Isabelle Combroux

Isabelle Combroux
University of Strasbourg | UNISTRA · Faculté de géographie et d’aménagement

PhD in Ecology


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I am a community and ecosystem ecologist studying wetlands and floodplain ecosystems. My research projects include studies on ecosystems and landscape restoration and management with special focus on dynamics and functionality of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems, conservation status assessment, bioindication and control of invasive species. I am mostly an experimental ecologist that employs field, lab meso-and micro-cosm studies. I’m also interesting in environmental and rural law.
Additional affiliations
September 2006 - present
University of Strasbourg
  • MCU


Publications (67)
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Calling amphibian male counts (CAMC) is a cost-effective non-invasive acoustic monitoring method that needs amphibian community quality assessment system. In our survey we considered breeding amphibian assemblages as entities having three main ecological traits, size, richness and evenness, and tested the reliability of potentially suitable metrics...
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Brownfield technosol restoration represents a real opportunity to minimize land consumption, but it often requires intensive intervention and reconstruction, leading to soil donor site destruction and potential pollution. Using a former oil refinery brownfield site, this research compares the short-term (one year) impact of localized restoration me...
Technical Report
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Les eaux pluviales se chargent de polluants lorsqu’elles ruissellent sur les routes, aussi est-il est nécessaire de gérer et traiter efficacement des eaux de ruissellement. En ville, les eaux pluviales sont prises en charge par les réseaux « tout-tuyau » qui évacuent l’eau vers les stations d’épuration via les canalisations. L’urbanisation croissan...
Conference Paper
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Most of Europe's major rivers have been managed and regulated for navigation purposes, hydro-electricity production, agricultural activities and flood protection. This regulation induced a degradation of hydro-morphological conditions and ecological processes promoting an alteration and a simplification of both aquatic and riparian habitats, and ec...
Workshop presentation of the biological effects of gravel re-injection in the Upper Rhine
In the context of stormwater management in urban areas, more knowledge is needed about sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)' long-term performance. This article reports robust calibration of a portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer (pXRF) for a purpose of metal accumulation diagnosis in two stormwater constructed wetlands (SCWs). Two 9-year-old...
Les sédiments de trois mares de sédimentation âgées de 8 ans recevant des eaux pluviales strictes sont étudiés pour : (i) caractériser leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, (ii) évaluer la dynamique de piégeage des micropolluants sur trois ans, et (iii) analyser la capacité de la couche d’argile sous-jacente à agir comme une barrière à la migration d...
Conference Paper
Stormwaters in urban catchments are known to be contaminated with fine particles, trace metals, nutrients, hydrocarbons, etc., which are a source of environmental degradation. Yet, the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) imposes to meet a “good status” for every water body in Europe. That is why the city of Strasbourg (Eastern France) has built...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) is the achievement of a “good status” for every water body in Europe. In this purpose, the city of Strasbourg (Eastern France) has built in 2012 three stormwater constructed wetlands (SCW) between the outflow of three urban residential catchments and the Ostwaldergraben, a small urban rive...
Conference Paper
En milieu urbain, les rejets urbains par temps de pluie (RUTP) se sont mués en un véritable enjeu d’urbanisme. Dans cette optique, de nombreuses communes développent des réseaux décentralisés de gestion des RUTP appelés techniques alternatives (TA). L’Eurométropole de Strasbourg (EMS) a lancé en 2011 la construction de TA de type zones humides arti...
Conference Paper
En milieu urbain, l’imperméabilisation de la plupart des surfaces empêche les eaux pluviales (EP) de s’infiltrer à leur arrivée au sol. De plus, l’urbanisation croissante rend parfois obsolètes certains réseaux unitaires qui ont tendance à trop solliciter les déversoirs d’orages lors d’événements pluvieux. C’est ainsi que les rejets urbains par tem...
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Urban development is often confronted with a lack of available space. Brownfield sites offer great potential for sustainable urban planning because of their often-central location and the benefits associated with their redevelopment. Although the interest in brownfield regeneration has led to a lot of research on this topic, there is not yet a comp...
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In Europe, large rivers have been greatly impacted by engineering and hydraulic works. The Upper Rhine channelization has notably led to a disconnection between the main channel and its floodplain and side channels. Between 1998 and 2006, unprecedented restoration projects led to the reconnection of nine Rhine side channels to the main channel or t...
The role of within-species genetic variability and ecotypes has been poorly documented in research on water bioindication. Some studies already show that macrophytes could present genetic lineages with different optima for specific water parameters. In the present study, we tested this assumption on Potamogeton coloratus Hornem., a macrophyte descr...
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See pdf on the share link: Abstract: In European rivers, one of the most invasive of terrestrial plant species, Reynoutria japonica Houtt. (Polygonaceae), is frequently found at the water-land interface. In this study, ecological effects of native species replacement by this invasive species was explored. In particular, we ex...
L’augmentation des projets de restauration écologique et le besoin d’évaluation des options techniques retenues motivent le développement d’indicateurs et d’outils suffisamment performants pour statuer quant à l’efficacité d’une opération de restauration. Le potentiel des méthodes d’analyse du paysage est largement sous-utilisé dans le domaine de l...
Within many species, confusions occur between infraspecific taxa, recurrent ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity. Subspecies are often debated when they are supported only by slight morphological differentiation coupled to habitat variation. In this context we tested the evolutionary support of the four contested subspecies of Dianthu...
Conference Paper
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Trois injections sédimentaires ont été réalisées dans le Vieux Rhin entre 2010 et 2017 en vue de restaurer les processus géomorphologiques et la fonctionnalité des écosystèmes aquatiques et riverains. L'objectif de cette communication est de montrer les principales réponses des compartiments géomorphologiques et écologiques à ces actions de restaur...
Aquatic biological communities have directly undergone human-induced changes. Altered hydrological and morphological processes in running waters have caused the degradation of main habitats for biotas and have disturbed ecosystem functionality. The latest advances in river restoration concerned the rise in far-reaching hydromorphological restoratio...
The erosion of biodiversity has been driven by the massive loss of natural habitats and the fragmentation of areas, especially those in the aquatic environment. To limit such deficits, large rivers are currently being subjected by ecological restoration measures, aiming the functional return of biocenoses. The reactivation of sediment transport by...
Despite their putative invasive potential, Miscanthus taxa have been increasingly viewed as promising crops for bioenergy production. Miscanthus x giganteus is cultivated worldwide due to its high productivity, and its non‐spreading growth limits its risk of invasion. However, the genetic uniformity of its unique cultivated clone has recently been...
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Calico crayfish (Faxonius immunis) a new invasive species in France: From biological traits to preventive measures. FRANCOIS Marie1, GRAC Corinne2 & COMBROUX, Isabelle*3 1 : LIVE UMR 7362 UNISTRA-CNRS - Laboratoire Image, Ville, Environnement - Institut de Botanique – Université de Strasbourg- 28 rue Goethe, 67083 Strasbourg 2 : Ecole Nationale d...
Transition matrix modeling has been developed since the 1990s. However, their potential for transposition to river science has remained poorly studied and feedbacks are therefore limited. The exploitation of transition matrix modeling makes it possible to quantify the changes in pixel nature on maps between two dates, generating percentages of pixe...
Les connaissances acquises sur le fonctionnement des hydrosystèmes fluviaux ont permis de mieux caractériser les changements actuels du fonctionnement des écosystèmes alluviaux où les effets additifs et/ou synergiques s'intensifieront, et d’identifier ainsi les meilleures stratégies de restauration pour le retour de processus fonctionnels durables....
The rise of restoration projects on large rivers is a response to the increasing human induced pressures on these ecosystems. Despite this, there is a relative lack of data documenting restoration success using macroinvertebrate communities in such environments, with those existing frequently producing contrasting results. Here, we examined post-re...
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The traditional management of hay meadows has allowed them to maintain a notable part of biodiversity currently threatened by recent changes in agricultural uses. In the North Eastern region of France, the large pink, Dianthus superbus L. (Caryophyllaceae), mainly grows in hay meadows, and its protected status implies a conservation strategy mergin...
Conference Paper
Many plant species developed biochemical mediators to interact with others. Such allelopathic abilities could play a key role to explain the potential impacts of invasive plant species on local communities. An increasing occurrence of the well- known widespread terrestrial invasive plant species Japanese knotweed, Reynoutria japonica Houtt, 1977 (P...
Vegetation mapping is a legal obligation in environmental monitoring prompting the need for easy-to-read methods of quantifying changes in vegetation dynamics. Transition matrix modelling provides an alternative approach to qualitative assessment promoting quantification for revealing current complex changes effects on the trajectory of ecosystems....
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Over the last two centuries, the Upper Rhine River was subjected to important hydraulic engineering works which have severely damaged its functioning. The functional deficits of the Old Rhine River, a 50-km long by-passed single bed, paved and incised channel, have motivated the implementation in April – May 2013 of both lateral controlled bank ero...
RESUME Au cours des deux derniers siècles, l’hydrosystème du Rhin Supérieur a été soumis à des travaux hydrauliques importants. Ces aménagements ont entraîné des pertes de fonctionnalité écologique notamment dans le Vieux Rhin, un tronçon résiduel rectifié de 50 km localisé en aval du barrage de Kembs. Pour pallier ces déficits fonctionnels, plusie...
Actions are being developed to address the adverse consequences of engineering works on large European rivers by developing and implementing restoration activities in order to enhance the functionality and biodiversity of fluvial hydrosystems. However, as has frequently been mentioned in the scientific literature, quantitative and qualitative evalu...
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Ecological restoration has developed greatly over recent decades. Promoting harmonious relationships between scientists and practitioners, between restoration ecology and ecological restoration, is essential to improving restoration projects. These relationships are difficult to achieve at a global scale, although international action remains essen...
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Context: The study area, a 450 ha highly pertubated wasteland of an old oil raffinery site, is situated 5km north from Strabourg, France. This industrial wasteland is abandonned since 2011, and will be transformed in a 85 ha « ecological » business park with restorated wetland meadows areas (10.3 ha) as compensatory measures. The site present lot o...
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Restoration ecology in France. Current dynamic and actions of a multi-stakeholders network, REVER. In the past few decades, ecological restoration and restoration ecology have widely developed. This trend can be explained by a rather favourable context, in particular legally speaking and regulatory framework-wise both at the European and nation-wid...
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Taxonomic resolution below the species rank often appears challenging, partly due to the recent decline in the popu- larity of infraspecific groupings in the evolutionary and conservation sciences. We test an integrative approach for reconstructing evolutionary history by reconciling past infraspecific taxonomy with molecular methods, using the Tai...
Conference Paper
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Over the last two centuries, the Upper Rhine River was subjected to important hydraulic engineering works which have severely damaged its functioning. These changes (rectification, groyne construction, damming and lateral canal construction) have resulted in severe hydro-morphological changes that have contributed, among others, to purge the river...
Conference Paper
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Over the last two centuries, the Upper Rhine River was subjected to important hydraulic engineering works which have severely damaged its functioning. The Old Rhine is a 50-km long by-passed single bed paved channel, which is located downstream of the Kembs dam. In 2010, a restoration program was initiated to diversify aquatic and riparian habitats...
Conference Paper
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An experimental gravel reintroduction was conducted into the Rhine River to assess the feasibility of restoring the sedimentary dynamics and improving the morpho-ecological processes over the medium and long terms. 23.000 m3 of sediments were supplied in 2010 in a 50 km long, by-passed river reach between the Kembs and Breisach dams. A deposit of 6...
Conference Paper
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The functional deficits of the Old Rhine have motivated the implementation by EDF in 2013 at Ottmarsheim (Haut Rhin, Alsace) of a lateral controlled bank erosion program. This work consisted of the removal of the bank rip rap (French side) and transformation of groynes to favor a bank erosion by floods and restore some lateral mobility of the Old R...
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Etablir une Liste rouge vise à dresser un bilan du degré de menace pesant sur les espèces à l’échelle d’un territoire donné. L’objectif est de mesurer le risque de disparition des espèces qui s’y reproduisent en milieu naturel ou qui y sont régulièrement présentes. La première Liste rouge des plantes vasculaires d’Alsace avait été établie par la So...
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The hydraulic management of large rivers led to a disconnection of side-channels. Restoration works were to reconnect these side-channels to the main course in order to recover hydrological and ecological functions. The aim of the study was to analyze the vegetation dynamics after restoration and to link it to the change in chemical and hydro-geomo...
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During the last century, canalization of the Rhine river led to disconnection of side‐arms, over‐sedimentation of these channels, loss of the fluvial dynamics, and aquatic vegetation change or disappearance. Recent restoration projects aim to reconnect disconnected arms to the main channel. The objective of this study was to assess the nutrient dyn...
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L’herbier général de Strasbourg rassemble environ 150 000 spécimens de monde entier et plus de 2 400 collecteurs différents. Les spécimens issus de l’actuelle Roumanie ont été récoltés ou distribués par plus de 40 collecteurs, la plupart d’origine allemande, autrichienne ou hongroise. Les principales récoltes ont été effectuées entre l880 à 1910 da...
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We examined the relationships between channelization, environmental characteristics, and plant communities in 4 streams (Betz, Clery, Lunain, and Ecole Rivers) southeast of Paris, France, with the goal of assessing stream health. Seventeen 100-m-long reaches, each divided into a pool/riffle sequence, were monitored in 2006. Each reach had 0 to 3 ch...
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The role of the propagule bank in aquatic plant maintenance was studied in two riverine wetlands. Four sites were selected, characterized respectively by flooding, drying up, both disturbances operating, and neither operating. Our hypothesis was that recolonization after drying up would mostly involve seeds and buds from the propagule bank, whereas...
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Channelization is the creation of man-made structures that resect, realign, or enclose aquatic systems in order to prevent flooding or to modify their flows for various land uses. The present study examined the impact of this human pressure on the spatial and temporal dynamics of small streams. The physical and floristic characteristics of seventee...
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Dans les milieux aquatiques, des perturbations peuvent être des crues qui induisent des vitesses d'écoulement suffisantes pour provoquer l'érosion du substrat et l'arrachage des communautés végétales fixées, ou qui favorisent des dépôts d'alluvions. Elles créent ainsi une hétérogénéité des habitats qui se traduit par une grande diversité de communa...
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The programme LIFE Nature "Conservation and restoration of habitats of the Rhine fringe" (2002-2005) focussed on the assessment of the conservation status of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Along the Rhine fringe, the degree of connection between waterbodies and the river main channel determined the water flow (surface or phreatic waters, flow ve...
The role of the propagule bank in aquatic plant maintenance was studied in two riverine wetlands. Four sites were selected, characterized respectively by flooding, drying up. both disturbances operating, and neither operating. Our hypothesis was that recolonization after drying up would mostly involve seeds and buds from the propagule bank, whereas...
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In aquatic habitats, both vegetative and sexual reproduction are involved in vegetation maintenance. Restoration projects carried out in such habitats rarely consider the role of both sexual reproduction (seeds) and vegetative (vegetative propagules or clonal fragments) components of propagule banks in vegetation regeneration. Moreover, changes in...
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Recovery of plants from disturbance is frequently associated with the presence of an extensive seed bank. In a cut-off channel of the Rhone River subjected to fluctuating water levels and scouring forces during flash floods, regenerative strategies of aquatic plants were investigated through the study of the sediment propagule bank and its comparis...
Recovery of plants from disturbance is frequently associated with the presence of an extensive seed bank. In a cut-off channel of the Rhone River subjected to fluctuating water levels and scouring forces during flash floods, regenerative strategies of aquatic plants were investigated through the study of the sediment propagule bank and its comparis...


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