Isabelle Witté

Isabelle Witté
UMS PATRINAT Office Francais de la Biodiversité Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle · UMS PATRINAT

DUT, M.D., Ph.D


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Publications (71)
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Due to the central role of landscape connectivity in many ecological processes, evaluating and accounting for it has gained attention in both theoretical and applied ecological sciences. To address this challenge, researchers often use generic species to simplify multi‐species connectivity assessments. Yet, this approach tends to oversimplify movem...
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1. Due to the central role of landscape connectivity in many ecological processes, evaluating and accounting for it has gained attention in both theoretical and applied ecological sciences. To address this challenge, researchers often used generic species to simplify multi-species connectivity assessments. Yet, this approach tends to oversimplify m...
Wildlife-vehicle collisions on linear transport infrastructure and especially on roads are potentially dangerous for drivers and cause serious economic damage. Moreover, roads cause fragmentation , creating barriers or traps that are harmful to many animal species, underlining the need to detect roadkill hotspots. However, the effectiveness of some...
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Through the Natura 2000 policy, EU member states are committed to maintaining or restoring the favourable conservation status of a list of habitats and species throughout their territory. We show here that evaluating the effectiveness of this policy regarding its assigned objectives requires translating these objectives into normative reference and...
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L’inventaire des Zones naturelles d’Intérêt écologique faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) a pour objectif d’identifier et de décrire des secteurs présentant un intérêt pour la biodiversité patrimoniale. L’identification et la création des ZNIEFF reposent sur la présence d’espèces dites « déterminantes » et inscrites sur des listes élaborées au niv...
Technical Report
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Synthèse au format 4 pages du rapport : LÉONARD L., WITTÉ I., ROUVEYROL P., HÉRARD K., 2020 — Représentativité et lacunes du réseau d’aires protégées métropolitain terrestre au regard des enjeux de biodiversité. Rapport PatriNat, dir. UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), 81 p. Les livrets régionaux et l'ensemble des données brutes sont disponibles sur...
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L’état de la biodiversité forestière en France fait l’objet d’opinions contrastées, reflétant différentes perceptions des acteurs. Cet article présente d’abord les principaux hauts-lieux de la biodiversité forestière française et leur couverture par les aires protégées. Nous examinons ensuite l’état des espèces et habitats forestiers au travers des...
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Aerial traps composed of plastic water bottles baited with attractive liquids are often used to inventory beetles, especially longhorns (Cerambycidae) and flower beetles (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). Many different bait mixtures exist but their effectiveness has rarely been scientifically tested. Six different mixtures, involving red wine, white wine...
Technical Report
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Le diagnostic 2020 du réseau métropolitain terrestre d’aires protégées a pour objectif d'évaluer la représentativité du réseau, sous l’angle de sa cohérence avec la répartition d’espèces et d’habitats patrimoniaux. Il constitue un outil mobilisable au niveau national et régional dans le cadre des objectifs d’extension et de création d’aires protégé...
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Background Linear transportation infrastructures (roads, railways, oil and gas pipelines, powerlines and waterways) generate well documented fragmenting effects on species habitats. However, the potential of verges of linear transportation infrastructures (road and railway embankments, strips of grass under power lines or above buried pipelines, or...
Biological recording at broad temporal and spatial scales produces large volumes of species occurrence data. Multi-source datasets, which include opportunistic records, are unstructured and contain bias, mainly due to uneven and unknown observation effort, but they also provide meaningful information about species phenology. Butterflies are well kn...
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À partir des Listes rouges régionales de l’ancienne région Auvergne et des données d’occurrence disponibles, des analyses croisées multi-groupes ont été réalisées pour fournir une synthèse sur le statut de conservation des espèces du territoire auvergnat et illustrer les grandes tendances et les principaux enjeux pour la biodiversité locale. Les ré...
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La biodiversité est façonnée par de multiples facteurs (historiques, géographiques, écologiques et anthropiques) qui induisent une répartition hétérogène de la faune et de la flore sur le territoire métropolitain. Cette variabilité conduit à identifier les territoires de la métropole qui contribuent le plus à la richesse globale en espèces. Ces zon...
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Au printemps 2019, dans un rapport historique, l’IPBES alertait sur un déclin global de la nature à un rythme sans précédent dans l’histoire humaine : (i) la santé des écosystèmes se dégrade plus vite que jamais ; (ii) le taux d’extinction des espèces s’accélère ; (iii) la réduction ou la dégradation des milieux naturels, du fait de certains usages...
Technical Report
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L’UMS PatriNat mène depuis 2015 - avec l’aide de différents partenaires - une revue systématique (synthèse bibliographique) sur le rôle des dépendances d’infrastructures de transport pour la biodiversité (projet COHNECS-IT). Dans le cadre de cette revue systématique une grille d’analyse a été construite afin d’étudier la robustesse des protocoles e...
Technical Report
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Dix ans après le premier diagnostic patrimonial réalisé dans le cadre de la Stratégie de création du réseau d’aires protégées (SCAP), ce second diagnostic a pour objectifs la production : • D’un bilan quantitatif permettant de dresser un état des lieux de l’avancement des projets inscrits à la SCAP et d’évaluer l’effet de l’action publique sur la d...
Conference Paper
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This presentation addresses the current low importance of mycology in biodiversity conservation policies in France. The needs of conservation policies are detailed as well as the various possible reasons for this low place of fungi. The small amount of data available in public databases such as the INPN appears both as a cause and a consequence of...
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Background The role of linear transportation infrastructures (roads, railways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines, rivers and canals) in fragmenting natural habitats is fully acknowledged. Up to now, the potential of linear transportation infrastructures verges (road and railway embankments, strips of grass under power lines or above buried pipelin...
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Putting a name on species, using names from a checklist and knowing the geographical range are basic knowledge prior to any conservation action directed to species biodiversity. Using examples, we show that for invertebrates: descriptions and country records are still growing in metropolitan France and often relates to endemic species; that nonprof...
Technical Report
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Methodological considerations after the Systematic Literature Review of the COHNECS-IT research project on biodiversity form the transport infrastructure verges
EU member states have to develop their Natura 2000 networks in their national waters to fulfill their conservation obligations regarding species and habitats listed in the Birds and Habitats directives. In France, a coastal network of Natura 2000 areas exists since 2008 but it had to be completed in offshore waters for some marine megafauna species...
Technical Report
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L’objectif de ce travail consiste à identifier de façon robuste les zones particulièrement déficitaires en informations naturalistes disponibles au niveau national (c’est-à-dire des zones où peu d’espèces et peu de données sont mentionnées dans le SINP par rapport à ce qui serait attendu a minima). Pour chacun des 27 groupes d’espèces (par exemple...
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Air quality biomonitoring has been successfully assessed using mosses for decades in Europe, particularly regarding heavy metals (HM). Assessing robust temporal variations of HM concentrations in mosses requires to better understand to what extent they are affected by the sampling protocol and the moss species. This study used the concentrations of...
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In the context of ongoing biodiversity loss and limited resources allocated to nature conservation, operational tools to prioritize and implement relevant conservation actions are crucial. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (RLTS) is recognized as the most comprehensive tool for assessing risk of species extinction, based on a standardized met...
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Productive and diverse seaweed forests flourish on healthy temperate reefs given sufficient light, water motion & nutrients. However, anthropogenic pressures such as eutrophication threaten the extent and condition of canopy-forming seaweed. We ran a meta-analysis of eutrophication impacts on temperate reefs from a range of studies. Our objectives...
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Background: The role of linear transportation infrastructures (roads, railways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines, rivers and canals) in fragmenting natural habitats has been demonstrated. Yet, the potential of habitat or corridor of their verges (road and railway embankments, strips of grass under power lines or above buried pipelines, or waterwa...
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Habitat typology of breeding birds in France. Testing the influence of the typological level on trend assessment. The purpose is to define the habitat of the 268 breeding bird species in France in order to standardize comparisons of ecological data dealing with bird habitats in space (betweenhabitats, between-regions) and in time (long time or shor...
The purpose is to define the habitat of the 268 breeding bird species in France in order to standardize comparisons of ecological data dealing with bird habitats in space (between- habitats, between-regions) and in time (long time or short time surveys). After a bibliographical research, experts were contacted on the basis of 60 pictures of habitat...
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Vers une approche multi-scalaire des réseaux écologiques
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Status and trends of breeding bird populations in France: summary review of the first national reporting under the Birds Directive. With the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) as pilot, a group of over 100 scientists and experts participated in the national bird reporting process, gathering and validating information on more than 300 bird sp...
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Status and trends of breeding bird populations in France: summary review of the first national reporting under the Birds Directive. With the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) as pilot, a group of over 100 scientists and experts participated in the national bird reporting process, gathering and validating information on more than 300 bird sp...
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With the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) as pilot, a group of over 100 scientists and experts participated in the national bird reporting process, gathering and validating information on more than 300 bird species including 295 breeding taxa. Over 650 distinct references have been entered in the data base. Data from ongoing projects such...
With the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) as pilot, a group of over 100 scientists and experts participated in the national bird reporting process, gathering and validating information on more than 300 bird species including 295 breeding taxa. Over 650 distinct references have been entered in the data base. Data from ongoing projects such...
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Determination of potential habitat suitability for the European Otter (Lutra lutra) in geographical sectors of metropolitan France. After a long period of decline, the European Otter is now in the process of recolonizing the French territory. In order to facilitate its expansion, one of the objectives of the National Action Plan is to define and lo...
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How many species of beetles are there in French Guiana? A first analysis of TAXREF database. This paper analyzes the Coleoptera part of the first global checklist of insects from French Guiana, up to the end of 2013, published online in the French species database TAXREF ( We describe the level of knowledge by family, the pace...
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Atlases are regarded as a source of data of good quality regarding the presence of species in regular geographic grids. These data are commonly used to describe the distribution of individual species in France, but were rarely assembled in a multi-taxa study to reflect biodiversity as a whole. This paper is intended as a first step towards the valu...
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Forest management generally simplifies forest structure and composition with some negative impacts in terms of biodiversity and resilience. Thus, maintaining structural complexity is increasingly cited as an objective of sustainable forest management. Different initiatives have been proposed to use partial cuts to increase the complexity of forests...
Technical Report
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Les atlas de distribution des espèces notamment ceux disponibles dans l’INPN constituent une base de données importante et d’une excellente fiabilité pour les points de présence d’espèces grâce au travail de validation des données réalisé par les experts des différents taxons. Ces données ont jusqu’à présent été utilisées pour la description de la...


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