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Publications (227)
In 2023, most parts of the world experienced exceptional heat. In particular, anomalous warm temperatures and heatwave events were evidenced across South America during the second half of the year. The situation was particularly critical in the Amazon region in terms of not only hydrometeorological drought but also ecological and socioeconomic impa...
Natural surfaces are mostly anisotropic emitters, contributing to the anisotropic behavior of Land Surface Temperature (LST). This characteristic of thermal infrared emissivity is well known and several studies have tried to simulate this behavior either with physical or empirical models. However, given the high heterogeneity of land surfaces, the...
The Amazon basin plays a crucial role in the global hydrological cycle and the climate system. Removal of latent heat from the surface covered by the tropical forest through evapotranspiration is a key process that still requires further research due to the complex nature of the involved processes, lack of observations and different model assumptio...
The downward surface longwave flux (DSLF) plays a relevant role in the Earth’s surface radiative budget, which is crucial to monitor, understand and model the impact of changes at local and global scales on surface temperature and surface conditions. This study focuses on the evaluation and intercomparison of four DSLF products: (a) a recently deve...
Surface net radiation (SNR) is a vital input for many land surface and hydrological models. However, most of the current remote sensing datasets of SNR come mostly at coarse resolutions or have large gaps due to cloud cover that hinder their use as input in models. Here, we present a downscaled and continuous daily SNR product across Europe for 201...
The exchange of energy and water fluxes between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere is crucial to a series of processes that impact human life. Noteworthy examples are agriculture yields, water availability, intensity and extent of droughts and the ability of ecosystems to provide services to society. The relevance of these processes has motivat...
Mediterranean European countries, including Portugal, are considered fire-prone regions, being affected by fire events every summer. Nonetheless, Portugal has been recording large burned areas over the last 20 years, which are not only strongly associated with hot and dry conditions, but also with high fuel availability in the ecosystems. Due to re...
A machine learning approach based on multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) is explored to integrate reanalysis data, satellite cloud information and ground observations of Downward Surface Long-wave Radiation Fluxes (DSLF), to estimate hourly DSLF for all-sky conditions. The MARS estimates are shown to have lower errors than other models...
A sample of 115 aircraft icing events in the Western Europe and Northeastern Atlantic sector, identified in aircraft pilot reports (PIREPs), is assessed in terms of spatio-temporal distribution and cloud characteristics, using satellite observations and products. Within our database, most of the reported events occur between October and February, a...
Development of a machine learning model that uses multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) combined with reanalysis and satellite data to estimate downward surface long-wave fluxes. Model evaluation against observations and other products for operation purposes in the MSG-disk.
An analysis of three operational satellite-based thermal-infrared land surface temperature (LST) products is presented for conditions of heavy dust aerosol loading. The LST products are compared against ERA5's skin temperature (SKT) across the Sahara Desert and Sahel region, where high concentrations of dust aerosols are prevalent. Large anomalous...
Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) is a critical variable in the quantification of the surface energy budget and for the estimation of surface parameters from earth observation data, in particular the Land Surface Temperature (LST). A new LSE product is proposed that combines two widely used methods: the Vegetation Cover Method (VCM) and the Temperature...
MDAL is the operational Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)-derived daily surface albedo product that has been generated and disseminated in near real time by EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) since 2005. We propose and evaluate an update to the MDAL retrieval algorithm which introduces the accounting for aero...
Vegetation cover creates competing effects on land surface temperature: it typically cools through enhancing energy dissipation and warms via decreasing surface albedo. Global vegetation has been previously found to overall net cool land surfaces with cooling contributions from temperate and tropical vegetation and warming contributions from boreal...
Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Surface Net Radiation (SNR) are vital inputs for many land surface and hydrological models. However, current remote sensing datasets of these variables come mostly at coarse resolutions. Although high-resolution LST and SNR retrievals are available, they have large gaps due to cloud-cover that hinder their use as...
The frequency and intensity of extreme hot events have increased worldwide, particularly over the past couple of decades. Europe has been affected by unprecedented mega heatwaves, namely the events that struck Western Europe in 2003 and Eastern Europe in 2010. The year 2018 was also reported as an unusually hot year, with record-breaking temperatur...
Land surface temperature is linked to a wide range of surface processes. Given the increased development of earth observation systems, a large effort has been put into advancing land surface temperature retrieval algorithms from remote sensors. Due to the very limited number of reliable in situ observations matching the spatial scales of satellite...
We describe a new satellite data validation facility located in a savannah biome at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Kapiti Research Station (Kenya). The facility is focused on satellite land surface temperature (LST) and is equipped with multiple ground-viewing infrared radiometers across four sites. The in-situ LST observatio...
MDAL is the operational Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) derived daily surface albedo product that is generated and disseminated in near real time by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) since 2005. We propose and evaluate an update to the MDAL retrieval algorithm which introduces the accounting for aeroso...
The estimation of downward long-wave radiation (DLR) at the surface is very important for
the understanding of the Earth’s radiative budget with implications in surface–atmosphere exchanges, climate variability, and global warming. Theoretical radiative transfer and observationally based studies identify the crucial role of clouds in modulating the...
Climate variability and change shift environmental conditions on global land surfaces, creating uncertainties in predicting hydrologic flows, crop yields, and land carbon uptake. Land surfaces can present varying degrees of inertia to atmospheric forcing variability (e.g., precipitation). This study asks: are regions with the most variable environm...
Review and update of the current LSA-SAF algorithm for the estimation of downward long-wave radiation (DLR) at surface. improvement of DLR estimations using a machine learning algorithm with multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) combined with ERA5 data, ground measurements and cloud information from the MSG satellite. Benchmarking and val...
Currently available evapotranspiration (ET) products have not provided us with an accurate estimation for global irrigated land area. Thermal energy balance (EB) model has the potential to solve this problem. The accurate estimation of aerodynamic resistances is a major complication in most remote sensing ET models. An EB model using a column canop...
In this study, we show that limitations in the representation of land cover and vegetation seasonality in the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) model are partially responsible for large biases (up to ∼10°C, either positive or negative depending on the region) on the simulated daily maximum land surface temperature (LST) w...
Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a fundamental state variable for land surface processes, long available from satellite observations in the thermal infrared. Here we make an assessment of LST products derived from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on-board the geostationary satellite Meteosat Second Generation (MSG), and f...
Mapping burned areas using satellite imagery has become a subject of extensive research over the past decades. The availability of high-resolution satellite data allows burned area maps to be produced with great detail. However, their increasing spatial resolution is usually not matched by a similar increase in the temporal domain. Moreover, high-r...
This study assesses the accuracy of estimating daily grass reference evapotranspiration (PM-ETo) using daily shortwave radiation (Rs) and reference evapotranspiration (ETREF) products provided by the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite delivered by the Satellite Applications Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) framework...
Land surface albedo quantifies the fraction of the sunlight reflected by the surface of the Earth. This article presents the algorithm concepts for the remote sensing of this variable based on the heritage of several developments which were performed at Méteo France over the last decade and described in several papers by Carrer et al. The scientifi...
To ensure optimal and consistent algorithm usage within climate studies utilizing satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) datasets, an algorithm intercomparison exercise was undertaken to assess the various operational and scientific LST retrieval algorithms in use. This study was focused on several LST products including single-sensor pro...
Plain Language Summary
Plant water content represents the amount of water within the volume of vegetation canopy, and its dynamics can capture plant water stress. Since plant water content can now be monitored at large spatial scales using satellites, we use a rigorous statistical framework to quantify how the climatic factors soil water content, d...
Earth observations were used to evaluate the representation of land surface temperature (LST) and vegetation coverage over Iberia in two state-of-the-art land surface models (LSMs) – the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Carbon-Hydrology Tiled ECMWF Scheme for Surface Exchanges over Land (CHTESSEL) and the Météo-France Inte...
The Fire Weather Index (FWI) is widely used to assess the meteorological fire danger in several ecosystems worldwide. One shortcoming of the FWI is that only surface weather conditions are considered, despite the important role often played by atmospheric instability in the development of very large wildfires. In this work, we focus on the Iberian...
The present paper is devoted to the quality assessment of two global land surface albedo products developed by Meteo France in the frame of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and the LSA-SAF (Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis), herein called, respectively, VGT (VeGeTation) (the C3Sv1 dataset, derived from VGT sensors...
Land Surface Temperature (LST) is increasingly important for various studies assessing land surface conditions, e.g., studies of urban climate, evapotranspiration, and vegetation stress. The Landsat series of satellites have the potential to provide LST estimates at a high spatial resolution, which is particularly appropriate for local or small-sca...
Dry lands are expected to cover about half of the terrestrial surface in the near future due to climate change. Drought events, which are recurrent over dry lands, are also projected to increase in both frequency and severity. There is a strong need to better monitor droughts over dry regions, and satellite-based indicators such as the Vegetation H...
Earth observations were used to evaluate the representation of land surface temperature (LST) and vegetation coverage over Iberia in two state-of-the-art land surface models (LSMs) – the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Carbon-Hydrology Tiled ECMWF Scheme for Surface Exchanges over Land (CHTESSEL) and the Météo-France Inte...
Land surface emissivity is a directional quantity and most natural surfaces are anisotropic emitters. Experimental studies show that for homogeneous surfaces like bare soils, the emissivity decreases with view angle. Translation of the directionality of emissivity as obtained from experiments or models to satellite spatial scales of kilometers or m...
Over the past decades, methods for burned areas mapping and dating from remote sensing imagery have been the object of extensive research. The limitations of current methods, together with the heavy pre-processing of input data they require, make them difficult to improve or apply to different satellite sensors. Here, we explore a deep learning app...
A new all-weather land surface temperature (LST) product derived at the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) is presented. It is the first all-weather LST product based on visible and infrared observations combining clear-sky LST retrieved from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager on Meteosat Second Generat...
Land surface energetic partitioning between latent, sensible, and ground heat fluxes determines climate and influences the terrestrial segment of land-atmosphere coupling. Soil moisture, among other variables, has a direct influence on this partitioning. Dry surfaces characterize a water-limited regime where evapotranspiration and soil moisture are...
An all-weather land surface temperature (LST) product derived at the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF) is presented. The product is based on clear-sky LST retrieved from MSG/SEVIRI infrared (IR) measurements, complemented by LST estimated with a land surface energy balance (EB) model to fill gaps caused by clouds. Th...
High frequency knowledge of the spatio-temporal distribution of the downwelling surface shortwave flux (DSSF) and its diffuse fraction (fd) at the surface is nowadays essential for understanding climate processes at the surface–atmosphere interface, plant photosynthesis and carbon cycle, and for the solar energy sector. The European Organization fo...
Land surface temperature (LST) is a key variable in surface-atmosphere energy and water exchanges. The main goals of this study are to (i) evaluate the LST of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalyses over Iberian Peninsula using the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SA...
Several studies have shown that changes in incoming solar radiation and variations of the diffuse fraction can significantly modify the vegetation carbon uptake. Hence, monitoring the incoming solar radiation at large scale and with high temporal frequency is crucial for this reason along with many others. The European Organization for the Exploita...
High frequency knowledge of the spatio-temporal distribution of the Downwelling Surface Shortwave Flux (DSSF) and its diffuse fraction (fd) at the surface is nowadays essential for understanding climate processes at the surface-atmosphere interface, plant photosynthesis and carbon cycle, and for the solar energy sector. The EUMETSAT Satellite Appli...
Several studies have shown that changes in incoming solar radiation and variations of the diffuse fraction can significantly modify the vegetation carbon uptake. Hence, monitoring the incoming solar radiation at large scale and with high temporal frequency is crucial for this reason along with many others. The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facilit...
The Earth surface thermal infrared (TIR) radiation shows conspicuously an anisotropic behavior just like the bi-directional reflectance of visible and near infrared spectral domains. The importance of thermal radiation di-rectionality (TRD) is being more and more widely recognized in the applications because of the magnitude of the effects generate...
Land surface temperature (LST) is a key variable in surface-atmosphere energy and water exchanges. The main goals of this study are to (i) evaluate the LST of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalyses over Iberian Peninsula using the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SA...
Monitoring soil moisture at the Earth’surface is of great importance for drought early warnings. Spaceborne remote sensing is a keystone in monitoring at continental scale, as satellites can make observations of locations which are scarcely monitored by ground-based techniques. In recent years, several soil moisture products for continental scale m...
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The vegetative development of grapevines is orchestrated by very specific meteorological conditions. In the wine industry vineyards demand diligent monitoring, since quality and productivity are the backbone of the economic potential. Regional climate indicators and meteorological information are essential to winemakers to assure proper vineyard ma...
Knowledge about the current fire dynamics in the Brazilian Savannas (Cerrado) relies heavily on satellite-derived burned area (BA) products applied at the biome level. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of studies analyzing the consistency of currently available satellite products concerning BA location and extension for the region. Accordingly, w...
Knowledge about the current fire dynamics in the Brazilian Savannas (Cerrado) relies heavily on satellite-derived burned area (BA) products applied at the biome level. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of studies analyzing the consistency of currently available satellite products concerning BA location and extension for the region. Accordingly, w...
Reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) plays a role in irrigation advisory being of crucial importance for water managers dealing with scarce water resources. Following the ETo definition, it can be shown that total solar radiation is the main driver, allowing ETo estimates from satellite observations. As such, the EUMETSAT LSA-SAF operationally p...
Most available long‐term databases of land surface temperature (LST) derived from space‐borne sensors rely on infrared observations and are therefore restricted to clear‐sky conditions. Hence, studies based on such data sets may not be representative of all‐weather conditions and may be considered as “biased” toward clear sky. An assessment of the...