István Fekete

István Fekete
Amity University Kolkata · Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences

Doctor of Psychology
Applying machine-learning algorithms on human data.


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Additional affiliations
February 2020 - March 2022
SmartStep Consulting GmbH
  • Sr. Consultant Statistics/Research Methods
  • Secured grants on medical claims data, analysed clinical studies as per norms of the German authorities and the EMA, advised pharma-companies, enhanced statistical analysis plans, held learnings
January 2015 - August 2015
St.-Marien-Hospital, Friesoythe
  • Research assistant
  • Conducted cognitive training on adipositas patients (Obesity-centre Friesoythe)
October 2013 - January 2020
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
  • PostDoc Position
  • Advised professors, conducted and analysed EEG, managed research assistants
September 2006 - May 2013
September 2001 - June 2006
Eötvös Loránd University
Field of study
  • English and German


Publications (43)
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In the present study, 7344 spring observations of a short-distance migratory species, the Eurasian Woodcock, from the Carpathian Basin between 1894 and 1926 were used to investigate the timing of the species’ migration and how different environmental factors influenced it. We used a generalized additive model (GAM) to explore migratory patterns by...
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A szaporodásbiológiai mutatók fontos elemei a mezei nyúl populációdinamikájának, így ezen tényezők ismerete segíthet a fajt érintő drasztikus állománycsökkenés okainak feltárásában. A 2023-ban elejtett 162 egyed vizsgálata során a szerzők szignifikáns különbséget mutattak ki a Kis- és a Nagyalföldi régióban a testtömegadatok között. Megállapították...
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We present a county-wide statistically representative survey with 430 Hungarian school students demonstrating that students who have trees in the parental home environment show more positive attitude towards trees and wood than their peers who do not have any. We aimed at finding out about the current attitudes of the upcoming generation with regar...
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Morphometric characteristics of Eurasian woodcock collected during spring hunting (March) in Hungary between 2010 and 2014 were investigated to evaluate the accuracy of methods for determining the sex of live birds. We analysed the size dimorphism of biometric traits by sex, age, and sex and age, with sex determination (n = 13,226) performed by des...
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Attitudes toward using wood as a raw material vary greatly, from anti-logging and anti-felling propaganda to the propagation of wood use. This study examines attitudes toward wood, trees, and sustainable forest management in two distinct cultures-India and Hungary. Our questionnaire survey findings indicate that sustainable forest management is con...
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Attitudes toward using wood as a raw material vary greatly, from anti-logging and anti-felling propaganda to the propagation of wood use. This study examines attitudes toward wood, trees, and sustainable forest management in two distinct cultures-India and Hungary. Our questionnaire survey findings indicate that sustainable forest management is con...
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There is much uncertainty about the attitude toward raw wood material use: Is the widerange use of unprocessed wood recommended or not? In our statistically representative questionnaire survey completed in Győr-Moson-County schools in Hungary, we aimed to discover which components of attitude determine the willingness of future energy users to use...
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The dataset covers a statistically representative quantitative questionnaire survey conducted with 430 children with the aim of assessing their knowledge, habits and attitudes towards wood and trees. The goal of the study was to examine the variables that affect environmental awareness and the use of wood in the future. The dataset contains 430 row...
Conference Paper
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Who-questions can be answered by either mentioning all or just some of the individuals that satisfy the predicate of the whquestion, whereas who all-questions must be answered exhaustively. A large body of theoretical research has addressed the nature of wh-phrases, however, psycholinguistic data regarding the processing of exhaustivity in bare wh-...
Zweisprachige Ausgabe - Wydanie dwujęzyczne: Der schlesische Regiolekt hatte unter deutscher Herrschaft eine Vielzahl von Germanismen aufgenommen. Dargestellt wird, inwieweit dieser Einfluss des Deutschen noch heute sichtbar ist. Das Schlesische wird nur noch von einer Minderheit der oberschlesischen Bevölkerung gesprochen, neben Polnisch. Analysi...
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This paper presents an application of interactive cluster heatmaps in sociolinguistics, a method hitherto scarcely employed in the field. To that end, we developed a statistical workflow to illustrate the method and analyse large-scale Silesian questionnaire data. In our quantitative-linguistic study we demonstrate how heatmaps can uncover informat...
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Das Wörterbuch erfasst ca. 700 Germanismen, die zu denjenigen zählen, die in einer Vielzahl von Glossaren und populären Wörterbüchern zum schlesischen Lekt bzw. Regiolekt der Gegenwart berücksichtigt werden. Es zeigt sich, dass eine große Zahl von ihnen durchaus noch in Gebrauch sind, eine vergleichbare Zahl jedoch nicht. Das Wörterbuch hat neben d...
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Though Germany has long provided education for children speaking a heritage language and received two recent waves of refugees, reliable assessment tools for diagnosis of language impairment or the progress in the acquisition of German as a second language (L2) by refugee children are still lacking. The few tools expressly targeting bilingual popul...
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The article presents initial findings from a research project that aims to investigate to what extent German loan words are still in use in Silesian today. Over the centuries, Silesian has adopted far more loan words from German than any other dialect on Polish territory. The project focuses on speakers of Silesian and analyses their so-called subj...
The following study provides evidence that the use of a high number of test items in a subjective rating task with a bipolar scale does not affect the outcome detrimentally, a question hitherto unexplored in quantitative linguistics. By ‘contrastive bipolar scale’ we have in mind a scale with two different, explicit ‘options’ (here words), one at e...
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The present study investigates the performance of 21 monolingual and 56 bilingual children aged 5;6–9;0 on German LITMUS-sentence-repetition (SRT; Hamann et al., 2013) and non-word-repetition-tasks (NWRT; Grimm et al., 2014), which were constructed in accordance with the LITMUS-principles (Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings; Armon...
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Despite a large body of research, the linguistic nature of exhaustivity in single wh-questions is unresolved. Moreover, little empirical evidence exists as to which related structures pattern with bare wh-questions regarding exhaustivity. This paper explores the felicity of various exhaustivity violations in unembedded single bare wh-questions in G...
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Tanulmányunkban nemi sztereotípiákkal kapcsolatos empirikus vizsgálatunk eredmé-nyeiről számolunk be, ahol megpróbáltuk az e témában gyakran használt kérdőíves mód-szereket magyar egyetemistáknál alkalmazni. A vizsgálatban a BME olyan diákjai vettek részt, akik a hosszú évek óta kínált Nemek pszichológiája c. választható kurzuson vettek részt. Vagy...
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The paper analyzes the various uses of the Hungarian -stUl (‘together with’, ‘along with’) sociative (associative) suffix (later in the paper referred to simply as “sociative”), as in the example gyerekestül. As opposed to its comitative-instrumental suffix -vAl (‘with’), the -stUl suffix cannot express instrumentality. The paper aims to demonstrat...
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A dolgozat az egy-és kétirányú viszonyt kódoló szerkezetek feldolgozásával foglalkozik. A kétirányú (szimmetrikus) komitatív konstrukciók olyan eseményeket írnak le, amelyekben a két szereplő ugyan-olyan mértékben érintett (például János Marival csókolózott), az egyirányú (aszimmetrikus, instru-mentális jellegű) komitatív szerkezetek esetén (példáu...
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Abstract This paper explores how bidirectional and unidirectional comitative constructions are processed and represented at the level of argument structure. Bidirectional (symmetric) comitative constructions describe events where the two actors undergo the same effect described by the predicate (e.g. John was kissing with Mary), whereas unidirect...
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Kiss, Dénes. Emberszám, Fríg Kiadó, 272 pp. 2008. Reviewed by István Fekete, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
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Cognitive science can be divided into two streams: representational and non-representational cognitive science. Within the representational paradigm two approaches emerge: amodal and modal views. The goal of this summary is to review the main theories and interpret the status of linguistic semantics in these. Special attention is devoted in this su...
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The present study is a corpus-based analysis of literal versus metaphorical language use. Previous corpus linguistic works have focused on the linguistic characteristics of the metaphorical expressions. The main question of the present paper is whether the automatic identification of certain conceptual metaphors could be successful taking the embod...
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A világ nyelvei különféle aspektusokban eltérnek egymástól. Vajon a nyelvek különbségei gondolkodás-beli különbségekhez vezetnek-e? Amennyiben igen, akkor a nyelv mely aspektusai okoznak gondolkodás-beli különbségeket, és milyen mértékben? A cikkben a nyelv és gondolkodás összefüggéseiről és a nyelvi relativizmus különböző válfajairól esik szó. A n...
DianePecherés RolfA. Zwaan(szerk.): Grounding cognition: The role of perception and action in memory, language, and thinking (Fekete István) 253 CsépeValéria: Az olvasó agy (Gósy Mária) 256 Kormos, Judit: Speech production and second language acquisition (Ivády Rozália Eszter) 260 MarosánGyörgy: Hogyan készül a történelem? (Kardos Péter) 263


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