Isckia ThierryInstitut Mines-Telecom Business School · Management Marketing & Strategy
Isckia Thierry
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Co-evolution, Metaphor and business ecosystems studies
Publications (56)
Over the last decade, a trend has emerged in strategic management toward more inter-organizational collaborations (Powel et al, 1996). However, a lot of companies are still experiencing difficulties in implementing collective strategies. Such strategies occur when different organizations with common concerns collaborate to face together some challe...
Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing, JOCO Vol2, Issue2 - Article 2 (p4-7)
The frontier of space exploration is a magic, which has long fascinated mankind since the introduction of ancient knowledge. Human is always curious to know why they are here, and what are waiting for them beyond Earth. The research in space exploration is growing from the small community towards more global collaboration. Moreover, successful spin...
400 words) Since the first empirical definition of business ecosystems (BEs), its central orchestration dynamic has been defined as co-evolutive. If the nature of the associated mechanisms is still debated, the co-evolutionary nature of inter-organizational innovation processes has been largely demonstrated. BEs also have been characterized as Comp...
In this paper, we analyze how to orchestrate platform ecosystems in order
to ensure the commercialization of constant flows of innovations. We focus
on platform-owners and how they orchestrate the coupling process between
the innovation part of the ecosystem and the business development part of
the ecosystem. We apply a life-cycle perspective, anal...
In this paper, we analyze how to orchestrate platform ecosystems in order to ensure the commercialization of constant flows of innovations. We focus on platform-owners and how they orchestrate the coupling process between the innovation part of the ecosystem and the business development part of the ecosystem. We apply a life-cycle perspective, anal...
Call for papers : Co-evolution in Innovation Management
As part of the ISPIM Bangkok 2020 International Conference, we are pleased to call for communication on the theme of: Co-evolution in Innovation Management. The best articles will be selected and published in the journal Technology Innovation Management Review.
The agricultural food industry is currently facing multiple challenges. The impact of processing food on public health (nutrition, food safety, etc.) and the growing customer demand for a healthier alimentation are examples of issues that one organization cannot solve solely. Organizational adaptation to this institutional and public pressures incr...
Le nombre de descriptions empiriques de phénomènes de coévolution en MS et plus largement en sciences organisationnelles s'est largement accru dans la dernière décennie. Une grande partie de ces travaux oublie toutefois de définir la coévolution. De plus, les rares références la théorisant ne présentent pas une définition constante du concept. La d...
Creating a digital platform to leverage the potential of an ecosystem is recognized as an effective strategy to optimize innovation efforts in the digital era. In this paper, we analyze how platform-based ecosystems can ensure the commercialization of a constant flow of digital innovations. Our contribution focuses the role of platform-owners and t...
La notion d’Ecosystème d’Affaires est aujourd’hui bien ancrée dans le vocabulaire managérial. Pourtant, l’existence d’un programme de recherche scientifique spécifique aux écosystèmes d’affaires reste discutée dans le monde académique. Pour démontrer l’existence d’un tel programme, nous avons réalisé une analyse qualitative diachronique exploitant...
In many business ecosystems, the collaboration between participants of open innovation is facilitated by platforms. These socio-technical artifacts support open innovation strategies, facilitating openness and sharing, thus fostering the emergence and development of catalytic reactions between the various participants. Business ecosystems are evolv...
La notion d’Ecosystème d’Affaires (EA) est aujourd’hui bien ancrée dans le vocabulaire managérial. Dans l’univers académique, la notion d’EA est maintenant étroitement associée à nombres de travaux tels que la plateformisation, la digitalisation ou l’ouverture et la collectivisation des logiques d’innovation. Pourtant, l’existence d’un programme de...
En quelques années les incubateurs corporate sont devenus le modèle d’innovation ouverte privilégié par de nombreux grands groupes industriels pour collaborer avec des startups. Cependant, les grands groupes n’ont souvent pas ou peu d’expérience dans la mise en oeuvre et le pilotage de ces nouveaux dispositifs de collaboration, ce qui est susceptib...
Depuis sa première description en 1993 par James Moore, la notion d'écosystème d'entreprise (EA) est aujourd’hui bien ancrée dans le vocabulaire managérial. Un grand nombre d’entreprises, particulièrement celles dont le développement repose sur la connaissance, prétendent aujourd’hui faire partie ou gérer un écosystème. Bien que cette réclamation s...
Digital innovation is bringing a great deal of change to industry, the economy and society. Radical transformations are being seen in the way these fields are organized, in their products and uses. Institut Mines-Télécom has always had a very close and privileged relationship with the economic and industrial world. IMT plays a major role in researc...
Combine endogenous and exogenous ideas through internal or external paths to market to develop advances in services, products or processes are the main objectives of organizations when they implement an open innovation (OI) strategy. Since Chesbrough’s first description, the number of companies who have adopted OI has experienced a tremendous growt...
Many companies have embraced the open innovation imperative. As a consequence, more and more companies around the world - large or small - are now exploring their business ecosystem to extract resources, expertise, technologies or technological building blocks they need in order to build their own value proposition, thus nurturing the whole ecosyst...
PhD Dissertation
Bangkok University
The Institue for Knowledge & Innovation Management Southeas Asia (IKI-SEA)
Today open innovation strategies are widespread among large companies especially in ICTs. However some companies are experiencing difficulties when it comes to managing the various external partners enrolled on their platforms to co-create new products or services. Platform-based ecosystems support open innovation strategies and are designed in ord...
Since the Chesbrough's seminal contribution many academic papers have documented the challenges associated with open innovation strategies. Furthermore, several case studies have illustrated the benefits that firms can derive from open innovation initiatives but only a few of them analyzed the difficulties associated with the implementation of thes...
Since its first description in 1993 by James Moore, the business ecosystem (BE) has resonated with both business circles and the academic sphere. Thus, a large majority of firms, particularly in those areas where development is mainly knowledge-based, are now claiming to be part of or to manage an ecosystem. While this desire of belonging may have...
Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? builds on strategic management and innovation management academic contributions to better understand theoretical and empirical challenges of business ecosystems. Even if the concept of business ecosystem was coined in 1993, it will lie fallow during more than ten...
Le concept d’écosystème d’affaires (ESA), introduit il y a presque vingt ans par le consultant James Moore
dans un article de la Harvard Business Review (Moore, 1993), est entré depuis lors dans le langage managérial courant. Il désigne (notamment dans l’informatique, les télécoms, les jeux vidéo, les réseaux
sociaux, etc.) une communauté d’acteurs...
Integrating Web 2.0 technologies in e-government opens up new opportunities for improving the quality of online public services
and developing new ones, and can potentially contribute in achieving e-government strategic objectives. This paper presents
and analyzes the result of an exploratory field study conducted recently with a group of e-governm...
Notre contribution s’inscrit dans une perspective intégrative qui vise à mettre
en exergue les liens existants entre trois concepts distincts présents tant dans
la littérature académique que dans le discours managérial : les écosystèmes
d’affaires (ESA), les plateformes et l’innovation ouverte (IO). L’objectif de cet
article est de montrer que les...
Today, the mobile phone industry witnesses important changes, shifting from a value chain to a burgeoning business ecosystem. This paper deals with the relationships that are at the very core of mobile OS ecosystems for IMTs (smartphones and PDA): Microsoft-OS, Symbian-OS, Palm-OS and RIM-OS over the period 1998–2006. Our study confirms that an eco...
Les entreprises ne peuvent plus innover seules. L’innovation ouverte peut selon Chesbrough répondre à cet impératif de collaboration. Le concept est élégant et repose sur une pratique managériale réelle. Cependant, il présente des lacunes: une définition trop large et un domaine de validité limité. L’objet de cet article est de questionner les fond...
In the recent years, the mobile industry has experienced important changes in its very structure shifting from an operator-centric model to a burgeoning business ecosystem (ANDERSON & WILLIAMS, 2004; BASOLE, 2009; BASOLE & ROUSE, 2009; GUEGUEN & ISCKIA, 2008) made of various players including mobile operating system (OS) providers, software vendors...
Amazon.com has been through several stages of develop-ment: fi rst as a cyber-bookstore, then a cyber-market, and now an Application Service Provider (ASP). I apply the concept of "business ecosystem" to describe the evo-lution of Amazon.com, and highlight the role of web services in the shaping of its ecosystem. The company plays a central role in...
Open innovation refers to the ability of firms to open themselves up to external networks and relationships in order to gain the full potential of their investments in innovation. The development of ICTs has opened up new markets and ways of innovating. Today, platforms and Web services are supportive instruments of relations between firms. This pa...
Le secteur des jeux vidéo (consoles et jeux) est devenu à la fin de la décennie 1990 une composante à part entière de l'industrie des loisirs et du divertissement (Entertainment) au même titre que le cinéma et la musique et enregistre une croissance spectaculaire. Depuis le début des années 2000, cette industrie est marquée par des évolutions majeu...
Today, the mobile phone industry witnesses important changes, shifting from a value chain to a burgeoning business ecosystem.
This paper deals with the relationships that are at the very core of mobile OS ecosystems for IMTs (smartphones and PDA):
Microsoft-OS, Symbian-OS, Palm-OS and RIM-OS over the period 1998-2006. Our study confirms that an eco...
Strategic alignment between the firm’ strategy and the knowledge management plan is one the new
research question in knowledge management. There are few articles and case studies about this new
problematic. We propose and illustrate, in this article, an approach and cartographic methods to elaborate
knowledge management actions aligned with the str...
This paper deals with the video game console market. We are not interested here in portable consoles nor in PC games. Our work focuses on the role of core competencies in console wars, analyzing the way these competencies are activated within the firms' business models. The home console market also exhibits crossed network externalities, which requ...
Dans ce working paper, nous passerons successivement en revue la RVB (§ 1) et ses différentes déclinaisons, CBV (§ 2) et KBV (§ 3) en nous intéressant aux points saillants mis en exergue par ces différents corpus théoriques ainsi qu’à la vision de l’entreprise que ces approches contribuent à faire émerger. Nous terminerons notre exposé par une disc...
The International telecommunications market is particularly interesting for two reasons. On the one hand, it was the first market to be "de facto" liberalised and was characterised by strong competition, powerful buyers and therefore important price decreases. On the other hand, it called for innovative behaviour from both suppliers and business cu...
Distance Education (DE) is becoming increasingly important as its rapid growth rates demonstrate. However, recent statistics on DE show low retention rates and a poor return on investment (ROI) in various programs. We need a better understanding of what are the critical success factors for DE environments for all constituencies (students, instructo...
Résumé : Avec le développement du commerce électronique est né ce qu'il est désormais convenu d'appeler le cybermarketing. Le cybermarketing vise à assurer la pérennité d'un site commercial. Ce terme recouvre en fait l'adaptation des méthodes de marketing traditionnelles à ce nouveau support qu'est l'Internet. Cependant, si de nombreuses entreprise...
La FOAD continue d’attirer de nouveaux acteurs et ce malgré des résultats parfois mitigés.
Taux d’échec important, abandon avant la fin du cursus, faible retour sur investissement, sont autant
de symptômes traduisant le manque de maturité de ces dispositifs pédagogiques. Comme le soulignent
Lagrange & Grugeon (2003), nous manquons encore de compréh...
Mémoire de D.E.A. : Stratégie industrielle / Paris 1 ; session 1994.
Aujourd'hui, le commerce électronique business-to-consumer (B to C) est plein essor et le web est devenu un véritable outil de vente et de promotion. Le principe du "B to C" est d'inciter l'internaute à visiter des sites web marchands, et d'y effectuer des transactions. Cependant, si la capacité à développer des transactions commerciales est un fac...