Isabel Menezes

Isabel Menezes
University of Porto | UP · Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences

PhD and Habilitation


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My research deals with the civic and political participation of children, young people and adults, with a special interest in groups at risk of exclusion and the ways formal and non-formal education (including artistic) experiences can generate more complex ways of relating with the political. More recent interests include doctoral education, university social responsibility and environmental education. I use quantitative, qualitative and participatory methods.
Additional affiliations
October 1988 - present
University of Porto
  • Professor
  • I have been teaching at the U.Porto since 1988 in courses of Community Intervention, Adolescent and Adult Developmental Psychology, Research Methods, Citizenship Education and Political Psychology.
March 2015 - present
University of Porto
  • Professor
October 2007 - October 2007
University of Porto
Field of study
  • Education Sciences
September 1992 - July 1998
University of Porto
Field of study
  • Psychology
October 1983 - September 1988
University of Porto
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (312)
Purpose This study analyzes the contributions of the Healthy Waters educational program to the awareness and understanding of environmental issues related to water to generate changes in attitudes in the community. Design/Approach/Methods A community school intervention was conducted in a public school in Paredes, Porto, Portugal. Using a particip...
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We propose a retrospective study on Citizenship Education in schools in Portugal on the 50th anniversary of 25 April. By reviewing normative documents and literature produced over the last 50 years, we intend to update the mapping of educational policies in this field when we are facing the growth of populist and polarising tendencies. We hope to o...
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O poster levado a discussão faz uso de uma metáfora ecológica e orgânica para problematizar a interrelação entre os processos de resistência ao colonialismo e à modernidade/colonialidade que se desenvolveram ao longo do tempo, nomeadamente, sob a égide de três referenciais de resistência ao colonialismo/à colonialidade: o anti(-)colonialismo, o pós...
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A massificação e democratização da Educação Doutoral na encruzilhada entre a equidade e a meritocracia RESUMO Nas últimas décadas, têm sido notórios, em Portugal e à escala global, processos de massificação e democratização da Educação Doutoral (ED) que promovem a abertura a doutorandos/as com características diversas, incluindo doutorandos/as não...
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This article presents the Collaborative Climate Laboratories (CiCli-Labs), a participatory research methodology that bridges citizenship, science and politics. This methodology is grounded on young people’s knowledge and experience about their communities and seeks to develop a strategy for co-designing climate solutions with local stakeholders. Ca...
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A Organização Mundial de Saúde estima que globalmente 1000 milhões de pessoas se encontrem na situação de migrante ou refugiado. As razões têm vindo a diversificar-se (e.g., alterações climáticas), mas os desafios permanecem (e.g., barreiras no acesso aos direitos humanos). Neste sentido, a crise de migrações na União Europeia revela-se um caso de...
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O artigo resulta do desenvolvimento de um projeto de educação climática com alunos do ensino médio de 3 escolas públicas em Portugal. Utilizaram-se metodologias participativas para envolver jovens na identificação de problemas climáticos locais e no desenvolvimento de ações climáticas coletivas com as suas comunidades. O artigo pretende discutir a...
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The global climate crisis is present in national and international discourse, along with other challenges the world is going through, such as the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza or the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, with the negative effects highlighted in the United Nations' sustainable development report. This paper aims to analyse and dis...
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The Artistic Methods as a Way to Look at the Possibilities of Construction of Gender and its Relations – Based on a collaborative action-research project with a high school class, we discuss the possibilities that artistic methodologies bring to collective analysis and reflec-tions in order to promote youth political consciousness. Through moments...
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The Artistic Methods as a Way to Look at the Possibilities of Construction of Gender and its Relations – Based on a collaborative action-research project with a high school class, we discuss the possibilities that artistic methodologies bring to collective analysis and reflec-tions in order to promote youth political consciousness. Through moments...
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The article discusses climate community profiling in citizenship education to promote young people's civic and political participation in local climate adaptation issues, based on educational projects conducted in 8 schools in 8 regions in North Portugal. These community profiling school projects involved 24 teachers and 483 students (from grades 8...
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A Organização Mundial de Saúde estima que globalmente 1000 milhões de pessoas se encontrem na situação de migrante ou refugiado. As razões têm vindo a diversificar-se (e.g., alterações climáticas), mas os desafios permanecem (e.g., barreiras no acesso aos direitos humanos). Neste sentido, a crise de migrações na União Europeia revela-se um caso de...
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ABSTRACT This study analyses professional activism in educational, social and community work with people in vulnerable situations in Portugal. It seeks to contribute to its characterization, particularly regarding the plurality of approaches, through the construction and validation of the professional activism typology scale. By means of descriptiv...
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In the knowledge society, conceptions about the value of DE have been challenged by transformations in its characteristics and finalities fostered by global drivers of change, including widening the purposes of higher education. This study explores the perceived value of DE in social and health sciences within the intersection of the purposes of hi...
The rise of anti-immigration arguments within the European Union (EU) poses significant challenges to our democratic existence. As such, the promotion of critical thinking (CT) for the development of a multicultural citizenship education has been underlined. Recent research also shows a close connection between emotions and cognition with positive...
Research shows its limitations by not capturing the specificities of individual experiences, which result either from the participation of or interaction among different people in a given context across time. This study explores the effect that the quality of youth participation experiences in a Portuguese voluntary organization can have on the dev...
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Withdrawal from doctoral education has been recognized as a problem with negative consequences for different actors, leading researchers worldwide to explore its underlying factors and processes. However, even if many PhD candidates who withdrew intend to re-enrol, there is a gap in the literature regarding the factors and processes related to re-e...
Mock elections in schools are common in many countries to promote young people's civic and political education. Despite its popularization and the growing interest in the topic, there still needs to be more research, especially in contexts where there is no tradition for this type of project, such as in Portugal. This article focuses on a project t...
- Background Over the two last decades, the interest in personal and psychosocial youth development has been growing due to its engagement in sport activities. Furthermore, participation in sport has been referenced as a favourable mechanism and context for positive youth development (PYD). However, some studies and researchers continue to question...
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Despite continuous efforts, the educational achievement gap is still, in most societies, a significant obstacle to ensuring more equity and social justice. Much of this inequality derives from belonging to historically discriminated groups. Indeed, coming from a lower socioeconomic status (SES), of an immigrant, or descendant situation, being Black...
This study provides a narrative synthesis of the findings published in journal articles from a broad range of scientific fields about the impact of extracurricular activities (ECAs) on the academic success and employability of university students. The analysis included 39 articles from the Scopus and Web of Science databases, published over the per...
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Democracies expect citizens to engage actively in public life by making decisions about political issues that are frequently ambiguous, with strong moral and emotional implications, and often subject to misinformation and manipulation. Strong critical thinking (CT) appears therefore as a crucial component of a reflective democratic citizenship. Thi...
The writings of Reinhold Hedtke approach two very significant problems in contemporary social sciences: interdisciplinarity and its discontents, and the normative allure of youth participation. In both cases, Hedtke is particularly interested in the consequences of these problems for education – be it social sciences education or citizenship/civic...
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Esta investigação visa desocultar as visões de educadoras sobre a educação ambiental para o desenvolvimento sustentável (EADS), relacionando práticas e o papel das crianças na promoção da cidadania ambiental, por forma a caraterizar a implementação da EADS em escolas com diferentes programas e pedagogias ambientais. Foi realizado um estudo de casos...
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A relação entre cidadania e saúde apresenta-se marcada por transformações sociopolíticas, como o surgimento de regimes governativos autoritários e diversos movimentos sociais que reivindicam o direito à saúde, e debates científicos em torno da cidadania em saúde. Nesta linha, identificar o conhecimento produzido em torno da relação entre direitos d...
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Based on a short-term ethnography with a grassroots group of young environmental activists in the city of Porto, Portugal, this paper describes and problematizes their use of participatory methodologies to engage individual, community and organizational actors in tackling the problems of global climate change. By initiating what they call a “friend...
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Effects on Children of Participation in Children's Community Choirs – This article explores the possibility of developing musical, social and personal skills in children, reflecting on the effects of their participation in community choir projects. Two projects, designed by adults, in which children are active subjects of artistic practices, which...
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Effects on Children of Participation in Children's Community Choirs – This article explores the possibility of developing musical, social and personal skills in children, reflecting on the effects of their participation in community choir projects. Two projects, designed by adults, in which children are active subjects of artistic practices, which...
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University social responsibility (USR) is a fashionable concept that is often presented as a paradox, with the implication that it can help universities meet the social dimension of higher education, without questioning the hegemonic meanings of academic excellence and the university mission. We draw on data collected through a focus group of exper...
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Sustentado numa epistemologia perspetivista, este capítulo parte do pressuposto de que o pluralismo metodológico é relevante para uma compreensão complexa e abrangente de fenómenos educativos e sociais. A metodologia mista envolve formas diversas de combinação de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos de recolha e análise de dados que são explicitado...
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A pandemia trouxe ruturas significativas em várias dimensões da vida, implicando adaptações intensas e visibilizando velhas e novas desigualdades e exclusões, como as associadas ao idadismo. Através de uma etnografia online analisamos as estratégias desenvolvidas por uma associação portuguesa constituída por pessoas reformadas em resposta às limita...
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Este estudo visa compreender a potencialidade de dispositivos participativos no ativismo de crianças, procurando perceber como problematizam e como intervêm em questões ambientais da floresta local. Envolveu, durante três meses consecutivos, 22 crianças com dez anos do 4.º ano do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico em momentos de participação, numa lógica d...
Tem sido amplamente reconhecida a importância da integração dos/as doutorandos/as em contextos de investigação inclusivos, diversos e flexíveis (European University association, 2010), o acesso a infraestruturas equipamentos e serviços, e a interação com outros investigadores/as, em contextos multidisciplinares, internacionais e intersectoriais (Bo...
This work analyzes the transformative learning potential of global citizenship education (GCE) in academia. This is done by examining learning conditions, processes, and outcomes and is then followed by a reflection on the opportunity to link transformative learning (TL) and GCE. Students’ views were collected through focus groups with 72 students...
Conference Paper
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Sports contexts have a fundamental role in promoting physical, mental, social and wellness skills throughout the life cycle. Being constituted as favorable domain to the physical development and to the improvement of functional capacity and well-being, sports also contributes to the promotion of physical, mental and social health and to the dissemi...
− Young people are often accused of a lack of interest and disengagement from public affairs. − Little is known about the opportunities and experiences for youngsters to be more engaged. − Citizenship education has been at the centre of educational proposals in many European countries. − The investments made in education policies, concerning citize...
Technical Report
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This report offers several points for reflection with regard to a study on the Political Participation of Youth in Portugal for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, supported by five key components: 1. Secondary data from the European Social Survey from 2002 to 2019; 2. An original survey of the Portuguese population aged 15 and up; 3. Interviews of...
Despite the increase in life expectancy and the intensification of research with older populations, little is known about the relation between adult learning and engagement in social, civic, and political participation experiences. In this study, we interviewed 18 older adults involved in a diversity of contexts, from senior universities to civic a...
Technical Report
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The report presents a study on student experiences with service learning (SL) on the following European higher education institutions: University Politehnica Bucharest (UPB), University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Dublin City University (DCU), Kaunas Technical University (KTU) and University of Porto (UP). The SL courses were offered by different instituti...
Although the importance of older citizens' civic engagement has been highlighted in research and policy, the topic remains underexplored. In this study, we discuss older Portuguese citizens' motivations for civic engagement. The research is based on interviews with eighteen participants aged over 60, who are retired but active in civic organisation...
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Coming to terms with the multidimensionsionality of civic and political engagement implies analyzing it in a comprehensive manner: not limited to conventional modes of expression, nor to dichotomic perspectives or observable acts of participation. Studies in this field tend to overlook cognitive and emotional dimensions as types of engagement which...
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Purpose The social dimension of Higher Education has gained relevance on the political and strategic discourses that urge Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to put University Social Responsibility (USR) into action and also recognise its importance for students’ development. However, students’ conceptions of USR are seldom explored. This paper ai...
The global COVID-19 public health crisis has driven policies of lockdowns and social distancing that have had negative social and economic impacts, worsening inequalities and social exclusions, and mixed environmental impacts. This study engaged children from schools with diverse environmental pedagogies in online focus groups about nature and thei...
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Academic concern with political participation is now well established, and research on the participation of young people has been expanding. Fueling this growth is both the recognition of a preoccupying trend—young people are disengaging from more traditional and institutional forms of participation—and of their strong presence and influence in mov...
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Resumo O projeto de criação de uma cidadania europeia comum pede aos sistemas educativos dos vários estados-membros da União Europeia (UE) que contribuam para a formação de cidadãos europeus críticos/as e ativos/as relativamente ao objetivo de prossecução e aperfeiçoamento do projeto europeu. Em Portugal, estudos anteriores ao nível do ensino secun...
The recent shift towards more practice-oriented doctoral training programmes relevant for non-academic settings raises the important, but still largely unexplored, question regarding how the relationships between research and professional practice are understood, experienced, and developed in contemporary doctoral education. Drawing on a mixed-meth...
This study examines newspaper articles about education published in a reference daily newspaper in Portugal during the measure taken to close schools as a way of containing the COVID-19 epidemic. During this three-month period, a total of 105 news items were collected involving several educational and political actors: government representatives fr...
This study examines newspaper articles about education published in a reference daily newspaper in Portugal during the measure taken to close schools as a way of containing the COVID-19 epidemic. During this three-month period, a total of 105 news items were collected involving several educational and political actors: government representatives fr...
This paper makes an empirical contribution to the debate about the pluralism of global citizenship. This is considered a crucial aspect for research, not only because charity and social justice standpoints coexist, but also in the light of growing examples of neoliberal understandings about global citizenship education and the global citizen. Infor...
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As práticas artísticas comunitárias têm-se afirmado como uma arena de tensão construtiva entre proposta artística e perspetivas políticas, educativas, sociais e comunitárias. O território híbrido e diverso destas práticas é o espaço de construção deste estudo, que assenta em entrevistas semiestruturadas e grupos de discussão focalizada com três col...
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preocupação das instituições de ensino superior com o que está para além do seu papel clássico de ensino e investigação tem raízes cimentadas no passado e uma longa tradição. Mas a ênfase na sua dimensão social e articulação comunitária tem surgido como uma preocupação central e a forma como é traduzida alvo de atenção marcada. Aos projetos de resp...
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O objetivo do canto coral, aliás, da educação musical, é contribuir para o crescimento pessoal e para a capacidade de fruição da música, desenvolvendo a musicalidade nas crianças. Para isso, é necessário que o professor promova desafios musicais significativos para elas, assim como a capacidade de realizá-los. Sendo o canto coral uma atividade musi...
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Recent transformations in higher education and science production contexts have been changing and problematizing the characteristics and outcomes of doctoral education (DE). DE can be conceptualized as a transformative educational process, whose most relevant outcomes are the development of science and the PhD holders. Other outputs, outcomes and d...
This paper begins with a literature review on participation in the field of community artistic practices. The aim is to identify which is the significant dimensions acting within artistic creation involving professional and non-professional artists from the communities. These elements are then compared with the experience of three Brazilian theatre...
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The long-standing vision of universities as the “alma mater” of students and graduates is a demonstration of its role as sustaining the person, the expert/professional, and the citizen. This role has persisted in the face of rising global challenges such as the emergence of new learning spaces, the growing diversity of publics, the call for product...
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Approaches to youth engagement typically focus on withdrawal from conventional politics and participatory transformation. In this paper, we argue that such approaches fall short in grasping how groups with blended styles of relationship with politics assess their political ownership. This became apparent when, in the context of European elections,...
Work as a place of activism is a vast field to be explored in adult education research, particularly within educational, social, and community intervention with people in situations of vulnerability. This qualitative study aims to unveil the richness of activists’ learning processes and outcomes by reflecting on the pedagogy of professional activis...
There is growing recognition of the relevance of political mobilization in educational, social and community work, particularly when working with people in situations of vulnerability. However, there is also a scarcity of research that describes and explains professionals' political involvement and mobilization and allows them to share their activi...
The current text aims to contribute to the conceptual debate on global citizenship education. It does so by presenting empirical results from a survey that aimed for a comprehensive understanding of representations and experiences of participants and practitioners of global citizenship education in Portugal. Specifically, this chapter presents empi...
Technical Report
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Recommendation from the Portuguese National Council of Education on Citizenship and Antiracist Education (in Portuguese)
The current text aims to contribute to the conceptual debate on global citizenship education. It does so by presenting empirical results from a survey that aimed for a comprehensive understanding of representations and experiences of participants and practitioners of global citizenship education in Portugal. Specifically, this chapter presents empi...
Technical Report
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Social responsibility of universities as part of their “Third Mission” has become more and more popular in higher education. The Service Learning Approach stands out as a socially responsible teaching methodology; however, in many European higher education institutions the Service Learning Approach is still unknown. Current teaching material, toolk...
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Diversity and internationalisation have become more and more popular and important in all spheres of higher education. Current teaching material, toolkits, and workbooks are being developed to promote a diversity-oriented teaching approach, this exercise toolkit being one of them. However, many higher education teachers do not use or even know them...
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Sensitive zones (SZs) are the domains most susceptible to trigger misunderstandings, tensions and conflicts in intercultural encounters. The content of the following texts is meant to give an introduction to the different sensitive zones relevant in intercultural encounters in higher education.
Conference Paper
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A investigação indica que a prática desportiva – em diferentes contextos como a escola (na disciplina de EF e no desporto escolar) e os clubes - pode promover competências pessoais e sociais (Schaillée et al., 2019) mas também o desenvolvimento de competências de cidadania participativa como o empoderamento e consciência crítica (Coakley, 2015). Co...
Conference Paper
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O objetivo deste estudo é o de conhecer as perceções que os jovens têm do desporto enquanto contexto de educação para a cidadania e participação. Para o efeito foram dinamizados grupos de discussão focalizada junto de 40 estudantes de Cursos Profissionais (Ensino Secundário) de uma escola profissional. A análise de conteúdo revelou que estes jovens...
Recent attempts of online political manipulation using targeted political propaganda and fake news have reinforced critical thinking (CT) as a crucial component of a truly democratic active citizenship. This importance has led national and European authorities to increasingly incorporate CT into educational policies and recommendations, signaling s...