Istvan TarrosyUniversity of Pecs | PTE · Africa Research Centre, Department of Political Science and International Studies
Istvan Tarrosy
Courtesy Affiliate Professor in the Center for Arts, Migration and Entrepreneurship (CAME), University of Florida
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I hold a PhD as well as a Habilitation in Political Science and teach courses on IR and geopolitics, in particular, Africa in global politics, Afro-Asian relations, comparative political cultures, China in global affairs, and African migrations.
I am director of the Africa Research Center; also director of the internationalization program in the Center for International Relations.
In 2013-14 I was Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for African Studies, University of Florida.
Additional affiliations
September 2009 - present
September 2004 - June 2009
Publications (142)
Acknowledging a growing new concern about China across the Global North in general, and in the U.S. in particular, in the context of China-Africa relations, the article examines Ethiopia as a case study to understand the multi-faceted relationship. Based on field research in 2018-20, together with local media reports, it looks at some of the recent...
This article analyses the economic impact of inbound student mobility in Hungary. The research is based on an innovative approach not only showing the geoeconomic impact based on expenditures of the different groups of incoming students (Erasmus+, degree mobility of self-funded or scholarship holder students), but also links the data to specific se...
Under COVID-19 pressures, governments of many fragile African states not only struggle to provide services and help their societies, but they are also to deal with the constant threat violent extremist organizations (VEOs) present. The paper discusses how VEOs exploit this situation to gain local support by using their alternative service provision...
The paper provides an analysis of certain key notions, such as solidarity and pragmatic solidarism in Hungarian foreign policy especially towards Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular during Communist times, as well as pragmatism as such, both during the Soviet period and in the post-Communist era. This will be contextualized in the gradual build-up of...
This paper aims to deal with the impact of COVID-19 on the livelihoods of disadvantaged persons living in slums in Kenya. Months after the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Kenya in March 2020, most of the studies that have been carried out pertaining to its impact on slum dwellers have concentrated on narrowly defined concerns e.g. the impact...
The paper aims to analyse Hungary’s evolving foreign policy in a changing world order since the politico-economic regime change of the early 1990s, but with the main focus on relations with the member states of the BRICS group since the initiation of Hungary’s ‘Global Opening’ policy in 2011. As such, the paper aims to offer a comparative overview...
Tarrósy István a következő művet mutatta be: Brucker Balázs – Kruzslicz Péter (szerk.): Frankofón Afrika. Szeged, SZTE, Frankofón Egyetemi Központ, 2022.
A Száhel jelentőségének felértékelődése Magyarország számára nem a véletlen műve, hanem szervesen következik az elmúlt évek magyar kül- és biztonságpolitikájának alakulásából. Ez egyben illeszkedett az Európa-szerte megfigyelhető tendenciákba, amelyek során az addigi széttartó és ad hoc jellegű uniós és tagállami szerepvállalás egyre inkább a Száhe...
Tarrósy István a következő művet mutatta be: Mutombo, France (2023): Kavicsok és gyémántok. Első 21 évem Kongóban. Budapest: Afrikáért Alapítvány
Tarrósy István: A társadalomtudós-filoszról, a barátról és mentorról, aki nélkül az Afrika Tanulmányok folyóirat nem létezne... Biernaczky Szilárd: A. Gergely Andrásra emlékezve
Absztrakt A 20. század harmadik harmadában alakult ki egyrészt az a világgazdasági és-politikai feltételrendszer, másrészről a városok organikus fejlődésében az a stáció, amely ezeket az egyre nagyobbá váló népességtömörüléseket nem csak saját nemzeti, hanem már a nemzetközi hálózatokban tették értelmezhetővé. A globálisnak tekinthető városok köre...
The aim of this volume is to bring together scholars who would take a deeper look into various aspects of the changing world order with regard to Africa’s position in the international arena. These may include security concerns and arrangements, economic cooperation, military involvement, diplomatic relations, regional integration, as well as envir...
The paper examines how the political-economic changes of the 1980s affected foreign policy. In an increasingly interdependent world, Hungarian leaders saw in many developing regions a ‘model for successful political and economic transformation’. The view that the country should be ready to take the leap and forge new relations was gradually strongl...
The Hungarian Journal of African Studies/Afrika Tanulmányok (https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/afrikatanulmanyok) is inviting submissions for a special thematic issue focusing on African Studies in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries not compromised with a colonial past in Africa.
On March 28, 1991, Prime Minister Josef Antall delivered an important speech in front of the Atlantic Council, reaffirming his nation’s willingness to adhere to Euro-Atlantic values. He expressed gratitude to the Alliance for safeguarding the western part of Europe throughout the Cold War, emphasizing that its establishment in 1949 had consistently...
Tóth József és az intézményszintű nemzetköziesítés kezdetei az integrált Pécsi Tudományegyetemen József Tóth and the Beginning of Institutional Internationalisation at the Integrated University of Pécs ABSZTRAKT A tanulmány Tóth József professzor rektori munkásságának nemzetköziesítésre irányuló dimen-zióival és eredményeivel foglalkozik. A szerző,...
This paper deals with COVID-19-hit Kenyan slums and the numerous interventions civil society organizations implemented during the first waves of the pandemic since it was initially detected in March 2020. As part of a comprehensive project using mixed methodology, including desk research and key informant interviews, community-based organizations a...
People with albinism in sub-Saharan African countries have long struggled for equal rights and the understanding of society at large, fighting stigmatisation and, in numerous cases, for their lives against wrongdoings in the form of killings and other physical atrocities. This article examines the Tanzanian context and adds to the ongoing academic...
A Világpolitika interjút kért dr. Tarrósy Istvántól, a PTE egyetemi tanárától, a PTE-n működő Afrika kutatóközpont igazgatójától. Tarrósy István Az MTA Afrika Albizottságának titkára, a Pécs African Studies kétévenként megrendezésre kerülő nemzetközi szakkonferencia elindítója, szervezője. Számos hazai és külföldi szakfolyóirat szerkesztője. A besz...
April 27–28, 2023
Pécs (Hungary), UNESCO Global Learning City
The conference will focus on Africa’s potential status and role in international politics and the interconnected global economy of the 21st century, with a particular emphasis on the context of Afro–Asian relations, the growing engagements of China and other Asian actors across the Afri...
A tanulmány az afro-ázsiai kapcsolatok rendszerével foglalkozik és számba vesz több olyan ázsiai szereplőt, melyek afrikai szerepvállalásairól a globális média is meglehetősen keveset tudósít. A tudományos publikációk között ritkán fellelhető (különösen magyar nyelvű) írások sorát kívánja gyarapítani azzal, hogy Malajzia, Thaiföld, Indonézia, Pakis...
The paper is the first of a series of pieces as part of an ongoing research project by the author about Hungarian footprints across the African continent. The first part aims to look at the basic features of the Hungarian diaspora in the Republic of South Africa (RSA) in its historical evolution. After an introduction to diasporas and their activis...
A 2015-ben meghirdetett "déli nyitás" stratégiával új időszámítás vette kezdetét a magyar külpolitikában. A külügyi fókusz-egyebek mellett-a szubszaharai afrikai gazdasági kapcsolatok erősítését tűzte ki célul. 2019-ben pedig kormányzati Afrika-stratégia született, és az 1989-es magyar rendszer-váltás óta abban az évben zajlott először hivatalos mi...
The Hungarian Journal of African Studies (HJAS) / Afrika Tanulmányok invites academics and scholars of a wide range of scientific disciplines to submit manuscripts to the forthcoming issue of 2022 (Vol. 16, No. 1). The leading Hungarian journal in the field has been published since 2007 uninterruptedly in two languages, Hungarian and/or English. In...
This contribution offers an overview of the major features of migration ten- dencies and policies in Hungary between 2015 and 2020, put in a historical context. It focuses particularly on the European ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015–16 and what policy options Hungary has favoured since 2015. As a special case study, it also looks at the Stipendium Hungari...
The goal of this paper is to explore the slum upgrading processes: the implementation of the Kenyan KENSUP project, associated successes and failures, and to draw possible lessons that can be learned from the initiative. The study utilized field work desk reviews to gather relevant information regarding slum upgrade processes in Kenya. The criteria...
This paper seeks to reflect upon China's "African Policy" from the perspective of both inbound and outbound migration. In particular, it offers an overview of contemporary narratives via academic literature pieces, coupled with the results of ongoing field research conducted since 2012. It addresses such issues-still under-researched-as African stu...
When we were just about to send our new English-language journal issue (Vol. 14, No. 6, 2020) to the printing house, devastating news arrived and shocked all of us... It is still incomprehensible, and very difficult to cope with. Our great scholarly supporter , a global leading authority in China-Africa relations, and a personal good friend, Profes...
Tarrósy István a következő művet mutatta be: Búr Gábor: A szubszaharai Afrika története 1914–1991. Budapest, Kossuth Kiadó, 2011
This paper examines the development of active Chinese involvement in the UN missions and contributes to a more nuanced understanding of a growing Chinese presence in the multilateral security field. In this research, the authors have used descriptive and analytical methods in addition to their ongoing fieldwork in several Sub-Saharan African countr...
The focus on African diaspora in Russia as well as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia needs to be sharpened
Az írás célja, hogy hozzájáruljon az elmúlt évtizedben többször, sok különböző szereplő által hangoztatott „Afrika felemelkedőben” kijelentés/szlogen jobb értel- mezéséhez azzal, hogy a 2020-ban megrajzolható Afrika-képet elemzi a minden- napok kontrasztjainak kontextusában. A benne vázolt és következetesen képviselt álláspont szerint a valósághű é...
The edited volume showcases an ambitious project as it and irregular migrants, as well as government reactions and policy options amidst the ongoing “immigrant challenge” (if not “refugee crisis”). The 35-chapter anthology (complete with forewords, prologue and epilogue) declares that it intends to put education in general, and global ci...
Az új koronavírus-járvány 2020. február közepéig hivatalosan nem volt jelen az afrikai kontinensen. Azóta jelentősen megugrott mind a regisztrált fer- tőzöttek, mind a halálesetek száma, és a multilaterális szervezetek – így elsősorban a WHO és az ENSZ további szakosodott afrikai szervezetei – vészharangokat kon- gatnak, jelezve, hogy a világnak e...
In 2018 and 2019 we published three articles about transportation projects in Ethiopia, a key manifestation of China’s Africa policy in the country: the first modern light railway (tram) system of sub-Saharan Africa in the capital, Addis Ababa, and the Addis–Djibouti railway connecting the landlocked country to the maritime trade routes of the Gulf...
This paper seeks to provide an overview of Hungary’s foreign policy priorities since the change of the political system of 1989–90. It intends to critically analyse the rise of pragmatism, in particular, in the new policy chapters of the ‘Turn towards the East’ and the ‘Opening to the South’, while it also looks at the international system itself w...
Italy is undoubtedly one of the key actors in the current international "migration crisis" in the Mediterranean region. The paper aims to provide an overview of both the opportunities and problems for the Italian integration policy as of today. The authors intend to indicate the role of civil organisations in the 'Italian migration issue' and to em...
Interjú-beszélgetés Afrikáról az Új Ember hetilapban.
This paper takes a multi-dimensional look at the theme of African futures. The plural
nature of those futures comes out of the numerous differences that African states enjoy in terms of their comparative advantages and disadvantages. The primary angle of investigation, which highlights those differences, is the presence and engagement of the People...
A L'Harmattan Kiadó gondozásában az Eszmélet Könyvtár sorozatban 2017-ben jelent meg Böröcz József: Hasított fa. A világrendszer-elmélettől a globális struktúraváltásokig kötete, amely valójában Böröcz Professzor sok fontos írásának egybeszerkesztett gyűjteménye. Minden bizonnyal igaz –...
A year later, the authors revisit two major projects in Addis Ababa to see what has changed-and what hasn't. In January 2018 we published two articles about transportation projects in Ethiopia, a key manifestation of China's Africa policy in the country: the first modern light railway (tram) system of sub-Saharan Africa in the capital, Addis Ababa,...
A nemzetközi migráció megértése és értelmezése interdiszciplináris szemléletet és megközelítést igényel. Egyetértek Szentes Tamással abban, hogy a "napjainkban zajló tömeges migráció egy rendkívül összetett, sokrétű és vegyes struktúrájú folyamat". Szükséges a kritikai látásmód, ke-rülendő az egyoldalúság, a leegyszerűsített üzenetek megfogalmazása...
A tanulmány néhány, az afrikai kontinenst kiemelten érintő biztonsági
kérdést járunk körbe. Figyelmünk középontjában a vízzel, a járványokkal és a terrorizmus
térhódításával kapcsolatos biztonsági kérdések állnak – ezek kiválasztását
egyfelől a szerzői szubjektivitás, másfelől a kurrens politikai-gazdasági-társadalmi
folyamatok indukálták. A különb...
A tanulmányban egy speciális vonzerő-fejlesztési területet, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Jubileum 650 projektjét mutatjuk be, kiemelve a főbb alapelveket, célokat, a menedzsment és a kommunikációs munka kereteit.
A projekt eredményességének a mérésére egyrészt a PTE saját kommunikációs aktivitásainak elemzését,...
Journal of African History, Politics and Society
Journal of African History, Politics and Society
During the communist era (1949-1989) Hungary experienced a number of different kinds of one-party rule, and the period therefore needs to be analysed in three stages. The first period can be characterised as totalitarian dictatorship, classical Stalinism – which began developing from the late 1940s and lasted until 1963. During these decades, the C...
Kína a világ legnépesebb országa és a legnagyobb elöregedő társadalom a világon. A kínai kormány 1979-ben vezetett be családtervezési programot, amelynek értelmében a többségi társadalmat alkotó han nemzetiségű párok számára egy gyermek vállalása volt megengedett. Az elmúlt majd négy évtizedben ez a rendelkezés érintetlen maradt. A program bevezeté...
The present-day international arena has been witnessing the rise of China as the
leading emerging economy. This offers several policy-related challenges to the lone superpower, the United States of America. Not long ago, the “birth of a Pacific World Order” was heralded, especially as the Chinese and American economies are heavily intertwined, form...
Míg az USA-ban 20 ezerből egy ember születik albinizmussal, addig a szubszaharai Tanzániában 3 ezerből egy gyermek albínóként látja meg a napvilágot. Az albinizmusnak a világon itt a legnagyobb az előfordulási aránya. Pedig éppen a nap és annak tűző sugarai jelentik a legkomolyabb veszélyforrást számukra. Sokan alig 40 évet élnek, mert elviszi őket...
Opportunities for Attraction Development in Higher Education
Managing a Jubilee Project
Gabriella Kuráth – Ákos Jarjabka – István Tarrósy
University of Pécs, Pécs
In this paper, we present a special attraction development area, namely the Jubilee 650 (Jubileum 650) program of the University of Pécs (UP), by highlighting its m...
Különösen az e könyv megjelenése idején is zajló migrációs válság, de általában a nemzetközi migrációs tendenciák vizsgálata megkívánja az interdiszciplináris módszertant. A kötetünkben szereplő tematikus fejezetek mindegyikének célja, hogy az egyes részkérdések részletes kidolgozásával a kritikai gondolkodást fejlessze, támogassa. A fejezeteket ké...
The Africa Research Centre of the Department of Political Studies, University of Pécs (HU), in co-operation with Metropolitan State University Denver (USA), also co-sponsored by the Polish African Studies Centre at the University of Wroclaw (PL), the Jagellonian Research Centre for African Studies in Cracow (PL) and the Centre of African Studies at...
If the V4 joins forces and increases its commitment and financial support to Africa, it can prove to the EU that it can benefit from its “fresh approach” and lack of colonial past, which will go beyond the colonial or post- colonial narrative. Foremost, the V4 should support the EU in implementing a comprehensive migration strategy with respect to...
The paper gives a comprehensive geo-economic analysis of Europe, providing a new, distance-based definition of core (360 km), centre (720 km), semi-periphery (1440 km) and periphery (over 1440 km), which is also relevant for other, non-European economies. The main finding of the paper is that transportation costs per unit are much higher for periph...
The book discusses Afro-Asian dynamics within the international system. It covers the foreign policies and their implications in relation to China, Japan, India and Indonesia. All these are investigated in a thorough theoretical framework using cases from years of field research across Eastern Africa and the Far East.
A tanulmány a történelmi kontextusba ágyazott indonéz–afrikai kapcsolatok részletes bemutatására és értékelésére törekszik, különös tekintettel a folyamatosan változó világpolitikai környezetre, amelyben az említett aktorok egyre intenzívebben és mind szélesebb kört felölelő területeken működnek együtt. Az elemzés elsőként az afroázsiai relációk eg...
Indonesia has grown in global stature as an emerging power and as the fourth most populous country in the world has significant growth potential. It is from this perspective that István Tarrósy explores the relationship between Indonesia and Africa. He mainly focuses on the developmental implications of Indonesia’s engagement with two key African m...
China's Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa. HOWARD W. FRENCH . New York: Vintage Books, 2015. xi + 285 pp. $16.95. ISBN 978-0-307-94665-2 - Volume 227 - Istvan Tarrosy
This study focuses on the involvement of China in the above two African states arguing that the development of the education sector, therefore, development via education is crucial for any of the states of the continent. It gives an overview of education as significant aspect of human development in a context of opposing policies of the internation...
This study focuses on the involvement of China in the above two African states, arguing that the development of the education sector, therefore the development via education is crucial for any of the states of the continent. It gives an overview of education as a significant aspect of human development in the context of opposing policies of the int...
A globális média a menekültválság kapcsán sem képes figyelmet szentelni a nemzetközi migráció egy igazán elgondolkodtató folyamatának: az afrikai kontinens 21. századi migrációs tendenciáinak, változó konfigurációinak és a riogatással szembeni higgadt elemzéseknek – már ami a lehetséges jövőt illeti az Afrika és Európa közötti vándorlások tekinteté...
Africa Rising? BRICS – Diversifying Dependency by Ian TaylorOxford: James Currey, 2014. Pp. xiv+190. $34.95 (pbk) - Volume 53 Issue 2 - ISTVÁN TARRÓSY
The paper looks at how Japan, one of the major donors of African countries, has been redefining its positions on the African continent in terms of bilateral aid and business opportunities, triangular collaboration and multilateral development projects in an increasingly ‘interpolar’ world of international relations. The discussion includes China's...
Questions (6)
The USA will host - for the first time - an important diplomatic event, which may not only have implications/results for American engagements across the African continent, but also for other actors involved with cooperation programs/schemes in African countries. What can we expect from this event? Will it be a "one-time show" only, or like the Chinese has been doing for many years, a significant junction of diplomatic activities on a regular basis? Who will benefit from it, and in what sense? There are a number of such questions, which do not matter only for the Obama Administration, but also for many other entities and stakeholders across the globe - possibly...
I am particularly looking at the Visegrad countries of Central Europe.
At least the common historic attachments of Asian and African countries to the 1955 Bandung conference and its major principles is still something extra in the international system. Bandung certainly redefined international relations in the bipolar world, and as we can witness today, it can be a meaningful tool to redesign Afro-Asian cooperation. See the example of Indonesia.
In particular, in a society such as Rwanda. Does it have any effect on the economy, education (especially of girls), family planning, female empowerment, or traditional male-female relations?
There are many obvious answers to this question including that they - as members of the Euopean Union - have duties, obligations, etc., but also to find "new" markets. They intend to redesign former engagements for mutual benefits, but surely - as any state does - along national interests. Can interests meet to benefit African development, too? Certainly yes, especially as African governments have been more assertive and determined about their countries' local needs. Connected to this, however, the "leadership factor" remains an issue.
This question has been higher on the agenda across CEECs in the past years, and for researchers it offers an intriguing ground for investigation. In particular, recognizing the fact that the involvement of former Soviet Bloc-countries in Africa is scarcely researched.
A new piece in scholarly literature about Hungarian-African relations and Hungary's new foreign policy approach is our paper published in African Studies Quarterly, check it out!
China has been holding the triennial Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) since 2000. This highest-level summitry involves representatives of African states meeting with Chinese officials, and is considered as a major tool of Chinese foreign policy on Africa.
U.S. administrations so far have not developed such an approach; the style of American diplomacy does not include any similar way of managing international relations with the continent.
Can the U.S. introduce summit diplomacy in its system of relations with the African continent and its states?
See more in my recent article on AFKInsider at: http://afkinsider.com/37628/summit-diplomacy-shall-u-s-copy-chinese-boost-business-africa/