existen medidas de Inteligencia Emocional (IE) grupal aplicadas al aula. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en desarrollar un cuestionario para la medida de la IE grupal (G-TMMS) en contextos académicos. Las propiedades psicométricas del G-TMMS fueron examinadas...
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This study aims to evaluate a number of procedures that have been proposed to enhance cross-cultural comparability of personality and value data. A priori procedures (anchoring vignettes and direct measures of response styles (i.e. acquiescence, extremity, midpoint responding, and social desirability), a posteriori procedures focusing on data trans...
Dating violence is a serious social and public health issue that needs further understanding in terms of risk factors that may be involved in it. The main goal of this study was to test a mediational model of dating violence risk factors. The sample was composed of 477 secondary and college students from Spain (59% females). A Dynamic Developmental...
The aim of the study was to analyze whether gender, age, peer attachment, and class-level emotional intelligence could predict adolescents' psychological well-being by applying a multilevel approach. The sample comprised 2182 secondary school students from the Basque Country (northern Spain) (from 118 classrooms, 51.6% girls), aged between 12 and 1...
Objective: This study aimed at developing and validating a screening instrument to assess premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) based on DSM-5 criteria, which is not yet available. Methods: The Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Questionnaire for DSM-5 (Cuestionario del Trastorno Disfórico Premenstrual - DSM-5), a 25-item questionnaire to assess P...
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Despite the importance of emotions in classrooms, no measurements have been developed to assess group emotional intelligence (EI). The aim of this work was to develop a questionnaire for measuring group EI (G-TMMS) in educational contexts. The psychometric properties of G-TMMS were examined in a sample of 794 participants (47% female; mean age=16;...
In this research, we examined actors' and partners' perceptions of each other's attachment insecurities and the associations of these perceptions with relationship satisfaction. A sample of 148 heterosexual couples completed measures of self and partner attachment insecurities and relationship satisfaction. Results indicate that partners agree in t...
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Research has revealed that clinical depression is related to reduced specificity and/or overgenerality in autobiographical memory. We set out to investigate this relationship by comparing depressed (n = 40) and nondepressed (n = 40) individuals not only in terms of autobiographical memory specificity/generality, but also in terms of narrative struc...
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There is hardly any cross-cultural research on the measurement invariance of the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scales (BMSLSS). The current article evaluates the measurement invariance of the BMSLSS across cultural contexts. This cross-sectional study sampled 7,739 adolescents and emerging adults in 23 countries. A multi-group...
Despite its popularity, the factorial structure of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Questionnaire remains controversial. The current study set out to clarify its structure across different cultural contexts. The study was carried out among 1,928 adolescents aged 11 to 20 years in the Netherlands, Kenya, Indonesia, and Spain. Item...
Accurate assessment of dating violence (DV) is crucial for evaluation and intervention planning. However, extant self-report measurement tools of DV do not adequately consider age-, generation-, and culture-specific issues, which are essential for its accurate conceptualization. To address these gaps, we developed the Violence in Adolescents' Datin...
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The aim of this study was to develop a short Basque version of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA), as well as to test its factor structure and analyse other psychometric properties. Two studies were carried out. In the first study a confirmatory factor analysis conducted on a sample of 1037 adolescents did not show an optimal model...
The aim of this study was twofold: to analyze the differences in perceived parenting practices between Dutch mainstreamers and Dutch-Moroccan immigrant adolescents in the Netherlands, and to explore the influence of perceived parenting on life satisfaction and the mediating effect of attachment in a model tested across the two ethnic groups. Data w...
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This article investigated the dimensionality, measurement invariance, and cross-cultural variations of social desirability. A total of 3,471 university students from 20 countries completed an adapted version of the Marlowe–Crowne scale. A two-dimensional structure was revealed in the pooled sample, distinguishing enhancement (endorsement of positiv...
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This study explored the effects of psychological and cultural variables on self-reported emotional prototypes of anger. Eight anger components were examined using a multilevel analysis. Competitiveness, interdependence, gender, instrumentality, and expressivity were entered as individual variables, and individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femini...
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T his article investigated the dimensionality, measurement invariance, and cross-cultural variations of social desirability. A total of 3,471 university students from 20 countries completed an adapted version of the Marlowe–Crowne scale. A two-dimensional structure was revealed in the pooled sample, distinguishing enhancement (endorsement of positi...
Though the study of romantic attachment has expanded into all areas of psychology, it remains the case that there is no valid, reliable test available to measure it in Latin America. The present research objective was to adapt a Chilean version of the Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR; Brennan, Clark, & Shaver 1998) questionnaire, developing...
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Three studies aimed at developing the Spanish version of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA; Armsden & Greenberg, 1987) and at analyzing its factor structure are reported. In Study 1, the Spanish translation of items and their content analysis was carried out via cognitive interviews. In Study 2, the three-factor structure proposed b...
The current study is aimed at evaluating the relationship between attachment and identity development, and their influence on psychological well-being in adolescents with and without disabilities in Kenya. The sample was composed of 296 adolescents (151 with disabilities and 145 without any disability). The mean age in our sample was 16.84 years (S...
The aim of this study was twofold: a) to test the mediation role of attachment between parenting practices and aggressiveness, and b) to clarify the differential role of mothers and fathers with regard to aggressiveness. A total of 554 adolescents (330 girls and 224 boys), ages ranging between 16 and 19, completed measures of mothers' and fathers'...
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The quality of infant-mother attachment has been linked to competence in different domains of child development. Research indicates that early intervention can enhance the quality of infant-mother attachment, though its efficacy in a group format has yet to be evaluated. The current study is aimed at examining the usefulness of a group intervention...
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Although emotional intelligence is related to psychological and social adjustment, currently there is not any tool that enables valid and reliable measurement of such construct in the Basque adolescent population. The TMMS-23 is a wellestablished assessment tool of perceived emotional intelligence in adolescence that measures people’s beliefs and a...
La inteligencia emocional como factor preventivo de la depresión: Diferencias en función del sexo en población adolescente
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Although personnel selection processes for Basque civil servants often involve the assessment of personality, there are currently no Basque self-report instruments that provide valid and reliable measures of the Big-Five factors of personality. The aim of this study was to validate the Basque version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI...
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Several attachment-related phenomena in Spanish couples using dyadic-level analyses were examined. A sample of 295 heterosexual couples completed measures of attachment-related anxiety and avoidance, self-esteem, social self-efficacy, and relationship satisfaction. Results, analyzed from a dyadic perspective using the actor–partner interdependence...
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We were interested in the cross-cultural comparison of implicit theories of the interrelations of eight anger components (antecedents, body sensations, cognitive reactions, verbal expressions, nonverbal expressions, interpersonal responses, and primary and secondary self-control). Self-report scales of each of these components were administered to...
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Basque Adaptation of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment
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We conducted a historical analysis of the articles published in the first (1992–1996) and last 5 years (2005–2009) of the European Journal of Psychological Assessment ( EJPA), mainly on the basis of an analysis of abstracts and keywords of articles. We dealt with the impact of EJPA, the main characteristics of its articles, its evolution, and to...