Ismail Al Mazaidah

Ismail Al Mazaidah
University of Jordan | UJ



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Ismail Al Mazaydah currently works at the Language Center, University of Jordan. Ismail does research in Literary Theory. Their current project is 'Arabic poetry'.


Publications (23)
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The literary scene in Syria has seen a surge in novelistic achievements, especially among new Syrian novelists in the post-2011 era. This haste has attracted the attention of critics, who have analyzed these works and raised awareness about their artistic phenomenon. The study aims to highlight the difference between narrative transformations in st...
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This research conducts an in-depth examination of discourse analysis tools specifically cohesion and coherence within the poem "Do Not Reproach Him" by the Baghdadi poet Ibn Zurayq. The research highlights five essential tools such as references, substitution, deletion, conjunction and lexical cohesion while focusing on the concept of cohesion to e...
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This comparative study highlights many romantic affinities in some poems by modern and classic English and Arabic poets. These romantic poets represent spring similarly as a source of pleasure, peace, and comfort. They see spring as their place of sharing compassion, love, and happiness. The study is mainly based on the Parallelism theory of the Am...
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This research aims to identify the relationship between the concepts of "literary theory" and "literary criticism"; as a crisis was formed in reaching an agreement between the critics on defining the concept of these terms. Thus, the research seeks to identify these two terms and examine their implications in the modern literary lesson. The researc...
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This study examines the representation of rain and spring images in poetry, basically in Ibn-Zaydoon's and Wordsworth’s selected poems. This study relies on the analytical and theoretical aspects of Parallelism theory of the American School of Comparative Literature. It focuses on studying “the idea of similarities in humanity’s social and historic...
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This study attempts to address the issue of Al-Mutanabbi's journey by analysing a selection of his poems during his trip to Egypt. Subsequently, it examines two contemporary poems by Amal Dunqul and Mahmoud Darwish that also explore Al-Mutanabbi's journey to Egypt. The study begins with an introduction that distinguishes between the concepts of "po...
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Objectives: The study aims to examine the significant phenomena of stylistic deviation in the collection "ʿOukaz Al-Riyāḥ" in terms of its aesthetic formations and rich intellectual content. This requires a reader capable of perceiving the hidden relationships between words and uncovering the meaning reflected by linguistic structures. Methods: The...
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This paper adopts Mona Baker's narrative theory to examine the translation of Susan Abulhawa's Mornings in Jenin. In her work in English, Abulhawa provides her autonomous account of the story of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The paper uses narrative theory to explore how the translator reframes the conflict by accentuating the parts portrayi...
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The study interrogates the titles of poems in the feminine poetic discourse in Jordan. It reveals how the dreamy vision, artistic imagery, and glittering glossary of the feminine poetic discourse in Jordan are formed in cases of loss and union. It does so through exploring the journey of the feminine self in a number of poems by the following Jorda...
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The study interrogates the titles of poems in the feminine poetic discourse in Jordan. It reveals how the dreamy vision, artistic imagery, and glittering glossary of the feminine poetic discourse in Jordan are formed in cases of loss and union. It does so through exploring the journey of the feminine self in a number of poems by the following Jorda...
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This study aims to examine the poetry of Ibn Al-Qaysarani, which he told during his trip to the thughoor (fortified towns) that was later called (Al-Thughriyat), from two points of view: personal subjective stylistics and statistical stylistics. The research found that Al-Thughriyat were merely short pieces that did not exceed fifteen verses at its...
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In the context of the Arab Israeli conflict, the Palestinian Intifada of 1987, commonly referred to as the "Intifada of Stones," bears significant weight. In this study, an investigation into the representation of the event in Contemporary Arabic poetry is carried out. This research is an in-depth examination of Nizar Qabbani's Children of the Ston...
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يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى الكشف عن تجربة الشاعر اللبناني شوقي بزيع، والبحث في اتجاهاتها الموضوعيَّة والفنيَّة، وقد جاء في إطاره العام في تمهيدٍ وثلاثة فصول، فقد تناول في التمهيد سيرة شخصية وأدبية للشاعر، وفي الفصل الأوّل الاتجاهات الموضوعيَّة، فتحدث عن المكان من حيث القداسة والهوية والحضور والغياب، والمرأة من حيث الطهر والنقاء والغواية والشهوة، والشهادة...
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This study aims to discuss the attitude of the Arab poet Nizar Qabbani towards peace treaties with Israel. It examines a number of poems in which the poet shows his rejection of these treaties. Using a discourse analysis approach, the study explores the poet's attitudes toward these treaties and the poetic imagery he uses to express his rejection....
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Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice has been reimagined, adapted, and appropriated by Arab playwrights and poets. The Arab Jordanian poet ʿArār (Mustafa Wahbi Al-Tal; 1897–1949) appropriates Shakespeare's anti-archetype of the figure of the Jew, Shylock, to criticize two local issues in the early twentieth-century context in Jordan and Palestine....
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تهدف الدراسة إلى مناقشة ظاهرة قتل الأب الشعريّ في تجربة الشاعر حبيب الزيودي، وهي ظاهرة لم تأخذ مساحتها في الدرس النقديّ اليوم، علماً أنها شائعة منذ العصور الأولى للشعر، لكنها تجلّت اليوم بفعل تقارب الأزمنة والأمكنة وانتشار التقانة الحديثة. وستتناول الظاهرة من خلال ثلاثة محاور: الثورة على نقاد الشعر، والثورة على الأب الشعريّ (عرار)، والثّورة على رؤي...
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This research conducts an applied study on Samuel Becket’s play “Waiting for Godot” and Abd Al-Aziz Al-Muqaleh’s poem “Waiting for Godot” in an attempt to illustrate the notion of cause and effect, which is one of the comparative literature’s concepts. This research explores the notion of waiting for both of them, trying to find the points of simil...
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This study aims at reading Mahmoud Darwish’s collection of poems “Mural” through an artistic technique, which is the dialogue with all its different patterns and types. The study will clarify the development of Darwish’s poem and his dramatic and epic lyrical spirit, and introduce a definition of these patterns and the way the Darwishian poem exten...
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ظهر الماء في القصيدة العربية الحديثة بوصفه مكوّناً بنائيّاً يمتاز بثرائه الدلالي والمعرفي، إذ يتّسع معه المعنى، وتنطلق منه الأفكار، ممّا سمح لخيال الشاعر بالتشكّل وفق بنى متعددة تنسجم مع رغبته في التعبير عن تجربته الحياتية برؤى متجددة. تحاول هذه الدراسة الوقوف على شعريّة الماء في ديوان الشاعر العُماني عوض اللويهي" المياهُ تَخُونُ البركْ" الذي جاء ت...
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This research conducts an applied study on Samuel Becket's play "Waiting for Godot" and Abd Al-Aziz Al-Muqaleh's poem "Waiting for Godot" in an attempt to illustrate the notion of cause and effect, which is one of the comparative literature's concepts. This research explores the notion of waiting for both of them, trying to find the points of simil...
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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تناول ظاهرة التكرار في قصائد الشاعر الأردني حيدر محمود بوصفها إحدى التقنيات الأسلوبية التي وظَّفها الشاعر؛ لإبراز المعنى، وتوثيق الموضوع في نفس المتلقي. تناولت الدراسة أربعة أنماط من أنماط التكرار عند حيدر محمود وهي: تكرار الحرف، تكرار الكلمة (اسم، فعل)، تكرار الجملة (جملة كاملة، جملة ناقصة)، وتكرار الموضوعات؛ لبيان دورها في بن...
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تهدف هذه الد ا رسة إلى تناول تشكيلات الصورة في ديوان "كتاب الموت" للشاعر محمد مقدادي، وقد وقفت عند منابع الصورة فيه: المنابع الروحية، والإنسانية، والطبيعية، ثم درستْ تشكيل الصورة من خلال اللغة والتنسيق والتعالق مع الصور القديمة وماهية تشكيلها. في حين جاء الجانب الثالث من الد ا رسة ليبرهن جماليات التشكيل وأثره على المتلقي، وإظهار قدرة الصورة وتفردها...


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