Isabel Fuentes-SantosSpanish National Research Council | CSIC · Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas
Isabel Fuentes-Santos
PhD Statistics
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May 2010 - present
Publications (35)
Our current knowledge of the chemical composition of ocean dissolved organic matter (DOM) is limited, mainly because of its extreme molecular diversity, low concentration of individual compounds and the elevated ionic strength of ocean waters. As a result, many analytical methods require a previous extraction step. The efficiency and selectivity of...
Climate change is already impacting fisheries with species moving across fishing areas, crossing institutional borders, and thus creating conflicts over fisheries management. In this scenario, scholars agree that adaptation to climate change requires that fisheries increase their social, institutional, and ecological resilience. The resilience or c...
Abstract Forecasting of climate change impacts on marine aquaculture production has become a major research task, which requires taking into account the biases and uncertainties arising from ocean climate models in coastal areas, as well as considering culture management strategies. Focusing on the suspended mussel culture in the NW Iberian coastal...
Testing whether two spatial point processes have the same spatial distribution is an important task that can be addressed from different perspectives. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with asymptotic calibration and a Cramer von Mises type test with bootstrap calibration have recently been developed to compare the first-order intensity of two observed pat...
Este libro se corresponde con el numero 34 de la serie de Informes Anuais sobre A Economía Galega, que bajo la dirección del Profesor Alberto Meixide se realiza por un amplio equipo, desde el año 1986 en el que se publicó el primer numero, una síntesis de la economía gallega en los cinco años previos, continuando anualmente hasta este Informe 34 qu...
First-order characteristics are essential functions in point processes representing the distribution of events in the corresponding domain. For decades, the inconsistency of the first-order kernel intensity estimator has been an obstacle to perform inference in the point process context. In this work, we develop different procedures to obtain consi...
This paper analyzes the spatiotemporal pattern of gunfire reports collected by the collaborative mobile app Fogo Cruzado in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area (Brazil). We apply nonparametric first and second-order inference tools to characterize gunfire behavior, and test whether gunfire patterns meet the assumptions of crime prediction models,...
Understanding and modelling bivalve growth dynamics under variable environmental conditions are crucial for the development of management and sustainability aquaculture plans. This work proposes a new dynamic bivalve growth model that combines net production Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory and the species-specific growth dynamics of th...
Determining the magnitude and causes of intrinsic variability is a main issue in the analysis of bivalve growth. Inter-individual variability in bivalve growth has been attributed to differences in the physiological performance. This hypothesis has been commonly tested comparing the physiological rates of fast and slow growers after size differenti...
Supporting information for Section 3.
Testing whether the intensity function of a spatiotemporal point process is separable should be one of the first steps in the analysis of any observed pattern. Under separability, the risk of observing an event at time t is spatially invariant, that is, the ratio between the intensity functions of the spatiotemporal point process and its spatial ma...
Extended DEB model to simulate the growth of mussels
Inter-individual variabiltiy in the growth of even-aged and even-sized juvenile mussels. Fhysiological perofrmance of slow, regular, and fast growers
The fast rise of aquaculture practices during the last decades has increased the need of adopting culture strategies to optimize production and guarantee the sustainability of the sector. This study aimed to provide a management tool to help mussel farmers identify optimal culture strategies and use production inputs efficiently. For this purpose,...
Understanding biological processes, such as growth, is crucial to development management and
sustainability plans for bivalve populations. von Bertalanffy and Gompertz models have been commonly
used to fit bivalve growth. These models assume that individual growth is only determined by size,
overlooking the effects of environmental and intrinsic co...
Comparing the spatial distribution of two spatial point patterns is an important issue in many scientific areas such as ecology, epidemiology or environmental risk assessment. However, up to date, the analysis of multitype point processes has been mainly focused on searching for interactions between events of different patterns, i.e. on the second-...
Identifying the environmental factors driving larval settlement processes is crucial to understand the
population dynamics of marine invertebrates. This work aims to go a step ahead and predict larval
presence and intensity. For this purpose we consider the influence of solar irradiance, wind regime
and continental runoff on the settlement processe...
Non-parametric estimation and bootstrap techniques play an important role in many areas of Statistics. In the point process context, kernel intensity estimation has been limited to exploratory analysis because of its inconsistency, and some consistent alternatives have been proposed. Furthermore, most authors have considered kernel intensity estima...
We analyzed the spatial and temporal variability of seston parameters at 4 locations in the Ría de Ares-Betanzos (NW Spain) over 5 yr. Seston content was higher in the inner part of the ría and during winter, while seston quality was higher in the outer part of the ría with maximum values during summer, and exhibited a marked relationship with wate...
Population dynamics on mussels growing on suspended culture depend mainly on the balance of several processes: mortality and/or dislodgements from the ropes, recruitment and growth. The negative effect of overcrowding on mussels growth and survival has been widely studied. Other works have addressed the effect of population size on recruitment on b...
Population dynamics on mussels growing on suspended culture depend mainly on the balance of several processes: mortality and/or dislodgements from the ropes, recruitment and growth. The negative effect of overcrowding on mussels growth and survival has been widely studied. Other works have addressed the effect of population size on recruitment on b...
The main drawback of the traditional self-thinning model is how time is
handled. Self-thinning (ST) has been formally recognized as a dynamic process,
while the current ST models have not included the temporal effect. This
restricts the analysis to the average competitive behaviour of the population
and produces a biased estimation of the self-thin...
Knowledge of fire behaviour is of key importance in forest management. In the present study, we analysed the spatial structure of forest fire with spatial point pattern analysis and inference techniques recently developed in the Spatstat package of R. Wildfires have been the primary threat to Galician forests in recent years. The district of Fonsag...
We investigated the filter-feeding behaviour of individual Mytilus galloprovincialis
Lmk in the Ría de Vigo (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula) in order to assess changes in water
column biogeochemistry due to mussel culture and the effect of seston organic content on mussel
physiological rates. The study was carried out during 1 yr under differ...
Crowding conditions in bivalve populations cause intraspecific competition processes, resulting in individual growth reduction and, in extreme cases, density dependent mortality. In aquaculture, where density is usually maximized to obtain a greater commercial yield, this fact leads to a decrease in the total biomass of the ropes and to an increase...
Self-thinning (ST) models have been widely used in the last decades to describe population dynamics under intraspecific competition in plant and animal communities. Nevertheless, their applicability in animal populations is subjected to the appropriate inclusion of space occupancy and energy requirements. Specifically, the disposition of gregarious...