Iskander R. Abubakirov

Iskander R. Abubakirov
Kamchatka branch of the Geophysical Service of Russian Academy of Sciences

Cand.Sci. (Phys.-Math.)


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Publications (37)
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Foreign tsunami warning centers successfully use the Mwp magnitude for the fast characterization of tsunamigenic potential of an earthquake. This magnitude is an estimate of the moment magnitude Mw based on broadband P-wave records. The development of regional Mwp scale for the Russian Far East region is suitable, but the current sparsity of the fa...
The average relationship is established between the basic magnitude for the Kamchatka regional catalog, ML, and modern moment magnitude Mw. The latter is firmly tied to the value of the source seismic moment M0 which has a direct physical meaning. ML magnitude is not self-reliant but is obtained through the conversion of the traditional Fedotov’s S...
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The seismicity review of Kamchatka and surrounding territories for 2020 is given. In the Kam chatka earthquake catalogue, the minimum local magnitude of completeness is MLmin=3.5, and for the Kamchatka seismically active region (=50.5–56.5° N, =156.5–167° E) MLmin=3.0, and for earthquakes with h≥350 km under the Okhotsk sea MLmin=4.1. The Kamchat...
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The article presents instrumental and macroseismic data on the Paramushir earthquake of March 25, 2020, ML=7.7, Mw=7.4, discusses its tectonic position and features of the aftershock process. This event is the strongest instrumentally recorded earthquake with a source located in the Pacific lithospheric plate in the area of the Northern Kuril Islan...
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The seismicity review of Kamchatka and surrounding territories for 2018–2019 is given. In the Kamchatka earthquake catalogue, the minimum local magnitude of completeness is MLmin=3.8, and for the Kamchatka seismically active region (latitude = 50.5–56.5° N, longitude = 156.5–167° E) MLmin=3.7, and for earthquakes with h≥350 km under the Okhotsk sea...
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The strong Mw = 7.4 earthquake occurred on March 25, 2020 in the region of Northern Kuril Islands, with its epicenter on the ocean side of the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-water trench, to the east from its axis. The earthquake was felt on all the Kuril Islands, South and East Kamchatka, the maximum shaking was recorded in Severo-Kurilsk with intensity I =...
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The seismicity review of Kamchatka and surrounding territories for 2016–2017 is given. In the Kamchatka earthquake catalogue, the minimum local magnitude of completeness is MLmin=4.0, and for earth-quakes with h≥350 km under the Okhotsk sea MLmin=4.3. The Kamchatka catalogue of earthquakes with ML=3.6–7.3 for 2016–2017, published in the Appendix to...
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The seismicity review of Kamchatka and surrounding territories for 2015 is given. In the Kamchatka earthquake catalogue, the minimum local magnitude of completeness is MLmin=3.5, and for earthquakes with h≥350 km under the Okhotsk sea MLmin=3.6. The Kamchatka earthquake catalogue for 2015 with ML3.5, published in the Appendix to this issue, includ...
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The digital seismic network in Kamchatka deployed in 2006-2010 provided a fundamental possibility for calculating seismic moment tensor (SMT) of Kamchatka earthquakes from broadband waveforms recorded by regional stations. The paper describes the method for calculating SMT for the earthquakes with pure double couple (DC) mechanism based on the DC t...
Развернутая в 2006–2010 гг. на Камчатке сеть цифровых сейсмических приборов создала принципиальную возможность для расчета тензора сейсмического момента (ТСМ) камчатских землетрясений по широкополосным волновым формам региональных станций. В статье описана методика расчета ТСМ типа двойной диполь без момента (ДД), опирающаяся на декомпозицию тензор...
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The seismicity review of Kamchatka and surrounding territories for 2014 is given. In Kamchatka earthquake catalogue minimum local magnitude of completeness is MLmin=3.5, and for earthquakes under the Okhotsk sea with h≥350 kmMLmin=3.6. The Kamchatka earthquake catalogue for 2014 with ML3.5, published in the Appendix to this annual, includes 1114 e...
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The paper presents the first results of integrated research of the strong seismic event (Uglovoye Podnyatiye earthquake (UPE) with a magnitude of Mw=7.3) that occurred on December 20, 2018 in the junction zone between the Kuril-Kamchatka and Aleutian island arcs. The authors has provided macroseismic information about the UPE, calculated peak groun...
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The strongest deep earthquake on May 24, 2013 (Mwreg=8.3) is discussed. It occurred under the Sea of Okhotsk at a depth of about 630 km. The instrumental hypocenter location reported by the KB GS RAS is φ=54.75N, λ=153.78E, h=630 km. Three magnitudes were obtained: local magnitude ML=7.8, code-wave magnitude Mc=7.6, moment magnitude Mwreg=8.3. Th...
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The February 28, 2013 earthquake (MwGCMT=6.8), which occurred on the southeast coast of Kamchatka, is discussed. The instrumental hypocenter location reported by the KB GS RAS is φ=50.67N, λ=157.77E, h=61 km. Three magnitudes were obtained: local magnitude ML=6.9, code-wave magnitude Mc=6.6, mo-ment magnitude Mw=6.7. The focal mechanisms of the F...
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The strong (Mwreg=5.8, ML=6.2) near-surface seismic event (Ilpyrskoye earthquake) occurred at 03h12m on 13 March, in the Kamchatka Isthmus. It was the strongest earthquake between 1962 and 2013 for this area. The greatest macroseismic effect was observed at a distance of ~30 km, I=6–7 on the scale MSK-64. We used two independent methods for determi...
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17 июля 2017 г. на трансформном разломе Беринга (на границе малой литосферной плиты Берингии и Командорского блока Алеутской островной дуги) произошло сильнейшее в регионе за годы инструментальных сейсмологических наблюдений задуговое землетрясение с MW =7.8, MC=8.2, названное Ближне-Алеутским. Оно вызвало сотрясения с интенсивностью I=5-6 баллов н...
The largest instrumentally recorded regional back-arc earthquake with MW = 7.8, MC = 8.2 occurred on July 17, 2017 on the Bering transform fault (the boundary between the Beringia minor lithospheric plate and the Komandorskii (Commander) block of the Aleutian island arc). This seismic event, called the Near Islands earthquake or Near Islands Aleuti...
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The strong MW 6 .7 e arthquake occurred on October 13, 2018 at 11:10 UTC (23:10 local time) in the Sea of Okhotsk at a depth of ~500 km. According to the Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS), the epicenter of the earthquake was located ≈320 km to west of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and ≈160 km from the...
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This paper reports a study of the Tolud earthquake sequence; the sequence was a burst of shallow seismicity between November 28 and December 7, 2012; it accompanied the initial phase in the Tolbachik Fissure Eruption of 2012‒2013. The largest earthquake (the Tolud earthquake of November 30, 2012, to be referred to as the Tolud Earthquake in what fo...
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17 июля 2017 г. в 23:34 по Гринвичу (18 июля в 11:34 по местном времени) в Командорском сегменте Алеутской островной дуги произошло сильное землетрясение с магнитудой MW = 7.8 (широта 54.35 с.ш., долгота 168.90 в.д., глубина 7 км). Эпицентр землетрясения находился в 200 км к юго-востоку от пос. Никольское (рисунок), расположенного на о. Беринга,...
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29.03.2017 г. у восточного побережья Камчатки в юго-западной части Корякского сейсмического пояса произошло редкое для этой зоны сильное, но не вызвавшее разрушений и цунами, землетрясение с магнитудой МW = 6.6. Гипоцентр находился под акваторией залива Озерного, в южной его части, поэтому это сейсмическое событие было названо Южно-Озерновским земл...
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30.01.2016 г. в Северной части Камчатской сейсмофокальной зоны на глубине 178 км произошло сильное, не вызвавшее разрушений землетрясение с магнитудой МW = 7.2, ощущавшееся на территории Камчатского края с интенсивностью до 6 баллов по шкале MSK-64 и получившее название «Жупановское землетрясение» в соответствии с географическим положением его эпиц...
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The seismic moment tensor (SMT) was computed for the source of the deep-focus Sea of Okhotsk earthquake of May 24, 2013 (M w = 8.3) based on two kinds of regional data: (1) coseismic displacements at GNNS stations; and (2) three-component broadband seismograms (in this case we also estimated the depth of the equivalent point source and rupture dura...
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The article presents an algorithm for estimation of integral parameters of a strong earthquake focus (Mw > 8) using broadband seismograms of body waves recorded within the range of epicentral distances from 500 to 3500 km. Besides, depth, duration, and seismic moment tensor were determined and estimated by means of minimization of relative sum of s...
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Для оценки параметров очага Олюторского землетрясения (MW = 7.6) применен подход, основанный на использовании пространственно-временных моментов скорости подвижки порядков 1 и 2. Моменты оценивались с использованием широкополосных записей P-волн по данным 52 станций мировой сети. Сначала для каждой станции определяется функция S(t) – кажущаяся врем...
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The source parameters of the M W = 7.6 Olyutorskii earthquake were estimated using the moments of the slip rate function with degrees 1 and 2. The moments were estimated from broadband P-wave records at 52 stations of the worldwide network. The first step was to find a function S(t) for each station; this function is an apparent source time functio...
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В рамках модели многократного изотропного рассеяния в однородной по рассеивающим и поглощающим свойствам среде проведен анализ 102 сейсмограмм цифровой широкополосной станции "Петропавловск" в четырех полосах частот (0.5-1,1-2, 2-4 и 4-8 Гц). Получены надежные оценки характеристик затухания поперечных волн в литосфере Камчатки с использованием мето...
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Analysis of 102 seismograms of the Petropavlovsk digital broadband station is performed in four frequency bands (0.5–1, 1–2, 2–4, and 4–8 Hz) within the framework of the model of multiple isotropic scattering in a medium with homogeneous scattering and absorption properties. Reliable estimates of the attenuation characteristics of S waves in the Ka...
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The vertical profile of effective turbidity under Kamchatka is reconstructed from observations of distance-dependent broadening of the inchoherent pulse of high-frequency body waves from small earthquakes, by means of a new approach and data processing scheme developed in Paper I. The key ‘effective turbidity’ parameter, ge , used is an immediate g...
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A method is developed for the reconstruction of a non-uniform distribution of scattering properties in the upper layers of the Earth using data on broadening of an incoherent body-wave group or pulse along a number of rays. The theoretical basis for this reconstruction is a linear integral formula after Bocharov (1985, 1988), which is employed to d...
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The vertical distribution of the scattering properties of the lithosphere can be found using Bocharov's formula which describes the broadening of an incoherent pulse with distance as it propagates in a scattering medium with scattering varying along the raypath. For a piecewise constant scattering distribution, Bocharov’s formula yields a linear eq...
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Envelopes of scalar waves are simulated at various distances from an instant point source embedded in a random uniformly scattering medium by means of direct Monte-Carlo modelling of wave-energy transport. Three types of scattering radiation pattern ('indicatrix') are studied, for media specified by (1) a Gaussian autocorrelation function of inhomo...
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Вертикальный профиль мутности литосферы может быть оценен на основе формулы Бочарова, описывающей ход уширения некогерентного импульса с расстоянием при его распространении в рассеивающей среде, мутность которой меняется вдоль луча. Для кусочно-постоянной по мутности среды формула Бочарова позволяет выписать каждого луча линейное уравнение, связыва...
Several models which describe the intensity of single and multiply scattered waves radiated by an instant point source into a medium with uniformly dispersed scatterers and uniform absorption are reviewed. The model of multiple low-angle scattering (MLAS) is then considered and we show that in the realistic case of dominantly forward scattering one...
It is difficult to calculate analytically envelopes of scattered seismic waves from a near earthquake for a simple and important model of multiple anisotropic scattering in homogeneously scattering space. Monte-Carlo simulation was carried out for the acoustic case; as a first approximation its results can be used to describe S waves and coda of a...


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