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Publications (24)
Species reintroductions aim to re-establish populations of locally extinct, often keystone species. As a consequence of the reintroduction and protection of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), the species has recolonized the suitable habitats (including floodplains) across Europe in the past few decades. Floodplain habitats have already been signif...
We studied the long-term impact of wildfire on the vegetation dynamics of sand grasslands in a forest-steppe vegetation mosaic in Central Hungary (Kiskunság). Long-term permanent quadrat monitoring was carried out from 1997 to 2008. We sampled the forest-steppe mosaic both in burnt and unburnt areas in 100 patches altogether using 1 m × 1 m quadrat...
Floral nectar volume and concentration of ramson (Allium ursinum L. ssp. ucrainicum) were investigated in three different habitats, including two types of sessile oak-hornbeam association on brown forest soil with clay illuviation and a silver lime-flowering ash rock forest association on rendzina. Daily nectar production ranged from 0.1 to 3.8 μL...
A Duna vizének 1992-es elterelése a szigetközi hullámtérben víz- és talajvízszint csökkenést eredményezett. A közös magyar-szlovák stratégiai környezeti vizsgálat keretében, a hullámtéri vízpótlórendszer-változatok hosszú távú tájléptékű hatásának vizsgálatára alkalmas szimulációs modellt dolgoztunk ki. Az egyes élőhelyek átalakulását 1. rendű 2. f...
The Szigetköz is situated in the northwest part of Hungary. In the late 19th century, a flood protection dam was built, which divided the
original floodplain into an active part and an inundation-free part. In 1992, most of the water in the main Danube channel was diverted into a canal
built to supply the hydroelectric power plant at Bős. This larg...
The spatial variability of species composition was studied in perennial sand grasslands in Hungary at multiple scales. Three sites were compared along an aridity gradient. Existing differences in climate along this ca. 200 km gradient correspond to regional climate changes predicted for the next 20-30 years. Six stands of Festucetum vaginatae grass...
This paper describes vegetation development after a severe drop in water level. Diversion of the Danube river in 1992 resulted in a substantial water level reduction and the appearance of new terrestrial habitats in the Szigetköz region, a unique part of the Danube Valley in Hungary. Plant colonization was very rapid in the recently exposed river b...
A b s t r a c t . Abundance of the European hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) has been declining dramatically in Europe. In the framework of our long-term ecological studies in the juniper forest at Bugac, Hungary, we have also monitored its population abundance. At the beginning of our researches the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linné,...
We performed a computer assisted experiment to test the accuracy of different ratio scales in estimating vegetation cover. Sixteen subjects estimated the cover level of artificial vegetation patterns displayed on the screen for various levels of resolution (from presence/absence to 100 different states, each measured on the ratio scale). We found t...
We elaborated and tested a novel operative framework for sampling and analysing fine-scale pattern of plant composition and biomass. We combined presence/absence sampling of plant species with non-destructive biomass estimation. In an open perennial sand grassland, we used 46 m long circular transects consisting of 0.05 m by 0.05 m adjoining elemen...
The primary objectives of this study were (1) to document the changes in the composition and structure of a semiarid grassland (Festucetum vaginatae) along a climatic gradient in Hungary, and (2), by applying the concept of "Space for Time Substitution", to form hypotheses on the possible effects of a predicted climate change on these grasslands. T...
Tawny owls Strix aluco breeding in nest-boxes were studied in a mixed oak/hornbeam/beech forest located in the Duna-Ipoly National Park 30 km north-west of Budapest, Hungary, during the period 1992–1999. Diet composition, prey mass, breeding performance and body mass of the parents of known age were recorded. Older males had a greater ability to ch...
Reproductive performance, parental activity and body mass of parents were recorded for white storks Ciconia ciconia L. breeding at high density (the town of Kormend, West-Hungary) or at low density (Kiskunsag National Park, Central-Hungary). Three categories of nest use were distinguished: (1) those abandoned for at least a year before they were re...
Seasonal foods of European rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied by microhistological analysis of pellets in a protected area Bugac Juniper Forest, Hungary. Field experiments were also conducted to examine the role of rabbit foraging on common juniper Juniperus communis. The proportion of grasses, forbs and browses changed sig...